Rename Selected folder inside directory folder using python - python-3.x

i need help to create a code using python to rename specific folder inside many subfolder in side the main folder
theirs folder name fromDrawing inside many folder subfolder and need to rename it to Drawing
main folder

To rename folder using python, you can use the os.rename functionality..
import os,sys

Try using sys/os? I'm not good with sys and os, so I can't give you an example. (I have just never needed it really.)


Using Python to search specific file names in (sub)folders

I'am trying to make a file searching, Python based program, with GUI.
It's going to be used to search specified directories and subdirectories. For files which filenames have to be inserted in an Entry-box.
while I'am fairly new to python programming, I searched the web and gained some information on the os module.
Then I moved on and tried to write a simple code with os.walk and without the GUI program:
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( 'Path\to\files'):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.doc'):
print(os.path.join(root, file))
Which worked fine, however... file.endswith() Only looks to the last part of the filename.
The problem is that in the file path are over 1000 files with .doc. And I want the code to be able to search parts of the file name, for example "Caliper" in filename "Hilka_Vernier_Caliper.doc".
So I went on and searched for other methods than file.endswith() and found something about file.index(). So I changed the code to:
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( 'Path\to\files'):
for file in files:
if file.index('Caliper'):
print(os.path.join(root, file))
But that didn't work as planned...
Does someone on here have an idea, how I could make this work?
You may use pathlib instead of the old os:
BTW, file.index raises an exception if the name is not not found, so you need a try/except clause.
Another way is to use if "Caliper" in str(file):

Importing a whole folder of python files

In the current python program I'm working on, I need to access a lot of stored data. I store it in the form of a bunch of dictionaries, each in their own file. Each file has a single command: giveArchive(). So to access one of the files, I use:
import fileName
return fileName.giveArchive()
And this has worked well so far, but as the number of files I need grows, I want to streamline this a little bit. I'd like to store all of these files in the same folder, and that folder in the same directory as my main file. Is there some way I can import every file in a folder? And if I do, how can I use 'giveArchive()' from specific files in it?
You can do something like:
from folder.subfolder.deepersubfolder import filename
return filename.giveArchive()
this assumes folder can be accessed from the directory your script is running in

How do you move the contents of a randomly named folder to a new location when you dont know what the folder name will be?

I am using requests to download an image with python. That part works ok. When I download a file I provide a name: . When that file is decompressed it contains a folder with a random name, something like ZX234564563SDSD, that has a qcow2 image in it named gw-vm.qcow2.
I need to move the gw-vm.qcow2 to a specific folder for each site that I download an image for.
I can't figure out how to cd into that randomly named folder to get at the gw-vm.qcow2 file.
Right now I am using os.system('unzip') to decompress.
I don't know how to cd into the resulting folder to then perform the following: os.system('mv gw-vm.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/sc-branch-a-1.0/gw-vm.qcow2')
Any direction is appreciated.
It's going to be a function of os.walk() -- it performs a dirwalk on a directory. Check out the docs on it:
Good luck, hope that helps!
(edited formatting)

Get all files in a matching subdirectory name

I have this piece of code from another project:
import pathlib
p = pathlib.Path(root)
for img_file in p.rglob("*.jpg"):
#Do something for each image file
It finds all jpg files in the whole directory and its subfolders and acts upon them.
I have a directory that contains 100+ 'main' folders with each folder having some combination of 2 subfolders - lets call them 'FolderA' and 'FolderB'. The main folders can have one, both or none of these subfolders.
I want to run a piece of code against all the pdf files contained within the 'FolderB' subdirectories, but ignore all files in the main folders and 'FolderA' folders.
Can someone help me manipulate the above code to allow me to continue?
Many thanks!
You can modify the pattern to just search for what you want:
from pathlib import Path
p = Path("root")
for file in p.rglob("*FolderB/*.pdf"):
# Do something with file

Copy files in Python

I want to copy files with a specific file extention from one directory and put in another directory. I tried searching and found code the same as im doing however it doesnt appear to do anything, any help would be great.
import shutil
import os
source = "/tmp/folder1/"
destination = "/tmp/newfolder/"
for files in source:
if files.endswith(".txt"):
I think the problem is your for-loop. You are actually looping over the string "tmp/folder1/" instead of looping over the the files in the folder. What your for-loop does is going through the string letter by letter (t, m, p etc.).
What you want is looping over a list of files in the source folder. How that works is described here: How do I list all files of a directory?.
Going fro there you can run through the filenames, testing for their extension and moving them just as you showed.
Your "for file in source" pick one character after another one from your string "source" (the for doesn't know that source is a path, for him it is just a basic str object).
You have to use os.listdir :
import shutil
import os
source = "source/"
destination = "dest/"
for files in os.listdir(source): #list all files and directories
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(source, files)): #is this a file
if files.endswith(".txt"):
shutil.move(os.path.join(source, files),destination) #move the file
os.path.join is used to join a directory and a filename (to have a complete path).
