Convert PIL.Image to/from Gtk.Picture/Gtk.Image in gtk4 - python-3.x

I do RGBA image manipulation in PIL(low) and would like to display the resulting image in a gtk4 application. For that, I'd need a seamless PIL.Image <--> Gtk.Picture/Gtk.Image converter. I'd like to avoid using temporary files at all cost. I found helpful hints here and here but was wondering if there was anything more convenient in gtk4?

As of GTK 4.4, this seems to work best:
buffer =
gdata = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_bytes(buffer, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8, pil_image.width, pil_image.height, len(pil_image.getbands())*pil_image.width)
gtk_image = Gtk.Image.new_from_pixbuf(gdata)
Once GTK 4.6+ becomes ubiquitous, GdkPixbuf should be replaced with GdkTexture, via Gdk.Texture.new_from_bytes().


PyQt5 - Load JPEG-compressed image to QImage

I have an application that displays images, using QtGui.QImage. To save space, I changed the GeoTiff compression from LZW to JPEG, but now I get the following error:
foo: JPEG compression support is not configured.
foo: Sorry, requested compression method is not configured.
I have not found anything how I can configure PyQt to understand that type of compression. Do I need a specific build or can I set it somewhere?
Using Python 3.10 with PyQt5.15
Thanks to the comment of #musicamante, the issue could be solved simply by using:
from PIL.ImageQt import ImageQt
my_q_image = ImageQt(image_path)
Then, my_q_image acts exactly like a QImage.
Important reminder though, which I found while investigating this: PyQt5 support from PIL ends in July 2023!

Raw Images from rawpy darker than their thumbnails

I'm wanting to convert '.NEF' to '.png' using the rawpy, imageio and opencv libraries in Python. I've tried a variety of flags in rawpy to produce the same image that I see when I just open the NEF, but all of the images that output are extremely dark. What am I doing wrong?
My current version of the code is:
import rawpy
import imageio
from os.path import *
import os
import cv2
def nef2png(inputNEFPath):
parent, filename = split(inputNEFPath)
name, _ = splitext(filename)
pngName = str(name+'.png')
tempFileName = str('temp%s.tiff' % (name))
with rawpy.imread(inputNEFPath) as raw:
rgb = raw.postprocess(gamma=(2.222, 4.5),
imageio.imsave(join(parent, tempFileName), rgb)
image = cv2.imread(join(parent, tempFileName), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
cv2.imwrite(join(parent, pngName), image)
os.remove(join(parent, tempFileName))
I'm hoping to get to get this result:
But I keep getting dark outputs like this:
For the actual file NEF, I uploaded them to my google drive if you want to mess with it:
You're not doing anything wrong, it's just that the thumbnail was generated by Nikon's proprietary in-camera image processing pipeline. It's going to be hard to get the exact same visual output from an open source tool with an entirely different set of algorithms.
You can make the image brighter by setting no_auto_bright=False. If you're not happy with the default brightening, you can play with the auto_bright_thr parameter (see documentation).

Holding the windows to display an HSI using spectral in Python

I am using spectral to view an hyperspectral image for a specific band in python. This is my code.
from spectral import *
view = imshow(img)
view1= imshow(classes=gt)
The image does pop up, but then closes. Is there any kind of function like waitkey to hold the window?
As an alternative you can use :
envi.save_image(give_file_name, image_name, ext='hdr')
to save the image locally and view it later, at your discretion

How to get decoded barcode height from camera images in c++ zxing library

How to determind or find barcode height from camera image or image file.Here am using zxing c++ library for decode barcode.
If you're using ZXing C++ Port, you don't need to find (startX, startY) or (endX, endY). You can use Leptonica lib. I think it will be faster
Firstly, using pixRead() to read input image, save into Pix* format.
Then, convert Pix* to BinaryBimap and use decode() method from class Reader of ZXing directly!
If you still have any problem or don't know, I can send you about detail code

Playing a sound in a ipython notebook

I would like to be able to play a sound file in a ipython notebook.
My aim is to be able to listen to the results of different treatments applied to a sound directly from within the notebook.
Is this possible? If yes, what is the best solution to do so?
The previous answer is pretty old. You can use IPython.display.Audio now. Like this:
import IPython
Note that you can also process any type of audio content, and pass it to this function as a numpy array.
If you want to display multiple audio files, use the following:
A small example that might be relevant :
it should be possible to avoid gooing through external files by base64 encoding as for PNG/jpg...
The code:
import IPython
may give an error of "Invalid Source" in IE11, try in other browsers it should work fine.
The other available answers added an HTML element which I disliked, so I created the ringbell, which gets you both play a custom sound as such:
from ringbell import RingBell
sample = "path/to/sample.wav",
minimum_execution_time = 0,
verbose = True
and it also gets you a one-lines to play a bell when a cell execution takes more than 1 minute (or a custom amount of time for that matter) or is fails with an exception:
You can install this package from PyPI:
pip install ringbell
If the sound you are looking for could be also a "Text-to-Speech", I would like to mention that every time a start some long process in the background, I queue the execution of a cell like this too:
from IPython.display import clear_output, display, HTML, Javascript
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
msg.text = "Process completed!";
You can change the text you want to hear with msg.text.
