excel look for same value and calculate value from next column - excel

I have the following table, named ART_NR, It has number values in it, i need a function which looks for the same values in that column and calculates it accordingly for the column MENGE.
So it looks on column ART_NR for the same numbers and then calculates all the values together on the column MENGE. So if ART_NR has the value "1" lets say 10 times, it calculates on the column MENGE how much correspondes to ART_NR "1".
I left a picture as a example cause im having a bit of a hard time explaining it, but basically i need it to to calculate everything from the same value of ART_NR from the table MENGE


Function to search for specific number and then to further search for the prefix

I have a huge amount of data to process in which 4 points with a related prefix needs to be subtracted from each other.
Data consists of ID and x value
ID = 290.12, 290.03, 290.06, 290.09, 300.12, 300.03, 300.06, 300.09, 301.12, 301.03, 301.06, 301.09
(let's call prefix a "ring number" and suffix time on the clock)
X value = any numerical value for each ID assigned
What I'm hoping to do is to search for the first number before the dot i.e. 300 and then subtract the value of 300.06-300.12 in one cell and in another cell 300.03-300.09.
(The subtraction is just an example, how I need to manipulate with the numbers is slightly more complicated, but I got this one under control)
This is my actual Data and what I need to produce is to the right of the raw data. At the moment, I'm doing it manually for each set of "rings"
Anyone knows how to approach this? I'm thinking vlookup, but I'm not very proficient in excel.
New Excel
I tried vlookup, but I don't know how to construct the formula and I run out of ideas.
I found out that REDUCE is no requirement in this case, so it can be shortened to:
You could change +0.09 and +0.03 to your needs and may reference them using LET() for easy maintaining:
Previous answer:
LAMBDA(x, y,
This formula looks for the matching value of the id value I3 + _id1 minus the matching value of id value + _id2 for columns B to D and adds the ^2 results per column. Then it calculates it's square root.
You can change _id1 and _id2 to your needs.
To calculate the Delta (as shown) at once you could use:
You can have a column of unique values of the integers and a new column where you reference these values as id and drag down the formula to get your row by row result
In another column you can refer to these columns and sort per the second column using SORTBY()

Climate: Calculate Consecutive Days of Rain

I have a data column rainfall, and a column is on that date;
I intend to extract Consecutive Days of Rain from it in a separate column.
With the formula below, I extracted Consecutive :
But the result is in a column and I can not separate them like in attached picture (see desired result).
If we want to extract the continuity of rainfall in a separate column
How to do?
My result:
Desired result:
Following from Ted D's comment... a possible formula for the second helper column would be (in cell G2):
This looks for the first 0 in the counter column (F) beneath our row (looking around 1000 rows down - that 999 can be changed as appropriate). We use that plus our current counter to give us the size of the block.
From there, we can make the columns with the dx1day etc. titles and populate them with the formula:
This is parsing the number from dx1day at the top of the column (in this case H) (if you did it with just numbers and a custom format you could save that bit*). We then check if the current "block size" value (in column G) is the same as that in the header. If it is we copy the counter value (from column F), otherwise blank.
You can get away from this second helper column by replacing the $G2 with (IF($F2=0,0,MATCH(0,$F3:$F999,0)-1+$F2)) - but if makes it a bit more of a headache to understand (and debug :-)
*the way for this is to do custom format with the "Type" being "dx"0"day"... then the formula becomes =IF($G2=H$1,$F2,"") or =IF((IF($F2=0,0,MATCH(0,$F3:$F999,0)-1+$F2))=H$1,$F2,"") for the no-second-helper-column version

Why am I obtaining this strange result adding all the values in 2 Excel columns?

I am not into Excel and I have this problem trying to sum the values of 2 different column and put this result value into a cell.
So basically I have the D column containing 2 values (at the moment only 2 but will grows without a specific limit, I have to sum all the values in this column). These value are decimal values (in my example are: 0,3136322400 and 0,1000000000).
Then I have an I column containing the same type of value (at the moment only one but also the values in this column can grow without a specific limit...in my example at this time I have this value −0,335305)
Then I have the K3 cell where I have to put the sum of all the valus into the D column and all the values into the I column (following my example it will contain the result of this sum: 0,3136322400 + 0,1000000000 −0,335305.
Following a tutorial I tried to set this simple forumla in the K3 cell:
The problem is that in this cell now I am not obtaining the expected result (that is 0.07832724) but I am obtaining this value: 129236,1636322400.
It is very strange...I think that maybe it can depend by the fact that the D and the I column doesn't contain only number but both have a textual "heder" (that is the string "QUANTITY" for both the cells). So I think that maybe it is adding also the number conversion of this string (but I am absolutly not sure about this assertion).
So how can I handle this type of situation?
Can I do one of these 2 things:
1) Adding the column values starting from a specific starting cell in the column (for example: sum all the values under a cell without specify a down limit).
2) Exclude in some way the "header" cells from my sum so the textual values are not considered in my sum.
What could be a smart solution for my problem? How can I fix this issue?
The sum function can take several arguments.
=sum(d2:d10000, i2:I10,000, more columns )
This should remove the header from the calculation.
If you turn your data into an Excel Table (Insert > Table), you can use structured referencing to address a table column, excluding the header.
=SUM(Table1[This Header],Table1[That Header])
Then you don't need to reference whole columns. If you add new data to the table, the formula will take that into account.

Excel Array Formula, Multiple criteria

I have a table in which multiple weeks of data is stored and I'm trying to return a value based on 2 criteria.
Column A of the data sheet contains the date the report was ran (Always on the same day of the week - 24/05/17, 31/05/17 etc)
I've managed to return the value of column H by using an array formula, based on a cell value (Date) in ''Issues Data Quality Overview'!$B$4' using the following formula:
{=IFERROR(INDEX('Issues Log'!$H$1:$H$20000,SMALL(IF('Issues Data Quality Overview'!$B$4='Issues Log'!$A$1:$A$20000,ROW('Issues Log'!$A$1:$A$20000)-MIN(ROW('Issues Log'!$A$1:$A$20000))+1,""), ROW(A2))),"")}
That returns a value such as "IID-10225-22".
Now I need to look up that value in the same table, based on a date in another cell, and return column X. (essentially adding the returned value as a criteria).
In all honesty I'm lost as to how I'd do this.
#Matthew. I understand your formula gives the list of values in column H with column A values matching 'Issues Data Quality Overview'!$B$4 in an ordered list.
Does your Issues Log, column H have multiple occurrence of the same value? (example: IID-10255-22 can have a value in Issues Log, column A that is not the same value as 'Issues Data Quality Overview'!$B$4).
If not, it doesn't make sense to use the result as a lookup value to get column X, you can simply change the code to:
{=IFERROR(INDEX('Issues Log'!$X$1:$X$20000,...}
If it does have multiple occurrences and you want to get the first occurrence of the result in column H and get the value in column X, best to add a formula right next to your array formula and do a VLOOKUP.
I've scrapped the array formula, as it really slowed down the processing speed. Instead I've created a Unique ID (=IssueID&Date) and VLookup'd that.

Google Spreadsheet, SUM or MINUS of above cell in the column using ARRAYFORMULA in the first row

I'm learning to use array formulas and have been successful doing simple things like adding 2 columns together in a third column. For example, I can put =arrayformula(B:B+C:C) in D1 and it adds B and C for each row.
But now I have a situation where I want to subtract two numbers in the same column. I want to take the value of that column in the current row and subtract the previous row's value from it. Without array formulas this is simple: in O7 I put =N7-N6 and cop that down so O8 gets =N8-N7, etc. But that requires copying down every time - can I do the same thing with an array formula?
Basically, can I do something like =arrayformula(B:B+(B-1):(B-1)) ?
Context: column N is a monthly account balance. I would like to calculate how much that balanced changed each month. So for row 7, =N7-N6 gives me that difference. But I'm changing the entire spreadsheet to array formulas so I can stop pasting all of the formulas and I'm stuck on this one since it's comparing the same column.
I'm trying to get everything into Row 1 so my values and calculations can start in Row 2. For example, here's one of my formulas in Row 1:
arrayformula(if(row(A:A)=1,"Total gross income",if(LEN(B:B),B:B+C:C,"")))
Unfortunately, in Column O (the one I asked about originally) if I do this:
=arrayformula(if(row(A:A)=1,"Amount saved this month",if(row(A:A)>1,if(LEN(N:N),N2:N-N:N,""))))
Or this:
=arrayformula(if(row(A:A)=1,"Amount saved this month",if(row(A:A)>1,if(LEN(N:N),offset(N:N,1,0)-N:N,""))))
Every row is off by 1 - the result that should go in Row 3 goes in Row 2, etc. And if I do this:
=arrayformula(if(row(A:A)=1,"Amount saved this month",if(row(A:A)>1,if(LEN(N:N),N:N-offset(N:N,-1,0),""))))
Then it gives me an error because the offset function is trying to evaluate something out of range (possibly it starts with N1 and tries to grab a value 1 row above N1?)
Any advice on how to handle that out-of-range error?
I think the error is because of offset range N:N which starts from N1 and you are trying to shift it -1 or one cell up, which brings the formula out of sheet.
Try this formula instead:
{"Amount saved this month";
It uses {} to make an array. See more info:
Bonus. There is no reason to check row number now.
