Why are these values sometimes undefined? - string

I'm fairly new to Perl and am working on a project to further my learning. It's a little console word game (translated from a python project of mine), and part of the logic requires to draw a random letter from a pool that is 98 characters long.
Running the functions individually, I've never had an issue, but when I try to loop it into a list it occasionally fails. Running with warnings on tells me that some of these are undefined, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. Here's an MRE:
package Random;
sub choice {
my ($str) = #_;
my $random_index = int(rand(length($str)));
return substr($str,$random_index,1); #fixed variable name
package Player;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = { "name" => shift, "letters" => {fillList()} };
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub drawCharacter {
my $freq = "aaaaaaaaabbccddddeeeeeeeeeeeeffggghhiiiiiiiiijkllllmmnnnnnnooooooooppqrrrrrrssssttttttuuuuvvwwxyyz";
my $choice = Random -> choice($freq);
return $choice;
sub fillList {
my #ls = ();
for (0..6) {
push #ls, drawCharacter();
return #ls;
sub getLetters {
my ($self) = #_;
my $arr = $self -> {letters};
return %$arr;
package Main;
my #players = ();
for (0..12){
my $player = Player -> new("Foo");
BIG EDIT: Adding the object I'm using. This is verifiably not working. Warnings:
"Use of uninitialized value in print" and "Odd number of elements in anonymous hash". This is where I think the issue lies.
The list returned by fillList sometimes is missing an item or 2, and in some circumstances even 3 or 4 items are missing. Does anybody know what's going on here? The python one hasn't failed once.
If the python analogue would be helpful, I can include that here too.

The error comes from using a hash ref where you should have an array ref:
my $self = { "name" => shift, "letters" => {fillList()} };
# ^ ^-- wrong brackets
This is what the warning talks about:
Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at foo.pl line 22.
You want to change that to:
my $self = { "name" => shift, "letters" => [fillList()] };
# ^ ^--- creates array ref
And also the line which uses this array
return %$arr;
Where you need to change % to #.
return #$arr;
After those fixes, the code runs without errors for me.


If statements not working with JSON array

I have a JSON file of 2 discord client IDs `{
"premium": [
"a random string of numbers that is a client id",
"a random string of numbers that is a client id"
I have tried to access these client IDs to do things in the program using a for loop + if statement:
for(i in premium.premium){
if(premium.premium[i] === msg.author.id){
//do some stuff
//do some stuff
When the program is ran, it runs the for loop and goes to the else first and runs the code in there (not supposed to happen), then runs the code in the if twice. But there are only 2 client IDs and the for loop has ran 3 times, and the first time it runs it goes instantly to the else even though the person who sent the message has their client ID in the JSON file.
How can I fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated.
You may want to add a return statement within your for loop. Otherwise, the loop will continue running until a condition has been met, or it has nothing else to loop over. See the documentation on for loops here.
For example, here it is without return statements:
const json = {
"premium": [
for (i in json.premium) {
if (json.premium[i] === "aaa-1") {
console.log("this is aaa-1!!!!")
} else {
console.log("this is not what you're looking for-1...")
And here it is with return statements:
const json = {
"premium": [
function loopOverJson() {
for (i in json.premium) {
if (json.premium[i] === "aaa-2") {
console.log("this is aaa-2!!!!")
} else {
console.log("this is not what you're looking for-2...")
Note: without wrapping the above in a function, the console will show: "Syntax Error: Illegal return statement."
for(i in premium.premium){
if(premium.premium[i] === msg.author.id){
//do some stuff
} else{
//do some stuff
1) It will loop through all your premium.premium entries. If there are 3 entries it will execute three times. You could use a break statement if you want to exit the loop once a match is found.
2) You should check the type of your msg.author.id. Since you are using the strict comparison operator === it will evaluate to false if your msg.author.id is an integer since you are comparing to a string (based on your provided json).
Use implicit casting: if (premium.premium[i] == msg.author.id)
Use explicit casting: if (premium.premium[i] === String(msg.author.id))
The really fun and easy way to solve problems like this is to use the built-in Array methods like map, reduce or filter. Then you don't have to worry about your iterator values.
const doSomethingAuthorRelated = (el) => console.log(el, 'whoohoo!');
const authors = premiums
.filter((el) => el === msg.author.id)
As John Lonowski points out in the comment link, using for ... in for JavaScript arrays is not reliable, because its designed to iterate over Object properties, so you can't be really sure what its iterating on, unless you've clearly defined the data and are working in an environment where you know no other library has mucked with the Array object.

How to store a reference to parent object in perl6 (conversion from perl5)

I'm trying to create a Perl 6 client interface to an RPC server, with the class hierarchy matching the server URLs. e.g.
# for url path: /account/login
# client code:
For this to work, the 'child' object (account) needs to store a reference to its parent object (client).
This is what I've tried:
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
class MyApp::Client::Account {
has $!client;
method login() {
# fake login
$!client.session_id = 'abc';
return 'ok';
class MyApp::Client {
has $.session_id is rw;
method account() {
state $empire = MyApp::Client::Account.new( :client(self) );
return $empire;
use Test;
plan( 2 );
my $client = MyApp::Client.new;
my $response = $client.account.login;
is( $response, 'ok', 'login successful' );
ok( $client.session_id, 'client has session_id' );
Running this gives the following error message:
Method 'session_id' not found for invocant of class 'Any'
in method login at test.pl6 line 9
in block <unit> at test.pl6 line 29
# Looks like you planned 2 tests, but ran 0
I don't really know any perl6 class/object idioms yet - am I even going about the design in the right way?
If so, why is $!client within the login() method undefined?
For reference, here's the perl5 (bare-bones) version that I'm trying to convert from:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package MyApp::Client::Account;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {#_}, $class;
sub login {
my $self = shift;
# fake login
$self->{client}->session_id( 'abc' );
return 'ok';
package MyApp::Client;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {#_}, $class;
sub session_id {
my $self = shift;
if (#_) {
$self->{session_id} = shift;
return $self->{session_id};
sub account {
my $self = shift;
$self->{account} ||= MyApp::Client::Account->new( client => $self );
return $self->{account};
package main;
use Test::More tests => 2;
my $client = MyApp::Client->new;
my $response = $client->account->login;
is( $response, 'ok', 'login successful' );
ok( $client->session_id, 'client has session_id' );
Which gives the expected output:
ok 1 - login successful
ok 2 - client has session_id
So there are a few ways that Perl 6 OO differs from other implementations I've used. One is the awesome way that it will auto-fill your member variables for you. However, this only works when they are defined with public accessors.
class G {
has $!g;
has $.e;
method emit { say (defined $!g) ?? "$!g G thing" !! "nada G thing" }
Which will lead to the following behavior:
> my $g = G.new( :g('unit-of-some-kind'), :e('electric') )
G.new(e => "electric")
> $g.emit
nada G thing
> $g.e
So when you are passing self as a reference to MyApp::Client::Account, it isn't being bound to the $!client variable because the default constructor will only bind to publicly accessible member variables.
You can either choose to make it accessible, or you can take the object construction logic into your own hands. This is how I imagine the code to look were I to need my own version in Perl 6 but had to keep client private:
class MyApp::Client::Account {
has $!client;
method new(:$client) {
self.bless( :$client );
# binds $!client to $client automatically based on the signature
submethod BUILD(:$!client) { }
method login() {
# fake login
$!client.session_id = 'abc';
return 'ok';
class MyApp::Client {
has $.session_id is rw;
has $.account;
# the default .new will call .bless for us, which will run this BUILD
submethod BUILD {
$!account = MyApp::Client::Account.new( :client(self) );
It can take some getting used to the new versus BUILD distinction. One key distinguishing point is that self is not available in the scope of new, but it is available in the scope of BUILD (albeit in a not-yet-fully-constructed form).

Which algorithm to find the only one duplicate word in a string?

This is very common interview question:
There's a all-english sentence which contains only a duplicate word, for example:
input string: today is a good day is true
output: is
I have an idea:
Read every character from the string, using some hash function to compute the hash value until get a space(' '), then put that hash value in a hash-table.
Repeat Step 1 until the end of the string, if there's duplicate hash-value, then return that word, else return null.
Is that practical?
Your approach is reasonable(actually the best I can think of). Still take into account the fact that a collision may appear. Even if the hashes are the same, compare the words.
It would work, but you can make your life a lot easier.
Are you bound to a specific programming language?
If you code in c# for example, i would suggest you use the
String.Split function (and split by " ") to transform your sentence into a list of words. Then you can easily find duplicates by using LINQ (see How to get duplicate items from a list using LINQ?) or by iterating through your list.
You can use the Map() function, and also return how many times the duplicate word is found in the string.
var a = 'sometimes I feel clever and sometimes not';
var findDuplicateWord = a => {
var map = new Map();
a = a.split(' ');
a.forEach(e => {
if (map.has(e)) {
let count = map.get(e);
map.set(e, count + 1);
} else {
map.set(e, 1);
let dupe = [];
let hasDupe = false;
map.forEach((value, key) => {
if (value > 1) {
hasDupe = true;
dupe.push(key, value);
return hasDupe;
/* Native Browser JavaScript
[ 'sometimes', 2 ]
=> true */

Distinguish one sub invocation from another

In the following fragment, how can I distinguish the second invocation instance of my sub foo from the first?
while ($whatever) {
foo(); foo(); # foo() and foo() have the same caller package, file, and line
Something like a super-caller() that returned file, line and column would do the trick. I'd prefer not to use source filters.
Background, or, isn't this a bit of an XY Problem?
I have a convenience module, Local::Thread::Once, that exposes functionality like pthread_once/std::call_once in an OO-ish way and also as a subroutine attribute. These are easy enough, since there is a natural and unambiguous "once_control" or "once_flag" in either case.
However, there is additionally a procedural interface — once { ... } — that currently serializes based on the $filename and $line returned by caller. Something like this:
sub once(&) {
my $user_routine = shift;
my (undef, $file, $line) = caller;
my $once_control = get_a_shared_flag_just_for_this_invocation($file, $line);
if (! $once_control) { $once_control++; $user_routine->(); }
That's not precisely how it works — the real one is more efficient — but the point, again, is that invocation is keyed off of the file and line of the caller. This works, except that it cannot distinguish two invocations on the same line.
while ($whatever) {
once { foo(); }
once { bar(); } # OK, foo() and bar() each called only once
once { baz(); }; once { buz(); }; # :( buz() not called, not even once
Note that the address of $user_routine cannot be used as an additional discriminant, since subs are copied from one ithread to another.
I can live with this problem as a documented limitation for a very contrived use case, but I'd prefer to fix it somehow.
Devel::Callsite was written precisely for this purpose.
I had to read this a couple of times before I understood what you are talking about. How about a "super caller" function like:
my #last_caller = ("","","",0);
sub super_caller {
my ($pkg,$file,$line) = caller(1 + shift);
if ($pkg eq $last_caller[0] &&
$file eq $last_caller[1] &&
$line eq $last_caller[2]) {
} else {
#last_caller = ($pkg,$file,$line,1);
return #last_caller;
It's like caller but the 4th element is a count of how many times we've seen this exact package, file, and line in a row.
The optree is still so much black magic to me, but here are my observations:
in walking the optree of a code reference, you encounter one B::COP structure
The B::COP structure has file, line, and cop_seq properties (among others)
The cop_seq property is different for different subroutine definitions
Ass-u-me-ing these are true and not a horribly incomplete model of what is happening, you can use file, line, and cop_seq as a key, or maybe even just cop_seq. Here's a proof of concept:
use B;
sub once (&) {
my $code = shift;
my $key = get_cop_seq($code);
print "once called with code '$key'\n";
my $optreedata;
sub get_cop_seq {
my $code = shift;
$optreedata = "";
B::walkoptree( B::svref_2object($code)->ROOT, "find_cop_seq" );
return $optreedata;
sub B::OP::find_cop_seq {
my $op = shift;
if (ref $op eq 'B::COP') {
$optreedata .= sprintf "%s:%d:%d", $op->file, $op->line, $op->cop_seq;
sub foo { 42 }
sub bar { 19 };
once { foo }; # this is line 26
once { bar };
once { foo }; once { bar };
once { bar } for 1..5; # line 29
And here's the output (your results may vary):
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:26:205'
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:27:206'
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:28:207' <--- two calls for line 28
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:28:208' |- with different cop_seq
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:29:209'
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:29:209'
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:29:209' <--- but 5 calls for line 29
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:29:209' with the same cop_seq
once called with code 'super-caller2.pl:29:209'

Perl Error: thread failed to start: Invalid value for shared scalar

I get the following error when trying to run my test code:
thread failed to start: Invalid value for shared scalar at ./threaded_test.pl line 47.
Line 47 is:
%hoh = hoh(#new_array);
My observations:
If I remove line 47 and other lines referencing %hoh, then the script runs without errors
I can create a new hash %new_hash = (itchy => "Scratchy"); without errors, but when I try to "return" a hash from another sub (line 47), it results in the error above.
Unfortunately, I cannot use a in/out Queue because the version of Thread::Queue that I use is too old (and installed on a system I have no control over) and doesn't support hash and hash-ref types to be returned via a Queue (according to this). Apparently, my version only support strings to be returned via queues.
Is there a way to successfully do this: $hash{$string}{"jc"} = \%hoh;
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use constant NUM_WORKERS => 10;
my #out_array : shared = ();
sub main
my #results = test1();
foreach my $item (#results) {
print "item: $item\n";
sub test1
my $my_queue = Thread::Queue->new();
foreach (1..NUM_WORKERS) {
async {
while (my $job = $my_queue->dequeue()) {
my #sentiments = ("Axe Murderer", "Mauler", "Babyface", "Dragon");
$my_queue->enqueue(undef) for 1..NUM_WORKERS;
$_->join() for threads->list();
my #return_array = #out_array;
return #return_array;
sub test2
my $string = $_[0];
my %hash : shared;
my #new_array : shared;
my %new_hash : shared;
my %hoh : shared;
#new_array = ("tom", "jerry");
%new_hash = (itchy => "Scratchy");
%hoh = hoh(#new_array);
my %anon : shared;
$hash{$string} = \%anon;
$hash{$string}{"Grenade"} = \#new_array;
$hash{$string}{"Pipe bomb"} = \%new_hash;
$hash{$string}{"jc"} = \%hoh;
push #out_array, \%hash;
sub hoh
my %hoh;
foreach my $item (#_) {
$hoh{"jeepers"}{"creepers"} = $item;
return %hoh;
The problem is that your trying to store a reference to something that isn't shared in a shared variable. You need to use share as previously mentioned, or you need to serialise the data structure.
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my %hm_n2g:shared = ();
my $row = &share([]);
my #arr = #{$hm_n2g{"aa"}};
print #arr[0]." ".#arr[1]."\n";
#If you want to lock the hash in a thread-subroutine
