Running react/node on ec2 with nginx not working - node.js

I have a react and node application I'm trying to put on ec2. I have nginx installed and copied the application to root/testing-123. The application has a client folder for the react app and a server folder for the node app which uses
app.use(express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, '../client/build')));
to show the react app.
I'm trying to set it up and have it run publicly. When I go to the Public IPv4 address I get the default nginx page. How can I get it to show the application?
(Many tutorials were saying to change the sites-available/default file, but I don't have that folder, instead I have nginx.conf, but I don't know what to edit in that file.)


nginx.conf for NodeJS/React App returning 502 and 405

Trying to setup a staging environment on Amazon LINUX EC2 instance and migrate from Heroku.
My repository has two folders:
Our frontend and backend are running on the same port in deployment
In dev, these are run on separate ports and all requests from WEB and proxied to API
(for ex. WEB runs on PORT 3000 and API runs on PORT 3001. Have a proxy set up in the package.json file in WEB/)
Currently the application deployment works like this:
Build Web/ for distribution
Copy build/ to API folder
Deploy to Heroku with web npm start
In prod, we only deploy API folder with the WEB build/
Current nginx.conf looks like this
Commented out all other attempts
Also using PM2 to run the thread like so
$ sudo pm2 bin/www
Current thread running like so:
pm2 log
This is running on PORT 3000 on the EC2 instance
Going to the public IPv4 DNS for instance brings me to the login, which it's getting from the /build folder but none of the login methods (or any API calls) are working.
502 response example
I have tried a lot of different configurations. Set up the proxy_pass to port 3000 since thats where the Node process is running.
The only response codes I get are 405 Not Allowed and 502 Bad Gateway
Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to find the solution.
It looks like you don't have an upstream block in your configuration. Looks like you're trying to use proxy-pass to send to a named server and port instead of a defined upstream. There's is an example on this page that shows how you define the upstream and then send traffic to it.
server weight=5;
server unix:/tmp/backend3;
server backup;
server backup;
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
Turns out there was an issue with express-sessions being stored in Postgres.
This led me to retest the connection strings and I found out that I kept receiving the following error:
I did have a .env file holding the env variables and they were not being read by pm2.
So I added this line to app.js:
const path = require("path");
require('dotenv').config({ path: path.join(__dirname, '.env') });
then restarted the app with pm2 with the following command:
$ pm2 restart /bin/www --update-env

Deploying dynamic Nextjs + Nodejs application inside docker using caddy server

I am currently developing a simple portfolio app and my app structure is like this.
Nextjs is hosted locally on port 3001, Nodejs app on 5000. Whenever nextjs needs to fetch any api it calls nodejs application. All the things are configured inside docker. I am very new to deploying nextjs application and have recently used caddy server which has automatic https.
I am able to deploy the nextjs application statically using commands
next build
next export
The statically exported file called index.html inside out directory of nextjs application is pointed to caddy server on port 80 and 443. Statically exported app doesn't support api routes which I recently came to know. I tried next build and next start command to generate a dynamic production build inside .next directory. The main problem is How do I point my dynamically generated nextjs application in caddy configuration inside docker container. My present caddy configuration looks like {
root * /srv
route {
reverse_proxy /api* api-server:5000
try_files {path} {path}/ /index.html
I am looking for hints especially related to proxy server.
Thank you in advance
I'm assuming the api url in your frontend looks like this http://localhost:5000 (based on your youtube comment here) which won't work if you're accessing your dockerized app from a remote computer (in this case your computer, since I'm assuming your app is hosted). Try changing it to and rebuild your image.

How to deploy React app and Nodejs backend on the same directory in the subdomain?

I have a React application and I made the backend with Node js also the server from MongoDB. It is a MERN stack. I have a directory structure like:
-client // this is where react app, in build version is in client/build
I want to deploy it like this, in my Filezilla:
-backend // this is where all nodejs files
-static //these folder and other files are my build files in react app client/build
How can I arrange to work these together in the same folder? I changed the endpoints in my Axios post links in my react redux but it did not work
The best option is to use 2 different ports, one for your react application and one for your node.js server.
Let's say we'll use :
HTTP default port 80 for React App (
Custom port 8080 for your Node.js server (
To deploy React, you can simply use serve and you can find all you need at
You will basically need to execute these commands in your react directory.
npm install -g serve
serve -s build -l 80
Be sure to not have any apache server running on your machine otherwise the port 80 will be already taken.
You just need to run your server on the port 8080, I do not really know which framework you're using, so let's say if you were using express, it will looks something like this in your entry point index.js.
app.listen(8080, function() {
console.log("Server is running on port 8080...");

Not Sure How to Start and Deploy ReactJS App on Production Server with ExpressJS

Locally, I use ExpressJS on port 3001 and then start my react app with npm start which runs the development server on port 3000. This allows me to route requests as a proxy from 3000 to 3001.
For production, I installed Ubuntu NodeJS 6.12.13 on 16.04 on a DigitalOcean Droplet and then installed Nginx and PM2.
In my Nginx default file I have set the following:
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3001;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
I've moved over my Express and React setup and added the Express server to the PM2 startup. Nginx is being used as a reverse proxy server to use Express on port 3001. Here is the PM2 startup (www is the name of the server file which runs Express).
When I load my domain, I receive the Express default page:
Now I'm not sure how to start the react app, because it doesn't seem logical to start it using npm start and keep the terminal open for a production server. I need to see my React app when I visit the domain instead of the Express message.
I've found articles which mention to use npm run build but they don't explain how to then run the React app. Sorry I'm new to this, but any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
You won't run the React app because there is no such a thing :) After building your app all your files bundled in a single Javascript file. You are using start for your React app in development for development purposes.
After doing:
npm run build
you will have a build directory in your app directory. Just copy all the files and directories from this build directory to your server where your Nginx's default directory points.
If you don't want to open your regular app codes in developer tools of browsers, delete build/static/js/ and build/static/css/ before uploading your files to server. Those are source map files which are for debugging purposes. If you include them, in developer tools everyone can see you files directly. Your code actually open to world, to anybody right now but with a bundled, uglified and minified way. If you include source map files, they will be opened as they are.
This is how you run a static app. Without a backend, means here without Express, just using a web server.
But, since your question involves Express I assume you are using a backend server. So, one method is copying all your project to your server again with all backend and frontend code as you are using in development. Build your React app. But this time instead of starting both an Express server and React development server, on your server you will only run Express. Express will be the one serving your frontend. You should have already configured this in your development and done some production tests.
So, if you don't use a backend server you don't need Express or any other thing apart from a single web server. If you use a backend server then you need something like Express to serve both your backend requests (like to API's) and your React app. In addition you will need something like PM2 to run Express and optionally Express to use proxies for different apps.

How to run Node Express server and Angular on the same port?

I am new to Node and Angular. I need to know whether is it possible to run a Node Express app serving as a backend and an Angular frontend on the same port. I followed Angular Quickstart tips on and created a Node todo application but both are running on different port which raises the issue of Cross Origin Request Blocked Issue.
To have Node.js serve the Angular app on the same port, your Angular app must be deployed under your Node's directory where the static resources are deployed. But in dev mode, it's more productive to serve your Angular bundles (so they auto-rebuild in memory as you code) from the dev server, e.g. on port 4200, while the Node server runs on another port, e.g. 8080.
To avoid cross-origin issues, you need to configure a simple proxy file in your Angular app to redirect all data requests to your Node server. For example, create a file proxy-conf.json in the root dir of your Angular project:
"/api": {
"target": "http://localhost:8080",
"secure": false
This will redirect all requests that have /api in the URL to your Node server, assuming that it runs on port 8080. Then start your Angular app using the following command:
ng serve --proxy-config proxy-conf.json
An HTTP request in your Angular App can look like this:
Of course, you need to configure the /api/products endpoint for GET requests on your Node server.
To get Angular and Express running on the same port I've always served my Angular build files by the Express app itself. You should be able to tell Express to serve static content from an Angular build directory like this:
Which would work if you had a file structure like so and were running serve.js with Node:
You can customize as needed by configuring the Angular build folder to be wherever you need it, or use Grunt/Gulp to move files around to the folders you prefer with a build task.
As mentioned by Yakov this isn't ideal for development since it won't work with the Angular dev server's auto-refresh.
The fact that you need to have access to your client-side project from within Express project, as spacefozzy said, is true. but you still can keep your projects separated.
To do so, you can create a symlink from your client-side project directory in your Express project directory:
// while in Express directory
ln -s ~/path/tp/client-side/build name-in-espress-dir
This way you can maintain projects isolated.
