Change an array loaded from another component in React.js jsx - node.js

I am trying to change a hardcoded array within another JSX file.
the first file routes.js. I tried loading the array then changing it . it just changes the loaded data not the array directly from the other file. How do i write to the other JSX array from the main component.
const routes = [
type: "collapse",
name: "Our Mission",
key: "dashboards",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
collapse: [
name: "Ways We can Help",
key: "default",
route: "/dashboards/default",
component: Default,
name: "How It Works",
key: "automotive",
route: "/dashboards/automotive",
component: Automotive,
name: "Who We Are",
key: "smart-home",
route: "/dashboards/smart-home",
component: SmartHome,
{ type: "title", title: " ", key: "space1" },
type: "collapse",
name: "Services",
key: "services",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
href: "",
component: Default,
noCollapse: true,
type: "collapse",
name: "Products",
key: "products",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
href: "",
component: Default,
noCollapse: true,
export default routes;
code used in main jsx file. I want to be able to write to the remote array changing its values.
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
// I want to push or filter with the code below
routes.length = 0; => console.log({ route }));

You can't change the array itself because it's a const. You could change it to a let and then export it like this:
export let routes = [
type: "collapse",
name: "Our Mission",
key: "dashboards",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
collapse: [
name: "Ways We can Help",
key: "default",
route: "/dashboards/default",
component: Default,
name: "How It Works",
key: "automotive",
route: "/dashboards/automotive",
component: Automotive,
name: "Who We Are",
key: "smart-home",
route: "/dashboards/smart-home",
component: SmartHome,
{ type: "title", title: " ", key: "space1" },
type: "collapse",
name: "Services",
key: "services",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
href: "",
component: Default,
noCollapse: true,
type: "collapse",
name: "Products",
key: "products",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
href: "",
component: Default,
noCollapse: true,
Then to use it in another jsx component you can import it like this.
import {routes} from '../yourPathToIt/main'


Read files from folder React js

I would like to implement in React Js an application which can read file from a directory. Basically, given the root dir what we want is to run trough all the sub dirs and build a tree structure, maybe in JSON format but any suggestion is apprechiated.
I tried using node.js filesystem readdir function but how to build a tree of subfolders?
Below is the JSON I would like to build automatically after reading from the root folder.
Thanks to anyone who will answer me.
value: '/app',
label: 'app',
children: [
value: '/app/Http',
label: 'Http',
children: [
value: '/app/Http/Controllers',
label: 'Controllers',
children: [{
value: '/app/Http/Controllers/WelcomeController.js',
label: 'WelcomeController.js',
value: '/app/Http/routes.js',
label: 'routes.js',
value: '/app/Providers',
label: 'Providers',
children: [{
value: '/app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.js',
label: 'EventServiceProvider.js',
value: '/config',
label: 'config',
children: [
value: '/config/app.js',
label: 'app.js',
value: '/config/database.js',
label: 'database.js',
value: '/public',
label: 'public',
children: [
value: '/public/assets/',
label: 'assets',
children: [{
value: '/public/assets/style.css',
label: 'style.css',
value: '/public/index.html',
label: 'index.html',
value: '/.env',
label: '.env',
value: '/.gitignore',
label: '.gitignore',
value: '/',
label: '',

proxy a request on docusaurus

// #ts-check
// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
const lightCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/github');
const darkCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula');
/** #type {import('#docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config = {
title: 'title',
tagline: 'tag,
url: 'some-utl',
baseUrl: '/',
onBrokenLinks: 'throw',
onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn',
favicon: 'img/favicon.ico',
organizationName: 'facebook', // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
projectName: 'project', // Usually your repo name.
plugins: [
id: 'api',
path: './openapi.json',
routeBasePath: '/api',
presets: [
/** #type {import('docusaurus-preset-openapi').Options} */
api: {
path: './openapi.json',
theme: {
customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'),
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
/** #type {import('docusaurus-preset-openapi').ThemeConfig} */
navbar: {
title: 'title',
logo: {
alt: 'My Site Logo',
src: 'img/logo.svg',
items: [{ to: '/api', label: 'API', position: 'left' }],
prism: {
theme: lightCodeTheme,
darkTheme: darkCodeTheme,
module.exports = config;
This is my code for the docusaurus config file but some how the proxy doesn't work

How can I write to a file from a React component?

I have a SideNav menu that looks for a file called route.js that has a array inside it called routes. I am trying to change the value of routes in routes.js from another component. I want to be able to add an delete the physical array in the file routes.js from a component. Any help would be appreciated.
import Shop from "examples/Icons/Shop";
// import Office from "examples/Icons/Office";
const routes = [
type: "collapse",
name: "Our Mission",
key: "dashboards",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
collapse: [
name: "Ways We can Help",
key: "default",
route: "/dashboards/default",
component: Default,
name: "How It Works",
key: "automotive",
route: "/dashboards/automotive",
component: Automotive,
name: "Who We Are",
key: "smart-home",
route: "/dashboards/smart-home",
component: SmartHome,
{ type: "title", title: " ", key: "space1" },
type: "collapse",
name: "Services",
key: "services",
icon: <Shop size="12px" />,
href: "",
component: Default,
noCollapse: true,
export default routes;
Component accessing the routes.js
import routes from "../../../routes";
const loggedroutes = [
type: "collapse",
name: "Profile",
key: "profile",
icon: <CgProfile size="12px" color="blue" />,
route: "/dashboards/Default",
collapse: [],
type: "collapse",
name: "Calendar",
key: "calendar",
component: link,
route: "/dashboards/Default",
icon: <GoCalendar size="12px" color="blue" />,
collapse: [],
routes = loggedinroutes;
i want to change the data in routes.js to match the array loggedinroutes
Ok without knowing too much of what you're doing, I put together a quick sandbox on how I would go about this.
I would basically use logic based on either a button click/state/page query/etc and pass that through a function that would load the routes in your navbar dynamically. in the app.js file you can see how I used the useState() hook with button clicks to dynamically load the routes.
I'm sure there is a more elegant way to accomplish this but I hope this gets you in the right direction!

fs.writeFileSync - write JSON to file always writes a empty object

i create a json-object and want to write this down to a json-file, but the object is always empty (?)
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/myNewFile.json', JSON.stringify(myObjects));
the content of the written file is now []
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/myNewFile.json', JSON.stringify({bla: myObjects}));
the content of the file is now {"bla":[]}
I doublecheck myObjects and it is not empty.. it is a array with some objects in it.
why is that? what am I doing wrong?
this is the content of myObjects:
[ struct: { id: 'struct',
name: 'Struktur',
icon: 'fa fa-bullseye',
properties: [] },
mp: { id: 'mp',
name: 'Messpunkt',
icon: 'fa fa-circle',
properties: [] },
'356899e5-d8b0-41aa-b7cd-de2135c5a3db': { id: '356899e5-d8b0-41aa-b7cd-de2135c5a3db',
name: 'Untermessung',
icon: 'fa fa-tachometer',
properties: [] },
'8d824cfd-584f-40e9-b9fa-78d7fedcc727': { id: '8d824cfd-584f-40e9-b9fa-78d7fedcc727',
name: 'Kommune',
icon: 'fa fa-thumb-tack',
properties: [] },
'2609b2ac-77aa-42f2-af22-d49fcfc6f0f0': { id: '2609b2ac-77aa-42f2-af22-d49fcfc6f0f0',
name: 'Bereiche',
icon: 'fa fa-circle',
properties: [] },
'a4ac2e52-da95-412f-b431-499f2eff64da': { id: 'a4ac2e52-da95-412f-b431-499f2eff64da',
name: 'Gebäude',
icon: 'fa fa-industry',
properties: [ [Object], [Object] ] } ]

[fromly]: pass controller to template

I'm trying to make form with button inside js, because formly directive rendered form isn't correct. I decided push my button and render that button by template but button has lost access to the controller and validation form. Where i have missed here?
.controller('X', ['$log', 'Api', function($log, Api) {
var _self = this;
_self.model = {};
_self.formParts = [{
className: 'row',
fieldGroup: [
className: 'col-xs-3',
key: 'q',
type: 'select',
templateOptions: {
required: true,
valueProp: "id",
labelProp: "name",
options: [
{name: '0', id: 0},
{name: '1', id: 1},
className: 'col-xs-7',
key: 'n',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
required: true,
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'name'
className: 'col-xs-2',
templateUrl: 'button.html'
}]; {
<formly-form model="f.model"
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success"
