Can I fetch Transfers associated with a Stripe Payout? - stripe-payments

When I receive a payout created or paid webhook from Stripe, and I have the payout id, is there a way to fetch all the transfers that were created for that payout?
I can fetch the payout like this
var service = new PayoutService();
var payout = await service.GetAsync("po_1KJOuO***********h8S");
It looks like the payout has a "BalanceTransaction" property, but I'm not sure if it would contain "Transfers" as I don't see it in the Stripe docs

For transfers related to a specific Payout you can specify the type attribute in your request to the Balance Transactions API /v1/balance_transactions. You can also expand the source attribute on the Balance Transaction object to get the related payout object as well in a single request.
Below is an example of how you make this request in Python using the official Stripe library
transfers = stripe.BalanceTransaction.list(,


how to receive Issuer field from payment method of Stripe API

When I visit show page of Payment Method (pm_1MZe3SEoS7yEEpyZtE8jW9JC) from dashboard.stripe .com then I can see the "Issuer" field that equal "Stripe Payments UK Limited", but CAN NOT receive this data from Stripe API.
use stripe-ruby client
use last api version: 2022-11-15
show page of Payment Method
require 'stripe'
Stripe.api_key = "api_key"
payment_method = Stripe::PaymentMethod.retrieve('pm_1MZe3SEoS7yEEpyZtE8jW9JC')
could you please insert documentation API are you reading?
generally, it is not obvious that this information is exposed by API, so you have to read documentation before.

How to retrieve receipt_url upon successful payment completion in Stripe

We are using the Stripe API to make payments for invoices using a SAPUI5/Fiori UI. The payment intent create happens via a node.js project. We are successfully able to initiate the payment and from the Stripe dashboard Payments section we can see that the payment gets processed successfully.
We have the requirement, that upon successful payment completion, we need to redirect the user to the receipt URL (receipt_url) to display the payment receipt of the just processed invoice. Below is the code we are using to invoke the create payment intent on the Stripe server:
const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create(
payment_method_types: ['card', 'us_bank_account'],
metadata: {
{apiKey: secretKey}
clientSecret: paymentIntent.client_secret,
According to the Stripe documentation, we can retrieve the receipt URL by retrieving the charge within the paymentIntent, but the response we receive upon successful processing of the payment by Stripe does not contain the charge object, it just has the payment id. Is it possible in any way, to retrieve the receipt URL using only the payment intent id?
Calling the payment intent create on Stripe to process the payment, but we are not getting in the response the receipt_url value where we want to redirect the user to, upon successful payment completion.
You can find the receipt_url property on the latest_charge property (make sure you use an API version greater than 2022-11-15; in older versions, it was the last item of charges property), which you can expand on your successful Payment Intent.
For that, you need to add a parameter expand when you create a Payment Intent:
const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({
expand: [“latest_charge”]
const receiptUrl = paymentIntent.latest_charge.receipt_url;

handling stripe webhook in multiple stripe account laravel

I've multiple stripe account on my site, and each stripe account is associated with a webhook.
My webhook is returning 403 Error "No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload"
i've checked the Cashier middleware and its getting the webhook secret key from the env file.
Since this project attached to multiple stripe account, we can't store the webhook secret in env file. so, we're placing the webhook secret key of each stripe account in a table.
I would like to get the secret key from database instead of this config file.
Is it possible to listen to multiple stripe account's webhook?
Any help will be appreciated.
I am not sure if this is a good approach but you can:
Send meta data in the checkout which gets posted to the web hook
Get the raw json posted by the web hook before you use the web hook key to validate that the post was from Stripe. Stripe.Net contains a parse method and a construct method. Parse does not require the key. Construct uses the key to validate the post was from Stripe.
So with
string endpointSecret;
// get the json posted
var json = await new
// convert the json into a stripe event object
var objStripeEvent = EventUtility.ParseEvent(json);
if (objStripeEvent.Type == Events.CheckoutSessionCompleted)
// get the session object and see if it contains the Meta data we passed
// in at checkout
var session = objStripeEvent.Data.Object as Session;
var met = session.Metadata;
if (met.ContainsKey("FranchiseGuid"))
// if the meta data contains the franchise guid get the correct
// wh secret from the DB
var FranchiseGuid= new Guid(met["FranchiseGuid"]);
endpointSecret = _repo.GetWebHookSecret(FranchiseGuid);
// Then you can go on to use the Construct method to validate the post with the correct key for the Stripe account where the web hook is based.
// check if was from Stripe
var stripeEvent = EventUtility.ConstructEvent(
---- etc
I've requested help on this from Stripe support but they have promised to get back to me. I'll test out the above to see if it works. I don't think it's ideal though because if a hacker were able to get a valid franchise guid they could possibly fake posts and spam the endpoint. It would not be easy to guess a guid and these id's are not available in any way publicly. Plus https is used. But it still makes me nervous because the franchise guid would be one of a dozen or more. Not like a booking guid which is generated and sent once for the booking that is marked as paid. The franchise guid would be sent every time a payment was made for that franchise.
I think what I may do is use the booking guid since this is randomly generated for every booking. I can join to the franchise table from the booking and get the web hook secret.
We'll see if Stripe come back with something useful.

Add Stripe Credit Card without Payment in SwiftUI

I am struggling to find a solution that isn't UIKit, or one that requires you make a purchase.
My project is trying to integrate Stripe in SwiftUI, using node.js Firebase Functions for backend handling.
I built a STPPaymentCardTextField in UIViewRepresentable. Which allows me to obtain credit card details for the customer via State.
#State var params: STPPaymentMethodCardParams = STPPaymentMethodCardParams()
SwiftUI TextField
StripePaymentCardTextField(cardParams: $params, isValid: $isValid)
Then we can build paymentMethodParms like..
let paymentMethodParams = STPPaymentMethodParams(card: params, billingDetails: billingDetails, metadata: nil)
Now I could easily pass the credit card details to my backend and add the card manually using
Function for adding payment method
const createPaymentMethods = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const paymentMethod = await stripe.paymentMethods.create({
customer: '{{CUSTOMER_ID}}',
payment_method: '{{PAYMENT_METHOD_ID}}',
}, {
but I am understanding this is bad practice.
I found this post which might be a "duplicate", but is the closest relevant answer. Adding customer's Credit card info in stripe. That user however is using reactjs and wanted to store credit card details in a database, where I only want to pass it to Stripe.
Is there not a way I can send the credit card data to Stripe, get a paymentMethod ID back, and pass that to my backend or something? I have already solved subscriptions, and purchase charging, I just can't get a credit card setup without going through the payment setup process. I want the user to add a credit card manually on creating a new account and/or in settings.
Can you call stripe-ios's createPaymentMethod() function [0]? That is a client-side function your SwiftUI app would call to tokenize the card details from paymentMethodParams into a PaymentMethod object. You can then pass that ID server-side to attach to a Customer.
To expand on #hmunoz's answer and the way I got this to work is as follows.
Create your user a Stripe account.
Log the customers stripe id in your user's Firestore database for easy reference.
Create an "Add card" view to your frontend and call to the add payment method function.
Upon checkout as long as the customer's stripe ID is passed in the payment intent it should populate with their saved payment methods.
In summary it is best to keep track of your user that is signed in so that you can do any CRUD needed throughout.

How to set commission fee on stripe while Creating Separate Charges and Transfers?

How to set commission for Buyer & Seller both using stripe connect. I am using
we want to hold money on our stripe account until job completed by seller. The amount is submitted by client(buyer) to out stripe platform .then, on job completing, it would be transferred to seller stripe account. (how to set commission for both while creating charge by the client(buyer) to our stripe platform account )?
input : Only pass application_fee without accountId
let chargeEntity = await stripe.charges.create({
//description: "Sample Charge",
source: sourceTokenId,
currency: currency,
customer: customerId,
output :
"message": "Can only apply an application_fee when the request is made on behalf of another account (using an OAuth key, the Stripe-Account header, or the destination parameter)."
If you're using separate charges and transfers, there's no ability to pass an application fee.
Instead, simply withhold the funds you'd like to keep on your platform when you create the transfer, calling stripe.transfers.create. For example, if you created a charge for $100, only transfer $90, your platform retains $10 (minus any Stripe fees on the original $100 charge).
If you would rather use application_fee_amount, look at the destination payment flow; you could create the charge with destination but pass capture: false and then capture funds once work is completed.
