Data.Vector.Mutable field can not be written/set properly? : Haskell - haskell

I have struggled for days to compose a data structure that has a field of mutable value of Data.Vector.Mutable
I confirmed Data.Vector.Mutable itself behaves as I expected; however once it's included into a structure, somehow stops working against my expectation.
Below is a demo-code that simply has newVal, getVal and setVal targeting the mutable field value of the structure.
newIO is the constructor of the data structure typed as newIO :: a -> A a.
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad (PrimState))
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as M
data A a = A
{ ioVal :: IO (M.MVector (PrimState IO) a)
newIO :: a -> A a
newIO = \a -> A (newVal a)
newVal :: a -> IO (M.MVector (PrimState IO) a)
newVal = \a -> do
val <- 1
M.write val 0 a
return val
getVal :: A a -> IO a
getVal = \aA -> do
val <- ioVal aA val 0
setVal :: a -> A a -> IO ()
setVal = \a -> \aA -> do
val <- ioVal aA
M.write val 0 a
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ioA = newIO (5 :: Int)
(getVal ioA) >>= print -- 5
setVal 10 ioA
(getVal ioA) >>= print -- 5 ?? expected 10
So, here, to confirm the basic behavior of set/get of the structure, I try to create, read, (re)write, and (re)read the mutable value of the field; however, it does not work as expected as the set should perform.
What's wrong with the code? Please advise.

A main property of Haskell is referential transparency: we can always replace defined entities with their definitions. Now consider the posted code:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ioA = newIO (5 :: Int)
(getVal ioA) >>= print -- 5
setVal 10 ioA
(getVal ioA) >>= print -- 5 ?? expected 10
This defines ioA, so we can replace it with its own definition. We get:
main :: IO ()
main = do
(getVal (newIO (5 :: Int))) >>= print -- 5
setVal 10 (newIO (5 :: Int))
(getVal (newIO (5 :: Int))) >>= print -- 5 ?? expected 10
Now we can see the problem: we create three independent vectors. The issue is that let ioA = ... defines an IO action (roughly, an imperative procedure) that we can call multiple times later on.
But we don't want that: we want newIO (5 :: Int) to be executed only once.
For that, we must avoid let and use monadic bind (<-, in do blocks).
main :: IO ()
main = do
ioA <- newIO (5 :: Int) -- run the action, just once
(getVal ioA) >>= print
setVal 10 ioA
(getVal ioA) >>= print
This will trigger a bunch of type errors, since e.g. getVal is no longer passed an IO action, but is passed the result of the IO action. This is what we want, though, so we need to fix the types accordingly.
Start by removing IO here:
data A a = A
{ ioVal :: M.MVector (PrimState IO) a
Indeed, we don't want to store a procedure that makes a vector, we want to store the vector.
Consequently, we need to remove <- in favor of let in a few other points.
getVal :: A a -> IO a
getVal = \aA -> do
let val = ioVal aA -- no IO action to run here val 0
Also, newIO must return an IO value.
newIO :: a -> IO (A a)
newIO = \a -> fmap A (newVal a)
I think you can figure out the rest now.


`f :: a -> IO ()` evaluation in do thread : Haskell

This is a repost of my previous question(deleted by myself) since I considered it would be adequate to change the focus by presenting the sample code below.
Basically, I try to implement a Functor that takes a function such as id, \a -> a + 1 or even print .
So the function type can be
f :: a -> b
f :: a -> IO ()
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad (PrimState))
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as M
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistErrorType)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ioA = io (5 :: Int)
let f = print
-- f = \a -> a + 1
let ioB = someFunctor f ioA
print "done"
data R a = R
{ val :: M.MVector (PrimState IO) a
io :: a -> IO (R a)
io = \a -> do
val <- 1
M.write val 0 a
return $ R val
_val :: R a -> IO a
_val = \ra -> (val ra) 0
someFunctor :: Show a => (a -> b) -> IO (R a) -> IO (R b)
someFunctor = \f -> \ioA -> do
print "-- someFunctor"
val <- ioA >>= _val
print val --works 5
let ioB = io $ f val
--here, I want to actually `print val` when `f == print`
return $ f val
"-- someFunctor"
The current sample code woks without errors, and what I want to achieve is to evaluate
f val
f val is the value wrapped into the new container ioB: io $ f val
However, due to the lazy-evaluation strategy of Haskell or some other reason, when f == print, this is not actually performed, so the val is not printed against my expectation.
So far, I did return $ f val, but this does not work unlike the working print val.
Just f val in do thread doesn't go well because f can be id and in that case, it's not IO type. Type mismatch. The compiler smartly generates an error here thanksfully.
So, my question is what is the generic way to implement f val to be evaluated when f == print f :: a -> IO ()?
If you want to do IO, you have to admit you're doing IO.
someFunctor :: Show a => (a -> IO b) -> IO (R a) -> IO (R b)
someFunctor = \f -> \ioA -> do
{- ... -}
b <- f val
io b
You can lift non-IO functions to IO ones with return, as in
someFunctor (return . id)

Strip off layer from MonadResource

I'm playing around with the leveldb bindings.
I'm wondering if it's possible to take a function like
MonadResource m => a -> m b
And convert it to
MonadResource m => m (a -> IO b))
It can definitely be done, but it's dangerous. Let's demonstrate first the how, by extracting the internal state of the ResourceT:
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal
data Foo = Foo Int
deriving Show
getFoo :: MonadResource m => Int -> m Foo
getFoo i = fmap snd $ allocate
putStrLn $ "allocating Foo with " ++ show i
return $ Foo i)
(\(Foo x) -> putStrLn $ "Freeing Foo " ++ show x)
stripLayer :: MonadResource m => (a -> ResourceT IO b) -> m (a -> IO b)
stripLayer f = do
is <- liftResourceT getInternalState
return $ \a -> runInternalState (f a) is
main :: IO ()
main = do
getFoo' <- runResourceT $ stripLayer $ getFoo
getFoo' 42 >>= print
Unfortunately the output from this isn't what we'd hope for:
allocating Foo with 42
Foo 42
Notice how the "Freeing" line is never called. This is because, by the time we use getFoo', the runResourceT call has already exited, which is how we guarantee that all resources are freed. You can safely get away with this trick if you're disciplined and make sure everything lives inside the runResourceT call, but the type system won't help you. To see what this will look like:
main :: IO ()
main = runResourceT $ do
getFoo' <- stripLayer $ getFoo
liftIO $ getFoo' 42 >>= print

Working with the `MonadBaseControl` API

I am currently playing with the Bryan O'Sullivan's resource-pool library and have a question regarding extending the withResource function.
I want to change the signature of the withResource function from (MonadBaseControl IO m) => Pool a -> (a -> m b) -> m b to (MonadBaseControl IO m) => Pool a -> (a -> m (Bool, b)) -> m b.
What I want to achieve is, that the action should return (Bool, b) tuple, where the boolean value indicates if the borrowed resource should
be put back into the pool or destroyed.
Now my current implementation looks like this:
withResource :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m) => Pool a -> (a -> m (Bool, b)) -> m b
{-# SPECIALIZE withResource :: Pool a -> (a -> IO (Bool,b)) -> IO b #-}
withResource pool act = fmap snd result
result :: m (Bool, b)
result = control $ \runInIO -> mask $ \restore -> do
resource <- takeResource pool
ret <- restore (runInIO (act resource)) `onException`
destroyResource pool resource
void . runInIO $ do
(keep, _) <- restoreM ret :: m (Bool, b)
if keep
then liftBaseWith . const $ putResource pool resource
else liftBaseWith . const $ destroyResource pool resource
return ret
And I have a feeling, that this is not how it is supposed to look like...
Maybe I am not using the MonadBaseControl API right.
What do you guys think of this and how can I improve it to be more idiomatic?
I have a feeling that there is a fundamental problem with this approach. For monads for which StM M a is equal/isomorphic to a it will work. But for other monads there will be a problem. Let's consider MaybeT IO. An action of type a -> MaybeT IO (Bool, b) can fail, so there will be no Bool value produced. And the code in
void . runInIO $ do
(keep, _) <- restoreM ret :: m (Bool, b)
won't be executed, the control flow will stop at restoreM. And for ListT IO it'll be even worse, as putResource and destroyResource will be executed multiple times. Consider this sample program, which is a simplified version of your function:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes, TupleSections #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Trans.List
foo :: forall m b . (MonadBaseControl IO m) => m (Bool, b) -> m b
foo act = fmap snd result
result :: m (Bool, b)
result = control $ \runInIO -> do
ret <- runInIO act
void . runInIO $ do
(keep, _) <- restoreM ret :: m (Bool, b)
if keep
then liftBaseWith . const $ putStrLn "return"
else liftBaseWith . const $ putStrLn "destroy"
return ret
main :: IO ()
main = void . runListT $ foo f
f = msum $ map (return . (, ())) [ False, True, False, True ]
It'll print
And for an empty list, nothing gets printed, which means no cleanup would be called in your function.
I have to say I'm not sure how to achieve your goal in a better way. I'd try to explore in the direction of signature
withResource :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> Pool a -> (a -> IO () -> m b) -> m b
where the IO () argument would be a function, that when executed, invalidates the current resource and marks it to be destroyed. (Or, for better convenience, replace IO () with lifted m ()). Then internally, as it's IO-based, I'd just create a helper MVar that'd be reset by calling
the function, and at the end, based on the value, either return or destroy the resource.

Is it possible to emulate the behaviour of StateT without the use of custom types?

If we have the following two functions, add and subtract, it is simple to chain them to run a series of calculations on an input:
add :: Int -> State Int ()
add n = state $ \x -> ((),x+n)
subtract :: Int -> State Int ()
subtract n = state $ \x -> ((),x-n)
manyOperations :: State Int ()
manyOperations = do
add 2
subtract 3
add 5
result = execState manyOperations 5
--result is 9
If we want to print out the state after each calculation is done, we use the StateT monad transformer:
add :: Int -> StateT Int IO ()
add n = StateT $ \x -> print (x+n) >> return ((),x+n)
subtract :: Int -> StateT Int IO ()
subtract n = StateT $ \x -> print (x-n) >> return ((),x-n)
manyOperations :: StateT Int IO ()
manyOperations = do
add 2
subtract 3
add 5
main = runStateT manyOperations 5
-- prints 7, then 4, then 9
Is it possible to replicate this "combined computation and printing" without StateT or any custom datatypes?
As far as I know it's possible to do all the processes that MaybeT IO a can do using IO (Maybe a), but it seems like that's because it's just nested monads. On the other hand, StateT might not have an alternative because s -> (a,s) is fundamentally different to s -> m (a,s)
I can only see two directions the code could go: using State Int (IO ()) or IO (State Int ()), but both of these seem nonsensical given the implementation of StateT
I believe it is impossible. Am I correct?
Note: I know this is completely impractical, but I couldn't find any solution after some hours of work, which means I'm correct or my skills aren't enough for the task.
Of course you can do all the plumbing yourself. Monads don't add anything new to Haskell, they just enable a ton of code reuse and boilerplate reduction. So anything you can do with a monad, you can laborously do by hand.
manyOperations :: Int -> IO ()
manyOperations n0 = do
let n1 = n0 + 2
print n1
let n2 = n1 - 3
print n2
let n3 = n2 + 5
print n3
If the amount of repetition in the above function is too much for you (it is for me!) you could try to reduce it with a 'combined computation and printing' function but at this point you're bending over backwards to avoid StateT.
-- a bad function, never write something like this!
printAndCompute :: a -> (a -> b) -> IO b
printAndCompute a f = let b = f a in print b >> return b
-- seriously, don't do this!
manyOperations n0 = do
n1 <- printAndCompute (+2) n0
n2 <- printAndCompute (-3) n1
n3 <- printAndCompute (+5) n2
return ()
I'm not sure if this is quite what you're looking for, but you could define an operation which takes a stateful operation that you alread have, and prints out the state after performing the operation -
withPrint :: (Show s) => State s a -> StateT s IO a
withPrint operation = do
s <- get
let (a, t) = runState operation s
liftIO (print t)
put t
return a
and then do
manyOperations :: StateT Int IO ()
manyOperations = do
withPrint (add 2)
withPrint (subtract 3)
withPrint (add 5)
-- etc
This doesn't avoid using StateT but it abstracts out the conversion of your regular, non-IO state operations into IO-ful state operations so you don't have to worry about the details (aside from adding withPrint when you want the state to be printed.
If you don't want the state printed for a particular operation, you could define
withoutPrint :: State s a -> StateT s IO a
withoutPrint operation = do
s <- get
let (a, t) = runState operation s
put t
return a
which is actually equivalent to
import Control.Monad.Morph
withoutPrint :: State s a -> StateT s IO a
withoutPrint = hoist (\(Identity a) -> return a)
using hoist from Control.Monad.Morph to transform the monad underlying StateT from Identity to IO.
You can completely avoid those data types by using s -> IO (a, s) directly, substituting for a and s appropriately. It definitely won't be as nice though.
It would look something like this:
-- This makes StateIO s act as a shorthand for s -> IO (a, s)
type StateIO s a = s -> IO (a, s)
add :: Int -> StateIO Int ()
add n = \x -> print (x+n) >> return ((),x+n)
sub :: Int -> StateIO Int ()
sub n = \x -> print (x-n) >> return ((),x-n)
manyOperations :: StateIO Int ()
manyOperations = -- Using the definition of (>>=) for StateT
\s1 -> do -- and removing a lambda that is immediately applied
(a, s2) <- add 2 s1
(a, s3) <- sub 3 s2
add 5 s3
result :: IO ((), Int)
result = manyOperations 5
The state has to be explicitly threaded through all the operations. This is a major gain we get from using the StateT datatype: the (>>=) method of its Monad instance does all this for us! We can see from this example, though, that there is nothing magical going on in StateT. It's just a very nice way of abstracting out the threading of state.
Also, the relationship between StateT and State is the opposite of the relationship between MaybeT and Maybe: State is defined in terms of StateT. We can see that fact expressed in this type synonym:
type State s = StateT s Identity
It is a transformer over the Identity type (which has the trivial Monad instance).

Haskell processing [IO String]

I've got the following function:
lines' :: [IO String]
lines' = getLine : lines'
I was hoping I could just use all the mighty list functions on
this list, like filter etc. But my knowledge about the IO monad in
haskell is improvable.
The list-of-io_stuff-concept convinced me after using Rx for C#.
Is there any way to do what I want in haskell ?
Something like:
ten_lines :: [IO String]
ten_lines = take 10 lines'
proc_lines :: [IO String]
proc_lines = [ (l, length l) | l <- lines' ]
There are a whole bunch of normal list functions modified to work with monads in Control.Monad. Of particular interest to your question:
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
filterM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
foldM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
(sequence and mapM are actually exported by the prelude and available by default.)
For example, let's take a look at the type of your take 10 lines' example:
Prelude Control.Monad> :t take 10 lines'
take 10 lines' :: [IO String]
We want to turn this [IO String] into a single IO [String] action. This is exactly what sequence does! We can tell this by the type signature. So:
sequence $ take 10 lines'
will do what you want.
Most of these functions also have a version ending in _, like sequence_. This has exactly the same effect as the normal function except it throws away the result, returning () instead. That is, sequence_ :: [m a] -> m (). This is a good choice whenever you don't actually care about the result for two reasons: it's more explicit about your intentions and the performance can be better.
So if you wanted to print 10 lines rather than get them, you would write something like this:
printLines = putStrLn "foo" : printLines
main = sequence_ $ take 10 printLines
Tikhon's solution is the simplest one, but it has one major deficiency: it will not produce any results until processing the entire list and it will overflow if you process too large of a list.
A solution closer to C#'s Rx would be to use a streaming library like pipes.
For example, you can define a Producer that generates Strings from user input:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Proxy
lines' :: (Proxy p) => () -> Producer p String IO r
lines' () = runIdentityP $ forever $ do
str <- lift getLine
respond str
Then you can define a stage that takes 10 lines:
take' :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => Int -> () -> Pipe p a a m ()
take' n () = runIdentityP $ replicateM_ n $ do
a <- request ()
respond a
... and then a processing stage:
proc :: (Monad m, Proxy p) => () -> Pipe p String (String, Int) m r
proc () = runIdentityP $ forever $ do
str <- request ()
respond (str, length str)
... and a final output stage:
print' :: (Proxy p, Show a) => () -> Consumer p a IO r
print' () = runIdentityP $ forever $ do
a <- request ()
lift $ print a
Now you can compose those into a processing chain and run it:
main = runProxy $ lines' >-> take' 10 >-> proc >-> print'
... and it will output the processed result instantly after entering each line, rather than providing the result as a batch at the end:
$ ./pipes
In practice, you don't have to define these pipes yourself. You can assemble the same chain from components in the pipes standard library:
>>> runProxy $ stdinS >-> takeB_ 10 >-> mapD (\x -> (x, length x)) >-> printD
<exact same behavior>
