i am quite new to jinja2 template and i try to get output data by using jinja template.
"v4-filter": {
"accept_1": [
"destination-prefix-list": "v4-future-prefix-list-1"
"source-prefix-list": "v4-future-prefix-list-2"
"source-prefix-list": "v4-future-prefix-list-3"
"destination-port": "80"
"destination-port": "443"
"action": "accept"
"accept_2": [
"destination-prefix-list": "v4-future-prefix-list4"
"source-prefix-list": "v4-future-prefix-list5"
"action": "accept"}]}}]
My jinja template
{%- for d in data_list -%}
{%- for k,v in d.items() -%}
{%- for term,value in v.items() -%}
term:: {{ term }}
{%- for dict_item in value -%}
{%- for key, value in dict_item.items() -%}
{% if key == "source-prefix-list" %}
source-address:: {{value}}
{% endif %}
{% if key == "destination-prefix-list" %}
destination-address:: {{value}}
{% endif %}
{% if key == "destination-port" %}
destination-port:: {{value}}
{% endif %}
{% if key == "action" %}
action:: {{value}}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
Output that i get
term:: accept_1
destination-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-1
source-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-2
source-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-3
destination-port:: 80
destination-port:: 443
action:: accept
term:: accept_2
destination-address:: v4-future-prefix-list4
source-address:: v4-future-prefix-list5
action:: accept
Output that i want
term accept_1 {
source-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-1
destination-port:: 80
action:: accept
term accept_2 {
source-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-5
destination-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-4
action:: accept
The jinja template looks not nice i know, but at the end it contains all the information that i need, is just question now to format properly as expected.
I tried by using nested if statement to properly reach the result but with no success.
Any hint is welcome.
Thanks, Pablo.
The following template will produce the requested output:
{%- for d in data_list -%}
{%- for k,v in d.items() -%}
{%- for term,value in v.items() -%}
{%- set label = namespace(source=false, dest=false, port=false) %}
term {{ term }} {
{%- for dict_item in value -%}
{%- for key, value in dict_item.items() -%}
{%- if key == "source-prefix-list" %}
{% if not label.source %}source-address::{% else %}{{ ' '*16 }}{% endif %} {{value}}
{%- set label.source = true %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if key == "destination-prefix-list" %}
{% if not label.dest %}destination-address::{% else %}{{ ' '*21 }}{% endif %} {{value}}
{%- set label.dest = true %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if key == "destination-port" %}
{% if not label.port %}destination-port::{% else %}{{ ' '*18 }}{% endif %} {{value}}
{%- set label.port = true %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if key == "action" %}
action:: {{value}}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
term accept_1 {
destination-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-1
source-address:: v4-future-prefix-list-2
destination-port:: 80
action:: accept
term accept_2 {
destination-address:: v4-future-prefix-list4
source-address:: v4-future-prefix-list5
action:: accept
Here we use a Jinja2 namespace object that we can use to track whether a label has been already printed or not in the current cycle. If a label is printed, we flip the boolean tracking variable in our label namespace variable and then just print enough space to correctly align the next printed value.
I would like to remove a line break between multiple html tags (<a>) from a twig template which contains a for loop and an include of another twig template.
{% for child in field.value %}
{% include '#EasyAdmin/crud/field/association_link.html.twig' with {
field: {
value: child,},
} %}
{%- if loop.index < field.value|length -%}
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
And the twig templated included :
{% set url = ea_url()
.setController('App\\Controller\\Admin\\' ~ get_class(field.value)|split('\\')|last ~ 'CrudController')
.setAction('edit') %}
{% if url -%}
{{ field.value|markdown }}
{%- else -%}
{{ field.value|markdown }}
{%- endif -%}
It renders such a result :
<a href=url2>name1<a/>
<a href=url2>name2<a/>
How to get this result instead ?
<a href=url2>name1<a/>,
<a href=url2>name2<a/>
2nd row, 6th field : a break line before and after the comma
I am struggling with creating a macro to automatically generate section number and subsection numbers. I had thought the snippet below would work but it is failing to assign the value if not already set. I am sure this is obvious but my lack of jinja experience is showing... or perhaps lack of Python experience... or both!
I get this error.
{% set sectionnumber.value = sectionnumber.value + 1 %}
jinja2.exceptions.TemplateRuntimeError: cannot assign attribute on non-namespace object
{% macro getsectionnumber(type) -%}
{% if subsectionnumber is none %}
{% if sectionnumber is none %}
{% set sectionnumber = namespace(value=0) %}
{% endif %}
{% set subsectionnumber = namespace(value=0) %}
{% endif %}
{% if type == 'section' %}
{% if sectionnumber is none %}
{% set sectionnumber = namespace(value=0) %}
{% endif %}
{% set sectionnumber.value = sectionnumber.value + 1 %}
{{ sectionnumber.value }}
{% endif %}
{% if type == 'subsection' %}
{% set subsectionnumber.value = subsectionnumber.value + 1 %}
{{ sectionnumber.value }}.{{ subsectionnumber.value }}
{% endif %}
my template:
template = """
{% set sectionnumber = namespace(value=0) %}
{% set subsectionnumber = namespace(value=0) %}
{% macro getsectionnumber(type) -%}
{% if type == 'section' %}
{% set sectionnumber.value = sectionnumber.value + 1 %}
{{ sectionnumber.value }}
{% endif %}
{% if type == 'subsection' %}
{% set subsectionnumber.value = subsectionnumber.value + 1 %}
{{ sectionnumber.value }}.{{ subsectionnumber.value }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{{ getsectionnumber('section') }}
{{ getsectionnumber('subsection') }}
{{ getsectionnumber('subsection') }}
{{ getsectionnumber('section') }}
{{ getsectionnumber('subsection') }}
{{ getsectionnumber('subsection') }}
print the template:
My code is:
{% for key, value in section.items %}
{% for key_t, value_t in title.items %}
{% if value_t.section_id == key|add:"0" %}
<li class="nav-item-header"><div class="text-uppercase font-size-xs line-height-xs">
{{value.title}}</div> <i class="icon-menu" title="Tables"></i></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
I want to break the for loop when if the condition is true. like as
{% for key, value in section.items %}
{% for key_t, value_t in title.items %}
{% if value_t.section_id == key|add:"0" %}
<li class="nav-item-header"><div class="text-uppercase font-size-xs line-height-xs">
{{value.title}}</div> <i class="icon-menu" title="Tables"></i></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
How is it possible? please help me...
There is no way to break out of a for loop in Django Template. However, you can achieve this by setting a variable and adding an if statement on the top like this.
{% set isBreak = False %}
{% for number in numbers %}
{% if 99 == number %}
{% set isBreak = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if isBreak %}
{# this is a comment. Do nothing. #}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
for some additional help check out this link
or check this answer on stack overflow
How to break "for loop" in Django template
I have been trying to figure out how to use the if not clause with Twig template engine.
According to the documents:
You can also use not to check for values that evaluate to false:
So I'm trying to use it like this:
{% if not signed_in %}
You are not signed in.
{% endif %}
And signed_in comes from a middleware. Looking like this:
if (!$this->container->auth->check()) {
/* Render a Sign-up */
return $this->container->view->render($response, 'subscriber/index.twig', ['signed_in' => false]);
So if I {{ dump(signed_in) }} when I'm not signed in it returns false. But when I'm signed in, singed_in returns null.
The current solution I'm going with is {% if signed_in is defined %}, but that is actually not what I'm looking for, or is it?
Twig != is a comparison operator.
The following comparison operators are supported in any expression: ==, !=, <, >, >=, and <=
You can use != to compare any two things that php lets you compare, and what you get back is a boolean.
Twig not is a logic operator. (so are and and or)
not: Negates a statement.
I recommend you to use:
{% if signed_in == true %} or {% if signed_in == false%}
This is the twig comportment:
{% set testTrue = true %}
{% set testFalse = false %}
{% set testNull = null %}
{% set testString = "something" %}
{% if testTrue %} {# true #}
{% if testFalse %}{# false#}
{% if testNull %} {# false#}
{% if testString %} {# true #}
{% if not testTrue %}{# false#}
{% if not testFalse %}{# true#}
{% if not testNull %} {# false !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #}
{% if not testString %} {# false#}
{% if testTrue == true %} {# true #}
{% if testFalse == true %} {# false#}
{% if testNull == true %} {# false#}
{% if testString == true %} {# true #}
{% if not testTrue == true %} {# false#}
{% if not testFalse == true %} {# true #}
{% if not testNull == true %} {# true #}
{% if not testString == true %} {# false#}
other tests good to know
{% if testTrue == 1 %} {# true #}
{% if testFalse == 1 %} {# false#}
{% if testTrue == "1" %} {# true #}
{% if testFalse == "1" %} {# false#}
I have this array:
$modules = array(
'submodule' => array(
My question is how can I access all the values and display it on html?
I have tried the following but no luck :
{% for key, module in modules %}
{% if modules.key is iterable %}
{{ module }}
{$ else %}
{{ module }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
If your array has only 2 levels, you can just do something close to what you did:
{% for module in modules %}
{% if module is iterable %}
{% for submodule in module %}
<p>{{ submodule }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>{{ module }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Will give you (with the context you given):
See fiddle
But if your array has an arbitrary number of levels, you should do some recursive using macros:
{% macro show_array(array) %}
{% from _self import show_array %}
{% for module in array %}
{% if module is iterable %}
{{ show_array(module) }}
{% else %}
<p>{{ module }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% from _self import show_array %}
{{ show_array(modules) }}
With the following context (in YAML format):
0: users
0: submodule1
1: submodule2
0: subsubmodule1
1: subsubmodule2
This will give you:
See fiddle