Iceberg: How to quickly traverse a very large table - apache-spark

I'm new to iceberg, and i have a question about query big table.
We have a Hive table with a total of 3.6 million records and 120 fields per record. and we want to transfer all the records in this table to other databases, such as pg, kafak, etc.
Currently we do like this:
Dataset<Row> dataset ="iceberg").load("default.table");
// here will stuck for a very long time
dataset.foreachPartition(par ->{
par.forEachRemaining(row ->{
but it can get stuck for a long time in the foreach process.
and I tried the following method, the process does not stay stuck for long, but the traversal speed is very slow, the traverse efficiency is about 50 records/second.
HiveCatalog hiveCatalog = createHiveCatalog(props);
Table table = hiveCatalog.loadTable(TableIdentifier.of("default.table"));
CloseableIterable<Record> records = .build();
records.forEach( record ->{
Neither of these two ways can meet our needs, I would like to ask whether my code needs to be modified, or is there a better way to traverse all records? Thanks!

In addition to reading row by row, here is another idea.
If your target database can import files directly, try retrieving files from Iceberg and importing them directly to the database.
Example code is as follows:
Iterable<DataFile> files =
.inPartition(table.spec(), StaticDataTask.Row.of(1))
.inPartition(table.spec(), StaticDataTask.Row.of(2))
You can get the file path and Format from the DataFile.


Delta table merge on multiple columns

i have a table which has primary key as multiple columns so I need to perform the merge logic on multiple columns
DeltaTable.forPath(spark, "path")
"data.column1 = updates.column1 AND data.column2 = updates.column2 AND data.column3 = updates.column3 AND data.column4 = updates.column4 AND data.column5 = updates.column5")
When I check the data counts it is not updating as expected.
Could someone help me here on this?
Please try also approach like in this example:
Create a changes tables with additional columns which you will note
if a row is new (be inserted)
old (primary key exists) and nothing has changed
old (primary key exists) but other fields needs an update
and then use additional conditions on merge, for example:
.whenMatched(" = true")
.whenMatched("s.updated = true")
.updateExpr(Map("key" -> "s.key", "value" -> "s.newValue"))
How are you counting your rows?
One thing to keep in mind is that directly reading and counting from the parquet files produced by Delta Lake will potentially give you a different result than reading the rows through the delta table interface. Remember that delta keeps a log and supports time travel so it does store copies of rows as they change over time.
Here's a way to accurately count the current rows in a delta table:
deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark,<path to your delta table>)

Postgresql - IN clause optimization for more than 3000 values

I have an application where the user will be uploading an excel file(.xlsx or .csv) with more than 10,000 rows with a single column "partId" containing the values to look for in database
I will be reading the excel values and store it in list object and pass the list as parameter to the Spring Boot JPA repository find method that builds IN clause query internally:
// Read excel file
stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(file.getBytes());
wb = WorkbookFactory.create(stream); sheet = wb.getSheetAt(wb.getActiveSheetIndex());
Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator();
while(rowIterator.hasNext()) {
Row row =;
Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
//JPA repository method that I used
findByPartIdInAndSecondaryId(List<String> partIds);
I read in many articles and experienced the same in above case that using IN query is inefficient for huge list of data.
How can I optimize the above scenario or write a new optimized query?
Also, please let me know if there is optimized way of reading an excel file than the above mentioned code snippet
It would be much helpful!! Thanks in advance!
If the list is truly huge, you will never be lightning fast.
I see several options:
Send a query with a large IN list, as you mention in your question.
Construct a statement that is a join with a large VALUES clause:
SELECT ... FROM mytable
JOIN (VALUES (42), (101), (43), ...) AS tmp(col)
ON = tmp.col;
Create a temporary table with the values and join with that:
Then either
COPY tmp FROM STDIN; -- if Spring supports COPY
INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (42), (101), (43), ...; -- if not
ANALYZE tmp; -- for good statistics
SELECT ... FROM mytable
JOIN tmp ON = tmp.col;
COMMIT; -- drops the temporary table
Which of these is fastest is best determined by trial and error for your case; I don't think that it can be said that one of the methods will always beat the others.
Some considerations:
Solutions 1. and 2. may result in very large statements, while solution 3. can be split in smaller chunks.
Solution 3. will very likely be slower unless the list is truly large.

Apache Spark write to multiple outputs [different parquet schemas] without caching

I want to transform my input data (XML files) and produce 3 different outputs.
Each output will be in parquet format and will have a different schema/number of columns.
Currently in my solution, the data is stored in RDD[Row], where each Row belongs to one of three types and has a different number of fields. What I'm doing now is caching the RDD, then filtering it (using the field telling me about the record type) and saving the data using the following method:
var resultDF_1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_1, schema_1)
// the same for filtered_data_2 and filtered_data_3
Is there any way to do it better, for example do not cache entire data in memory?
In MapReduce we have MultipleOutputs class and we can do it this way:
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_1", DataType1OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_2", DataType2OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_3", DataType3OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs<Void, Group> mos = new MultipleOutputs<>(context);
mos.write("data_type_1", null, myRecordGroup1, filePath1);
mos.write("data_type_2", null, myRecordGroup2, filePath2);
We had exactly this problem, to re-iterate: we read 1000s of datasets into one RDD, all of different schemas (we used a nested Map[String, Any]) and wanted to write those 1000s of datasets to different Parquet partitions in their respective schemas. All in a single embarrassingly parallel Spark Stage.
Our initial approach indeed did the hacky thing of caching, but this meant (a) 1000 passes of the cached data (b) hitting a lot of memory issues!
For a long time now I've wanted to bypass the Spark's provided .parquet methods and go to lower level underlying libraries, and wrap that in a nice functional signature. Finally recently we did exactly this!
The code is too much to copy and paste all of it here, so I will just paste the main crux of the code to explain how it works. We intend on making this code Open Source in the next year or two.
val successFiles: List[String] = successFilePaths(tableKeyToSchema, tableKeyToOutputKey, tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs)
// MUST happen first
info("Deleting success files")
successFiles.foreach(S3Utils.deleteObject(bucket, _))
if (saveMode == SaveMode.Overwrite) {
info("Deleting past files as in Overwrite mode")
parDeleteDirContents(bucket, allDirectories(tableKeyToOutputKey, tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs, partitions, continuallyRunStartTime))
} else {
info("Not deleting past files as in Append mode")
rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex {
case (index, records) =>
records.toList.groupBy(_._1).mapValues( {
case (regularKey: RegularKey, data: List[NotProcessableRecord Either UntypedStruct]) =>
val (nprs: List[NotProcessableRecord], successes: List[UntypedStruct]) =
val filename = s"part-by-partition-index-$index.snappy.parquet"
data = successes,
schema = toMessageType(tableKeyToSchema(regularKey.tableKey)),
fsMode = fs,
path = s3 / bucket / tableKeyToOutputKey(regularKey.tableKey) / regularKey.partition.pathSuffix /? / filename
nprs = nprs,
fsMode = fs,
path = s3 / bucket / tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs(regularKey.tableKey) / regularKey.partition.pathSuffix /? / filename
} pipe Iterator.single
}.count() // Just some action to force execution
info("Writing _SUCCESS files")
successFiles.foreach(S3Utils.uploadFileContent(bucket, "", _))
Of course this code cannot be copy and pasted as many methods and values are not provided. The key points are:
We hand crank the deleting of _SUCCESS files and previous files when overwriting
Each spark partition will result in one-or-many output files (many when multiple data schemas are in the same partition)
We hand crank the writing of _SUCCESS files
UntypedStruct is our nested representation of arbitrary schema. It's a little bit like Row in Spark but much better, as it's based on Map[String, Any].
NotProcessableRecord are essentially just dead letters
Parquet.writeUntypedStruct is the crux of the logic of writing a parquet file, so we'll explain this in more detail. Firstly
val toMessageType: StructType => MessageType = new org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.SparkToParquetSchemaConverter().convert
Should be self explanatory. Next fsMode contains within it the com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials, then inside writeUntypedStruct we use that to construct org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration setting fs.s3a.access.key and fs.s3a.secret.key.
writeUntypedStruct basically just calls out to:
def writeRaw(
data: List[UntypedStruct],
schema: MessageType,
config: Configuration,
path: Path,
compression: CompressionCodecName = CompressionCodecName.SNAPPY
): Unit =
)(writer => data.foreach(data => writer.write(transpose(data, new SimpleGroup(schema)))))
where SimpleGroup comes from, and ExampleParquetWriter extends ParquetWriter<Group>. The method transpose is a very tedious self writing recursion through the UntypedStruct populating a Group (some ugly Java mutable low level thing).
Credit must go to for figuring out how these underlying libraries work, and labouring out the code, which like I said, we intend on making Open Source soon!
AFAIK, there is no way to split one RDD into multiple RDD per se. This is just how the way Spark's DAG works: only child RDDs pulling data from parent RDDs.
We can, however, have multiple child RDDs reading from the same parent RDD. To avoid recomputing the parent RDD, there is no other way but to cache it. I assume that you want to avoid caching because you're afraid of insufficient memory. We can avoid Out Of Memory (OOM) issue by persisting the RDD to MEMORY_AND_DISK so that large RDD will spill to disk if and when needed.
Let's begin with your original data:
val allDataRDD = sc.parallelize(Seq(Row(1,1,1),Row(2,2,2),Row(3,3,3)))
We can persist this in memory first, but allow it to spill over to disk in case of insufficient memory:
We then create the 3 RDD outputs:
filtered_data_1 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(1)==1) // //
filtered_data_2 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(2)==1) // use your own filter funcs here
filtered_data_3 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(3)==1) // //
We then write the outputs:
var resultDF_1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_1, schema_1)
var resultDF_2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_2, schema_2)
var resultDF_3 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_3, schema_3)
If you truly really want to avoid multiple passes, there is a workaround using a custom partitioner. You can repartition your data into 3 partitions and each partition will have its own task and hence its own output file/part. The caveat is that parallelism will be heavily reduced to 3 threads/tasks, and there's also the risk of >2GB of data stored in a single partition (Spark has a 2GB limit per partition). I am not providing detailed code for this method because I don't think it can write parquet files with different schema.

Spark - Transforming key-value pairs into columns

I'm having 100,000 files, each contains data for M items, and each item has N attributes, with the format of each file is like this:
(1st file has data for items from item1_1 to item1_M. 2nd file has data for items from item2_1 to item2_M,...)
For further processing, I want to transform the data into a DataFrame like:
I tried to achieve this by using Spark's pivot:
val df ="/path/*")
For 10GB of zipped data, it took hours to complete. I believe that using the pivot function is not a good idea here, but don't know of any alternative options yet.
What can be a better approach?
Thanks for your support.

spark save taking lot of time

I've 2 dataframes and I want to find the records with all columns equal except 2 (surrogate_key,current)
And then I want to save those records with new surrogate_key value.
Following is my code :
val seq = csvDataFrame.columns.toSeq
var exceptDF = csvDataFrame.except('a).join('b),seq).drop("surrogate_key","current"))
exceptDF = exceptDF.withColumn("surrogate_key", makeSurrogate(csvDataFrame("name"), lit("ecc")))
exceptDF = exceptDF.withColumn("current", lit("Y"))
exceptDF.write.option("driver","org.postgresql.Driver").mode(SaveMode.Append).jdbc(postgreSQLProp.getProperty("url"), tableName, postgreSQLProp)
This code gives correct results, but get stuck while writing those results to postgre.
Not sure what's the issue. Also is there any better approach for this??
By Default spark-sql creates 200 partitions, which means when you are trying to save the datafrmae it will be saved in 200 parquet files. you can reduce the number of partitions for Dataframe using below techniques.
At application level. Set the parameter "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions" as follows :
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "10")
Reduce the number of partition for a particular DataFrame as follows :
Using the var for dataframe are not suggested, You should always use val and create a new Dataframe after performing some transformation in dataframe.
Please remove all the var and replace with val.
Hope this helps!
