the identifier "velocity" isn't declared in the current scope - godot

"the identifier "velocity" isn't declared in the current scope."
godot is showing this error in my code:
extends KinematicBody2D
func _physics_process(delta):
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
velocity.x += 4
elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
velocity.x += -4
for some reason, I can't find the reason why this happens
pls answer
maybe the problem is with my code as I am purely a beginner and i am using godot version-3.4.2


Why is move_and_slide() not working in Godot?

In Godot engine version 3.4, move_and_slide isn't working.
extends KinematicBody2D
var velocity = Vector2(0,0)
func _process(delta):
velocity.x = (Input.get_action_strength("right")-Input.get_action_strength("left"))*100
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity,Vector2.UP)
When I run this code, the KinematicBody2D doesn't move. Does anyone know why?
The Answer is inside the Comment.
Blockquote I increased the multiplier and it works. Thank you so much. > Blockquote
The Velocity Multiplier is too low

Godot: Rendering Terrain In Separate Thread Slower Than Main Thread?

I'll admit, I'm new to multithreading and I was hoping to dabble in it with my C++ project first but I've hit a snag in my Godot game project where rendering the terrain gave me a small lag spike every time new terrain was generated so I wanted to move it to a separate thread. The only problem is that I can't find good resources on Godot multithreading so I was simply going off the documentation. I practically copied the same design in the documentation but it ended up making my game slower and even lags the main thread, not just the generation thread.
I've done a lot of my own research and I know SO is really keen on that or they kick you out so I want to list it here:
Godot Docs, only teaches you about starting up a thread, mutexes, and semaphores.
From what I understand mutexes lock a resource so only that thread can access it and only that thread can unlock it. From tests on my machine constant locks and unlocks don't seem to cause much overhead.
Semaphores from what I understand are a tool to signal some thread from a different thread, whereas mutexes only can unlock and lock from the same thread, one thread can signal a semaphore while another thread waits for that signal. This too doesn't seem to cause much overhead
Doing some practical experiments, it seems that if I get a handle on a chunk and call its render method, the method doesn't happen on that thread which I assume is the culprit however if that's the case I don't understand why the rendering could be SLOWER than doing it all on the main thread unless there's an overhead to calling a function on an object that was created on the main thread however that confuses me even more as isn't all memory shared between threads so why would it need to do something extra to call a function?
Using "call_deferred" seems to make the separate thread slightly faster but heavily slows the main thread. And tbh I'm not completely knowledgeable on call_deferred it seems to call the function during idle time, I experimented with it because of my next research point which is
Thread Safe APIs, after reading this I understand that interacting with the active tree isn't thread-safe, which means using call_deferred is preferred to interact with it during idle time. It is stated that it is preferred to construct one scene on a separate thread, then use call_deferred to do only one call to add_child. This seems to help get around that Thread Safety issue so that's what I did
That's the best research I could do and I hope it shows I really have tried what I could. It's absolutely not the best that's possible I'm sure, it's just that's the extent of my expertise in research which is why I came here (Y'all seem to have expertise far beyond what I can imagine having haha)
However, taking what I understood from all of this I decided to create a system where once an array of indices to positions to generate is written to, it posts a signal to a semaphore which will start the other thread's generation algorithm. The thread is in a while loop where at the start it has a semaphore.wait() to wait for that signal that the array is written to and ready. It goes through the indices and calls the render function for the chunks around that point (I didn't mention the array holds a Vector2 of the chunk position to render around) For this case the only point right now is the players position so the array is always 1 but that's just for now. The render function of the chunks builds a Node2D with all the tiles before doing only one call to add_child through call_deferred to get around the Thread Safety issues. One issue is that there will be one call_deferred for each chunk however when I tried to fix that it wouldn't work at all which was also weird.
So here I am with the code:
GameMap Code (Simplified)
# Made up of MapChunks
var map = {}
var chunk_loaders = [Vector2(0,0)]
var render_distance = 7 # Must be Odd
var chunk_tick_dist = 19 # Must be Odd
var noise_list = {"map_noise" : null, "foliage_noise" : null}
var chunk_gen_thread
var chunk_gen_thread_exit = true
var mutex
var semaphore
var indices_to_generate = []
onready var player = get_node("../Player")
func _ready():
mutex =
semaphore =
chunk_gen_thread =
chunk_gen_thread.start(self, "chunk_generation_thread")
regen_chunks(get_chunk_from_world(player.position.x, player.position.y), 0)
func _exit_tree():
chunk_gen_thread_exit = true
func chunk_generation_thread(userData):
while true:
semaphore.wait() # Wait for chunk gen signal
# Protect run loop with mutex
var should_exit = !chunk_gen_thread_exit
if should_exit:
# Regen Chunks
for i in indices_to_generate:
var lc_pos = Vector2(chunk_loaders[i].x - floor(render_distance/2), chunk_loaders[i].y - floor(render_distance/2))
var upper_lc = lc_pos - Vector2(1, 1)
for x in render_distance:
for y in render_distance:
var chunk_pos = Vector2(lc_pos.x+x, lc_pos.y+y)
var chunk = retrieve_chunk(chunk_pos.x, chunk_pos.y)
for x in render_distance+2:
for y in render_distance+2:
if x != 0 and x != render_distance+1 and y != 0 and y != render_distance+1:
var chunk = Vector2(upper_lc.x+x, upper_lc.y+y)
var unrender_chunk = retrieve_chunk(chunk.x, chunk.y)
func regen_chunks(chunk_position, chunk_loader_index):
if chunk_loader_index >= chunk_loaders.size():
chunk_loaders[chunk_loader_index] = chunk_position
indices_to_generate = [chunk_loader_index]
func retrieve_chunk(x, y):
if !map.has(Vector2(x, y)):
create_chunk(x, y)
return map[Vector2(x, y)]
func create_chunk(x, y):
var new_chunk =
new_chunk.generate_chunk(x, y)
MapChunk Code (Simplified)
var thread_scene
onready var game_map = get_parent()
func _ready():
thread_scene =
func generate_chunk(x, y):
chunk_position = Vector2(x, y)
func rerender_chunk():
if !un_rendered:
un_rendered = false
lc_position.x = chunk_position.x*(CHUNK_WIDTH)
lc_position.y = chunk_position.y*(CHUNK_HEIGHT)
thread_scene =
for x in CHUNK_WIDTH:
chunk_map[x] = []
for y in CHUNK_HEIGHT:
var cell_value = game_map.get_noise_value("map_noise", lc_position.x+x, lc_position.y+y)
assign_ground_cell(cell_value, x, y)
self.call_deferred("add_child", thread_scene)
func unrender():
if un_rendered:
un_rendered = true
for x in CHUNK_WIDTH:
for y in CHUNK_HEIGHT:
if chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile != null:
func assign_ground_cell(cell_value, x, y):
if cell_value < 0.4:
chunk_map[x][y] = game_map.create_tile("GRASS", lc_position.x+x, lc_position.y+y)
generate_grass_foliage(x, y)
elif cell_value < 0.5:
chunk_map[x][y] = game_map.create_tile("SAND", lc_position.x+x, lc_position.y+y)
chunk_map[x][y] = game_map.create_tile("WATER", lc_position.x+x, lc_position.y+y)
func generate_grass_foliage(x, y):
var cell_value = game_map.get_noise_value("foliage_noise", lc_position.x+x, lc_position.y+y)
if cell_value >= 0.4:
chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile = game_map.create_tile("TREE", lc_position.x+x, lc_position.y+y)
chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile.parent_tile = chunk_map[x][y]
chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile.z_index = 3
elif cell_value >= 0.2 and cell_value < 0.4:
chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile = game_map.create_tile("GRASS_BLADE", lc_position.x+x, lc_position.y+y)
chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile.parent_tile = chunk_map[x][y]
chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile.z_index = 1
if chunk_map[x][y].occupying_tile != null:
All of this code works fine if it's all on the main thread!!
There is nothing wrong with the chunk generation code itself! It works completely fine if I remove the thread.start thing from the ready function. It all works except there's like a 0.5-second lag spike every time it's called that I'm trying to get rid of. I am almost 89% sure this should purely be a thread problem. (I'm sure I could improve the chunk gen algorithm more but I also really want to understand threads)

How to sense which direction my player object was hit from in Game Maker Studio 2

I'm making a 2D Platformer game in GMS 2 and I need to make my player face the direction that he was hit from when he dies. How do I sense which side he was hit from? I only need to sense right and left collision. Currently my code looks like this:
if (hp = 0) {
with (instance_create_layer(x, y, layer, obj_player_1_dead)) {
if (obj_laser_2.x < obj_player_1.x) {
image_xscale = 0.6
} else if (obj_laser_2.x > obj_player_1.x) {
image_xscale = -0.6
hp is my hit points variable.
I have instance_destroy(); at the bottom because I am destroying the object and creating a player_dead object.
Everything else works exactly how I want it to. This is the last thing before the game is done. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Spritebuilder sprite position changes

I have my game in spritebuilder, and I am trying to move a ball up every 0.005 seconds. I have an NSTimer doing that, but sometimes ball.position.y + 2 is different.
For instance, one time I play the game, the ball moves to the top of the screen at the speed I want it to. Then, without even closing the game, just opening the scene again, the ball moves at half of the speed, as if + 2 isn't as much at that time, or the NSTimer decides to run at half speed.
NOTE: This only happens on an actual device. I can't get it to happen in a simulator.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
EDIT: My code (abridged):
timer2 = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.005, target: self, selector: "updateTick", userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
My update function:
func updateTick() {
My incrementBalls() function:
for index in 0...balls.count - 1 {
balls[index].position = ccpAdd(_physicsBody.position, CGPoint(x: balls[index].position.x, y: balls[index].position.y + 2))
I fixed this by instead using the update method and doing some math to move the balls instead of the unreliable NSTimer.

Object disposed exception to be thrown

I have recently integrated in a HUD method into my XNA game project and when the method is called by the main Draw method it throws out a object disposed exception this has something to do with the two Drawstring used in the program.
The exception is thrown at spriteBatch.End() and says Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'Texture2D'.
//initiation of the spritebatch
private SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
//game draw method
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
// Our player and enemy are both actually just text strings.
spriteBatch = ScreenManager.SpriteBatch;
tileMap.Draw(spriteBatch, camera);
null, null, null, null,
level.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
// If the game is transitioning on or off, fade it out to black.
if (TransitionPosition > 0 || pauseAlpha > 0)
float alpha = MathHelper.Lerp(1f - TransitionAlpha, 1f, pauseAlpha / 2);
the HUD method
private void DrawHud()
Rectangle titleSafeArea = ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea;
Vector2 hudLocation = new Vector2(titleSafeArea.X + camera.Position.X, titleSafeArea.Y + camera.Position.Y);
Vector2 center = new Vector2(titleSafeArea.Width + camera.Position.X / 2.0f,
titleSafeArea.Height + camera.Position.Y / 2.0f);
// Draw time remaining. Uses modulo division to cause blinking when the
// player is running out of time.
string timeString = "TIME: " + level.TimeRemaining.Minutes.ToString("00") + ":" + level.TimeRemaining.Seconds.ToString("00");
Color timeColor;
if (level.TimeRemaining > WarningTime ||
level.ReachedExit ||
(int)level.TimeRemaining.TotalSeconds % 2 == 0)
timeColor = Color.Yellow;
timeColor = Color.Red;
DrawShadowedString(hudFont, timeString, hudLocation, timeColor);
// Draw score
float timeHeight = hudFont.MeasureString(timeString).Y;
DrawShadowedString(hudFont, "SCORE: " + level.Score.ToString(), hudLocation + new Vector2(0.0f, timeHeight * 1.2f), Color.Yellow);
//method which draws the score and the time (and is causing the problem)
private void DrawShadowedString(SpriteFont font, string value, Vector2 position, Color color)
spriteBatch.DrawString(font, value, position + new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), Color.Black);
spriteBatch.DrawString(font, value, position, color);
As the exception says, the problem exists because one of the Texture2Ds you are using is being disposed before you are using it.
There are two things in the XNA API (that come to mind) that will dispose of a Texture2D: The ContentManager.Unload() method for any textures loaded by that content manager, and the Texture2D.Dispose() method. So check if your own code is calling one of these two functions at any point.
The exception will only be thrown when the Texture2D instance is "used". Because SpriteBatch batches together texture draws, the texture doesn't actually get used until you end the SpriteBatch (at which point it draws everything in one go). If you change to SpriteSortMode.Immediate SpriteBatch will stop batching sprites and will instead draw them "immediately" you ask it to. This will cause the texture to be used and the exception to be thrown at a Draw call instead of an End call, which should make it easier to identify which texture is being disposed of while still in use.
The code you have posted seems to be fine, I suspect the problem exists elsewhere in your code. The above information should help you identify where the problem is.
My guess is that something is happening in level.Draw that is disposing of a texture somewhere. It doesn't look like the drawhud method in particular is responsible
You mention though that you are sure it's caused by the drawstring methods ... if you comment those two out in particular does the error go away?
