Invalid Hook Call error when running Next app from PM2 - node.js

We have an install of Node.js running on a Windows Server 2012R2 web server. A developer created an application for us using Next/React/Node (I'm not a web developer so I'm unsure of the specifics of the various development tools used). This app works fine when manually started on the command line like this:
C:\NodeApps\pacifield>"C:\PROGRAM FILES\NODEJS\NODE.EXE" C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\next\dist\bin\next start
However this requires someone to manually login and restart the app whenever the server is rebooted or the app stops for whatever reason. I am trying to setup PM2 to run the app. I have it up and running fine until you browse to the app - at which point you get the following error:
next-server.ts:306 Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.
at resolveDispatcher (c:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react\cjs\react.development.js:1476:13)
at useContext (c:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react\cjs\react.development.js:1484:20)
at useSession (c:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\next-auth\dist\client\index.js:75:39)
at Provider (c:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\next-auth\dist\client\index.js:588:12)
at processChild (C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:3353:14)
at resolve (C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:3270:5)
at ReactDOMServerRenderer.render (C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:3753:22)
at (C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:3690:29)
at Object.renderToString (C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server.node.development.js:4298:27)
at Object.renderPage (C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\next\dist\server\render.js:596:45)
I have checked and there is only the one installation of React in C:\NodeApps\pacifield\node_modules\react and the other suggestions don't seem to make sense when it runs fine outside of PM2. I have checked with ProcessExplorer that all the environment variables are the same (except for the additional ones PM2 adds) when the app is run from the command line vs. PM2.
Anyone have any suggestions?

Hooks can only be call inside of functional component or inside another hook.
take note: Invalid Hook Call Warning
Notify your frontend developer it.


Problems Deploying Node App With

I would like to post a simple stripe integration on render. I apologize in advance for my ignorance on the topic but, since I'm more front-end oriented, it's the first time I've attempted to do such a thing so I would like to ask you
if the repository is ready to be published, if there is some error that can cause the deploy to fail or if some preliminary operation is required (in the server folder I also have an .env file with the stripe keys and I specified STATIC_DIR = "../client/")
In after clicking on "new" - "web service" and connecting the github repository and considering that from the terminal I start the server.js with the following commands:
cd server
node server.js
how should I fill in the "root directory", "build command" and "start command" fields since it's still not clear to me? Is the root directory the folder that contains the server.js file inside? In my case it would be for example "folderName/server" or simply "server"?
I tried to upload the repository to render but i get the following error message
Failed - Exited with status 1 while running your code.
It also tells me "error cannot find module express"
then I reinstalled express in server folder with npm install express and verified it was already installed. I therefore believe that there is a path error in the phase in which I create the web service.
error snippet
I hope I have provided enough data and I thank anyone who is willing to give me a hand in advance
I solved the problem. I had to specify in in advanced the key - value pairs of my .env file
I noticed it thanks to the Cyclic app which, after loading the repository, warned me that if the app doesn't work it could be because of that
I hope it will help someone

Debug compilation errors errors using Angular Universal in Angular 8 Application

A Brief Backstory
I have been implementing several upgrades to an Angular 8 application such as server-side rendering, and Google Analytics. As most developers do, I would code then test then move on to the next task. Typically I use ng serve to run the application as I am developing.
With Server-side rendering, to test speed, lazy-loaded images, etc, you need to use a node express server running on a generated JS file. After building, etc, I use Node prerender (my js file is prerender.js) to see what the application will look like prerendering on the server.
When I run this command, I should not get any errors, and I know my prender file will start a local server on port 4000.
The Problem
I get errors when running a node express server that I do not get when running with ng serve I recently got an error that said:
Unhandled Promise rejection: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined
at new ApplicationRef (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:45910:37)
at _createClass (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:37184:20)
at _createProviderInstance (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:37138:26)
at initNgModule (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:37044:32)
at new NgModuleRef_ (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:38176:9)
at Object.createNgModuleRef (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:38159:12)
at NgModuleFactory_.create (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:50821:25)
at C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\prerender.js:29175:43
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\prerender.js:481:26)
at Object.onInvoke (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\prerender.js:28683:33) TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined
at new ApplicationRef (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:45910:37)
at _createClass (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:37184:20)
at _createProviderInstance (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:37138:26)
at initNgModule (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:37044:32)
at new NgModuleRef_ (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:38176:9)
at Object.createNgModuleRef (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:38159:12)
at NgModuleFactory_.create (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\server\main.js:50821:25)
at C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\prerender.js:29175:43
at ZoneDelegate.invoke (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\prerender.js:481:26)
at Object.onInvoke (C:\4towerdevelopment\dist-stage\prerender.js:28683:33)
The closest this gets me to figuring what actually is causing the problem is letting me know that a provider somewhere is causing this error. Looks like something should be an observable rather than a subscription. Beyond that, I guess I just start looking through my providers. My question is:
How can I force Angular to possibly throw this error when developing using ng serve?
If I can't, is there a better way to debug this current error besides combing through each provider? Or at least a way to tell what service is causing the issue?
Thank you.
UPDATE: Basic repo with problem here. I made a new angular project, made sure dependencies were up to date, installed ngUniversal per this post, and received this same Unhandled promise message when running node prerender
Verbatim I went to to the Angular cli website, made a new project (default Angular version installed was 8.3), installed Angular Universal, and tried to build. Same error message as above.
This looks like it was ApplicationRef that triggered the error, and that class is provided internally by the Angular core.
It could be failing in the constructor of the class, and there are a few calls to subscribe on Zone observables. I don't think you're going to find anything in your source code that directly relates to this error. It looks like a build configuration problem.
I do not know what could possibly produce this problem, but I would start a new project with SSR and compare the differences to your current project.
Eventually, I dropped the angular 6 approach using pre-render, and went with the latest universal package. There seems to be no problem building using npm run build:ssr and serving dist/server.js in an express server. I am not sure what the problem was with the pre-render approach, but it seems to be outdated anyways. #Reactgular thanks for the feedback.

Content Security Policy violation in a fresh Ember app

Today I created my first Ember App using the ember-cli:
ember new my-app
cd my-app
ember serve
so that it appears by url localhost:4200.
I fail on the next step:
Change content of the basic template application.hbs
After I perform some text changes I hit Cmd+S and reload the page the content remains the same.
The browser console is "clean", but I get error messages in the terminal
Content Security Policy violation: {}
The content of application.hbs:
<h2 id="title">This is a test message</h2>
My environment:
ember version: 0.2.3, node: 0.12.2, npm: 2.7.6.
I've searched for answers on Stack, but mostly they concern apps that have some external data requests, but my project is brand new and fresh, so I'm confused.
Looking forward to your replies,
Some additional info:
I figured out that the problem is that the ember app does not "hear" the trigger, when a file has been changed. I don't receive a
file changed templates/application.hbs
notification in the terminal. Something globally is blocking or interrupting the regular app run.
Still looking forward receiving your suggestions !
Apparently the problem has nothing to do with Content Security Policy violation. It is a local issue of the file system. The terminal didn't display messages that changes were triggered in the template file application.hbs - as a result no updates.
The current solution is starting the ember server with an option:
ember serve --watcher=polling
As soon as I figure out the initial problem I'll return and update this answer.

Make watch not break down on error thrown by grunt-express-server

I use Yeoman to do some angular development with grunt, livereload etc.
I've also set up a basic node.js/express app and I'm sharing some JS between the client (angular) and the server (node) using grunt-contrib-copy and grunt-express-server that fires on every file-save using watch. So far so good!
The problem is if I introduce a syntax error into the code that I want to share with node and hit save. The syntax error gets shown in the log and breaks/stops the watch. Then I have to go restart the watch in the console by doing $ ctrl+c and $ grunt server.
Is there a way to get grunt-express-server not to break/stop the watch that's going on if a syntax error is found in the js code?
I'm the author of grunt-express-server and working the issue here:
I've been able to work around this problem by running grunt-parallel or grunt-concurrent, which prevents errors from preventing execution of watch.

Change configuration in runtime by changing environment variables using the module node-config

I'm trying to use the node-config module to change some parameters of my configuration (basically logging level) during runtime.
In the official documentation says:
Environment variables can be used to override file configurations. Any environment variable that starts with $CONFIG_ is set into the CONFIG object.
I've checked that this is true when the server starts but it does not seem to work once it's up. (The handler of the watch function is never called when an environment variable is changed unlike a change in the runtime.json file or directly changing a config variable).
I'm currently watching the whole CONFIG object like this:
var CONFIG = require('config'); CONFIG , null , function(object, propertyName, priorValue, newValue){
console.log("Configuration change detected");
Does anyone know if this is possible?
The environment is available during startup of a process.
If the process is running, you won't be able to change the environment anymore, the process is in.
The only option is to restart the process or use other mechanisms to communicate with it.
Say for example having a rest or tcp listener inside, where you can transfer your variable inside.
Best regards
As you must knowing, React is a single page application which is eventually when it is complied is a static page app that means all the files of the react application is complied into vanilla JS and CSS file bundle in a Tarball. Now that Tarball is eventually deployed on a web server. It could be Apache web server, nginx web server or anything which you are using it but an important point is the static app is running in someone else browser and someone access to website CSS and JS are downloaded in a browser and it is running in the browser runtime environment so technically you cannot have a runtime environment variable for someone else browser but may be there would be a way to access them during runtime.
I have achieved this goal with the package called runtime-cra.
follow the steps on this official documentation:
