What is the origin of the error message 'Signup not authorized, is limited to a specific company' - onelogin

We are getting the error message 'Signup not authorized, is limited to a specific company' when we get a idp login into our OneLogin open source Java toolkit. We can not find anything about this message, where does it come from?

OK we found where the message comes from, from our own application. It was hard to find since it was hidden in the text resources/properties files.


eg-01-java-jwt example returning empty body

I'm trying to use the example project, but I keep getting this message:
DocuSign Exception!
Reason: 0
Error Reponse: null
I have configured everything following the instructions in the repository page.
I have tried debugging the class responsible for the HTTP Post, but so far I got nothing.
Probably you need to grant consent for the integration key to impersonate the user.
See https://github.com/docusign/docusign-java-client/issues/111#issuecomment-513537950

Retrieving PSID from messaging_optins

I'm a new developer building a facebook messenger chatbot using node.js and Microsoft's BotFramework. I've got my chatbot up and running nicely and I'm now trying to personalise the welcome message with the user's first name.
I have a welcome message set up when a user clicks the "Get Started" button and I believe I should be able to retrieve the PSID using messaging_optins.
If so, I've got a a function that processes the Facebook payload in onEvent from the EventActivity.Value:
This cycles through some if/else statements to detect whether the Facebook payload is a Postback, Optin or Quick Reply:
If an Optin is detected it then prints "Optin message received" to the console:
The problem I'm finding is that my code isn't detecting the Optin message and so I'm not then able to write any code to extract the PSID to use to personalise my welcome message.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I’ve solved this as I found from the documentation here that it’s messaging_postback that are sent when 'Get Started' is clicked.

Account linking returns errors

I am facing issue with account linking in google action console. What should be parameter in the https://oauth-redirect.googleusercontent.com for successful account linking and redirecting me back to simulator?
Firstly I have used auth0 for account linking. It was successful v.i.a simulator i.e It was opening the auth0 login page where I logged in and it was showing me "Account Linking Successful" and redirecting me back to google simulator page for further testing. But when I used my website for authentication It is returning error while Account linking.
returns "The parameter "code" or "error" must be set in the query string". as error message
When I intentionally add
An error occurred in returning the result.
I have followed the entire documentation from https://developers.google.com/actions/identity/oauth2
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
As per the documentation the return URL should be in below format:
Notice that you are using "?" after project ID which should be "#". Change it and try. It should work.

How to replace default response in account linking on Google Assistant

As part of an action configured for account linking with the following topology:
I'm seeing Google Assistant injecting its own message prior to going through the account linking flow, as follows:
"I need to link your <action-name> to Google. Is that ok?"
The linking flow is triggered by the following in the webhook:
public ActionResponse launchRequestHandler(ActionRequest request) throws Exception {
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request);
responseBuilder.add(new SignIn());
I'd like to be able to replace the above stock message with a custom one, however when attaching a context to a sign in card with our own message, like so:
String speech = "Hi, I see that your account isn't connected. "
+ "I've sent a link to your Google Assistant app that will get you started and set up in just several simple steps. "
+ "Don't worry, I'll be here waiting, just call me when you're ready.";
new SignIn()
I'm still seeing the default message tacked at the end:
"Hi, I see that your account isn't connected.
I've sent a link to your Google Assistant app that will get you started and set up in just several simple steps.
Don't worry, I'll be here waiting, just call me when you're ready.,
I need to link your <action-name> to Google. Is that ok? "
How can I replace the Google default message with my own?
To ensure a consistent experience for users, you cannot replace the default message. You can only set the context, which lets you provide your custom information for the user ahead of the generic question.
The context is an additional piece of information which may be more relevant to your Action. Let's say it's connecting to your example.com account. You would add the context as a string:
app.intent('Login', conv => {
conv.ask(new SignIn('To provide you with personalized info from example.com'))
The user would hear this message, with the generic prompt appended:
To provide you with personalized info from example.com, I need to link your Example Action to Google. Is that ok?
Then you can say yes or no, and go through the OAuth flow / Google Sign-In flow.

Outlook REST API is returning 404 for event in message

I have the following case:
I use the Outlook REST API (without any library) to visualize the users' emails - including Event invites. First, I make a call to get only the message properties and if the message has MeetingMessageType value, then another request is sent to:
to get the Event information and provide the customer with the option to respond to the invite.
The problem:
Since yesterday one of our clients reported that he can't see the event information. It turns out that the request for getting this information is returning 404.
The response body:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorItemNotFound",
"message": "The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties."
The event is shown in the Outlook desktop mail client.
The client also shared that they have enabled ATP (advance threat protection) at his company. Not sure if this can have anything to do with the problem.
I see that other clients also have this problem.
I asked the user to try the following requests from the Outlook sandbox:
This request returns the EventMessage with "MeetingMessageType": "MeetingRequest".
Then when he tried accessing the Event:
The Outlook REST API returns 404.
For me, the same formatted requests work, so I can't really understand what is going on.
Please, any information will be well appreciated!
