Device manager does not work (open) after updating Android Studio to 2021.1.1 - android-studio

Android studio's device manager AVD manager works fine in old versions, but in 2021.1.1 version does not open!
Windows 10 and 11 tested
last version flutter
Sdk manager everything updated
could anyone help?

I still have the same problem with the Bumblebee version, but for now you can use the Search Everywhere feature (you can access "Search Everywhere" by pressing double shift) and type in
"Virtual Device Manager"
then it will works.
This is a temporary solution for now.

I had the same problem, found the solution to return the icon to the toolbar, where it's easy to use it.
I guess it happans to anyone who upgrades from prvious version.
The idea is just to replace the "old" device manager with the new device manager created in 2021.1.1.
Right click the right side of the top toolbar and click the "Customize Menues and toolbars.
In the "Menus and Toolbar" window expand "Main Toolbar"
Expand "Android.MainToolBarActionGroup"
Press the "+" button in the top and select "Add Action..."
In the "Choose Action To Add" windows , search for "Virtual Device manager", select it and press OK.
You will see the the new icon is added.
To make sure it's working you can press OK to close this window and return to Android Studio main screen.
Now, you should have 2 similar icons in the toolbar, only the bubbles will be different.
The old is called "Device manager"
The new one is called "Virtual Device Manager"
Make sure it really works and opens the new Device Manager.
Once it is working , you can go back to the toolbar manger and delete the old icon.
Folow setps 1-3 above
Locate the "Android.RunAndroidAvdManager" item, select it and delete it by pressing the "-" button in the top of the screen.
Close this window and return to main screen.

Step 1: Select FILE (on the top left)
Step 2: Select PROJECT STRUCTURE (<Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S> on Windows/Linux).
Step 3: Select MODULES on the left under Project Settings.
Step 4: Hit the plus (+) button.
Step 5: Add ANDROID and hit OK Button.
Now you can open Device Manager

I too met this problem temp solution this that which wrote Zaid Salam
My version Android Studio -> Bumblebee 2021.1.1 Patch 1
My OS -> macOS Monterey

If you cannot seem to be able to right-click the toolbar as Yahalom mentioned, go to View > Appearance and select Toolbar.
The toolbar will move and a big space will be available on the right to right-click.

As pointed out by the answer above, the update from an older version does not replace the button action correctly.
But to fix it for me (Android Studio on Linux), I had to edit the Navigation Bar Toolbar rather than the Main Toolbar. As the IntelliJ docs mention, the main toolbar is hidden by default.
(Could not comment on the original answer yet, so I had to create a separate response)


Can't see action tool bar on Android Studio

Everything was fine yesterday. But I opened a new Android Studio project and can't see the top action bar (With various button shortcuts). And I can't find an option to reenable it.
Need help ;_;
Go to View -> Appearance and check those specific toolbars are activated or not

Android Studio isn't showing the xml editor [duplicate]

How can I enable the text/design Tab on the a src/main/res/layout folder on the activity_main.xml file that was created automatically during create new project? If i do right click and create xml file on the said folder, the design/text tab exist. Any suggestion? Thanks.
No Text/Design Tab on the Bottom Part of the Android Studio
Creating a new XML in the Res/Layout Folder, the design/text tab is now present.
Any help? this is super weird guys...
In Android Studio 3.6 use these three buttons (Code | Split | Design), on top right, to switch between views.
I had the same problem, restarting the IDE did make that tab appear again.
On Android Studio 3.6.1
Top Right corner under the main toolbar you have three different icons (Code, Split, Design).
View -> Tool windows -> Preview .
Output view:
use the three buttons (Code|Split|Design)on top right hand side to switch between views.
I also had this problem after upgrading to 1.5. None of the above suggestions worked for me. I noticed that the default relative layout xml has changed with a third xmlns line and an app behavior line. I opened an older project and copied the old relative layout header to replace the new. Instantly the preview function was restored.
You can also Move between Design / Text tabs in layout’s view with simple shortcut:
(Mac) : control + shift + ← / →
(Windows / Linux): alt + shift + ← / →
On the top right corner of the activity_main.xml file view, there are 3 icons representing "Code", "Split" and "Design". Click on the leftmost icon of the three ("Code") for the text tab.
In the android Studio window, at the left side there are two options available(Project and Resource Manager). Go to resource and there you will see an ADD Module option, click on that. After this you will see your text and design option will get enabled, you can go to your work area by Project Name->app ->src ->main->res ->layout.
Yes, Even I had the same problem. For the first time... I think It wont show, restarting the IDE did make that tab appear again.
I had this problem too, I deleted all the preference files, such as the AndroidStudioPreview folder &, then restarted android studio, it worked.
You do not need to restart an IDE. All you need is to close an xml file that does not get a tab and reopen it within an editor. It is a little bug.
Navigate to activity_main.xml tab then Design and Text tab appears.
It doesn't appear in tab.
You do not need to restart IDE.
If text/design tab is missing in new android studio, this can solve by two methods.
You have re-install android studio. And don't forget to delete android studio related all files from temp and local.
Or you can re-install SDK (software development kit) according to your device.

Visual Studio - Menu Options - Float Right or Left

I clicked on something in Visual Studio 2017 and now all the dropdown menu options are floating to the left instead of the default right. Below is a print screen of how it should look...
But I get something like this, floats to the left ...
I've gone through the options pretty thoroughly but I can't seem to find the option for this. Does anyone know where the option to control this is?
The direction of the menus in Visual Studio is actually controlled by a setting on OS level. On recent versions of Windows, it's pretty well hidden but you can directly run the following in the Windows -> Run dialog (Win+R) to open the settings dialog:
explorer shell:::{80F3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E}
and change the radio button in Tablet PC Settings -> Other -> Handedness to Right-handed.
You can change the horizontal direction that the menus in Visual Studio roll out to by editing the registry as well (useful if the "Other" tab in Tablet PC Settings is not visible on your instance of Windows).
Open the registry (type regedit in the start menu and press Enter).
Navigate to this location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
If you don't have an entry called MenuDropAlignment, right click and create a new StringValue (REG_SZ) called MenuDropAlignment.
Change the value of MenuDropAlignment to be whichever way you want the menus to open to.
0 = Menus open to right (this is the "normal" way that most people expect the menus to open)
1 = Menus open to left
Once you have finished making this change, close everything and restart your machine.

How to return item to context menu in Android Studio

In my Android Studio, when I have a cursor on the regular exprssion and if I click Alt + Enter I see a context menu like this
There was an item Check Regexp or something like this but I click accidentaly Disable... and it disappeared. Tell me please where can I find it in android studio to make it return back.
Those menu items are called Intention Actions.
To configure intention settings using the Settings/Preferences dialog
Open the Settings / Preferences Dialog by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S or by choosing File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for macOS, and click Intentions under Editor.
In the Intentions page, clear the checkboxes of the intention actions or action c1ategories that you do not currently need.
Selecting or clearing a category affects all intention actions in this category.
Apply changes and close the dialog.
Check for details here

Android : cannot input text from keyboard

When my android sdk update to newest version, i met the issue is : I cannot type text into Android Emulator by using computer keyboard, and I cannot use Android Emulator keyboard (the keyboard that next to the screen).
If I want to input some text, I must use this : click to textfield where I want to type. It will go to screen with virtual keyboard (as a real mobile phone), and click the character I want.
This annoy me because make me slower when debug an app. Please help me, how to type directly using keyboard.
Thanks :)
Add "Keyboard support" to your emulator hardware:
On Eclipse, go to Window > AVD Manager
Choose your emulator > Edit
Click "New" button in "Hardware" section
Select "Keyboard support" and change value to "Yes"
Finally, click on "Edit AVD" button.
Then you could input text to your emulator from your keyboard.
FYI - since I upgraded to sdk v14, I've had settings issues on the emulators. Leap's solution does work, but you might have to start and stop the emulator several times before these settings stick. No idea why that is ...
