ADF convertTimeZone Invalid Timezone ID - azure

I encounter this weird issue related on using convertTimeZone function in ADF.
convertTimeZone function expect 4 params which are timestamp string, source timezone, new timezone, date format
Refer to this document []
I keep receiving error
the function 'convertTimeZone', the value provided for the time zone id 'Singapore Standard Time' was not valid. "
I double check it whether the timezone I provided is in the microsoft time zone list
Refer to this document:
Which in this case is in the list. Any thoughts?

Use the below expression to convert UTC to 'Singapore Standard Time' time zone.
#string(convertTimeZone(utcnow(), 'UTC','Singapore Standard Time'))
Reference: Microsoft Time Zone Index Value


Azure SQL Database - How to change time zone settings?

My Azure server is hosted in East US. In the SQL DB, when I use getdate(), it returns UTC time. But I need to get EST time. How can I achieve it? Is there any setting I need to change?
The easiest way to get the current time in the US Eastern time zone is:
select SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() AT TIME ZONE 'Eastern Standard Time'
This returns a datetimeoffset and accounts correctly for daylight saving time.
OP has developed a function:
CREATE FUNCTION FN_GET_EST(#p_in_date as datetime) returns DATETIME
DECLARE #dt_offset AS datetimeoffset
SET #dt_offset = CONVERT(datetimeoffset, #p_in_date) AT TIME ZONE 'Eastern Standard Time'
RETURN CONVERT(datetime, #dt_offset);

Mongoose datetime and timezone, how to get datetime based on server timezone

The first answer of this question suggests that mongoose would adapt the date according to server timezone when retrieving data.
However, I don't have this comportement.
I set the (node) server timezone with :
For exemple if I create a simple model like :
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const testSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
myDate: { type: Date, required: true },
}, { timestamps: true });
exports.Comment = mongoose.default.model('TestSchema', testSchema);
But if I create a date with 2020-01-01 20:20:20, when doing TestSchema.find() the date will be: 2020-01-01T19:20:20.000Z so there are two things that I don't understand :
Europe/Paris is actually UTC +2, so I would expect the date to be either 2020-01-01T18:20:20.000Z in UTC or 2020-01-01T20:20:20.000Z with the server timezone
How to have mongoose automatically set the date to the correct timezone?
I know that myDate is a Date object, so I can convert it manually but I'd rather not have to do it myself for simple reasons like forgetting to convert one of the dates in the application or not having to do it every time a Date field is added
An easy solution that I can think of would be to register a global plugin for mongoose which would use schema.set('toJSON', ... and schema.set('toObject', ...) with the transform method so I can loop through schema fields and if the field is a Date, update it to my timezone.
But I see two problems with this approch :
It doesn't sound very good performance-wise if I am querying a lot of documents each with a lot of fields
As you can see here I am currently not able to register global plugins...
What would be the best method to get the date in the server timezone format? I would rather still store them in UTC but set the hour according to the server timezone.
I just saw that while console.log(myDate) outputs 2018-01-01T19:20:20.000Z console.log(myDate.toString() outputs Mon Jan 01 2018 20:20:20 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) so it seems likes this could be used, even tho I'd rather still have a Date object and converting it to string just before sending it to the client (would need some formatting tho since this format is not very user friendly). But then again, how would I do this globally and not for every date
A few things:
Europe/Paris at 2020-01-01T20:20:20 is UTC+1. It doesn't switch to UTC+2 until Summer Time kicks in on March 29th. Reference here. Thus the conversion to 2020-01-01T19:20:20Z is correct.
The output of console.log when passed a Date object is implementation specific. Some implementations will emit the output of .toString() (which is in local time in RFC 2822 format), and some will emit the output of .toISOString() (which is in UTC in ISO 8601 extended format). That is why you see the difference.
In general, it is not good to send a local time without also sending a time zone offset. ISO 8601 format is ideal, but you should send either 2020-01-01T19:20:20Z, or 2020-01-01T20:20:20+01:00. Don't just send the date and time without an offset to the client. Otherwise, if your client could be in a different time zone then they would interpret the value incorrectly.
Keep in mind that Date objects are not time zone aware. They contain only a Unix timestamp internally, and they convert only to the system's local time zone for the functions that work in local time. They cannot work in any other time zone.
Relying on the system local time zone is bad for portability. One doesn't always have the ability to change it, and it doesn't do well when you have to work in multiple time zones. It would be better to not rely on setting a local time zone from Node's TZ variable. Instead, consider writing your code to be independent of any local time zone setting.
A time zone aware date library can help with most of your concerns. I can recommend Luxon, js-Joda, Moment + Moment-Timezone, or date-fns + date-fns-timezone.
"how would I do this globally" is something I'm not following in your question. Try the approach I described, and if you still have issues then open a new question. Try to be specific and ask a single question. You're likely to get better results that way. Please read How do I ask a good question? and How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. Thanks.
To solve the issue:
npm i mongoose-timezone
In your schema file:
import timeZone from "mongoose-timezone";
const testSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
myDate: { type: Date, required: true },
}, { timestamps: true });
// mongoose will save the dates based on user's timezone
mongoose-timezone basically adds the current timezone offset to the
date before store and removes the offset when retrieving data. This
way dates are kept proportional in the database and in the app.

Are Alexa skill dates the same in the Service Simulator and the Echo?

My Alexa node.js skill involves getting the current date using "new Date()". In the Service Simulator the date returned is UTC. But I need the time in "America/New_York" -- my skill is local to New York. So I can convert the time zone, no problem. But I'm wondering whether this will get the same result when I deploy the skill. That is, does the Date() function on the actual Service convert to local time from UTC? If it does, then I will need some way of determining in my code whether I am in the Service Simulator or the actual Service, and converting to New York time in my accordingly.
Thank you.
From the documentation for Date
If no arguments are provided, the constructor creates a JavaScript Date object for the current date and time according to system settings.
So depending on the system settings the timezones can be different.
To overcome this you can use UTC date everywhere and then simply convert the timezone where needed.
// date with some timezone depending on system
let date = new Date();
// date in UTC
let utcDate = new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds());
Note: utcDate will still be in the system timezone, but the actual value it holds will represent the correct date and time in UTC.

how to get local timezone on azure service

I have a service running on azure cloud. This service runs in every 1 min and picks some files from ftp server. These files have Datetime fields and not datetimeoffset, which when read by service become UTC dates. These FTp servers are in different timezone.
For example one of the ftp is in GMT timezone. Say file has date 12/5/2015 time 12:15. This is read by service as UTC(because no timezone received) and stored in database as 12/5/2015: 12:15:00 +0:00, while it should be
12/5/2015: 11:15:00 +0:00.
I still want to save date in database as UTC, need a way to get these ftp timezones, so I can parse date correctly.
The problem is we can't make any changes in file.
Is there any way cloud sevice can get timezone for these FTP?
There's nothing Azure specific here for what you want, but you can roll your own solution.
You'd have to do some fancy stuff to guess the timezone of an FTP server, which would involve doing a DNS lookup of the server to figure out it's IP address, mapping that IP address to a city, and looking up the city's Time Zone. You could do that but it would be error prone.
There's an easier and more reliable option. It sounds like you your list of FTP servers is fairly static. You can just create a lookup table that says which timezone each FTP server is in, and use that table to figure out which timezone offset you should use.
Best practice: Server-side code should never depend on the time zone or culture settings of the server that is hosting the code. Instead, these concerns should be addressed in the code itself.
For example, assuming your service is written in C# / .NET, you might have code like this:
string s = "12/5/2015 12:15 PM"; // from the file
DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(s);
DateTime utc = dt.ToUniversalTime();
The above code relies on the server's local time zone during the ToUniversalTime function. It also relies on the server's culture during the Parse function.
Instead, you should have knowledge of the time zone and culture of the input file. For example:
string s = "12/5/2015 12:15 PM"; // from the file
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(s, "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
TimeZoneInfo tz = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Europe Standard Time");
DateTime utc = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dt, tz);
This code supplies the CET/CEST time zone, and also provides an exact input format using the invariant culture.
Late post, but thought I would post my solution to help anyone else:
TimeZone localZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
var cetZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(localZone.StandardName);
var cetTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, cetZone);
DateCreated = Convert.ToDateTime(cetTime.ToString());
In my instance, the localZone.StandardName gives me "South African Standard Time", which I believe is GMT+2.
Hope this helps someone else out!

Google Tasks Migration to Exchange account

I have retrieved Tasks from my Gmail account using OAuth 2.0 Dot Net Google client library ( When I save any of these tasks to my exchange account using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices Dot Net library, the date of Task is adjusted automatically, although the time zone of Gmail account and exchange account are same i.e. Central Time (US & Canada). I want to prevent this automatically adjustment in Task date.
Can any one help?
Make sure you set the time zone on the ExchangeService object to the user's time zone.
I have solved the problem by using Calendar time zone. Basically, Google Calendar has time zone information. I retrieved time zone information from primary calendar and then before saving Task to Exchange account, I converted due date to UTC with following C# code
if (task.Due.Value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local)
dueDateUTC = task.Due.Value.ToUniversalTime();
unspecifiedKindDate = new DateTime(dueDateUTC.Year, dueDateUTC.Month, dueDateUTC.Day);
dueDateUTC = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(unspecifiedKindDate, Utility.OlsonTimeZoneToTimeZoneInfo(timezone), TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
This code first of all find out that whether Task due date is in local time zone or not. If it is in local time zone then due date is converted into UTC. After converting into UTC, a unspecified kind datetime object is created through following code
unspecifiedKindDate = new DateTime(dueDateUTC.Year, dueDateUTC.Month, dueDateUTC.Day);
This unspecified kind datetime is then again converted to UTC with the help of following code
dueDateUTC = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(unspecifiedKindDate, Utility.OlsonTimeZoneToTimeZoneInfo(timezone), TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
Now this "dueDateUTC" object is used to save Task information into Exchange account. On saving Task, Exchange server automatically converts dueDateUTC to mailbox time zone and this was desired. :)
