Passing parameters to GraphAction in Acumatica from toolbar button - acumatica

(Edited to better reflect the current state after help from the comments)
I have a graph extension to which I have added a PXAction and PXButton etc. The method (now) accepts parameters.
The button appears on the screen as expected an I can debug the action code in Visual Studio when the button is clicked.
// test params action.
public PXAction<InventoryItem> testParams;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Test Params", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
public virtual IEnumerable TestParams(PXAdapter adapter, [PXInt] int? siteID, [PXString] string testParamStr)
IEnumerable ret = adapter.Get();
if (adapter.Parameters != null)
int a = 0;
return adapter.Get();
After adding the parameters to my C# method and re publishing etc, the parameters appeared as options in the Parameter column below and I have been able to configure parameters to send through when I press the button on my stock item screen:
However... when I debug and look at the adapter, the method arguments (siteId and testParamsStr) are null as is adapter.Parameters
and adapter.CommandArguments is an empty string.
As per Hugues Beauséjour's comment, the documentation for amending an existing action describes just this but how do we get at the values in the C# code? Looking at existing actions in Acumatica I don't think I'm missing any markup attributes etc.
Ideally I'd like a zero-code way to do what I'm trying to do but I'm not sure that's possible so I'm trying very short action code that passes values to a central class we will write to allow users to set up their own parameters that the central class will process so that they don't have to do any lengthy coding in the action code (the rest of the story is longer but that's the bit that's relevant to this question!).

This is how to pass parameters using code only. I'm posting it to help other people who might need it. For configuring the wizard parameters, this will not help much unfortunately.
// Graph Action
public PXAction<MyPrimaryDAC> MyAction;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "My Action")]
public virtual IEnumerable myAction(PXAdapter adapter)
// String value coming from JavaScript is read in adapter.CommandArguments
string payload = adapter.CommandArguments;
// JavaScript calls the graph action with a string parameter in payload variable
var ds = px_alls['ds'];
var actionName = 'MyAction';
var payload = 'string value passed to server';
ds.executeCallback(actionName, payload);


How can I set a custom field on Acumatica Production Detail Operation when the Production Order is first created?

I have a custom field on an Acumatica Production Detail Operation (UsrEligibleForRoboticFulfillment) that I have created an Action to set based on criteria on the component items in the Materials tab. (code below)
I would like to call this Action to set the field as soon as the Production Order is created, but the split nature of the Production Order is such that there are no events on the Production Detail raised that I can attach to and call the Action. I've tried Row Inserted as well as Persist delegate on the Production Detail graph.
I CAN attach to either the AMProdItem Row Inserted or Persist Delegate on the Production Maint graph, but at this point in time the Operations and Materials have not yet been created.
What's the best way to update this field when a new Production Order is created?
Action code:
public PXAction<AMProdItem> UpdateEligibleForRoboticFulfillment;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Update Robotic Eligibility", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
protected void updateEligibleForRoboticFulfillment()
AMProdItem prodDetail = Base.ProdItemRecords.Current;
AMProdOper prodOper = Base.ProdOperRecords.Current;
InventoryItem finishedProduct = PXSelect<InventoryItem,
Where<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<Current<AMProdItem.inventoryID>>>>.Select(Base).FirstOrDefault();
//Only production orders are eligible for robotic fulfillment, not disassemblies
if (prodDetail.OrderType == "MO")
bool wasRoboticsEligible = (prodOper.GetExtension<AMProdOperExt>().UsrEligibleForRoboticFulfillment ?? false);
//Get the current branchID
int branchID = (int)Base.Accessinfo.BranchID;
//Get the default site/warehouse for this branch.
INSite site = INTranHelper.GetDefaultSiteForItemBranch(branchID);
//Get the flag indicating whether this site is active for robotics
bool activeRobotics = site.GetExtension<INSiteExt>().UsrActiveRobotics ?? false;
//Get the flags for manual process and component robotics compatible
bool requiresManualProcess = finishedProduct.GetExtension<InventoryItemExt>().UsrManualFinishRequired ?? false;
//Gotta be prepared for the possibility that more than one component is used
//Check for any components that are NOT robotics eligible that have qty required and haven't already been fully allocated
PXResultset<AMProdMatl> components = PXSelectJoin<AMProdMatl,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<AMProdMatl.inventoryID>,
And<InventoryItemExt.usrRoboticsCompatible, Equal<False>,
And<AMProdMatl.orderType, Equal<Current<AMProdOper.orderType>>,
And<AMProdMatl.prodOrdID, Equal<Current<AMProdOper.prodOrdID>>,
And<AMProdMatl.operationID, Equal<Current<AMProdOper.operationID>>,
And<AMProdMatl.qtyActual, Less<AMProdMatl.totalQtyRequired>,
And<AMProdMatl.qtyReq, Greater<decimal0>>>>>>>>>>
bool roboticsEligible = !requiresManualProcess && activeRobotics;
//If any component is not eligible, the whole operation is not eligible
if (components.Count > 0)
roboticsEligible = false;
//If the robotics eligible flag should have changed, change it
if (wasRoboticsEligible != roboticsEligible)
prodOper.GetExtension<AMProdOperExt>().UsrEligibleForRoboticFulfillment = roboticsEligible;
Had to open a ticket with Acumatica; got a working solution! I had to enclose the persist delegate method in a transaction scope.
Override Persist() method of graph
Call base method first so that Operations and Materials on the Production Order Detail gets created
Enclosed in transaction scope
Something like this:
public delegate void PersistDelegate();
public void Persist(PersistDelegate baseMethod)
if (/**/)
using (var ts = new PXTransactionScope())
//Call base method to persist
/*Custom Logic here*/

Interacting with Hidden Fields and Actions with Javascript

I am trying to figure out how to get values back and forth between an external javascript library and the Acumatica back end.
Currently I have 2 fields that are hidden (set to hidden on the PXUIField Attribute) and I am picking up their values successfully as follows:
function doSomething() {
var url = px_alls['txtUrl'].value;
var clientId = px_alls['txtClientID'].value;
However I am not having the same luck setting a hidden fields values and then posting the data to the back end in this way:
client.on('someEvent', (data) => {
px_alls['txtId'].value =;
How can I accomplish this?
Reading form fields from px_alls works fine but I was not able to automate saving.
I use action callback to send the values from JavaScript to an action defined in the Graph.
var ds = px_alls['ds'];
ds.executeCallback('TestAction', 'parameter value');
Then In the graph you can use the parameter value to update the document:
public PXAction<PrimaryDAC> TestAction;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Test Action")]
public virtual IEnumerable testAction(PXAdapter adapter)
string parameterValue = adapter.CommandArguments;
// Update document here with parameter value
return adapter.Get();

Including default Vendor Inventory ID on Multiple Grids

I've been tasked with adding the default vendor inventory ID to grids in multiple screens in Acumatica. The field does not need to be bound and is disabled. I've gotten it as far as showing the field correctly, but only on saved records. Adding a new line and even refreshing the grid will not display the ID, I have to close the screen or switch to another record and come back before the vendor ID will display, even clicking the save button and refreshing will not cause it show. The client is using this field as a reference point so it's important it shows as soon as they select an item.
Below is the code I have for the Kit Specification screen, I need to figure out a way to make it a little more reactive, at least show properly on a refresh. I have tried using Current<> in the where statement, but that just breaks it entirely and always shows nothing.
public class INKitSpecStkDetExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.IN.INKitSpecStkDet>
#region VendorInventoryCode
public abstract class vendorInventoryCode: IBqlField { }
On<PO.POVendorInventory.vendorID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.preferredVendorID>, And<PO.POVendorInventory.inventoryID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID>>>>,
[PXString(40, IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Vendor Inventory Code", Enabled=false)]
public string VendorInventoryCode{ get; set; }
Once I have the code nailed down it will be used in several other places. Help very much appreciated! Frustrating to have it so close and not be able to cross the finish line...
Follow up based on feedback from HB_Acumatica, working code is below for reference:
public void INKitSpecStkDet_VendorInventoryCode_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = e.Row as INKitSpecStkDet;
if (e.Row != null)
PO.POVendorInventory vendorInventory = PXSelectReadonly2<PO.POVendorInventory,
On<PO.POVendorInventory.vendorID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.preferredVendorID>, And<PO.POVendorInventory.inventoryID, Equal<IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID>>>>,
Where<IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<Required<IN.INKitSpecStkDet.compInventoryID>>>,
OrderBy<Desc<PO.POVendorInventory.vendorInventoryID>>>.Select(Base, row.CompInventoryID);
e.ReturnValue = vendorInventory != null ? vendorInventory.VendorInventoryID : null;
PXDBScalar attribute doesn't refresh by itself. Maybe explicitly calling RaiseFieldDefaulting method will refresh it:
object newValue = null;
base.Caches[typeof(INKitSpecStkDet)].RaiseFieldDefaulting<INKitSpecStkDetExt.vendorInventoryCode>(rowINKitSpecStkDet, out newValue);
Using PXFormula instead of PXDBScalar if possible will yield better automatic refresh behavior but has it's own set of limitation as well.
If you're looking for the simplest way that works in most contexts (except when no graph is used like in reports and generic inquiry) that would be the FieldSelecting event.
You can execute BQL and return any desired value from the event. It will be called each time the field is referenced so it should update by itself.
public void INKitSpecStkDet_VendorInventoryCode_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
PO.POVendorInventory vendorInventory = PXSelectReadonly2<Po.POVendorInventory […]>.Select(Base);
e.ReturnValue = vendorInventory != null ? vendorInventory.VendorInventoryCode : null;

Acumatica Warning Message To Only Affect Shipment Screen SO302000

I'm trying to display a warning every time the ShippedQty field is changed to a value < OrigOrderQty on the "Shipment - SO302000" screen, but I only want the code to be active for that specific screen/form.
I added the code below to extend the SOShipmentEntry graph, which accomplishes my original goal, but the issue is that now the code I added is also being used by the "Create Shipment" action in "Sales Orders - SO301000" screen/form.
Create Shipment Action Discussed
namespace PX.Objects.SO
public class SOShipmentEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<SOShipmentEntry>
#region Event Handlers
protected void SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache,PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
var myrow = (SOShipLine)e.Row;
if (myrow == null) return;
if (myrow.ShippedQty >= myrow.OrigOrderQty)
throw new PXSetPropertyException("The difference between the shipped-qty and the ordered-qty will be placed on a back-order", PXErrorLevel.Warning);
While the warning allows the user to save changes to a shipment on the Shipment Screen/form SO302000 (Because the exception is set up as a warning and not an error), I get the following error when I create a shipment using the "Create Shipment" button on the "Sales Orders - SO301000" screen.
Warning works fine for form-mode
Warning becomes error when processed in background by action button
Any ideas to accomplish this? It is my understanding that if I want to make global changes to a field I must make them in the DAC, but if I want to make changes that only affect screens/forms where a graph is used, then I have to make those changes in the graph code itself. I'm guessing the "Create Shipment" action button in the Sales Orders screen is creating an instance of the graph where I added the code, so I'm wondering what are my options here.
Best regards,
-An Acumatica newbie
If you want your event logic to execute only when CreateShipment is invoked from the Shipment screen you can override the other calls to CreateShipment to dynamically remove your event handler.
The event that invokes CreateShipment action from the SalesOrderEntry graph is Action:
public PXAction<SOOrder> action;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Actions", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
protected virtual IEnumerable Action(PXAdapter adapter,
[PXIntList(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, new string[] { "Create Shipment", "Apply Assignment Rules", "Create Invoice", "Post Invoice to IN", "Create Purchase Order" })]
int? actionID,
DateTime? shipDate,
string siteCD,
string operation,
string ActionName
In that method it creates a SOShipmentEntry graph to create the shipment. You can override Action and remove your handler from that graph instance:
SOShipmentEntry docgraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SOShipmentEntry>();
// >> Remove event handler
SOShipmentEntry_Extension docgraphExt = docgraph.GetExtension<SOShipmentEntry_Extension>();
// << Remove event handler
docgraph.CreateShipment(order, SiteID, filter.ShipDate, adapter.MassProcess, operation, created);
Note that in order to reference SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated method from another graph you'll have to make it public:
public void SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache,PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
I have described how to do this in that answer too:
Updating custom field is ending into infinite loop
If you want your event logic to execute only when it is modified in the UI or by web service.
You can use the ExternalCall Boolean property of the PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs parameter.
This property value will be true only when the sender field is modified in the UI or by web service.
Usage example:
protected void SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache,PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
// If ShippedQty was updated in the UI or by a web service call
if (e.ExternalCall)
// The logic here won't be executed when CreateShipment is invoked
ExternalCall Property (PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs)
Gets the value specifying whether the new value of the current DAC field has been changed in the UI or through the Web Service API.

Add note to custom data record in code

I was searching for a solution to add a note to a database row I am creating in a custom table. I found the solution below from Ruslan for accessing the noteid, but I don't understand how this would be used to add a note to the row. I have all the code to create the row, I just need the attributes or function call to actually attach the text of the note to the row.
To have Note record automatically created when a new parent record gets saved, one should invoke the static PXNoteAttribute.GetNoteID(PXCache cache, object data) method when the parent record is inserted in the cache.
For example, to have Note record automatically created when a new Stock Item gets saved, you should subscribe to RowInserted handler for the InventoryItem DAC and call PXNoteAttribute.GetNoteID(...):
public class InventoryItemMaintExt : PXGraphExtension<InventoryItemMaint>
public void InventoryItem_RowInserted(PXCache sender, PXRowInsertedEventArgs e)
var noteCache = Base.Caches[typeof(Note)];
var oldDirty = noteCache.IsDirty;
PXNoteAttribute.GetNoteID<InventoryItem.noteID>(sender, e.Row);
noteCache.IsDirty = oldDirty;
The code snippet above can be incorporated into almost any custom BLC with a couple simple changes to replace InventoryItem with a custom DAC.
After implementing Gabriel's suggestions:
I do not seem to get any note in the database. The code compiles and runs fine, but the notes are not generated as far as I can tell. The note id is set in my table, but no data appears in the note table. Please take a look at my code and let me know what needs to change. Also, how do I get the note column into a grid, or does it automatically become available when it is done correctly?
Database field definition:
[NoteID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL
DAC field:
#region NoteID
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected Guid? _NoteID;
public virtual Guid? NoteID
return this._NoteID;
this._NoteID = value;
Code to create record:
private static bool acumaticaException(Exception e, EDImportExceptionMaint excpMaint, LingoRet850 res850)
var except = new EDImportExcept();
except.ExceptReason = "U";
except.Active = true;
<...field assignments...>
except.OrderNbr = "";
PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(excpMaint.Exception.Cache, excpMaint.Exception.Current,
((PX.Data.PXOuterException)e).InnerMessages[0] + "-" + e.Message);
return true;
To set the note of a record, use the SetNote()static function of PXNoteAttribute
PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(Base.Item.Cache, Base.Item.Current, "Hello, World!");
Calling SetNote will also take care of adding the Note record if it doesn't exist, so you don't have to call GetNoteID before setting the note value as in your question.
P.S. There is also a GetNote function which allows you to retrieve the current value of the note:
string note = PXNoteAttribute.GetNote(Base.Item.Cache, Base.Item.Current);
