jooq: Add interval to timestamp postgres - jooq

I'm trying to bump a timestamptz value further in to the future by a number of interval seconds. Is there a way to massage these types so the jooq will allow me to do so in one statement, or do I just need to get the TriggerRecord and do the calculation in Java code?
Code and attempt follows:
public final TableField<TriggerRecord, Instant> PAUSED_UNTIL = createField("paused_until"), SQLDataType.TIMESTAMPWITHTIMEZONE(6), this, "", new OffsetDateTimeInstantConverter());
public class OffsetDateTimeInstantConverter implements Converter<OffsetDateTime, Instant> {
private static Instant min;
public OffsetDateTimeInstantConverter() {
public Instant from(OffsetDateTime databaseObject) {
return databaseObject == null ? null : databaseObject.toInstant();
public OffsetDateTime to(Instant userObject) {
if (userObject == null) {
return null;
} else {
return userObject.isBefore(min) ? OffsetDateTime.MIN : userObject.atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC);
public Class<OffsetDateTime> fromType() {
return OffsetDateTime.class;
public Class<Instant> toType() {
return Instant.class;
static {
min = OffsetDateTime.MIN.toInstant();
In one case it errors out
final Long ps = 360;
query = using(configuration)
.set(TRIGGER.ACTIVE, active)
ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp with time zone + timestamp with time zone
And in another attempt errors as
final var query = using(configuration)
.set(TRIGGER.ACTIVE, active)
org.jooq.exception.DataTypeException: Cannot convert from +0 00:06:00.000000000 (class org.jooq.types.DayToSecond) to class java.time.OffsetDateTime
update trigger set "paused_until" = ("alert"."trigger"."paused_until" + cast(? as timestamp(6) with time zone))

This looks like bug #12036, which has been fixed in jOOQ 3.17.0, 3.16.4, and 3.15.8. The workaround is to use plain SQL templating for this particular expression.
DSL.field("{0} + {1}",


DataTable to Generic List Using Task to Make it faster

Have started to Make the conversion faster from dataTable to List as I have 20K record in datatable and converting it in normal way takes 5 to 7 Minutes. SO I thought to Make it faster by using Parallel.ForEach or Task but still no benefit - Any suggestion please. Mu code is as below :
public static List<T> FillFromStoredProc<T>(string storedproc, SqlParameter[] prms) where T : IReadOnlyDatabaseObject, new()
DataTable dt = DatabaseHelper.runStoredProc(Configuration.Instance.ConnectionString, storedproc, prms);
ConcurrentBag<T> bag = new ConcurrentBag<T>();
IList<PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(T).GetProperties().ToList();
Parallel.ForEach(dt.AsEnumerable(), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, Drow => {
bag.Add(GetFromDataRow<T>(Drow, properties));
return bag.ToList();
public static T GetFromDataRow<T>(DataRow dr, IList<PropertyInfo> properties) where T : IReadOnlyDatabaseObject, new()
T ret = new T();
ret.LoadFromDataRowAsync(dr, properties);
return ret;
public virtual void LoadFromDataRowAsync(DataRow dr, IList<PropertyInfo> properties)
Parallel.ForEach(properties, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, prop =>
if (dr.Table.Columns.Contains(prop.Name))
if (prop.PropertyType.BaseType.Name == "Enum")
prop.SetValue(this, Enum.Parse(prop.PropertyType, dr[prop.Name].ToString()));
var val = DatabaseHelper.ConvertFromDBVal(prop.GetType(), dr[prop.Name]);
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
// Convert back from DB value
if ((DateTime)(val) == SqlDateTime.MinValue)
val = DateTime.MinValue;
prop.SetValue(this, val);
Please help me to make this faster. Thanks
Nesting parallelism is useless and must be avoided, because usually it only makes the overall performance worse.
Your bottleneck is the reflection - it is slow. You should come up with an alternative. For example, you can create a base class for your generic types, and use a virtual method that maps the name of a property to an actual property. It sounds like quite some grinding and dirty work, but it will be more efficient.

Cisco JTAPI phone register/unregister status

I am using the below code to check the phone status(if phone is up or down). When phone is down sends an alarm. However this doesn't show when 8800 series phones are down. Is there any other method to check the Phone register/unregister status?
#Override public void terminalChangedEvent(TermEv[] eventList) {
if ( eventList != null ) {
for (TermEv eventList1 : eventList) {
if (eventList1 instanceof CiscoTermInServiceEv){
} else if (eventList1 instanceof CiscoTermOutOfServiceEv &&
terminalInService.test()==true) {
Second Question, I was not able to find the methods or documentation about "" class. What does Condition.set() and Condition.test() methods do?
Looks like you have the right general idea - JTAPI should work fine for 88xx models, assuming you have the correct device->user association, and user permissions (Standard CTI Enabled, and Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and conf needed for 88xx).
Here is my version working on CUCM 11.5:
import java.util.*;
import javax.telephony.*;
import javax.telephony.callcontrol.*;
public class DataTerm implements ProviderObserver, TerminalObserver {
public static final int OUT_OF_SERVICE = 0;
public static final int IN_SERVICE = 1;
private Address destAddress;
private CiscoTerminal observedTerminal;
private boolean addressInService;
private boolean terminalInService;
protected int state = OUT_OF_SERVICE;
Condition conditionInService = new Condition();
Provider provider;
public DataTerm(String[] args) {
try {
System.out.println("Initializing Jtapi");
String providerName = "";
String login = "dstaudt";
String passwd = "password";
String dest = "2999";
JtapiPeer peer = JtapiPeerFactory.getJtapiPeer(null);
String providerString = providerName + ";login=" + login + ";passwd=" + passwd;
System.out.println("Opening " + providerString + "...\n");
provider = peer.getProvider(providerString);
this.destAddress = provider.getAddress(dest);
this.observedTerminal = (CiscoTerminal) destAddress.getTerminals()[0];
try {
if (destAddress != null) {
System.out.println("Adding Terminal Observer to Terminal" + observedTerminal.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Caught exception " + e);
public void terminalChangedEvent(TermEv[] events) {
for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
Terminal terminal = events[i].getTerminal();
switch (events[i].getID()) {
case CiscoTermInServiceEv.ID:
System.out.println("Received " + events[i] + "for " + terminal.getName());
terminalInService = true;
case CiscoTermOutOfServiceEv.ID:
System.out.println("Received " + events[i] + "for " + terminal.getName());
terminalInService = false;
if (state != OUT_OF_SERVICE) { // you only want to notify when you had notified earlier that you are IN_SERVICE
public void providerChangedEvent(ProvEv[] eventList) {
if (eventList != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) {
if (eventList[i] instanceof ProvInServiceEv) {
The "" seems to be based on this pattern:
public interface Condition
Condition factors out the Object monitor methods (wait, notify and notifyAll) into distinct objects to give the effect of having multiple wait-sets per object, by combining them with the use of arbitrary Lock implementations. Where a Lock replaces the use of synchronized methods and statements, a Condition replaces the use of the Object monitor methods.
Conditions (also known as condition queues or condition variables) provide a means for one thread to suspend execution (to "wait") until notified by another thread that some state condition may now be true. Because access to this shared state information occurs in different threads, it must be protected, so a lock of some form is associated with the condition. The key property that waiting for a condition provides is that it atomically releases the associated lock and suspends the current thread, just like Object.wait.

Haxe – Proper way to implement Map with Int64 keys that can be serialized (native target)

I need to know, what would be proper way to implement Maps with 64 bit keys. There will not be so many items in them, I just need to use various bits of the key for various things with large enough address space and I need it to be very fast, so String keys would probably be too slow. So far I tried:
import haxe.Int64;
import haxe.Unserializer;
import haxe.Serializer;
class Test {
static function main () {
var key:Int64 = 1 << 63 | 0x00000001;
var omap:Map<Int64, String> = new Map<Int64, String>();
omap.set(key, "test");
var smap:Map<Int64, String> =;
var key2:Int64 = 1 << 63 | 0x00000001;
trace(key+" "+smap.get(key2));
which obviously doesn't work, because haxe.Int64 creates an object instance. Using cpp.Int64 works, because it for some reason falls back to 32 bit integer in my cpp code and I don't know what am I doing wrong. How can I force it to "stay" 64 bit, or should I do it some other way?
EDIT: This is currently not working on native targets due to bug / current implementation in hxcpp:
I figured out this workaround / wrapper, which may not be the most efficient solution possible, but it seems to work.
import haxe.Int64;
import haxe.Unserializer;
import haxe.Serializer;
class Test {
static function main () {
var key:Int64 = Int64.make(1000,1);
var omap:Int64Map<String> = new Int64Map();
omap.set(key, "test");
var smap:Int64Map<String> =;
var key2:Int64 = Int64.make(1000,1);
trace(key+" "+smap.get(key2));
class Int64Map<V> {
private var map:Map<Int64,V>;
public function new() : Void { = new Map<Int64,V>();
public function set(key:Int64, value:V):Void {, value);
public inline function get(key:Int64):Null<V> {
var skey:Null<Int64> = getMapKey(key);
if (skey != null) return;
return null;
public inline function exists(key:Int64):Bool {
return (getMapKey(key) != null);
public function remove( key : Int64 ) : Bool {
var skey:Null<Int64> = getMapKey(key);
if (skey != null) return;
return false;
public function keys() : Iterator<Int64> {
public function toString() : String {
public function iterator() : Iterator<V> {
private function getMapKey(key:Int64):Null<Int64> {
for (ikey in{
if (Int64.eq(key, ikey)){
return ikey;
return null;

Casting on run time using implicit con version

I have the following code which copies property values from one object to another objects by matching their property names:
public static void CopyProperties(object source, object target,bool caseSenstive=true)
PropertyInfo[] targetProperties = target.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
PropertyInfo[] sourceProperties = source.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (PropertyInfo tp in targetProperties)
var sourceProperty = sourceProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == tp.Name);
if (sourceProperty == null && !caseSenstive)
sourceProperty = sourceProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.ToUpper() == tp.Name.ToUpper());
// If source doesn't have this property, go for next one.
if(sourceProperty ==null)
// If target property is not writable then we can not set it;
// If source property is not readable then cannot check it's value
if (!tp.CanWrite || !sourceProperty.CanRead)
MethodInfo mget = sourceProperty.GetGetMethod(false);
MethodInfo mset = tp.GetSetMethod(false);
// Get and set methods have to be public
if (mget == null)
if (mset == null)
var sourcevalue = sourceProperty.GetValue(source, null);
tp.SetValue(target, sourcevalue, null);
This is working well when the type of properties on target and source are the same. But when there is a need for casting, the code doesn't work.
For example, I have the following object:
class MyDateTime
public static implicit operator DateTime?(MyDateTime myDateTime)
return myDateTime.DateTime;
public static implicit operator DateTime(MyDateTime myDateTime)
if (myDateTime.DateTime.HasValue)
return myDateTime.DateTime.Value;
return System.DateTime.MinValue;
public static implicit operator MyDateTime(DateTime? dateTime)
return FromDateTime(dateTime);
public static implicit operator MyDateTime(DateTime dateTime)
return FromDateTime(dateTime);
If I do the following, the implicit cast is called and everything works well:
MyDateTime x= DateTime.Now;
But when I have a two objects that one of them has a DateTime and the other has MyDateTime, and I am using the above code to copy properties from one object to other, it doesn't and generate an error saying that DateTime can not converted to MyTimeDate.
How can I fix this problem?
One ghastly approach which should work is to mix dynamic and reflection:
private static T ConvertValue<T>(dynamic value)
return value; // This will perform conversion automatically
var sourceValue = sourceProperty.GetValue(source, null);
if (sourceProperty.PropertyType != tp.PropertyType)
var method = typeof(PropertyCopier).GetMethod("ConvertValue",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { tp.PropertyType };
sourceValue = method.Invoke(null, new[] { sourceValue });
tp.SetValue(target, sourceValue, null);
We need to use reflection to invoke the generic method with the right type argument, but dynamic typing will use the right conversion operator for you.
Oh, and one final request: please don't include my name anywhere near this code, whether it's in comments, commit logs. Aargh.

Get item’s metadata with Entity Framework?

I'm working with Sharepoint 2010.
I need to know the date of creation/edition and the author/editor of items in my sharepoint's Lists, but I didn't find a solution to map these columns with Entity Framework.
I tried this kind of code :
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ColumnAttribute(Name = "tp_author", Storage = "_author", ReadOnly = true, FieldType = "User")]
public SPUser Author
return this._author;
if (!value.Equals(this._author))
this.OnPropertyChanging("Author", this._author);
this._author = value;
But with that code, Sharepoint give me this error:
Invalid transfer type Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUser
I also tried with other types for _author, but it doesn't change anything.
Is there a way to make this mapping?
SPMetal generates the following code for a user field
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ColumnAttribute(Name="AssignedTo", Storage="_assignedToId", FieldType="User", IsLookupId=true)]
public System.Nullable<int> AssignedToId {
get {
return this._assignedToId;
set {
if ((value != this._assignedToId)) {
this.OnPropertyChanging("AssignedToId", this._assignedToId);
this._assignedToId = value;
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.ColumnAttribute(Name="AssignedTo", Storage="_assignedTo", ReadOnly=true, FieldType="User", IsLookupValue=true)]
public string AssignedTo {
get {
return this._assignedTo;
set {
if ((value != this._assignedTo)) {
this.OnPropertyChanging("AssignedTo", this._assignedTo);
this._assignedTo = value;
