Connect to windows server from node js - node.js

I'm not very experienced in programming and have a problem that I'm finding hard do solve.
I have a web app that is on a ubuntu server, that is running on node js. That web app creates an excel file on the back-end that is to be read by another excel file and execute a vba that gives as results in a software that only runs on windows.
I tried the software on a windows server and it seems to run, so no problems there.
My question is: how do I make my web app excel file be stored in the windows server and how do I call the files on that server to run from node js?
Can anyone please share some resources on where I can explore this subject please?
Thanks in advance,

The following is what I advised the OP to do in the comments, only longer and with more explanation.
First, install NodeJS on your Windows server. You can do it by either installing it from the official Downloads page from NodeJS, or use a version manager such as nvm, with a Microsoft tutorial on how to do it that way. This step is up to you.
Host your back-end part (the one that creates the excel part) on the Windows server. That way, the file will be stored in the same filesystem the "software that runs only on Windows" is on.
The problem now is determining if there is any way to run the "software" via command line. Since I don't know the software name, I can't look that up but if it can, you'll have to check child processes via NodeJS.
Now, if this software has no way to be run via command line, and if they didn't publish any sort of programming interface (what is called API in the real definition of the term), chances are that you will not be able to achieve what you want to.
If you want me to clarify or explain more on some points, please let me know in the comments so I can edit my answer.


How to replicate local code to Ubuntu server

I am hosting a web application in ubuntu using nodejs. i am using Webstorm ide and when ever i add some update then i have to connect to the server using ssh and copy and past the new code. isn't there any IDE available which do this automatically. at least it should has a button with credential to the server so when ever new update is ready to publish press the button and update the code on the server.
There are many solutions to this. I would use Docker my self, as it is very useful during development as well, and it is portable. You can use node-ansible and many many more. Which is the best for node in particular I don’t know. But search for deploy systems and you will definitely find.

Node.js and ColdFusion on the same server?

I have question about how to set Node.js server application. On my server I have ColdFusion application server. I can test my code through browser url. I would like the same for Node.js. Node is already installed on my server but the only way to run the code is through cmd command window. First question is what I need in order for both to run on the same server? I still need my ColdFusion. Second question is about Nodes.js and can I set up server application with ISS or I need something else? Also do I have to specify what extension on my files will point to ColdFusion and other to Node. For example .cfm extension is for ColdFusion and .js is for the Node. If anyone knows anything about this or where I can find more information please let me know. I never experienced something similar and this is something completely new for me.
I know this is an old post but I figure I'd provide an answer for those souls who are looking around.
If working with Apache 2.4.x.
In a test environment this would not be to much of an issue as Node and Coldfusion operate on different ports.
If your looking to create a production site than I would say that building a virtual host with proxy to the node site and Coldfusion would be another method.
If you are using the Coldfusion connector to Apache and loading node, than still loading the proxy for the node part would be fine, just make sure you are pointing to the correct port for your node.
Things to remember:
You may have to alter internal Firewall rules.
Comment your hosts files so you don't accidentally alter the wrong file.
Both can exist within the same platform.

How do I use NodeJS on Asustor AS-302T NAS

I have recently bought a Asustor AS-302T NAS, which is an absolutely brilliant solution for the home. One of it's most impressive features is that you can install apps which extends the ordinary behavior of a NAS. And if you are a developer you can also create your own apps.
While apps are fun, I have more interest in using my NAS as a kitchen-sink for my personal nodejs projects. In short I want to run nodejs application that I can then call from various other machines around the house. My own mini-cloud for IOT experiments.
Installing, one click only
Having installed NodeJS through App-Central I am at a loss how exactly to start using NodeJS on my NAS. The whole installation is essentially an on/off switch with no options or visible settings at all. I can find no documentation on practical tasks like uploading a nodejs application, deal with access rights or even execute it.
Under Windows or OS-X I would use npm via the command-line or shell, but Asustor is a purely html based interface (with the exception of XBMC through HDMI).
Why offer to users the option of installing NodeJS -if it's impossible to actually use it?
So my question has three aspects to it:
How do i get access to npm on my Asustor NAS
How do i get my NodeJS application running
Is it possible to run my application as a service (executed when the NAS boots)?
From the ASUSTOR Developer's Guide: apps are installed into
NodeJS executables will be at path /usr/local/AppCentral/nodejs/bin/node and /usr/local/AppCentral/nodejs/bin/npm.
You can login to NAS via SSH and add them to PATH variable, or create symlinks...
I'm also searching for solution how to run them as a service (daemon), maybe an /etc/init.d script might help.

linux or windows terminal over the web

I'm planing to make a web app which will allow you to have a Linux Terminal on a web page so that you can execute any command an get the response as if you were in front of your linux terminal.
I planed to use NodeJS as it is server side JavaScript, asynchronous and fast.
Also I saw this wich does exactly what i'm trying to do, I peeked in the source code, but didn't found something useful, I also analysed it with google chrome developer tools on the network tab, but there is absolutely nothing even while executing some commands and getting responses. How is this possible ? what technology do you think they used ?
So I wanted to get your advice, your experience in order to start it the right way.
I firstly decided to use NodeJS, but if there is another programming language or Framework more appropriate for this kind of application please let me know.
If you want a real terminal in the browser using node.js on the backend, you might give tty.js a try.
Alternatively you can use the pty.js module manually which is used by tty.js. Along with that, you could also use xterm for doing the browser-side terminal emulation.

How do you get a server to upload and work for your game?

I've been searching all over the web and have attempted to upload my node.js based server up to a few various web hosters with no result. As far as I know most hosters don't support node.js to begin with, and I have a list of a few that do.
But my primary question is, how do you get your server working on this hoster in the first place? do you just upload it? does it sort of self run once uploaded? do I have to access that hosters cmd in order to get it running?
Sorry for what is probably a very newbish question, which I assume it is as I have yet to find a guide that covers this because it is apparently too basic. They always seem to skip this part:s
You'll just need to upload your files to a web host that supports javascript and offers command line access; for example, check out Amazon's free scalable offering. Once you have the files uploaded, just run them from the command line:
% node node.js
