Not able to add a project ID/name to a list in Jira/Groovy/Scriptrunner - groovy

The following question I present is the following: I'm doing a code that is been tested in the Scriptrunner console and tried into Jira. What I want to reach is the following: I have an issue in any project, at any moment a workflow transition allows me to copy the current issue and all the linked issues in a new project.
The cfProjectPicker is a custom field Project Picker that allows me to select a project.
What I'm having trouble right now on the code is the following:
1- projectKey is returning null valor but projectPicker is returning the correct project selected in the custom field.
2- createNewIssue is not allowing me to recognize the "params" field as a mutable issue, and it is a mutable (if I replace with newIssue it does take it)
3- the list "issuesCopied" is not allowing me to but I'm guessing is giving error due to the point 2.
Any help regarding the matter would be much appreciated because I'm not understanding what I'm doing wrong at moment.
def issueMgr = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager();
def issueTypeSchemeManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueTypeSchemeManager()
def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager();
def projectMgr = ComponentAccessor.getProjectManager();
def groupManager = ComponentAccessor.getGroupManager();
def issueFactory = ComponentAccessor.getIssueFactory();
IssueLinkManager issueLinkManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager();
def cfProjectPicker = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Seleccionar Proyecto") //cf project picker
def issue = issueMgr.getIssueObject("MART1-1")
ApplicationUser user = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser() //User Admin
ApplicationUser currentUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser()
def currentIssue = issueFactory.getIssue()
//def issue = issueMgr.getIssueObject()
def newIssue = issueFactory.getIssue()
def exit = false
// Array list of the issues created to save them
List<String> issuesCopied = new ArrayList<>();
// ***** CREATE ISSUE *****
if (issuesCopied.isEmpty()){
String projectPicker = issue.getCustomFieldValue(cfProjectPicker)
def projectKey = projectMgr.getProjectObjByKey(projectPicker)
def params = ["issue":newIssue]
def createNewIssue = issueMgr.createIssueObject(user,params);


Django Factory Boy object does not exist

I have an issue regarding factory boy using in the testing of my Lets assume I have this three models:
Class Company(models.Model):
name = str
Class Domain(models.Model):
company = ForeignKey(ref=Company)
name = str
created_at = datetime
Class Record(models.Model):
domain = ForeignKey(ref=Domain)
name = str
created_at = datetime
name = str
company = factory.SubFactory(CompanyFactory)
name = str
created_at = datetime
domain = factory.SubFactory(DomainFactory)
name = str
created_at = datetime
Having this, when I'm testing the Record views, at the begginning of every view I check that the Domain object is, in fact, related to the Company object such as:
domain = Domain.objects.get(domain=domain_id, company__id=company_id)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return Response(
data={"message": "Domain isn't related to the company provided."}, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
But this code always returns an ObjectDoesNotExist exception when I make the testing with pytest+factory-boy but when I do manual testing runs fine. Have you experienced something similar? What I'm missing here?
Thanks in advance.
As requested per #gbrennon I'm adding the test code:
Hi! Thanks for answering.
My test code is as it follows:
class RecordCompanyAdminTests(CompanyAdminUser):
def setUp(self):
super(RecordCompanyAdminTests, self).setUp()
self.domain = DomainFactory.create()
self.record = RecordFactory.create()
def test_record_list_get(self):
url = reverse("autoprovisioning:record_list", kwargs={"company_id":, "domain_id":})
response = self.client.get(url, format="json")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
how are u doing?
the test code wasn't included but i'll try to infer things
when I do manual testing runs fine
it seems like u already populated ur database! but listen, when u run ur test suite django will be using a "test database" in favor of isolation!
what u need to do is to create, using the factory_boy lib, ur "data fixtures"!
my suggestion without any context:
class MyTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.existing_domain_in_database = DomainFactory.create(...) # insert here the data to populate this model
and the desired data should already exists in ur "test database" for every test that is going to be run inside of this class

Load InboundReferencedBeans for Insight add-on in JIRA

I'm working on Insight automation groovy script, but I got stuck in one point.
I have Insight object called "Agreement".
This object has Inbound References called "Services".
Each Agreement can have any number of Services. I need to get list of all Services for any Agreement. I found the method findObjectInboundReferencedBeans(int id) in the docs, but apparently, I'm missing something as when I run the script, I get an error in log:
AutomationRuleGroovyScriptAction, Unexpected error: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer) values: [15748]
Here is my script:
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
Class objectFacadeClass = ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor().getClassLoader().findClass("")
def objectFacade = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(objectFacadeClass)
// def agreementStatusId = 2641
// def serviceStatusId = 2180
// def activeStatus = 1
// def stoppedStatus = 6
def attributeRef = "Status smlouvy"
def objectKey = object.getObjectKey();
def insightObject = objectFacade.loadObjectBean(objectKey)
int objectId = insightObject.getId()
**// Here is the line I need help with
def inRef = objectFacade.findObjectInboundReferencedBeans(objectId)**
def objectAttribute = objectFacade.loadObjectAttributeBean(objectId, attributeRef)
def objectAttributeValue = objectAttribute.getObjectAttributeValueBeans()[0].getValue()
I use this script also to get attribute value from Agreement object, which works fine.
I guess the problem is that I call the method on wrong object, but when I try to call in dirrectly on "insightObject" , I got the same error.
Thank you!
As answered on the Atlassian Community Page.
The method was removed with the release of Insight 5.1, see the upgrade notes here.
However, you can just use this to solve your issue:
def inRef = iqlFacade.findObjects(/object HAVING outboundReferences(Key = ${objectKey})/)

JIRA tally all logged work from linked issues and sub tasks to single issue

I have tried several different groovy script methods form various examples as I am not a coder, but have come close but no real success. I have thrown my hands up and am wondering if some smart person out there knows how to do this.
I simply need to show all total work logged for a specific link type of parent issues and their sub tasks to a single issue as a grand total. See diagram.
Correcting the posted answer:
This got answered for me from another community member here:
The script provided that worked for me was the following:
// Template: Duration (either of the 2)
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
def issueLinkmanager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager()
def subtaskManager = ComponentAccessor.getSubTaskManager()
def workLogManager = ComponentAccessor.getWorklogManager()
def linkName = "Work"
def linkCollection = issueLinkmanager.getLinkCollectionOverrideSecurity(issue)
def linkedIssues = linkCollection?.getInwardIssues(linkName) //Inward or Outward? Verify and change if needed.
if (!linkedIssues) {
// no linked issues
return null
def totalTimeSpentFromWorkLinkedIssuesAndTheirSubtasks = []
for (def linkedIssue:linkedIssues) {
def worklogList = workLogManager.getByIssue(linkedIssue)
for (def worklog:worklogList) {
def timeSpent = worklog.getTimeSpent()
def subTasks = subtaskManager.getSubTaskObjects(linkedIssue)
for (def subTask:subTasks) {
def worklogListSubTask = workLogManager.getByIssue(subTask)
for (def worklogSubTask:worklogListSubTask) {
def timeSpent = worklogSubTask.getTimeSpent()
return totalTimeSpentFromWorkLinkedIssuesAndTheirSubtasks?.sum()

some beginners confusion with flask-sqlalchemy

sqlalchemy and I'm trying to understand the finer workings of the way the objects work. I've got some test code that just seems to work differently than the tutorials and I am getting confused. I think this is a case of the tensorflow 1 vs 2 docs confusion happening
the code I posted, I'm told works for other people, and the last line of that is database.session.commit(), the code is the last code block.
This is a brand new Debian Stable VM with only VSCode, terminator and bpython installed beyond what is necessary for the application. THIS SHOULD WORK.
the database file is created but not populated. the tables are created but not columns or rows.
sqlite3 shell shows that nothing is in the database but the tables are there
does not add the stuff either
also returns an empty thingamabob
returns : SQLAlchemy object has no attribute "query"
I'm trying to make a function that returns the user object based on its user_id and then change a variable in that user object using
object.field = "blorp"
I can make an object and access it like
user = User()
but for some strange reason, even though I have defaults set, it doesn't have those fields populated with those defaults. I have to explicitly define the fields during the declaration
but I can assign stuff like:
user.user_id = 2
this object returns ALL of the users right?
>>> asdf = database.session.query(User)
>>> asdf
<flask_sqlalchemy.BaseQuery object at 0x7f49aacff780>
the "all()" method returns an empty array for both class.query and database.session.query
>>> users = User.query.all()
>>> users
>>> users = database.session.query(User).all()
>>> users
Using the following test code:
from flask.config import Config
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response, Request ,Config
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
HTTP_HOST = "gamebiscuits"
ADMIN_NAME = "Emperor of Sol"
ADMIN_PASSWORD = "password"
ADMIN_EMAIL = "game_admin"
class Config(object):
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///' + HTTP_HOST + '.db'
solar_empire_server = Flask(__name__ , template_folder="templates" )
database = SQLAlchemy(solar_empire_server)
def update_database(thing):
def user_by_id(id_of_user):
return User.query.filter_by(user_id = id_of_user).first()
#without the flask migrate module, you need to instantiate
# databases with default values. That module wont be loaded
# yet during the creation of a NEW game
class User(database.Model):
user_id = database.Column(database.Integer, default = 0, primary_key = True)
username = database.Column(database.String(64), default = "tourist", index=True, unique=True)
email = database.Column(database.String(120), default = DANGER_STRING , index=True, unique=True)
password_hash = database.Column(database.String(128), default = DANGER_STRING)
turns_run = database.Column(database.Integer, default = 0)
cash = database.Column(database.Integer, default = 1000)
def __repr__(self):
return '<User id:{} name: {} >'.format(self.user_id , self.username)
class UserShip(User):
ship_id = database.Column(database.String(128), default = "1")
ship_name = database.Column(database.String(128), default = "goodship moop")
def __repr__(self):
return '<User id:{} name: {} >'.format(self.ship_id , self.ship_name)
admin = User(username=ADMIN_NAME, user_id = 1, email=ADMIN_EMAIL , password_hash = ADMIN_PASSWORD)
guest = User(username='guest', user_id = 2, email='' , password_hash = 'password')
user = User()
usership = UserShip()
adminship = UserShip()
guestship = UserShip()
Okay, so when you see default here it's going to be on INSERT (see the SQLAlchemy default documentation).
To quote the key part here:
Column INSERT and UPDATE defaults refer to functions that create a default value for a particular column in a row as an INSERT or UPDATE statement is proceeding against that row, in the case where no value was provided to the INSERT or UPDATE statement for that column.
So these defaults will only be initialized on adding to the database, flushing won't have any effect if an object that hasn't been added (session.add). So User() is only going to create an object, it will not create a DB row until you add (and flush / commit as necessary).

Filling ChoiceBlock with snippet data

I have a snippet for countrycodes and I want to define localized country names on the root pages for each localized site.
The snippet looks like this:
class Country(models.Model):
iso_code = models.CharField(max_length=2, unique=True)
panels = [
def get_iso_codes():
countries = Country.objects.all()
result = []
for country in countries:
return result
except Country.DoesNotExist:
return []
Now I want to call the function get_iso_codes when creating a choiceblock and fill the choices from the snippet.
The block looks like this
class CountryLocalizedBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
iso_code = blocks.ChoiceBlock(choices=Country.get_iso_codes(), unique=True)
localized_name = blocks.CharBlock(required=True)
However, when calling makemigrations I get the following error:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: relation "home_country" does not exist
LINE 1: ..."."iso_code", "home_country"."sample_number" FROM "home_coun...
I can bypass this by commenting out 'Country.objects.all()' and then running makemigrations and later readding the line again to the code, however I would prefer a solution that does not require this workaround (also it fails when I run ' collectstatic' when building before deployment and I don't know how to work around this and am stuck)
I found a solution based on Wagtail, how do I populate the choices in a ChoiceBlock from a different model?
The country class remains untouched (except that the get_iso_codes method is now superflous). I've just extended Chooserblock and use Country as my target_model:
class CountryChooserBlock(blocks.ChooserBlock):
target_model = Country
widget = forms.Select
def value_for_form(self, value):
if isinstance(value, self.target_model):
return value
And used the CountryChooserBlock instead of the ChoiceBlock:
class CountryLocalizedBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
iso_code = CountryChooserBlock(unique=True)
localized_name = blocks.CharBlock(required=True)
