Custom date format in KQL - azure

I would like to know if there is a possibility to customize the format of a specific datetime in KQL.
For example I have the following code:
let value = format_datetime(datetime(07:30:00), "HH:mm");
print value
As a result we obtain 07:30
My question here is that instead of having 07:30, is there a possibility to format it in a way to have a value = 7hr 30m

based on if your input is a datetime or a timespan value, you can try either of the following options (using some string manipulation):
print ts = timespan(07:30:00)
| project output = strcat(toint(ts/1h), "hr ", toint(ts/1m)%60, "min")
print dt = datetime(2021-02-16 07:30:00)
| project output = strcat(datetime_part("hour", dt), "hr ", datetime_part("minute", dt), "min")


tz.localize() returning incorrect offset

I have the following function (with exaggerated logger statements just to help with debugging right now) that takes an input timezone and datetime, and converts it to PST:
def convert_to_pst_equivalent_time(input_datetime, input_timezone):
timezone = pytz.timezone(input_timezone)
dt_date = input_datetime.split("T")[0]
dt_time = input_datetime.split("T")[1].split("-")[0] if "-" in input_datetime.split("T")[1] else \
dt = datetime.strptime((dt_date + " " + dt_time), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"DT is: {}".format(dt))
dt = timezone.localize(dt)"DT is now: {}".format(dt))
dt = dt.astimezone(pytz.timezone("America/Los_Angeles"))"DT is finally: {}".format(dt))
return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
If we have some inputs like "2020-02-03T00:00:00" as "input_datetime" and "Pacific/Norwalk" as the input_timezone, my outputs are the following:
DT is: 2020-02-03 00:00:00
DT is now: 2020-02-03 00:00:00+12:00
DT is finally: 2020-02-02 04:00:00-08:00
However, based on this website (, Pacific/Norwalk should be +11:00, not +12:00, and therefore, my final output after converting to Los Angeles time is also off by 1 hour. Strangely, this is working for other timezones, but this one in particular is offering problems. I've tried doing things like replacing tzinfo= and localize() (as seen above) but neither appear to be returning the right offset. Any ideas?

inbuilt parser in Python for handling dates like : 05/May/2010:12:01:15 +0000

In a logfile, I have my date and time recorded in the format :
[05/May/2010:12:01:15 +0000]
I am trying to extract only the time from the above in Python3.x. I was mainly looking for a inbuilt parser in Python3.x. I ran into different formats except for this. I came up with a solution in JAVA using the below code and I am looking for something similar in Python3.x. Is there one ? Or do I have to write my own parser for extracting the date,time out of this ? Here is the JAVA code of what I wanted :
//field[3] contains "[25/May/2015:23:11:15 +0000]"
String timeStamp = fields[3].substring(1,fields[3].length()).split(" ")[0];
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss",Locale.US);
Date d = null;
try {
d = df.parse(timeStamp);
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.println("Time :"+ d.getTime());// Prints 23:11:15
You can use time.strptime() to parse it into a time.struct_time object:
import time
your_field = "[25/May/2015:23:11:15 +0000]"
parsed = time.strptime(your_field, "[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]")
# NOTE: %z depends on implementation, you might need to remove the timezone info
# before parsing your date/time with `time.strptime()`.
# print time:
print(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", parsed))
# prints: 23:11:15
But if you just want to get the time you don't need to parse it just to build it again, instead you can just substring it out:
your_field = "[25/May/2015:23:11:15 +0000]"
your_time = your_field.split(":", 1)[1].split(" ", 1)[0]
# print time:
# prints: 23:11:15
Here is a solution using datetime.strptime:
from datetime import datetime
field3 = '[25/May/2015:23:11:15 +0000]'
result = datetime.strptime(field3, '[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]')

comparing strings - Lua

I have a file (termino.txt) that is all filled in the following format :
pay the bill
Go to the doctor
All the even lines are of the form RFC 3339 timestamp. What I need is to compare today's date with these dates the file to see if they are the same. I'm trying this:
local function verifica(evt)
local nome= ''
local dia = ''
local turn = 1
local data ="%x")
local file ="termino.txt", "r")
while true do
nome = dia
line = file:read()
dia = line
if (turn %2 == 0) then
> Here I need to compare "data" with "dia" that will receive string with RFC 3339 timestamp format.
turn ++
I need help to make this comparison! Thanks
local dia = '2015-10-6T13:22:53.108Z'
-- parse date info from the RFC 3339 timestamp
local year, month, day = dia:match('(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)')
-- get today's date from Lua, in table format
local today ='*t')
-- compare
if tonumber(year) == today.year
and tonumber(month) == today.month
and tonumber(day) == then
-- the dates match

Why can't I directly assign to object properties using multiple return values from a method?

Based on this question I've coded the following which throws a compilation time error:
Here is the code:
43. Currency currency = new Currency()
44. (currency.rate_one, currency.time_one) = getDateAndRate()
My method with two return values:
def getDateAndRate(){
Date date = new Date()
double rate = getRate();
return [rate, date]
Error thrown
expecting '}', found ',' # line 44, column 26.
(currency.rate_one, currency.time_one) = getDateAndRate()
Try this instead
def (rate, time) = getDateAndRate()
currency.rate_one = rate
currency.time_one = time
There is a trick I learned only recently myself and that is to combine multiple assignment and with:
with (currency) {
(rate_one, time_one) = getDateAndTime()

Groovy : Dates not being calculated correctly? Using TimeCategory

can anyone tell me why these aren't being calculated correctly. I'm trying to add 1 second to the time and it seems to be adding 60 milliseconds when I apply formatting?
import java.text.*
import java.util.*
import groovy.time.TimeCategory
def xmlSlurper = new groovy.util.XmlSlurper()
// Get the previous total for number of journals
def journalCountProp = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("Properties")
def journalCountTotal = journalCountProp.getPropertyValue( "journalCount" ) " 1. Previous JournalCount from last run: "+journalCountTotal
def lastDateProp = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("Properties")
def lastDateHolder = lastDateProp.getPropertyValue( "journalQueryDate" ) " 2. Previous lastDate from last run: "+lastDateHolder
// Get the response for a given timeline
def response = xmlSlurper.parseText(context.expand('${GET Journal using JournalDate#Response}'));
def currentJournalCount = response.Journals.Journal.size() " 3. Number of Journals in this Run: "+currentJournalCount
//Getting the date from the last Journal (including an offset as the array count starts at 0)
def lastDate = response.Journals.Journal[currentJournalCount-1].CreatedDateUTC " 4. CreatedDate from last journal in this response: "+lastDate
// response.Journals.Journal[currentJournalCount-1].CreatedDateUTC
def newdate = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.mmm",lastDate.toString()) "dateBeforeChange: "+newdate.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.mmm")
newdate = newdate+1.seconds
} "date After Change: "+newdate.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.mmm") " 5. "+newdate.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:ss:mmm")
CreatedDate from last journal in this response: 2007-03-29T23:19:52.073
dateBeforeChange: 2007-03-30T00:13:52.013
date After Change: 2007-03-30T12:13:53.013
I can't figure it out?!!
- Richard
HH means "hour in a day (0-23)", whereas hh means "hour in am/pm (1-12)".
See the SimpleDateFormat ApiDoc for a reference (SimpleDateFormat is used under the hood).
