Telegram bot VOIP calls - voip

there is an option to make my telegram bot call my telegram account? Something like bot.make_call(...).
I'm using telebot library on python,

Telegram bots cannot make calls to users. To call a user you need to logged in as a user and not a bot. You can use pyrogram (A telegram client).
Here's a link to my answer where I explain how it's done.


How to add user using telegram bot

I need to add users using a telegram bot, I know that the standard bot API will not be able to do this, what other options can there be?
I read that you can do this through the client, maybe someone has examples of this?
I already develope the code for it
You can access it from the link
(developed with telethon library)

telegram bot auto leaving from channel

hi all i'm new to telegram apis and bot, i'm having some troubles with my bot: i setted it, got my token and it can become the admin of the channels i do need to admin with it. just the bot every now and then just leave the channel by itself when another administrator of the same channel in whitch it is in posts a message or invite a new user to the channel. does it make any sense to you? is there a solution to keep it in charge of the channel?
other infos: i program in php, the bot is needed to post messages in telegram via a web site programmed in php
i would apreciate a real answear and not just a paste of the link to telegram bot documentation
thanks a lot

Voting in a poll with Telegram Bot

Is there any way to vote in a telegram poll with a bot? I tried to use telepot and python-telegram-bot. I can get poll id, chat_id, options and all the relevant data, but can not find any way to implement messages.sendVote() method described in telegram api docs.
messages.sendVote is a method from the Telegram API, not the Bot API. All available methods of the Bot API can be found here, which does not include voting in polls.

Can telegram bot access recent action from telegram supergroup?

So i would like to make a bot that can access recent action from my supergroup. The flow is pretty simple, i want the bot to scrape all of the information inside of it and save it into database. I made it with python and telegram bot API
The bot is already admin and he can do anything that admin could do.
Is it possible to do that???
No. Bots can only do what's listed in the official API docs at Instead, you can just keep track of what's happening in the chat.

How to read a message from a bot via telegram API?

I have a room with a couple of bots, one of them needs to read all the messages on the room including other bot's messages.
Telegram API says bots can't see other bots message otherwise they might get caught in a "loop".
Since i really need to work around this i'm wondering if there is a known workaround?
There cannot be any workaround using the Bot APIs since the messages in getUpdates or webhook of the Bot will be from Users alone.
One workaround could be to use the telegram-cli and create a normal user as a Bot.
