Recalculation of exchanges done twice - brightway

When using the function ParameterManager.recalculate() to get the actualised values of all the parameterized exchanges of my database, the functions ActivityParameter.recalculate() and ActivityParameter.recalculate_exchanges() are applied to all the parameters groups. But it seems that the function ActivityParameter.recalculate_exchanges() is ran twice because it is also used inside the function ActivityParameter.recalculate(). When deleting one, I get the same results but twice faster (that is what I was looking for because otherwise my calculation is a bit long). Is there a reason for running the function twice ? Is it right to delete one to get faster results ? Would there be a way to reduce the duration of this calculation ?

You are totally right - ParameterManager.recalculate calls both ActivityParameter.recalculate and ActivityParameter.recalculate_exchanges, but ActivityParameter.recalculate already calls ActivityParameter.recalculate_exchanges. This makes things slower, but doesn't break anything.
This duplication has been removed; you can safely do the same.


adding elements to a query using multithreading

Consider you are running simulations and each simulation writes results to a output.txt file. I want to run thousands of simulations using multithreading, while doing that even though if i use locking, unlocking, i was still having errors when multiple threads access to the file at the same time.
To solve this, I am going to add result texts to a query that stores them. That is, each thread will add result to this query instead of writing it to the output.txt file. And in the end, i'll take stored texts from query and write to output.txt
My question here is: whenever multiple threads are adding such items to a query, do you think an error might happen in the end, like, missing simulation ? I've come up to this question because whenever you increase single value by multithreads, that value will not be incremented as much as you want if you don't be careful. (i.e, in a multithreaded for loop, add +1 to previously declared int a for 1000 times; then in the end, a will not be 1000 (ofc this can be prevented by other things))

Celery chains: Is it necessary to wait before getting the results?

So, I have a chain of tasks in Python 3 that a celery worker runs. Currently, I use the following piece of code to get and print the final result of the chain :
while not result.ready():
I have run the code with and without the while-loop, and it seems that the while-loop is redundant.
My question is: "is it necessary to have that while-loop?"
If by redundant, you mean that the code works fine without the while loop, then I would venture to say that the loop is not necessary. If, however, you throw an error without the loop because you're trying to print something that doesn't exist yet, then you should keep it. This can be a problem, though, because an empty while loop means you're just checking the same variable as fast as your computer can physically handle it, which tends to eat up your CPU. I recommend something like the following:
import time
t = 1 #The number of seconds you want to wait between checking if the result is ready
while not result.ready():
You can set t to whatever makes sense. If the task you're running takes several hours, maybe set it to 60, and you'll get the result within a minute. If you want the result faster, you can make the interval smaller. This will keep the program from dragging down the rest of your computer. However, if you don't mind your fans blowing and you absolutely need to know the moment the result is ready, ignore all of the above and leave your code the way it is :)

How many functions can I declare in phaser game update loop?

Is there any limit on how many functions I can declare in the Phaser game update loop & does the performance decrease if there are a lot of functions in the update loop?
Declaring and Calling Functions
There's a difference between declaring a function
function foo(n) {
return n + 1;
and calling a function:
var bar = foo(3);
If you really mean declare, you can indeed declare functions within update, since JavaScript supports nesting and closures:
function update() {
function updateSomeThings() {
function updateSomeOtherThings() {
This has negligible performance impact, since this snippet doesn't actually call any of these functions. If however later in update you called them:
then yes there is a cost.
Note: You don't have to declare functions within update itself to call them! You can call functions declared elsewhere, as long as they're in scope. It's worth looking at a JavaScript guide if this is too confusing.
The Cost of Function Calls
Every function you call takes time to execute. The time it takes depends on how complex the function is (how much work it does), and the it may call other functions which also take time to execute. This may be obvious, but the function's total execution time is the sum total of the execution time of all the code within that function, including the time taken by any functions it calls (and that they call, and so on).
Frame Rate
Phaser by default will aim to run at 60 frames per second, which is pretty standard for games. This means it will try to update and draw your game 60 times every second. Phaser does other things apart from calling your update function each time, not least of which is drawing your game, but it also has other housekeeping to do. Depending on the game, the bulk of your frame time may end up being taken up by either updates or drawing.
You certainly want to take less than 1/60th of a second (approx. 16 milliseconds) to complete your update, and that's assuming the game is incredibly quick for Phaser to draw.
Some things you do in Phaser are slower than others. Some developers have been doing this long enough to estimate what is "too slow" to work, but many 2D games will be just fine without taking too much care over optimization (making things run more efficiently in terms of memory used or time taken).
Good and Bad Ideas
Some bad ideas: if you have 50,000 sprites onscreen (though some machines are very powerful especially when Phaser is set to use WebGL), they will often times take far too long to draw even if you never update them. If you have 10,000 sprites bouncing and colliding with each other, collision detection will often times take far too long to update, even though some machines may be able to draw them just fine.
The best advice is to do everything you have to, but nothing you don't. Try to keep your design as simple as possible when getting started. Add complexity via interesting game mechanics, rather than by computationally expensive logic.
If all else fails, sometimes you can split work across multiple updates, or there may be some things you can do every other update or every n updates (which works best if there's different work you can do on the other updates, so you don't just have some updates slower than others).

What is better generate random IDs at runtime or keep them handy before?

I am writing an app and need to do something functionally similar to what url shortening websites do. I will be generating 6 character (case insensitive alphanumeric) random strings which would identify their longer versions of the link. This leads to 2176782336 possibilities ((10+26)^6). While assigning these strings, there are two approaches I can think about.
Approach 1: the system generates a random string at the runtime and checks for it uniqueness in the system, if it is not unique it tries again. and finally reaches a unique string somehow. But it might create issues if the user is "unlucky" maybe.
Approach 2: I generate a pool of some possible values and assign them as soon as they are needed, this however would make sure the user is always allocated a unique string almost instantly, while this could at the same time also mean, I would have to do plenty of computation in crons beforehand and will increase over the period of time.
While I already have the code to generate such values, a help on approach might be insightful as I am looking forward to a highly accelerated app experience. I could not find any comparative study on this.
What I do in similar situations is to keep N values queued up so that I can instantly assign them, and then when the queue's size falls below a certain threshold (say, .2 * N) I have a background task add another N items to the queue. It probably makes sense to start this background task as soon as your program starts (as opposed to generating the first N values offline and then loading them at startup), operating on the assumption that there will be some delay between startup and requests for values from the queue.

On the idempotence of GET

I have been doing some reading on the GET HTTP method and in particular on its idempotent quality.
This is my understanding: if I call a GET operation 1 time or a million times (or any number of times) the result should be the same.
My problem with this definition is this.
Imagine if I have a database of films and I perform a GET operation in which I return all the James Bond films in the database.
Imagine I run this query a million times and after the 500,000th time someone else runs a POST query on the database adding a new Bond film.
Well, now half the GET operations return N results and the other half return N+1 results.
Does this not then break idempotence as it is usually described?
Would not a better definition be that the idempotence of a function is that it returns the same results no matter how many times it is executed as long as the underlying data does not change?
GET idempotent because it does not (or should not) change the resource. This does not require that the resource is static and nothing else (like a post) never changes it.
The idempotence is about the fact that the GET calls do not change the resource being called.
What other methods do is a different matter.
