Is there something wrong with my Phaser setup? - phaser-framework

Im setting up my environment for my first PhaserJs project. The document loads but not the Phaser code, i checked my devtools and seeing this error. Im using VSCode an installed Phaser using npm and parcel.
Uncaught ReferenceError: AUTO is not defined
at Object.parcelRequire.main.js.phaser (main.js:9)
at newRequire (main.1f19ae8e.js:47)
at main.1f19ae8e.js:81
at main.1f19ae8e.js:120
Some people said they created their own config file or webpack but i don't know how to go about this.


Webpack loading wrong version of Node Module for Angular project

I have a project in Angular 13. I want to use quillJS and I want to add tables so I tried to install quill-better-table in my project.
For some reason the package is not working. I used the web inspector and found this to be the issue:
ERROR TypeError: quill.keyboard.bindings.Backspace is undefined
The problem seems to be located at: quill_better_table_BetterTable quill-better-table.js:2979 and when I check the debugger I can see the line:
let thisBinding = quill.keyboard.bindings['Backspace'].pop();
quill.keyboard.bindings['Backspace'].splice(0, 1, thisBinding); // add Matchers to match and render quill-better-table for initialization
// or pasting
I found a github repo that had this issue fixed:
The problem I'm running into is I dont know how to get that particular repo into my project. I have tried updating the current package and webpack continues to load the old one. I've tried clearing the npm cache and reinstalling the node packages.
I found this guide: which seems to indicate what I should do but I'm not quite npm literate enough to figure it out. Specifically, I dont know that I understand how to create the NPM link.
I'm looking for advice as to how to fix this package. I am going to be reading up on NPM link but I figured if there was another easier way to get this fixed then I would ask. I can load that repo into my node module folder, but I dont know how to make webpack reload the updated module.
Thanks in advance for the help, let me know what details I for got to add.

JetBrains WebStorm npm modules autocompletion not working

I am new to Node.js development and I have installed WebStorm from JetBrains to use it as my JavaScript IDE.
So I am following a tutorial in Udemy and I have come to notice the following problem.
I installed some modules with npm from WebStorm Console and although my JS script is working as intended, WebStorm autocompletion for the npm modules is not working.
Coding assistance for Node.js in my settings is marked! What do I do wrong?
The problems occur because of the weird way properties are defined.
For example, in chalk package they are generated dynamically using Object.defineProperty(this, styleName, {value: builder});, where the styleName is a color name you use in your code. There is no way to resolve them when analyzing file statically.
Normally installing Typescript stubs can be used as a workaround. But this doesn't work for validator due to WEB-43528.
chulk typings are included in package distribution, but not resolved because the required fields in package.json are missing. As a workaround, open node_modules/chalk/package.json and add "types": "index.d.ts", to it:
this should help:

JHipster - prod build is not working correctly

I worked a lot on my JHipster project. After 3 weeks I packaged the project again and tried to run the war.
The war is running but the problem is that there is a problem with the frontend. It shows the Hipster error "An error has occured :-(...".
The console logs:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined
at Module.503
I'm just confused because when I run npm start, everything works. I didn't change the webpack or package.json. I'm using the newest JH version.
I solved my issue. We are using index files in Angular. The order of the exports was not correct. We exported the module first and the module tried to access data from the index which was not exported at this time.
Hope I could help you.

Stuck creating new Ember project in WebStorm with Ember.js plugin

I'm getting stuck creating a new project using the Ember plugin with WebStorm. At the bottom it says /usr/local/Cellar/node/9.5.0/bin/node "" init --name=untitled and there's a line that just keeps spinning under it.
Is it missing the script for node to run and what should I look at to fix this? I tried specifying some different path for node and ember but it didn't help.

react-native attempting to resolve built-in fetch function

I'm attempting to use the fetch function in react-native to grab a piece of data from the web. from what I understand reading the docs, the fetch function is built in to react-native.
when doing so, I get the module resolution error in the attached screenshot, where for whatever reason the react-native bundler is attempting to use the fetch provided by typescript from my ~/.cache directory.
I've previously had typescript 2.6 installed globally via npm, I uninstalled it to see if that might fix things, but the error persists.
I should note that the only things I've done for this project are to create it with create-react-native-app, add a little snippet to the App.js component stolen from the react docs to fetch some JSON, and yarn run eject the project (this error persisted before and after the ejection)
well in my turkey-induced frenzy, it appears I hadn't properly uninstalled the global typescript install on my computer.
having done so properly, the issue is resolved;
however the issue of react-native's module resolution strategy being incompatible with a global typescript installation persists.
