I am trying to filter data from multiple sheets using the newly introduced FILTER function. I have saved a named range for sheet names to use as an Array.
This is the formula I am trying to yse but it gives me #Value error. But it works if I use for a single sheet. aharu is the namedrange array for Sheet Names.
=FILTER(INDIRECT("'"&aharu&"'!$B$2:$B$1200"),(INDIRECT("'"&aharu&"'!$L$2:$L$1200")="")*(INDIRECT("'"&aharu&"'!$J$2:$J$1200")<=EDATE(TODAY(),-6)),"No data")
How to use filter function for multiple sheets?
To filter by using the FILTER function in Excel, follow these steps:
Type =FILTER( to begin your filter formula
Type the address for the range of cells that contains the data that you want to filter, such as B1:C50
Type a comma, and then type the condition for the filter, such as C3:C50>3 (To set a condition, first type the address of the "criteria column" such as B1:B, then type an operator symbol such as greater than (>), and then type the criteria, such as the number 3.
Type a closing parenthesis and then press enter on the keyboard. Your entire formula will look like this: =FILTER(B1:C50,C1:C50>3)
Here are the Excel Filters formulas:
Filter by a number
=FILTER(A3:B12, B3:B12>0.7)
Filter by a cell value
=FILTER(A3:B12, B3:B12<F1)
Filter by a text string
=FILTER(A3:B12, B3:B12="Late")
Filter where NOT equal to
=FILTER(A3:E1000, B3:B1000<>"Bob")
Filter by date
=FILTER(A3:C12,C3:C12<G1) (Date entered in cell G1)
Filter by multiple conditions
=FILTER(A3:C12,(B3:B12="Late")*(C3:C12="Active")) (AND logic)
=FILTER(A3:C12, (B3:B12="Late")+(C3:C12="Active")) (OR logic)
Filter from another sheet
=FILTER('Sheet Name'!A3:B12,'Sheet Name'!B3:B12="Full Time")
The Excel FILTER function:
=FILTER(A3:B12, B3:B12=F1)
My understanding is that you can define a range using index. example I can set a defined name of MyList to
This would be the equivalent of saying A3:A5. I can then turn around and use index(MyList,1,1) and I would see the contents of A3. All this works for me.
So I was trying to define a range of sheet names. I used defined name sheetnames as:
(I used transpose to get the list vertical)
when I use:
I get the name of my 3rd or 6th sheet in my workbook respectively. So that part is working. However when I try to define a range like I did for MyList using the following I get #value
Why is it not working?
As a test to get first sheetname I have also tried:
This also gave the same error.
What I am ultimately trying to do is generate a pull down list through data validation of all sheet names except the sheets named "Index" and "Master".
As per Excel's help file on INDEX...
Reference form
Returns the reference of the cell at the intersection of a particular
row and column. If the reference is made up of nonadjacent selections,
you can pick the selection to look in.
INDEX(reference, row_num, [column_num], [area_num])
The INDEX function syntax has the following arguments.
Reference Required. A reference to one or more cell ranges
Therefore, in order to return a reference, you would need to reference a range of cells. SheetNames, however, doesn't refer to a range of cells. It refers to GET.WORKBOOK, which returns an array of values. In this case, it returns an array of sheet names.
So with the following formula...
...it gets evaluated as follows (assuming the workbook is called Book1.xlsx and you have Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc)...
--> some preliminary evaluations <---
You can evaluate the formula for yourself by selecting the cell containing the formula, and stepping through it using the Evaluate Formula button on the Ribbon (Formulas tab > Formula Auditing group).
You can also confirm that INDEX doesn't return a reference in this case by using the ISREF function. The following formula should return FALSE...
Hope this helps!
I have some problem in using If Excel function. I want to use range in excel. So when my data is in range, it will show something. I use this formula but it doesn't work "
=IF(E11=Rekap.C8:C21, VLOOKUP(Rekap.C8:C21, Master.A2:C148, 3), "")
Form that formula, if data in E11 is same like data in range C8 - C21 in Rekap sheet, it will show another data in Master sheet that in range A2-C148 column 3. How can I use range in if formula ?
A single cell like E11 cannot be compared to a range like C8:C21.
I assume that you really want to check if the value in E11 appears anywhere in the range C8:C21 and if so, perform the lookup. That can be done in several ways
Note that I added the fourth parameter to the Vlookup. It will default to TRUE if omitted, which may return wrong results if the lookup table is not sorted.
I have 2 worksheets in my excel, the first sheet allows me to select a calculation method from a drop down list and input the variable for the calculation (shown in green cell, the column in blue shows some constant number). The result entry will search for the corresponding calculation formula from my second worksheet (database), then paste the formula to the sheet 1, I need the formula to calculate using the cells in sheet 1 instead of cells in my database.
currently I created an user defined function called Eval as below:
Function Eval(ref As String)
Eval = Application.Evaluate(ref)
End Function
by combining the Eval with vlookup :=Eval(VLOOKUP(A3,Database!A2:E10,5,FALSE)) I will get the result that the calculation equation uses the cells from my database, how can I achieve the result which the formula takes cells in sheet 1 during calculation?
One simple way would be to use all formulas within one CHOOSE like this:
=IFERROR(CHOOSE(SUMPRODUCT(MATCH(A2,"Calculation "&ROW($1:$9),0)),B2*C2*D2,B2*C2-D2,B2+C2-D2,B2^2-C2+D2,B2*D2-C2^2,B2+C2*D2,B2*C2-C2*D2,B2-D2-C2*D2,C2-D2*B2),"")
Another would be to use the Application.Caller like:
Public Function eval(ref As String)
eval = Application.Caller.Parent.Evaluate(ref)
End Function
This ensures the use of of the parent of the caller (the sheet with the eval() formula) to be used as main-ref.
Keep in mind that your "rows" are static in the formulas. Going for "Calculation 4" will use row 5 (and not the row of your formula from the first sheet). For this you could use something like:
While all row-numbers should be changed to ## (or whatever unique identifier you like). Then "Calculation 1" would look like: =B##*C##*D##
If you still have any questions, just ask :)
I have a spreadsheet that looks like the picture below. I have some formulas that perform counts on this sheet and compare this data to another data source. An example of one of these would be:
How would I return the list of loan numbers associated with the count? For instance, the count above returns 3038. I tried the below formula. I selected C2:C3039, typed the formula and hit Shift + Ctrl + Enter:
My thought was that this evaluates the logical for each line and builds an array of the values in column B. When I enter this, each cell in the array is blank.
Can someone please explain how to return an array with values based on multiple criteria?
I see two problems with your formula
Firstly you can't use AND to return an array - AND (like OR) returns a single result (TRUE or FALSE), so you need either nested IFs or to use * to simulate AND, i.e. either
Note: I used 0 without quotes for the first criteria - for COUNTIFS you can use "0" or 0 but here it needs to match the data type - only use quotes if the data is text formatted - I'm assuming that isn't the case
The second problem is that for both of those the resulting array still has 10675 values because it still includes all the blanks for rows when the criteria aren't met.
To get an array of just 3038 values you can use this formula array entered into the correct sized range:
Where E2 contains your COUNTIFS formula
Note that this only works to return an array in worksheet range - it won't work to return an array to be used in another function
Here is an approach that uses a "helper column" rather than an array formula:
In E2 enter the formula:
and copy down (this marks the multiple rows meeting the criteria)
In F2 enter:
and copy down.
You can set a data filter:
Dim wrk As Worksheet
Set wrk = ActiveSheet
If Not wrk.AutoFilterMode Then wrk.range("a1").AutoFilter
wrk.range("a1").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="0"
wrk.range("a1").AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:="OPEN"
wrk.range("a1").AutoFilter field:=4, Criteria1:="Current"
Set wrk = Nothing
Of course, you could manually turn on the filters to how you like, too.
Insert four blank rows at the top, copy A5:D6 into A1 and delete B2. DATA > Sort & Filter, Advanced, Copy to another location, List range: A5:D10680, Criteria range: A1:D2, Copy to: F1:I1, check Unique records only, OK.
I have an Excel with 2 worksheets, first will be dinamically filled with data, having a row with a combo box feeding from row A on the second worksheet.
The second worksheet will also be filled dinamically, where will be:
Row A:
some values of variable number
B1 - Number of values on Row A to considerate.
My question is - Im using Data Validation > List to define the values on the ws1rowA combo box, is it possible to range from A1 to A(value in B1) ?
So far tried this on Data Validation "source" field:
but an error is returned
You can also use INDIRECT function for this.
In my version of Excel "You cannot use references to other worksheets or workbooks for Data Validation criteria" but you can use named ranges that have a Workbook Scope, so name a range (eg DataValid) to apply to say the range as #Maxim Korneev and then for Data Validation in Sheet1 use a list whose Source: is =DataValid.
Sure, just use