Eslint complaining about numbers with _ - eslint

I have some numbers in project files, such as 1_000_000 and 1_000. I use the _ to make them easier to read, however Eslint complains about the use of _ in numbers.
How can I tell it that these numbers are valid in JavaScript?


How to read a csv file that has points as thousand separator on excel

So, I've got that huge csv file that contains numbers that use "." as number separators (I guess this is how they roll in germany). Some of them are negative numbers.
I have to check that the sum is a certain amount just to be sure they sent me the correct data. When I just replace the dots with nothing I get an incorrect total (close to the total they sent me, but still incorrect). And as I can't review the whole file to find if there is something wrong somewhere, I can't be certain that the issue lies with the data or with something I didn't expect (like a line that would use "." as a decimal separator for example, but maybe there are more exotic cases that I could quite not imagine)
I'm pretty sure there must be a way to make excel understand that "." is a thousand separator, but so far I didn't manage to make that custom format understand what I'm trying to say.
Well this is actually half-true, I can make him understand that it should write 1.000.000 instead of 1000000 but I can't make him understand that it should read 1.000.000 as 1000000.
I also tried my luck at changing the separator in File > Options > Advanced > Use system separator, but it doesn't seem to work (like at all, when I change it, nothing changes, maybe this feature is bugged)
NB : I'm french and my default separator is a space. Though I could change the language to english, I can't change it to german because the package is not installed and I can't install anything on my working computer (cause "securtity and blahblahblah").
Thank you for your kind help.

VSCode changes ' to " on save (autoSave)

First of all - thanks for the answers.
settings->quote indeed looks like
the right direction.
That being said.. I understand that there is no reality in which I get to keep BOTH my single, AND double quotes,
and just turn off ONLY the quote thing checker/fixer style.
My VSCode changes the ['] char to ["] automatically every time it saves.
I have the autosave feature (out of focus, etc.) turned on.
So.. at this point, writing NodeJS is becoming insufferable.
Tried looking through my extensions, settings, and even deleted all the unused and old ones.
I'm down to these 5, and can't seem to find the answer (Of course, "Prettier" was the first thing I checked. so if it's there, I either didn't get it, or missed it.)
In the settings of VS Code, just search for javascript.preferences.quoteStyle to get the exact result. But this is the setting you need to change in order to tell Prettier that you want single quotes instead of double quotes.
You can tell prettier that you prefer single quotes by having a config file (for example, a .prettierrc at the root of your project that has singleQuote set to true. The default is false.
"singleQuote": true

Delimiting quick-open path with fullstops in Sublime Text 3?

I'm making the move to ST3, and I'm having some trouble. I'd like to be able to delimit the quick-open filepath (⌘ + T) with periods instead of slashes or spaces. However, I can't find the setting to do that.
For example:
should be able to open the file that
component biz_site_promotions presentation
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
There is no setting in Sublime that changes the way this works; the search term is always used to directly match the text in the list items (except for space characters).
Note however that the Goto Anything panel uses fuzzy matching on the text that you're entering, so in many cases trying to enter an entire file name is more time consuming anyway.
As an example, to find the file you're mentioning, you could try entering the text cbspp, which in this case is the first letters of all of the parts of the file name in question.
As you add to the search term, the file list immediately filters down to text that matches what you entered; first only filenames that contain a C, then only filenames that contain a C that is followed somewhere after by a B, and so on.
Depending on the complexity and number of files that you have in your project, you may need to add in a few extra characters to dial in better (e.g. comb_s_pp). Usually this search method will either end you up at the exact file you want, or filter the list so much that the file that you want will be easier to find and select.
Additionally, when you select an item and there was more than one possible match, Sublime remembers which item you selected for that particular search term and brings it to the top of the search results next time you do it, under the assumption that you want the same thing again.
As you use Sublime more (and with different projects) you will quickly get a handle on what partial search terms work the best for you.
In addition to finding files, you can do other things with that panel as well, such as jumping to a specific line and/or column or searching inside the file for a search term and jumping directly to it. This applies not only to the current file but also the one that you're about to open.
For more complete details, there is a page in the Unofficial Documentation that covers File Navigation with Goto Anything
As an extra aside, starting with Sublime Text build 3154, the fuzzy searching algorithm handles spaces differently than previous builds.
Historically, spaces in the search term are essentially ignored and the entire input is treated as one search term to be matched character by character.
Starting in build 3154, spaces are handled by splitting up a single search term into multiple search terms, which are applied one after the other.
This allows multiple search terms to hit out of order. For example, index doc in build 3154 will find doc/index.html, but it won't find it in previous versions because the terms aren't in the right order.
As such, assuming you're not currently using such a build (as of right now it's a development build, so only licensed users have access to it), moving forward if you continue to search the way you're searching in your question, you might start getting more results than you expected.

Pathname works on PC but not mac

I have an excel file with the script that allows me to generate seperate pdfs according to the data i enter into one spreadsheet. However, the code was created using Windows, and I would like to use it in mac. Can anyone help with changing the pathname of the script? The script is as follow:
Sheets("6 comp").Activate
Range("$I$93").Value = i
ClientName = Range("$I$94").Value
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat _
Type:=xlTypePDF, _
Filename:="C:\test\" & ClientName & "_6", _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
Thank you so much!!
Unfortunately, it's not as easy as changing the filename path in this case.
I stripped out the specifics to your situation and got it to work fine on Windows. But when I first ran it on my Mac, it send the PDF right to my default printer instead of saving the file to any location.
Consistently, any attempt to edit the script on my Mac resulted in Runtime Error 1004 (even after changing back to the original code). I believe this is a bug, but there are also a lot of unsupported features on the Mac, and many are not documented by Microsoft.
Ron de Bruin's website for Mac/Windows Office topics has a great writeup on how to save a PDF in Excel Mac. If you really need to get this working, that page should help.
I'd much prefer to give you a straight answer, but if you look at that page, you'll see how complicated it is.

How can I spell check words ignoring optional hyphens?

I am using a RTE (TinyMce) for text creation in a browser. The RTE is inserting non-visible optional hyphens (code: '­' or '\u00ad') into words of a minimum length for hyphenation as the user writes.
The problem i got now is to find a spellchecker that is able to check my words even though they consist not only of letters but additionally of optional hyphens. I did only find spell checkers that i.e. checking the word "goldfish" looked at it as two words cause of the optional hyphen between "gold" and "fish".
Is there a spellchecker that is able to be modified in any way to ignore them? Is there a way to configure a spellchecker to ignore such soft-hyphens? (The solution does not need to be open-source.)
Adding words to a dictionary is not an option.
The solution should work for Safari or FireFox.
I found a solution to my problem, so i'll answer my own question.
Hunspell seems to ignore those soft-hyphens and works with FireFox (plugin).
