Getting the location of indices missing from secondary DataFrame - python-3.x

Please examine the commented text in the code below in order to understand the problem.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
primary = pd.DataFrame(
data = ['little','mary','had','a','swan'],
index =pd.DatetimeIndex(['2015-09-25 12:00:00',
'2015-09-25 13:00:00',
'2015-09-25 14:00:00',
'2015-09-25 15:00:00',
'2015-09-25 16:00:00']),
secondary = pd.DataFrame(
data = ['mommy',np.nan],
index =pd.DatetimeIndex(['2015-09-25 14:00:00',
'2015-09-25 15:00:00']),
# 1. secondary dataframe values have already been computed
# 2. we want to assign them to the primary dataframe for available dates
# 3. once done, we want to return dataframe index locations for missing values
# 4. nan is one of the valid values the secondary dataframe can take
primary['copy_me'] = secondary['copy_me']
print (secondary)
print (primary)
# The values have been copied successfully
# But how to get the locations of missing indices?
# The expected result is as follows:
# If I know these values I could pass them to my computing function
missing_indices = np.array([0,1,4])
print('needed result: ', missing_indices)

If I understand correctly, this might help:
Find which primary indixes are present in secondary (primary.index.isin(secondary.index)).
Negate that condition (~).
Find positions where value is non-zero, meaning True, using numpy.nonzero. (.nonzero()[0], [0] because it returns a tuple)

You can just check if primary.index is in secondary.index:
# array([0, 1, 4], dtype=int32)


Is there another way to specify exactly which columns or rows to be selected for preprocessing(cleaning data frame)?

Firstly, I have a dataset like the following:
Date Time Open ... Adj Close Volume
0 1/3/2017 0:00 225.039993 ... 208.895447 NaN
1 1/4/2017 0:00 225.619995 ... 210.138245 78744400.0
I wonder how to put columns' lable in the variable imputer.
But, I do not want to use iloc or loc.
When I run the code= Volume can not be iterated .
In addition, [1]:
df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\v\Desktop\sp500.csv")
df1 = df1.replace(nan,1)
# retrieve the numpy array
values =df1.values
# define the imputer
imputer = SimpleImputer(missing_values=1, strategy='mean', column= Volume)
There are multiple ways of specifying the column name given the Dataframe (df). You can pass df1.Volume or df1['Volume'] in the SimpleImputer method
imputer = SimpleImputer(missing_values=1, strategy='mean', column= df1.Volume)
Imputer = SimpleImputer(missing_values=1, strategy='mean', column= df1['Volume'])

Pandas dataframe float index not self-consistent

I need/want to work with float indices in pandas but I get a keyerror when running something like this:
inds = [1.1, 2.2]
cols = [5.4, 6.7]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2, 2), index=inds, columns=cols)
I have seen some errors regarding precision, but shouldn't this work?
You get the KeyError because df[df.index[0]] would try to access a column with label 1.1 in this case - which does not exist here.
What you can do is use loc or iloc to access rows based on indices:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
inds = [1.1, 2.2]
cols = [5.4, 6.7]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2, 2), index=inds, columns=cols)
# to access e.g. the first row use
# or more general
# 5.4 1.531411
# 6.7 -0.341232
# Name: 1.1, dtype: float64
In principle, if you can, avoid equal comparisons for floating point numbers for the reason you already came across: precision. The 1.1 displayed to you might be != 1.1 for the computer - simply because that would theoretically require infinite precision. Most of the time, it will work though because certain tolerance checks will kick in; for example if the difference of the compared numbers is < 10^6.

How to encode multiple categorical columns for test data efficiently?

I have multiple category columns (nearly 50). I using custom made frequency encoding and using it on training data. At last i am saving it as nested dictionary. For the test data I am using map function to encode and unseen labels are replaced with 0. But I need more efficient way?
I have already tried pandas replace method but it don't cares of unseen labels and leaves it as it. Further I am much concerned about the time and i want say 80 columns and 1 row to be encoded within 60 ms. Just need the most efficient way I can do it. I have taken my example from here.
import pandas
from sklearn import preprocessing
df = pandas.DataFrame({'pets': ['cat', 'dog', 'cat', 'monkey', 'dog', 'meo'],
'owner': ['Champ', 'Ron', 'Brick', 'Champ', 'Veronica', 'Ron'],
'location': ['San_Diego', 'New_York', 'New_York', 'San_Diego', 'San_Diego',
My dict looks something like this :
enc = {'pets': {'cat': 0, 'dog': 1, 'monkey': 2},
'owner': {'Brick': 0, 'Champ': 1, 'Ron': 2, 'Veronica': 3},
'location': {'New_York': 0, 'San_Diego': 1}}
for col in enc:
if col in input_df.columns:
input_df[col]= input_df[col].map(dict_online['encoding'][col]).fillna(0)
Further I want multiple columns to be encoded at once. I don't want any loop for every column.... I guess we cant do it in map. Hence replace is good choice but in that as said it doesn't cares about unseen labels.
This the code i am using for now, Please note there is only 1 row in test data frame ( Not very sure i should handle it like numpy array to reduce time...). But i need to decrease this time to under 60 ms: Further i have dictionary only for mapping ( Cant use one hot because of use case). Currently time = 331.74 ms. Any idea how to do it more efficiently. Not sure that multiprocessing will work..? Further with replace method i have got many issues like : 1. It does not handle unseen labels and leave them as it is ( for string its issue). 2. It has problem with overlapping of keys and values.
from string import ascii_lowercase
import itertools
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
def iter_all_strings():
for size in itertools.count(1):
for s in itertools.product(ascii_lowercase, repeat=size):
yield "".join(s)
l = []
for s in iter_all_strings():
if s == 'gr':
columns = l
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
for col in df.columns:
df[col] = np.random.randint(1, 4000, 3000)
transform_dict = {}
for col in df.columns:
cats = pd.Categorical(df[col]).categories
d = {}
for i, cat in enumerate(cats):
d[cat] = i
transform_dict[col] = d
print(f"The length of the dictionary is {len(transform_dict)}")
# Creating another test data frame
df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
for col in df2.columns:
df2[col] = np.random.randint(1, 4000, 1)
print(f"The shape of teh 2nd data frame is {df2.shape}")
t1 = time.time()
for col in df2.columns:
df2[col] = df2[col].map(transform_dict[col]).fillna(0)
print(f"Time taken is {time.time() - t1}")
# print(df)
Firstly, when you want to encode categorical variables, which is not ordinal (meaning: there is no inherent ordering between the values of the variable/column. ex- cat, dog), you must use one hot encoding.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
df = pd.DataFrame({'pets': ['cat', 'dog', 'cat', 'monkey', 'dog', 'meo'],
'owner': ['Champ', 'Ron', 'Brick', 'Champ', 'Veronica', 'Ron'],
'location': ['San_Diego', 'New_York', 'New_York', 'San_Diego', 'San_Diego',
enc = [['cat','dog','monkey'],
['Brick', 'Champ', 'Ron', 'Veronica'],
['New_York', 'San_Diego']]
ohe = OneHotEncoder(categories=enc, handle_unknown='ignore', sparse=False)
Here, I have modified your enc in a way that can be fed into the OneHotEncoder.
Now comes the point of how can we going to handle the unseen
when you handle_unknown as False, the unseen values will have zeros in all the dummy variables, which in a way would help the model to understand its a unknown value.
colnames= ['{}_{}'.format(col,val) for col,unique_values in zip(df.columns,ohe.categories_) \
for val in unique_values]
pd.DataFrame(ohe.fit_transform(df), columns=colnames)
If you are fine with ordinal endocing, the following change could help.
df2.apply(lambda row: [transform_dict[val].get(col,0) \
for val,col in row.items()],
#1000 loops, best of 3: 1.17 ms per loop

Concat dataframe to multi index dataframe with gradient values

I have a Multi-index dataframe with multiple test result values.
For further data analysis I want to add the derivation to the dataframe.
I tried to either calculate it via a lambda function directly after I grouped the dataframe. Grouping (mean values) is required due to the noise in the sampling.
Later I want to delete the rows from my dataframes where the derivative is <= 0.
The simplified Multi-index dataframe looks like this:
arrays = [['LS13', 'LS13', 'LS13', 'LS13','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14','LS14'],[0, 2, 2.5, 3,0,2,5,5.5,6,6.5,7,7.5]]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=('File', 'Flow Rate Setpoint [l/s]'))
df = pd.DataFrame({('Flow Rate [l/s]','mean') : [-0.057,2.089,2.496,3.011,0.056,2.070,4.995,5.519,6.011,6.511,7.030,7.499],('Time [s]','mean') : [42.225,104.909,165.676,226.446,42.225,104.918,469.560,530.328,591.100,651.864,712.660,773.034],('Shear Stress [Pa]','mean') : [-0.698,5.621,7.946,11.278,-0.774,6.557,40.610,48.370,54.685,58.414,58.356,56.254]},index=index)
if I run my code:
import numpy as np
xls = ['LS13', 'LS14']
gradient = [pd.Series(np.gradient(df.loc[(i),('Shear Stress [Pa]','mean')],df.loc[(i),('Time [s]','mean')])) for i in xls]
now I want to concat gradient to df on axis = 1, Title could be df['Gradient''values'].
So my pd.Series looks like:
0 0.100808
1 0.069048
2 0.04654
3 0.054801
0 0.116941
1 0.087431
2 0.149521
3 0.115805
4 0.082639
5 0.030213
6 -0.017938
7 -0.034806
next step would be to remove/drop the rows where ['Gradient','values'] <= 0, in my example ['LS14','7':'7.5']
When I tried to concatenate both Dataframe df and Series gradient (I'm aware that the indexes are different)
merged = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(df),pd.Series(gradient)], axis=1 , ignore_index = True)
Errors are usually one of the following:
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'Python object' but got
'long long'
TypeError: cannot concatenate object of type "<class 'list'>"; only
pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, and pd.Panel (deprecated) objs are valid
I would also assume there is an easier way to get this done with an lambda function and just apply it in place.
merged = pd.concat([df, pd.Series([gradient], name=('Gradient','value'))], axis=1)
I would have expected that to work, but I also get a miss match error:
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'Python object' but got 'long long'
when I try:
df[("Gradient","value")] =pd.Series([pd.Series(np.gradient(df.loc[(i),('Shear Stress [Pa]','mean')],df.loc[(i),('Time [s]','mean')])) for i in xls])
The 'Gradient','value' column gets correctly added to the dataframe but the values are again NaN.
You can try groupby().apply():
def get_gradients(x):
gradients = np.gradient(x[('Shear Stress [Pa]', 'mean')],x[('Time [s]', 'mean')] )
return pd.Series(gradients, index=x.index)
df[('Gradient','Value')] = (df.groupby('File', group_keys=False)

Insert field into structured array at a specific column index

I'm currently using np.loadtxt to load some mixed data into a structured numpy array. I do some calculations on a few of the columns to output later. For compatibility reasons I need to maintain a specific output format so I'd like to insert those columns at specific points and use np.savetxt to export the array in one shot.
A simple setup:
import numpy as np
x = np.zeros((2,),dtype=('i4,f4,a10'))
x[:] = [(1,2.,'Hello'),(2,3.,'World')]
newcol = ['abc','def']
For this example I'd like to make newcol the 2nd column. I'm very new to Python (coming from MATLAB). From my searching all I've been able to find so far are ways to append newcol to the end of x to make it the last column, or x to newcol to make it the first column. I also turned up np.insert but it doesn't seem to work on a structured array because it's technically a 1D array (from my understanding).
What's the most efficient way to accomplish this?
I investigated np.savetxt a little further and it seems like it can't be used with a structured array, so I'm assuming I would need to loop through and write each row with f.write. I could specify each column explicitly (by field name) with that approach and not have to worry about the order in my structured array, but that doesn't seem like a very generic solution.
For the above example my desired output would be:
1, abc, 2.0, Hello
2, def, 3.0, World
This is a way to add a field to the array, at the position you require:
from numpy import zeros, empty
def insert_dtype(x, position, new_dtype, new_column):
if x.dtype.fields is None:
raise ValueError, "`x' must be a structured numpy array"
new_desc = x.dtype.descr
new_desc.insert(position, new_dtype)
y = empty(x.shape, dtype=new_desc)
for name in x.dtype.names:
y[name] = x[name]
y[new_dtype[0]] = new_column
return y
x = zeros((2,), dtype='i4,f4,a10')
x[:] = [(1, 2., 'Hello'), (2, 3., 'World')]
new_dt = ('my_alphabet', '|S3')
new_col = ['abc', 'def']
x = insert_dtype(x, 1, new_dt, new_col)
Now x looks like
array([(1, 'abc', 2.0, 'Hello'), (2, 'def', 3.0, 'World')],
dtype=[('f0', '<i4'), ('my_alphabet', 'S3'), ('f1', '<f4'), ('f2', 'S10')])
The solution is adapted from here.
To print the recarray to file, you could use something like:
from matplotlib.mlab import rec2csv
