How to solve no such node error in pytables and h5py - python-3.x

I built an hdf5 dataset using pytables. It contains thousands of nodes, each node being an image stored without compression (of shape 512x512x3). When I run a deep learning training loop (with a Pytorch dataloader) on it it randomly crashes, saying that the node does not exist. However, it is never the same node that is missing and when I open the file myself to verify if the node is here it is ALWAYS here.
I am running everything sequentially, as I thought that I may have been the fault of multithreading/multiprocessing access on the file. But it did not fix the problem. I tried a LOT of things but it never works.
Does someone have an idea about what to do ? Should I add like a timer between calls to give the machine the time to reallocate the file ?
Initially I was working with pytables only, but in an attempt to solve my problem I tried loading the file with h5py instead. Unfortunately it did not work better.
Here is the error I get with h5py: "RuntimeError: Unable to get link info (bad symbol table node signature)"
The exact error may change but every time it says "bad symbol table node signature"
PS: I cannot share the code because it is huge and part of a bigger basecode that is my company's property. I can still share part of the code below to show how I load the images:
with h5py.File(dset_filepath, "r", libver='latest', swmr=True) as h5file:
node = h5file["/train_group_0/sample_5"] # <- this line breaks
target = node.attrs.get('TITLE').decode('utf-8')
img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(node))
return img, int(target.strip())

Before accessing the dataset (node), add a test to confirm it exists. While you're adding checks, do the same for the attribute 'TITLE'. If you are going to use hard-coded path names (like 'group_0') you should check all nodes in the path exist (for example, does 'group_0' exist? Or use one of the recursive visitor functions (.visit() or .visititems() to be sure you only access existing nodes.
Modified h5py code with rudimentary checks looks like this:
sample = 'sample_5'
with h5py.File(dset_filepath, 'r', libver='latest', swmr=True) as h5file:
if sample not in h5file['/train_group_0'].keys():
print(f'Dataset Read Error: {sample} not found')
return None, None
node = h5file[f'/train_group_0/{sample}'] # <- this line breaks
img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(node))
if 'TITLE' not in node.attrs.keys():
print(f'Attribute Read Error: TITLE not found')
return img, None
target = node.attrs.get('TITLE').decode('utf-8')
return img, int(target.strip())
You said you were working with PyTables. Here is code to do the same with PyTables package:
import tables as tb
sample = 'sample_5'
with tb.File(dset_filepath, 'r', libver='latest', swmr=True) as h5file:
if sample not in h5file.get_node('/train_group_0'):
print(f'Dataset Read Error: {sample} not found')
return None, None
node = h5file.get_node(f'/train_group_0/{sample}') # <- this line breaks
img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(node))
if 'TITLE' not in node._v_attrs:
print(f'Attribute Read Error: TITLE not found')
return img, None
target = node._v_attrs['TITLE'].decode('utf-8')
return img, int(target.strip())


Pyinstaller application not working for file input, gives RuntimeError: input(): lost sys.stdin

I have created a simple data analysis program that takes input from the user of a file name (with.csv extension) and outputs a graph. This has worked fine on my IDE before I used pyinstaller to try make it into an application (I have tried both the basic command pyinstaller as well as pyinstaller --onefile
Now that I have created the applications, I get an "unhandled exception: input(): lost sys.stdin". I assume this is because the program is trying to read a file that is not included in the program/directory. I have also tried adding all .dll files using --add-data but with no luck.
My issue here is that I want the application to take a user input for the file name, read that file into the program, then create the graphic outputs with matplotlib. It seems like everything should work based on other answers I have found (all dependencies appear to be included in the build folder as well). I think the issue lies with taking the user input for the file and I can't figure out how to get around this.
Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
while True:
print("This program analyses data from the T1_Elec and T1_Seb directories only")
print("Please input name of CSV file for analysis (including extension, i.e., file.CSV): ")
file = input()
data_file = pd.read_csv(file)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("\nFILE NOT FOUND, please try again")
Active = data_file['Active Power']
time = data_file['Time']
date = data_file['Date'].iloc[2]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 7.5), dpi=80)
ax.plot(time, Active)
ax.set(xlabel="Time", ylabel="Active Power", title="Active Power Variation for " + date)
if len(time) > 100:
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a feeling this could be a simple fix, I just can't think of it or find anything online.
Thanks in advance for your input!

Dataset Labeled as not found or Corrupt, but the dataset is not corrupt

I have been trying to use this Github ( and call the CelebA dataset using the config file listed. Specifically under the vae.yaml I have placed the path of the unzipped file where I have downloaded the celeba dataset ( on my computer. And every time I run the program, I keep getting these errors:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torchvision/datasets/", line 67, in init
' You can use download=True to download it')
RuntimeError: Dataset not found or corrupted. You can use download=True to download it
AttributeError: 'VAEXperiment' object has no attribute '_lazy_train_dataloader'
I have tried to download the dataset, but nothing changes. So I have no idea why the program is not running.
The calls the which uses this dataloader to retrieve the information:
def train_dataloader(self):
transform = self.data_transforms()
if self.params['dataset'] == 'celeba':
dataset = CelebA(root = self.params['data_path'],
split = "train",
raise ValueError('Undefined dataset type')
self.num_train_imgs = len(dataset)
return DataLoader(dataset,
batch_size= self.params['batch_size'],
shuffle = True,
The config file grabs the information passed on the root. So what I did was upload a few files to google colab (some .jpg files) and when I run the command stated in the GItHub, python -c config/vae.yaml, it states that the dataset is not found or is corrupt. I have tried this on my linux machine and the same error occurs, even when I used the downloaded and unzip link. I have gone further to attempt to change the self.params['data_path'] to the actual path and that still does not work. Any ideas what I can do?
My pytorch version is 1.6.0.
There are two issues which I have faced. The below is my solution. It is not official but it works for me. Hope the next pytorch version will update it.
Issue: Dataset not found or corrupted.'
When I checked file in pytorch library. I found this line:
if ext not in [".zip", ".7z"] and not check_integrity(fpath, md5):
return False
This part will make self._check_integrity() return False and the program provides the message error as we got.
Solve: You can ignore this part by add "if False" immediately in front of this line
if False:
if ext not in [".zip", ".7z"] and not check_integrity(fpath, md5):
return False downloads dataset if you choose download=True but these two files are broken "list_landmarks_align_celeba.txt" and "list_attr_celeba.txt"
You need to find somewhere, download and replace them
Hope these solutions will help you !!!!

requests.get(url).headers.get('content-disposition') returning NONE on PYTHON

Well, I've got the need of automate a process in my job(actually I'm an intern), and I just wondered if I could use Python for such process. I'm still processing my ideas of how to do those stuffs, and now I'm currently trying to understand how to download a file from a web URL using python3. I've found a guide on another website, but there's no active help there. I was told to use the module requests to download the actual file, and the module re to get the real file name.
The code was working fine, but then I tried to add some features like GUI, and it just stopped working. I took off the GUI code, and it didn't work again. Now I have no idea of what to do to get the code working, pls someone helo me, thanks :)
import os
import re
# i have no idea of how this function works, but it gets the real file name
def getFilename(cd):
if not cd:
print("check 1")
return None
fname = re.findall('filename=(.+)', cd)
if len(fname) == 0:
print("check 2")
return None
return fname[0]
def download(url):
# get request
response = requests.get(url)
# get the real file name, cut off the quota and take the second element of the list(actual file name)
filename = getFilename(response.headers.get('content-disposition'))
# open in binary mode and write to file
#open(filename, "wb").write(response.content)

Unable to retrieve data after using dill or pickle

I dumped a Jupyter Notebook session using dill.dump_session(filename), and at one point it told me that the disk storage was full. However, I made some space on the disk and tried again. Now, I am unable to load back the session using, dill.load_session(filename).
I get the following error:
~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dill/ in load_session(filename, main)
408 unpickler._main = main
409 unpickler._session = True
--> 410 module = unpickler.load()
411 unpickler._session = False
412 main.__dict__.update(module.__dict__)
EOFError: Ran out of input
And the file (i.e. filename) is about 30 gigs in size of data.
How can I retrieve my data from the file?
BTW, I’m running all this on Google Cloud, and it’s costing me a fortune to keep the instance up and running.
I have tried using undill, and other unpickle methods.
For example I tried this:
open(file, 'a').close()
with open(file, "rb") as Score_file:
unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(Score_file)
scores = unpickler.load()
return scores
But got this error:
`6 with open(file, "rb") as Score_file:
7 unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(Score_file);
----> 8 scores = unpickler.load();
10 return scores
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__builtin__'`
I know this probably isn't the answer you want to hear, but... it sounds like you may have a corrupt pickle file. If that's the case, you can get the data back only if you edit it by hand, and can understand what the pickled strings are and how they are structured. Note that there are some very rare cases that an object will dump, but not load -- however, it's much more likely you have a corrupt file. Either way, the resolution is the same... a hand edit is the only way to potentially save what you have pickled.
Also, note that if you use dump_session, you really should use load_session (as it does a sequence of steps on top of a standard load, reversing what is done in dump_session) -- that's really irrelevant for the issue however, the issue likely is having an incomplete or corrupt pickle file.

Tensorflow keras - How to avoid erroring out when loading h5 model if model is not present

I am writing an application which trains machine learning models ad-hoc, when I try to fetch the model like so:
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('./models/model.h5')
I get an error:
Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'models/model.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)
In some special cases however the model might not be present on disk, at which point it should be created, trained and saved for later use. What would be the right approach to checking if a model is present? I could use inbuilt functionality in python to check if the file exists but it seems obvious to me that there should be a parameter on load_model which returns None instead of throwing error if the file is not present.
The Python way of checking if the file exists is the right way to go.
This may be personal, but it's not obvious that None should be returned. When you open a file, the file must exist.
You can:
import os.path
if os.path.isfile(fname):
model = createAndTrainModel()
Or you can
model = createAndTrainModel()
I prefer the first.
