Why can't I commit transactions with Caliper to Hyperledger Fabric? - hyperledger-fabric

I've got Caliper configured as a subtree of my custom Fabric blockchain. I have it configured correctly in order to connect the network and am running a small set of tests at the moment. The arguments I'm providing are absolutely correct in terms of the custom chaincode being run, but whenever I try to create a transaction via Caliper I get the error:
Failed to perform submit transaction [CreateAsset] using arguments [<ARGS>], with error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined
Anybody encountered this before with Caliper V0.4.2? It's interfacing with a Fabric 2.3.3 instance on local machine via Kubernetes, with the latest SDK bound.
The error occurs on line 237 of transactions.js inside the node_module fabric-network, where there is a strict property comparison on a commit object.
Also it's worth noting that the querying part of my test rounds is yielding expected results... none of those assets get created due to the error thrown, and when querying for a given asset an error like so occurs:
Failed to perform query transaction [ReadAsset] using arguments [<ID>], with error: Error: error in simulation: transaction returned with failure: Error: The asset <ID> does not exist
The closest thing I've been able to find is this ~2 year old issue which isn't exactly what I'm facing but it's the same sort of error at least... any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated because I'm struggling to glean useful information. (Link: https://github.com/hyperledger/caliper/issues/727)

The issue was due to the host names being converted to localhost when you want to work anything except a network running locally via docker. You need to launch caliper with the following extra option
--caliper-fabric-gateway-localhost false


asset-transfer-basic blows up with "SendTransaction failed: orderers is nil"

I am trying to run asset-transfer-basic sample program from hyperledger 2.2 (I am using the GO sample programs) My test network is up -- I am able to interact with it by doing "peer chaincode invoke" and exercising different contract methods -- including InitLedger.
However, when trying to run assetTransfer.go program, it blows up when doing:
result, err := contract.SubmitTransaction("InitLedger")
The error message is:
failed to evaluate transaction: Failed to submit: CreateAndSendTransaction failed: SendTransaction failed: orderers is nil
Any clues? THank you
Your length of orderers is zero. You have to set at least one orderer for this process in your fabric-sdk-go code.
This seems to be a bug in the Go SDK. In its current form, the asset-transfer-basic app, the Go flavor, simply does not work.

Problem with Wallet Creation, signature error

I want to create a wallet for new rest api server, but whenever I call code to generate new Wallet I'm getting error like
"Decoding SignatureHeader failed: Error illegal buffer ..."
Here is screen shot of my code, it is taken from virtual machine
I'm using hyperledger fabric 2.2 and run under the fabric-samples/test-network
I was clone this HyperledgerFabroc
Here is also print screen of the error:
I would appreciate if someone can navigate me how to manage successfully to create a wallet ?
Your error looks to be occurring within a chaincode transaction function. You should not be using the client SDK to do a transaction invocation from within chaincode. Instead look to use the invokeChaincode function on the stub:

Chaincode Query Transcation is not executing in EC2 Insance

please find the image first intsertion was happened sucessfully.I am trying to query my transaction in Amazon-EC2 but it is returning NULL with endorsement failure even though my insertion transaction is working fine in the local system.
This is the error I get:
endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"transaction returned with failure: Error: {\"Error\":\"candidate does not exist with: 13VV1A0533\"}"
From the error it seems that the chaincode is missing error handling for scheduleInterview method.
What the error means is that there is no data for the key candidate id.
Do revert if this doesnt help.

Data size limit. Error: Received message larger than max

I am running a node script which connects to the business network and adds assets to the network.
I get the below error.
Error: Error trying invoke business network. Error: No valid responses from any peers.
Response from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: Received message larger than max (5153800 vs. 4194304)
at _initializeChannel.then.then.then.then.catch (/home/sneha/node-app-v1/node_modules/composer-connector-hlfv1/lib/hlfconnection.js:916:34)
at <anonymous>
I followed this solved issue: https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-3301
and changed remote.js file in respective node modules [ composer-playground,composer-client,composer-admin,composer-common etc.. ]
Even after the changes, I can't add the asset through the node script. It throws the same error.
If I add the asset through composer playground it successfully adds the asset but then I can't access the network [ in composer playground ] it throws this error
Error: No connection found with ID 2db7d182-8856-44d5-a9d8-5f7178726423
How can I solve both errors?
How can I set the limit to infinite?
I am using:
Node version: v8.9.4
Composer version: v0.16.5
To change grpc message limits requires you to create/update your connection profile. See https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/reference/connectionprofile
for information about connection profiles.
A no connection profile with id found usually implies you have restarted playground, but not restarted your interaction with playground. Would suggest closing the playground tab and creating new tab to use playground in.

Hyperledger Fabric chaincode instantiation returns timeout expired

I've been working around with Fabric for a a few months now, and I've been trying to run a somewhat complex virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine within a chaincode. It is written in JavaScript so I worked with the nodeJS chaincode version.
I packed the the VM with my chaincode in a directory that i install and instantiate onto the peer. The install completes and exits with no errors, however the instantiation after hanging for a few minutes returns me an error:
Error: Error endorsing chaincode: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = timeout expired while starting chaincode mychaincode:1.0(networkid:dev,peerid:peer0.org1.example.com,tx:....
It should run for quite a few minutes at least as the added packages are ~15MB, according to the example nodejs chaincode runs for a minute at least.
The example nodejs chaincode (chaincode_example02) runs perfectly on both BYFN network from the tutorial and on a basic-network that I've started. My environment was set up according to the documentation (v1.1.0) from the fabric-samples repository (v1.1.0). Even if I only add one package to the example chaincode with the require method, it hangs, than return error.
I've been searching for a flag or config where I can set the timeout value for chaincode instantiation, but with no luck. Where could I increase the timeout value?
Which log should I provide in order to step forward in searching for the soution?
Thanks is advance,
You can modify the chaincode.startuptimeout config by adding a CORE_CHAINCODE_STARTUPTIMEOUT environment variable to the base/peer-base.yaml docker compose file specifying something other than the default.
