mathjax not working when url change in spa - mathjax

I'm using Mathjax to display equations in a web application done in Nextjs. The equations are rendered correctly when the page is loaded first.But when user links to other route with Link, the new page display the latex code.But if i refresh the page, then the equations are rendered correctly.How can i solve this issue?


Have different header while saving it as a partial

I'm working on NodeJS/Express website using template with Mustache.
I have the header for all pages saved as partial, I want to have a background-color for example on one page and not having it in the home page, can this be possible or should I just make another partial?
Thank you

How to scroll down full page if page having 'Loading' at down of page using puppeteer

I need to get a full-page response of the site using puppeteer as the site having Loading at the bottom of the listings. What would be the proper cssSelector for loading button here?. How would it be implemented?
Help would be appreciated!

How to stop certain component from loading when i visit another component

I am working on a Mern-stack Application, and I want some info inside my App.js to not show when I visit Blog and other components.
anytime I visit the Blog page, I don't' want my full image slider and other components that I have in my App.js to display, rather I want the contents of that particular component that I visited to display only.
Perhaps you should consider navigation based on URL in your app. You can display specific view basing on URL match.
For example, at the root URL / you display your full image slider and other home page stuff, and when the URL is /blog you display your Blog component.
One really nice and intuitive way to do it in react is using react-router.

chrome extension css on localhost

I'm working on a chrome extension. The content has a stylesheet content.css. When I run the extension on an external site, it applies the style sheet. When I open a page on my "hello world" page on localhost, it applies the content.css styles initially but the styles go away if I refresh the page and I cannot get them back unless I refresh the extenstion.
Can't figure out why this is but I need to get this resolved.

Is there any way to use adsense in javafx 2.x webview

I created a simply html page include css and js.
When the page is using in the webview How i can add adsense ? Does AdSense work fine ?
WebView is just a html viewer. There is no reason why it would not work with Google AdSense. Adsense generates html ads which should be viewable in a WebView.
Create the appropriate html for including Adsense in a document by following Google's documentation.
Load your html in a standard browser like Chrome and ensure that advertisements are displaying correctly there.
Once your advertisements are displaying correctly in Chrome, then load the same html into WebView - it should work fine.
