Is there a monitoring endpoint for Spark Structured streaming? - apache-spark

In Spark's official docs, we see that there are monitoring endpoints for DStream like
However, there does not seem to be ones for structured streaming mentioned here. I'm looking to monitor streaming statistics for a structured streaming job.


GCP: Spark Structured Streaming + Custom Pub/Sub Source

There is currently no support for a PubSub source in Spark Structured Streaming.
Has anyone wrote a custom source in Spark Structured Streaming to read from PubSub?
Is this a possible approach?

Are Spark Streaming, Structured Streaming and Kafka Streaming the same thing?

I have come across three popular streaming techniques that are Spark Streaming, Structured Streaming and Kafka Streaming.
I have gone through various sites but not getting this answer, are these three the same thing or different?
If not same what is the basic difference.
I am not looking for an in depth answer. But an answer to above question (yes or no) and a little intro to each of them so that I can explore more. :)
Thanks in advance
I guess you are referring to Kafka Streams when you say "Kafka Streaming".
Kafka Streams is a JVM library, part of Apache Kafka. It is a way of processing data in Kafka topics providing an abstraction layer. Applications running KafkaStreams library can be run anywhere (not just in the Kafka cluster, actually, it is not recommended to). They'll consume, process and produce data to/from the Kafka cluster.
Spark Streaming is a part of Apache Spark distributed data processing library, that provides Stream (as oppposed to batch) processing. Spark initially provided batch computation only, so a specific layer Spark Streaming was provided for stream processing. Spark Streaming can be fed with Kafka data, but it can be connected to other sources as well.
Structured Streaming, within the realm of Apache Spark, is a different approach that came to overcome certain limitations to stream processing of the previous approach that Spark Streaming was using. It was added to Spark from a certain version onwards(2.0 IIRC).

Do Spark Streaming and Spark Structured Streaming use same micro-batch engine?

Do Spark Streaming and Spark Structured Streaming use the same micro-batch scheduler engine? Does Spark Structured Streaming have lower latency than Spark Streaming?
Do Spark Streaming and Spark Structured Streaming use same micro-batch scheduler engine
Certainly not. They're different internally, but share the same high-level concepts of a stream and a record.
While in Spark Structured Streaming you can get as close to how it was in Spark Streaming using DataStreamWriter.foreach or DataStreamWriter.foreachBatch methods.
The main difference is how to describe a streaming pipeline. In Spark Structured Streaming you use Spark SQL's Dataset API while Spark Streaming bet on Spark Core's RDD API. Both end up as a RDD-based computation, but Spark SQL uses higher-level abstractions (e.g. Dataset API).
Do they both use a "micro-batch scheduler engine"? Yes, but Spark Structured Streaming is trying to leverage some data sources that can be queried continuously (and no micro-batching).
does Spark Structured Streaming have lower latency than Spark Streaming?
That'd be hard to answer. The creators of Spark Streaming decided to develop Spark Structured Streaming and hope to get better at query performance and expressiveness. Spark Streaming is no longer recommended.
Structered Streaming is mostly a higher-level abstraction that allows you to define your streaming logic then it uses Spark SQL engine for execution on the same micro-batch engine.
By default Structured Streaming uses micro-batch engine, however if you are using Spark 2.3+, then you can have the continuous mode where you can get down to 1 millisecond latency

How to write spark structured streaming data to REST API?

I would like to push my spark structured streaming processed data to the REST API. can someone share the examples of same. i have found few but all are related to spark streaming, not the structured streaming.
I have not heard about a REST API sink for Spark Structured Streaming, but you could write one yourself. Start from org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Source.
The easiest would however be to use DataStreamWriter.foreach or foreachBatch (since 2.4).

Spark structured streaming integration with RabbitMQ

I want to use Spark structured streaming to aggregate data which is consumed from RabbitMQ.
I know there is official spark structured streaming integration with apache kafka, and I was wondering if there exists some integration with RabbitMQ as well?
Since I'm not able to switch the existing messaging system (RabbitMQ), I thought of using kafka-connect to move the data between the messaging systems (Rabbit to kafka) and then use Spark structured streaming.
Does anyone knows a better solution?
This custom RabbitMQ receiver seems to available if you're open to exploring Spark Streaming rather than Structured Streaming.
