Hello I am new to GROK learning, I am trying to store following log in seperate fields, having a hard time writing a GROK filter to do it
This is the log
01/04/2021 15:30:00.300 +03:00 - [INFO] - [w3wp/LPAPI-Last Casino/95] - Log Message XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
and I want to extract in this pattern
This did the trick
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{DATESTAMP:TimeStamp} %{ISO8601_TIMEZONE:TimeZone} - \[%{LOGLEVEL:Severity}] - \[%{DATA:APPLICATION}/%{DATA:SUBSYSTEM}/%{BASE10NUM:THREAD_ID}] - %{GREEDYDATA}"}
I´m trying to extract the number of ms in this logline
20190726160424 [INFO]
[concurrent/forasdfMES-managedThreadFactory-Thread-10] -
Metricsdceptor: ## End of call: Historirrtory.getHistrrOrder took 2979
The problem is, that not all loglines contain that string
Now I want to extract it optionally into a duration field. I tried this, but nothing happend .... no error, but also no result.
match => ["message", "(took (?<duration>[\d]+) ms)?"]
What I´m I doing wrong ?
Thanks guys !
A solution would be to only apply the grok filter on the log lines ending with ms. It can be done using conditionals in your configuration.
if [message] =~ /took \d+ ms$/ {
grok {
match => ["message", "took %{NUMBER:duration} ms"]
I cannot explain why, but it works if you anchor it
grok { match => { "message" => "(took (?<duration>\d+) ms)?$" } }
Here is my log
INLFCW1MQ2.enterprisenet.org 11:55:57.818 [main] INFO GeneratorApplication - application 1 sample log
And here is the grok pattern in logstash
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGHOST:hostname}\s+%{TIME}\s+\[(?<threadname>[^\]]+)\]\s+%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}\s+%{GREEDYDATA:message}" }
Pattern passed in grok debugger but fails in logstash. I have added white space after seeing this thread,
Grok pattern works in Grok Debugger but not in logstash
try this:
%{SYSLOGHOST:hostname} %{TIME:time} \[%{WORD:threadname}\] %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{GREEDYDATA:message}
sometimes I got errors due to the (?
2017-08-09T12:01:43.049963+05:30 11235 GET
This is my log data.
I am trying to filter this data using custom patterns. I am getting "_grokparsefailure" error.
my pattern file data isTIMESTAMP_LOG [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{6}\+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}
my filter is:
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["./patterns"]
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_LOG:time} %{IP:client} %{NUMBER:bytes} %{WORD:method}" }
} }
can anyone help me where i am done wrong.Thanks.
Your timestamp is actually of a standard format - ISO8601. So instead of having your custom pattern for timestamp, you can use one built into Logstash instead. I tested this grok pattern and it worked with your sample log:
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time} %{IP:client} %{NUMBER:bytes} %{WORD:method}
After parsing logs I am find there are some new lines at the end of the message
Sample message
ts:2016-04-26 05-02-16-018
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|pl: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
TAKE 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am using the regex pattern below as suggested below as answers
ts:(?(([0-9]+)-)+ ([0-9]+-)+ [A-Z]+)\|ll:%{WORD:ll}\|tid:%{NUMBER:tid}\|scf:%{DATA:scf}\|mn:%{WORD:mn}\|fn:%{WORD:fn}\|ln:%{WORD:ln}\|auid:%{WORD:auid}\|eid:%{DATA:eid}\|cid:%{WORD:cid}\|ml:%{WORD:ml}\|mid:%{NUMBER:mid}\|uip:%{DATA:uip}\|hip:%{DATA:hip}\|pli:%{WORD:pli}\|\smsg:%{GREEDYDATA:msg}(\|pl:(?(.|\r|\n)))
But unfortunately it is not working properly when the last part of the log is not present
ts:2016-04-26 05-02-16-018
What should be the correct pattern?
-------------------Previous Question --------------------------------------
I am trying to parse log line such as this one.
ts:2016-04-26 05-02-16-018 CDT|ll:TRACE|tid:10000.140|scf:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pc|mn:null|fn:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|ln:749|auid:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|eid:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-58261618-1-1461664935955-139|cid:900009865|ml:null|mid:-99|uip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx|hip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx|pli:null|msg: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Below is my logstash filter
filter {
grok {
match => ["mesage", "ts:(?<date>(([0-9]+)-*)+ ([0-9]+-*)+ [A-Z]+)\|ll:%{WORD:ll}\|tid:%{WORD:tid}\|scf:%{WORD:scf}\|mn:%{WORD:mn}\|fn:%{WORD:fn}\|ln:%{WORD:ln}\|auid:%{WORD:auid}\|eid:%{WORD:eid}\|cid:%{WORD:cid}\|ml:%{WORD:ml}\|mid:%{WORD:mid}\|uip:%{WORD:uip}\|hip:%{WORD:hip}\|pli:%{WORD:pli}\|msg:%{WORD:msg}"]
date {
match => ["ts","yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-SSS ZZZ"]
target => "#timestamp"
I am getting "_grokparsefailure"
I have tested the configuration from #HAL, there was a few things to change:
In the grok filter mesage => message
In the date filter ts => date so the date parsing is on the right field
The CDT is a time zone name, it is captured by z in the date syntax.
So the right configuration would look like this :
grok {
match => ["message", "ts:(?<date>(([0-9]+)-*)+ ([0-9]+-*)+ [A-Z]+)\|ll:%{WORD:ll}\|tid:%{NUMBER:tid}\|scf:%{DATA:scf}\|mn:%{WORD:mn}\|fn:%{WORD:fn}\|ln:%{WORD:ln}\|auid:%{WORD:auid}\|eid:%{DATA:eid}\|cid:%{WORD:cid}\|ml:%{WORD:ml}\|mid:%{NUMBER:mid}\|uip:%{DATA:uip}\|hip:%{DATA:hip}\|pli:%{WORD:pli}\|\s*msg:%{GREEDYDATA:msg}"]
date {
match => ["date","yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-SSS z"]
target => "#timestamp"
Tried to parse your input via grokdebug with your expression but it failed to read out any fields. Managed to get it to work by changing the expression to:
ts:(?<date>(([0-9]+)-*)+ ([0-9]+-*)+ [A-Z]+)\|ll:%{WORD:ll}\|tid:%{NUMBER:tid}\|scf:%{DATA:scf}\|mn:%{WORD:mn}\|fn:%{WORD:fn}\|ln:%{WORD:ln}\|auid:%{WORD:auid}\|eid:%{DATA:eid}\|cid:%{WORD:cid}\|ml:%{WORD:ml}\|mid:%{NUMBER:mid}\|uip:%{DATA:uip}\|hip:%{DATA:hip}\|pli:%{WORD:pli}\|\s*msg:%{GREEDYDATA:msg}
I also think that you need to change the name of the column that logstash shall parse from mesage to message.
Also, the date parsing pattern should match the format of the date in the input. There is no timezone identity (ZZZ) in your input data (at least not in the example).
Something like this should work better (not tested though):
filter {
grok {
match => ["mesage", "ts:(?<date>(([0-9]+)-*)+ ([0-9]+-*)+ [A-Z]+)\|ll:%{WORD:ll}\|tid:%{NUMBER:tid}\|scf:%{DATA:scf}\|mn:%{WORD:mn}\|fn:%{WORD:fn}\|ln:%{WORD:ln}\|auid:%{WORD:auid}\|eid:%{DATA:eid}\|cid:%{WORD:cid}\|ml:%{WORD:ml}\|mid:%{NUMBER:mid}\|uip:%{DATA:uip}\|hip:%{DATA:hip}\|pli:%{WORD:pli}\|\s*msg:%{GREEDYDATA:msg}"]
date {
match => ["ts","yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-SSS"]
target => "#timestamp"
I'm creating a logstash grok filter to pull events out of a backup server, and I want to be able to test a field for a pattern, and if it matches the pattern, further process that field and pull out additional information.
To that end I'm embedding an if statement within the grok statement itself. This is causing the test to fail with Error: Expected one of #, => right after the if.
This is the filter statement:
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
# NetWorker logfiles have some unusual fields that include undocumented engineering codes and what not
# time is in 12h format (ugh) so custom patterns need to be used.
match => [ "message", "%{NUMBER:engcode1} %{DATESTAMP_12H:timestamp} %{NUMBER:engcode2} %{NUMBER:engcode3} %{NUMBER:engcode4} %{NUMBER:ppid} %{NUMBER:pid} %{NUMBER:engcode5} %{WORD:processhost} %{WORD:processname} %{GREEDYDATA:daemon_message}" ]
# attempt to find completed savesets and pull that info from the daemon_message field
if [daemon_message] =~ /done\ saving\ to\ pool/ {
grok {
match => [ "daemon_message", "%{WORD:savehost}\:%{WORD:saveset} done saving to pool \'%{WORD:pool}\' \(%{WORD:volume}\) %{WORD:saveset_size}" ]
date {
# This is requred to set the time from the logline to the timestamp and not have it create it's own.
# Note the use of the trailing 'a' to denote AM or PM.
match => ["timestamp", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a"]
This block fails with the following:
$ /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f ./networker_daemonlog.conf --configtest
Error: Expected one of #, => at line 12, column 12 (byte 929) after # Basic dumb simple networker daemon log grok filter for the NetWorker daemon.log
# no smarts to this and not really pulling any useful info from the files (yet)
filter {
grok {
... lines deleted ...
# attempt to find completed savesets and pull that info from the daemon_message field
I'm new to logstash, and I realise that using a conditional within the grok statement may not be possible, but I'd prefer doing conditional processing this way to additional match lines as this would leave the daemon_message field intact for other uses while pulling out the data I want.
ETA: I should also point out that totally removing the if statement allows the configtest to pass and the filter to parse logs.
Thanks in advance...
Conditionals go outside the filters, so something like:
if [field] == "value" {
grok {
would be correct. In your case, do the first grok, then test to run the second, i.e.:
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{NUMBER:engcode1} %{DATESTAMP_12H:timestamp} %{NUMBER:engcode2} %{NUMBER:engcode3} %{NUMBER:engcode4} %{NUMBER:ppid} %{NUMBER:pid} %{NUMBER:engcode5} %{WORD:processhost} %{WORD:processname} %{GREEDYDATA:daemon_message}" ]
if [daemon_message] =~ /done\ saving\ to\ pool/ {
grok {
match => [ "daemon_message", "%{WORD:savehost}\:%{WORD:saveset} done saving to pool \'%{WORD:pool}\' \(%{WORD:volume}\) %{WORD:saveset_size}" ]
This is really running two regexps for a record that matches. Since grok will only make fields when the regexp matches, you can do this:
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{NUMBER:engcode1} %{DATESTAMP_12H:timestamp} %{NUMBER:engcode2} %{NUMBER:engcode3} %{NUMBER:engcode4} %{NUMBER:ppid} %{NUMBER:pid} %{NUMBER:engcode5} %{WORD:processhost} %{WORD:processname} %{GREEDYDATA:daemon_message}" ]
grok {
match => [ "daemon_message", "%{WORD:savehost}\:%{WORD:saveset} done saving to pool \'%{WORD:pool}\' \(%{WORD:volume}\) %{WORD:saveset_size}" ]
You'd have to measure the performance across your actual log files since this will run fewer regexps, but the second one is more complicated.
If you really want to go nuts, you can do all of this in one grok{}, using the break_on_match feature.