Can someone explain me openCostInBytes in Apache Spark? I can see definition in documentation but I dont understand how exactly it can affect reading files. Should I really care about this and if yes how should I tune it?
spark.files.openCostInBytes will affect how many partitions the input data will be read into. The exact calculation can be found in Filepartition.scala.
The way it exists at the time of this answer, the calculation is the following:
def maxSplitBytes(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
selectedPartitions: Seq[PartitionDirectory]): Long = {
val defaultMaxSplitBytes = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesMaxPartitionBytes
val openCostInBytes = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
val minPartitionNum = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesMinPartitionNum
val totalBytes = selectedPartitions.flatMap( + openCostInBytes)).sum
val bytesPerCore = totalBytes / minPartitionNum
Math.min(defaultMaxSplitBytes, Math.max(openCostInBytes, bytesPerCore))
So that last line is the interesting one. We take the minimum of:
defaultMaxSplitBytes, which comes from spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes and is by default 128 * 1024 * 1024
the max of:
openCostInBytes, which comes from spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes, and is by default 4 * 1024
bytesPerCore which is totalBytes / minPartitionNum. minPartitionNum comes from spark.default.parallelism in the default case and this is equal to your total number of cores
So now we know this, we can try to understand the 3 edge cases of this calculation (taking into account default values of the parameters):
If the result is the value of defaultMaxSplitBytes, this is because we have a bytesPerCore that is larger than the other values. This only happens when we're handling BIG files. So big, that if we would fairly split the data over all the cores it would be bigger than defaultMaxSplitBytes. So here we are limiting the size of each partition.
If the result is the value of bytesPerCore, then that means that it was smaller than 128MB but larger than 4MB. In this case, we are fairly splitting the data over all of the cores.
If the result is the value of openCostInBytes, then that means bytesPerCore was so small it was smaller than 4MB. Since each partition has a cost of opening, we want to limit the amount of partitions that get created. So in this case, we are limiting the amount of partitions created
From understanding this, we see that this value only has an effect if your data is small w.r.t. your cluster (i.e. if your data size / nr of cores in cluster is small)
Hope this helps!
First of all, I have to say that I've already tried everything I know or found on google (Including this Spark: How to use crossJoin which is exactly my problem).
I have to calculate the Cartesian product between two DataFrame - countries and units such that -
val units = A.groupBy("country")
.withColumn("AVR", $"grade" / $"point" * 1000)
.drop("point", "grade")
val countries ="country").distinct()
val C = countries.crossJoin(units)
countries contains a countries name and its size bounded by 150. units is DataFrame with 3 rows - an aggregated result of other DataFrame. I checked 100 times the result and those are the sizes indeed - and it takes 5 hours to complete.
I know I missed something. I've tried caching, repartitioning, etc.
I would love to get some other ideas.
I have two suggestions for you:
Look at the explain plan and the spark properties, for the amount of data you have mentioned 5 hours is a really long time. My expectation is you have way too many shuffles, you can look at different properties like : spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
Instead of doing a cross join, you can maybe do a collect and explore broadcasts but do this only on small amounts of data as this data is brought back to the driver.
What is the action you are doing afterwards with C?
Also, if these datasets are so small, consider collecting them to the driver, and doing these manupulation there, you can always spark.createDataFrame later again.
Update #1:
final case class Unit(country: String, AVR: Double)
val collectedUnits: Seq[Unit] =[Unit].collect
val collectedCountries: Seq[String] = countries.collect
val pairs: Seq[(String, Unit)] = for {
unit <- units
country <- countries
} yield (country, unit)
I've finally understood the problem - Spark used too many excessive numbers of partitions, and thus the shuffle takes a lot of time.
The way to solve it is to change the default number -
sparkSession.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 10)
And it works like magic.
I am attempting to calculate some moving averages in Spark, but am running into issues with skewed partitions. Here is the simple calculation I'm trying to perform:
Getting the base data
# Variables
one_min = 60
one_hour = 60*one_min
one_day = 24*one_hour
seven_days = 7*one_day
thirty_days = 30*one_day
# Column variables
target_col = "target"
partition_col = "partition_col"
df_base = (
.sql("SELECT * FROM {base}".format(base=base_table))
df_product1 = (
.where(F.col("product_id") == F.lit("1"))
Calculating running averages
window_lengths = {
"1day": one_day,
"7day": seven_days,
"30day": thirty_days
# Create window specs for each type
part_windows = {
time: Window.partitionBy(F.col(partition_col))
.rangeBetween(-secs, -one_min)
for (time, secs) in window_lengths.items()
cols = [
# Note: not using `avg` as I will be smoothing this at some point
for time, win in part_windows.items()
sample_df = (
.repartition(2000, partition_col)
Now, I can collect a limited subset of these data (say just 100 rows), but if I try to run the full query, and, for example, aggregate the running averages, Spark gets stuck on some particularly large partitions. The vast majority of the partitions have fewer than 1million records in them. Only about 50 of them have more than 1M record and only about 150 have more than 500K
However, a small handful have more than 2.5M (~10), and 3 of them have more than 5M records. These partitions have run for more than 12 hours and failed to complete. The skew in these partitions are a natural part of the data representing larger activity in these distinct values of the partitioning column. I have no control over the definition of the values of this partitioning column.
I am using a SparkSession with dynamic allocation enabled, 32G of RAM and 4 cores per executor, and 4 executors minimum. I have attempted to up the executors to 96G with 8 cores per executor and 10 executors minimum, but the job still does not complete.
This seems like a calculation which shouldn't take 13 hours to complete. The df_product1 DataFrame contains just shy of 300M records.
If there is other information that would be helpful in resolving this problem, please comment below.
I'm trying to take out samples from two dataframes wherein I need the ratio of count maintained. eg
df1.count() = 10
df2.count() = 1000
noOfSamples = 10
I want to sample the data in such a way that i get 10 samples of size 101 each( 1 from df1 and 100 from df2)
Now while doing so,
var newSample = df1.sample(true, df1.count() / noOfSamples)
What does the fraction here imply? can it be greater than 1? I checked this and this but wasn't able to comprehend it fully.
Also is there anyway we can specify the number of rows to be sampled?
The fraction parameter represents the aproximate fraction of the dataset that will be returned. For instance, if you set it to 0.1, 10% (1/10) of the rows will be returned. For your case, I believe you want to do the following:
val newSample = df1.sample(true, 1D*noOfSamples/df1.count)
However, you may notice that newSample.count will return a different number each time you run it, and that's because the fraction will be a threshold for a random-generated value (as you can see here), so the resulting dataset size can vary. An workaround can be:
val newSample = df1.sample(true, 2D*noOfSamples/df1.count).limit(df1.count/noOfSamples)
Some scalability observations
You may note that doing a df1.count might be expensive as it evaluates the whole DataFrame, and you'll lose one of the benefits of sampling in the first place.
Therefore depending on the context of your application, you may want to use an already known number of total samples, or an approximation.
val newSample = df1.sample(true, 1D*noOfSamples/knownNoOfSamples)
Or assuming the size of your DataFrame as huge, I would still use a fraction and use limit to force the number of samples.
val guessedFraction = 0.1
val newSample = df1.sample(true, guessedFraction).limit(noOfSamples)
As for your questions:
can it be greater than 1?
No. It represents a fraction between 0 and 1. If you set it to 1 it will bring 100% of the rows, so it wouldn't make sense to set it to a number larger than 1.
Also is there anyway we can specify the number of rows to be sampled?
You can specify a larger fraction than the number of rows you want and then use limit, as I show in the second example. Maybe there is another way, but this is the approach I use.
To answer your question, is there anyway we can specify the number of rows to be sampled?
I recently needed to sample a certain number of rows from a spark data frame. I followed the below process,
Convert the spark data frame to rdd.
Example: df_test.rdd
RDD has a functionality called takeSample which allows you to give the number of samples you need with a seed number.
Example: df_test.rdd.takeSample(withReplacement, Number of Samples, Seed)
Convert RDD back to spark data frame using sqlContext.createDataFrame()
Above process combined to single step:
Data Frame (or Population) I needed to Sample from has around 8,000 records:
test1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(df_grp_1.rdd.takeSample(False,125,seed=115))
test1 data frame will have 125 sampled records.
To answer if the fraction can be greater than 1. Yes, it can be if we have replace as yes. If a value greater than 1 is provided with replace false, then following exception will occur:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Upper bound (2.0) must be <= 1.0.
I too find lack of sample by count functionality disturbing. If you are not picky about creating a temp view I find the code below useful (df is your dataframe, count is sample size):
val tableName = s"table_to_sample_${System.currentTimeMillis}"
val sampled = sqlContext.sql(s"select *, rand() as random from ${tableName} order by random limit ${count}")
It returns an exact count as long as your current row count is as large as your sample size.
The below code works if you want to do a random split of 70% & 30% of a data frame df,
val Array(trainingDF, testDF) = df.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3), seed = 12345)
I use this function for random sampling when exact number of records are desirable:
def row_count_sample (df, row_count, with_replacement=False, random_seed=113170):
ratio = 1.08 * float(row_count) / df.count() # random-sample more as dataframe.sample() is not a guaranteed to give exact record count
# it could be more or less actual number of records returned by df.sample()
if ratio>1.0:
ratio = 1.0
result_df = (df
.sample(with_replacement, ratio, random_seed)
.limit(row_count) # since we oversampled, make exact row count here
return result_df
May be you want to try below code..
val splits = data.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
val (trainingData, testData) = (splits(0), splits(1))
I do some experimentation on a MacBook (i5, 2.6GHz, 8GB ram) with Zeppelin NB and Spark in standalone mode. spark.executor/driver.memory both get 2g. I have also set spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer in spark-defaults.conf, but that seems to be ignored by zeppelin
ALS model
I have trained a ALS model with ~400k (implicit) ratings and want to get recommendations with val allRecommendations = model.recommendProductsForUsers(1)
Sample set
Next I take a sample to play around with
val sampledRecommendations = allRecommendations.sample(false, 0.05, 1234567).cache
This contains 3600 recommendations.
Remove product recommendations that users own
Next I want to remove all ratings for products that a given user already owns, the list I hold in a RDD of the form (user_id, Set[product_ids]): RDD[(Long, scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[Int])]
val productRecommendations = (sampledRecommendations
// add user portfolio to the list, but convert the key from Long to Int first
.join( up => (up._1.toInt, up._2) ))
// (user, (ratings: Array[Rating], usersOwnedProducts: HashSet[Long]))
r => (r._1
.filter( rating => !r._2.contains(rating.product))
.filter( rating => rating.rating > 0.5)
// In case there is no recommendation (left), remove the entry
.filter(rating => !rating._2.isEmpty)
Question 1
Calling this (productRecommendations.count) on the cached sample set generates a stage that includes flatMap at MatrixFactorizationModel.scala:278 with 10,000 tasks, 263.6 MB of input data and 196.0 MB shuffle write. Shouldn't the tiny and cached RDD be used instead and what is going (wr)on(g) here? The execution of the count takes almost 5 minutes!
Question 2
Calling usersProductsFlat.count which is fully cached according to the "Storage" view in the application UI takes ~60 seconds each time. It's 23Mb in size – shouldn't that be a lot faster?
Map to readable form
Next I bring this in some readable form replacing IDs with names from a broadcasted lookup Map to put into a DF/table:
val readableRatings = (productRecommendations
.map( r => (r._1, userIdToMailBC.value(r._1), r._2.product.toInt, productIdToNameBC.value(r._2.product), r._2.rating))
val readableRatingsDF = readableRatings.toDF("user","email", "product_id", "product", "rating").cache
Select … with patience
The insane part starts here. Doing a SELECT takes several hours (I could never wait for one to finish):
SELECT COUNT(user) AS usr_cnt, product, AVG(rating) AS avg_rating
FROM recommendations
GROUP BY product
I don't know where to look to find the bottlenecks here, there is obviously some huge kerfuffle going on here! Where can I start looking?
Your number of partitions may be too large. I think you should use about 200 when running in local mode rather than 10000. You can set the number of partitions in different ways. I suggest you edit the spark.default.parallelism flag in the Spark configuration file.
I built a Spark cluster.
Memory: 32.0 GB Total, 20.0 GB Used
Each worker gets 1 cpu, 6 cores and 10.0 GB memory
My program gets data source from MongoDB cluster. Spark and MongoDB cluster are in the same LAN(1000Mbps).
MongoDB document format:
{name:string, value:double, time:ISODate}
There is about 13 million documents.
I want to get the average value of a special name from a special hour which contains 60 documents.
Here is my key function
*rdd=sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(configOriginal, classOf[com.mongodb.hadoop.MongoInputFormat], classOf[Object], classOf[BSONObject])
Apache-Spark-1.3.1 scala doc: SparkContext.newAPIHadoopFile[K, V, F <: InputFormat[K, V]](path: String, fClass: Class[F], kClass: Class[K], vClass: Class[V], conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration): RDD[(K, V)]
def findValueByNameAndRange(rdd:RDD[(Object,BSONObject)],name:String,time:Date): RDD[BasicBSONObject]={
val nameRdd =>arg._2).filter(_.get("name").equals(name))
val timeRangeRdd1 =>(tuple, tuple.get("time").asInstanceOf[Date]))
val timeRangeRdd2 =>(tuple._1,duringTime(tuple._2,time,getHourAgo(time,1))))
val timeRangeRdd3 = timeRangeRdd2.filter(_._2).map(_._1)
val timeRangeRdd4 = => (x.get("name").toString, x.get("value").toString.toDouble)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
return basicBSONRDD(name, time)
return => {
val bson = new BasicBSONObject()
bson.put("name", tuple._1)
bson.put("value", tuple._2/60)
bson.put("time", time)
bson })
Here is part of Job information
My program works so slowly. Does it because of isEmpty and reduceByKey? If yes, how can I improve it ? If not, why?
=======update === => (x.get("name").toString, x.get("value").toString.toDouble)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
is on the line of 34
I know reduceByKey is a global operation, and may costs much time, however, what it costed is beyond my budget. How can I improvet it or it is the defect of Spark. With the same calculation and hardware, it just costs several seconds if I use multiple thread of java.
First, isEmpty is merely the point at which the RDD stage ends. The maps and filters do not create a need for a shuffle, and the method used in the UI is always the method that triggers a stage change/ this case isEmpty. Why it's running slow is not as easy to discern from this perspective, especially without seeing the composition of the originating RDD. I can tell you that isEmpty first checks the partition size and then does a take(1) and verifies whether data was returned or not. So, the odds are that there is a bottle neck in the network or something else blocking along the way. It could even be a GC issue... Click into the isEmpty and see what more you can discern from there.