Our product have passed all mandatory features of Profile S T ,but we cant get the DOC and FeatureList .
enter image description here
Looks like the profile S and profile T had passed. I Click the " Generate Doc With Errata" and then heres's what I got:
enter image description here
So What can I do to get the right DOC and FeatureList ?
You need to mark the optional features (when it queries the services during the "DEFINE FEATURES" step as not supported so they don't get tested and failed.
Also the failed features you have shown are required by profile S. Basic notification interface is required by profile S devices, it's optional just for clients.
Acumatica having an inbuild function to accept signature in mobile and attached to the relevant document. I have tried to find the source code in the Acumatica repository and not able to figure it out. How to customize the base functionality?
This is done in the mobile application section of the customization project. The following is the example from the T400 Mobile training course on Acumatica Open University.
update screen SO301000 {
update container "OrderSummary" {
add recordAction "SignReport" {
behavior = SignReport
displayName = "Sign"
Just add the recordAction as shown in the example into the container where you want the signature attached. It should provide an action in the mobile screen and save the signature images as a file attachment to the record tied to the container when utilized.
I need to get room information from the Revit model via Forge. I have tried to use generateMasterViews parameter as in this example;https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/new-rvt-svf-model-derivative-parameter-generates-additional-content-including-rooms-and-spaces. But , it did not work. How can I show the room details of the .rvt model in Model Browser of the viewer and get the room details by using model derivative's web service that is using for get metadata and properties? (Exporting nwc file and using it is not applicaple for me.)
I am using the Acumatica REST endpoint https://sandbox.kimballinc.com/AcumaticaERP/entity/Default/6.00.001 in my application
I am using the URL https://sandbox.kimballinc.com/AcumaticaERP/entity/Default/6.00.001/StockItem?$filter=InventoryID eq '123456'&$expand=WarehouseDetails to fetch info about a Product and to get complete warehouse details
My query is how to expand and get Price/CostInfo details in the response
Expand should be used for the arrays declared inside the entity in the web service endpoint:
Price/CostInfo is not an array so it can't be expanded. The default endpoint doesn't contain those fields so you'll need to extend the endpoint and add them:
Select the StockItem entity and use POPULATE button to add the fields:
Extended endpoint requires that you specify a different endpoint name:
In this example I choose DefaultPlus so I need to connect to:
Instead of:
The added fields will be part of the GET response for StockItem, no special parameter is required for that.
I took a look at your site and noticed that you are using Acumatica 2018 R2.
I would then recommend that you use the latest version of the endpoint 18.200.001 as there are more field there by default.
If I saw correctly some of the fields for the Price/Cost Info are already in the main entity as they have a relation 1:1 to it.
To resume it using the latest version of the endpoint would allow you to see these field without the need to expand anything.
Along with the thumbnail photo, I may want to display other properties in my master pages that are imported from AD such as "company" using User Profile sync
If I use SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser() (https://spservices.codeplex.com/documentation), I can get selected properties held in user profile settings. However, I can't make this call since the property does not exist here (yet).
var company = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser({
fieldName: "Company",
debug: false
It is however, is displayed both in http://mysite.mydomain.com/_layouts/EditProfile.aspx when in Mysite and _layouts/ProfAdminEdit.aspx (Edit user properties in Central Admin). I guess my question is then to be able to use SPServices, do I somehow edit the default properties and include my "Company" attribute held in the user' mysite profile? Alternatively, is there another way to access the properties held in the user profile with JavaScript ?
$().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser calls this page : http://you.site.com/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?Force=True&1376982818371. For me the function is not able to parse the page correctly, but you could simply use jQuery (or pure JS or whatever) to get by yourself the same page, and then parse it to find the data you want.
Otherwise you can use $SP().people() to query the User Profile Service and gets the info for the user. See the example from the provided link. In theory that should return you the same information or even more info.
I have API key and API secret and i have downloaded the recent library 3.1.
When i use the example mentioned, i get public photos. And the library i am using included this file phpFlickr.php which has all methods.
I am now trying to access the photo sets api, which is not returning anything. And the document says there is no other authentication that is required. please check the code below
$f = new phpFlickr("56cc01317fdce40c31c8f66498746c4d");
$sets = $f->photosets_getList();
#sandy : If you want to show flickr slider gallery in your website then you can use pictobrowser its best way to display flickr and Piccasa albums on website.
Using PictoBrowser one can easily embed Flickr and Picasa photostreams in anywebsite. All you need is follow few simple steps given here.
- visit http://pictobrowser.com/
- Click PictoBuilder at the top left corner of the page.
- Enter your Flickr/Picasa username.
- Choose images/ albums.
- Set Tag or Groups.
- It outputs some HTML code
- Copy that HTML code and paste it in your website or blog.