Timestamps in the VS Code Terminal - node.js

For performance benchmarking, I'd like to see Node execution times at the line level in my terminal output (as opposed to the total execution time). It would be helpful to know if my code changes are increasing speed.
Using VS Code. Any recommended extensions?


about managing file system space

Space Issues in a filesystem on Linux
Lets call it FILESYSTEM1
Normally, space in FILESYSTEM1 is only about 40-50% used
and clients run some reports or run some queries and these reports produce massive files about 4-5GB in size and this instantly fills up FILESYSTEM1.
We have some cleanup scripts in place but they never catch this because it happens in a matter of minutes and the cleanup scripts usually clean data that is more than 5-7 days old.
Another set of scripts are also in place and these report when free space in a filesystem is less than a certain threshold
we thought of possible solutions to detect and act on this proactively.
Increase the FILESYSTEM1 file system to double its size.
set the threshold in the Alert Scripts for this filesystem to alert when 50% full.
This will hopefully give us enough time to catch this and act before the client reports issues due to FILESYSTEM1 being full.
Even though this solution works, does not seem to be the best way to deal with the situation.
Any suggestions / comments / solutions are welcome.
It sounds like what you've found is that simple threshold-based monitoring doesn't work well for the usage patterns you're dealing with. I'd suggest something that pairs high-frequency sampling (say, once a minute) with a monitoring tool that can do some kind of regression on your data to predict when space will run out.
In addition to knowing when you've already run out of space, you also need to know whether you're about to run out of space. Several tools can do this, or you can write your own. One existing tool is Zabbix, which has predictive trigger functions that can be used to alert when file system usage seems likely to cross a threshold within a certain period of time. This may be useful in reacting to rapid changes that, left unchecked, would fill the file system.

python: will memory_profiler affect runtime?

I am evaluating the tools that profile my python program. One of the interesting tools here is memory_profiler. Before moving forward, just want to know whethermemory_profiler affects runtime. The reason I am asking this question is that memory_profiler will output a lot of memory usages. So I am suspecting it might affect runtime.
It depends how you are using memory_profiler. This can be used in two different ways:
To get memory usage line-by-line (run with python -m memory_profiler my_script.py). This needs to get memory information (from the OS) for every line executed within the profiled function. How this affects run-time depends on the amount of lines in the function: if it has a lot of lines with fast execution times, it might suppose a significant overhead. On the other hand, if the function to profile has few lines, and each lines has a significant computing time, then the overhead will be negligible.
To get memory as a function of time (run with mprof run my_script.py and plot with mprof plot). In this case the function that collects the memory usage is in a different process as the one that runs your script, hence the overhead is minimal (unless you are using all CPUs).

What may slow down an ATA read-verify command sent to HDD on linux?

I am writing a C program to scan hard drives using ATA read-verify(0x40) command on Linux, like what MHDD's scan does on DOS.
I issue the command using HDIO_DRIVE_TASK, and measure ioctl's block time using CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
I run the program as root, and have its ionice set to real time, but the readouts are always larger than what MHDD shows. Also, MHDD's result don't change a lot, but my program's result often vary a lot.
I try to issue the command twice for each block and measure the block time of the second run.
This fixes part of the problem, but my results still vary a lot.
What factors may slow down my command? How should I avoid them?
P.S. I have some spare drives with different health for testing use.

How to monitor a process in Linux CPU, Memory and time

How can I benchmark a process in Linux? I need something like "top" and "time" put together for a particular process name (it is a multiprocess program so many PIDs will be given)?
Moreover I would like to have a plot over time of memory and cpu usage for these processes and not just final numbers.
Any ideas?
I typically throw together a simple script for this type of work.
Take a look at the kernel documentation for the proc filesystem (Google 'linux proc.txt').
The first line of /proc/stat (Section 1.8 in proc.txt) will give you cumulative cpu usage stats (i.e. user, nice, system, idle, ...). For each process, the file /proc/$PID/stat (Table 1-4 in proc.txt) will provide you with both process-specific cpu usage stats and memory usage stats (see rss).
If you google a bit you'll find plenty of detailed info on these files, and pointers to libraries / apps / code snippets that can help you obtain / derive the values you need. With that in mind, I'll focus on the high-level strategy.
For CPU stats, use your favorite scripting language to create an executable that takes a set of process ids for monitoring. At a fixed interval (ex: 1 second) poll / calculate the cumulative totals for each process and the system as a whole. During each poll interval, write all results on a single line to stdout.
For memory stats, write a similar script, but simply log the per-process memory usage. Memory is a bit easier as we directly obtain the instantaneous values.
Run these script for the duration of your test, passing the set of processes ids that you'd like to monitor and redirecting its output to a log file.
./logcpu $(pidof foo) $(pidof bar) > cpustats
./logmem $(pidof foo) $(pidof bar) > memstats
Import the contents of these files into a spreadsheet (for certain applications this is as easy as copy / paste). For CPU, you are after instantaneous values but have cumulative values, so you'll need to do some minor spreadsheet work to derive these values (it's just the delta 't(x + 1) - t(x)'). Of course you could have your cpu logger write the delta, but you'll be spending a bit more time up front on the script.
Finally, use your spreadsheet to generate a nice plot.
Following are the tools for monitoring a linux system
System commands like top, free -m, vmstat, iostat, iotop, sar, netstat, etc. Nothing comes near these linux utility when you are debugging a problem. These command give you a clear picture that is going inside your server
SeaLion: Agent executes all the commands mentioned in #1 (also user defined) and outputs of these commands can be accessed in a beautiful web interface. This tool comes handy when you are debugging across hundreds of servers as installation is clear simple. And its FREE
Nagios: It is the mother of all monitoring/alerting tools. It is very much customization but very much difficult to setup for beginners. There are sets of tools called nagios plugins that covers pretty much all important Linux metrics
Server Density: A cloudbased paid service that collects important Linux metrics and gives users ability to write own plugins.
New Relic: Another well know hosted monitoring service.

Linux CPU Usage Tools

I've written a tool to capture CPU usage on a per/thread basis. The output of the tools is a binary file, that I can pump into my parsing utility that I wrote. And the output of the parsing utility is a CSV file that I can import into Excel to chart pretty graphs of process/thread CPU usage.
This CPU usage capture tool is running on an embedded ARM platform running a Linux kernel based on That being said, I was concerned about making the tool light weight. I didn't want it to store directly to a CSV file, in order to minimize the processing time and the file size of the captured data.
The tool works, but I'm wondering if I took the long way around the problem? Is there already a tool out there that does this (or something like it)?
You're probably wondering why I care if I already made a tool that works. Well, it's not as light weight as I'd like. It's taking up about 10% of CPU usage. As a benchmark, top only takes up about 1% (max).
I've decided to continue using my tool for now. At least until a better solution becomes available. I was able to shave off a couple percentage points by using open() instead of fopen() on /proc/stat. I'm also using read() instead of fgets().
IBM has a tool called nmon which does the same(for AIX & Linux): According to IBM's documentation, it takes ~2% CPU. You may want to look at that.
Comparing nmon with your tool could give you a fair idea about your program's performance and how you may improve your csv capture.
This might be a bit of a steep learning curve, but you might want look into SystemTap: http://sourceware.org/systemtap/
