Parse Excel variables into powershell - excel

I am trying to create a powershell that will grab the varibles from an excel sheet and then add them to the powersehll command.
in the excel sheet i have 3 columns i am interested in the data from (Name , resourcegroup, location)
And then for each line with this i want it to parse into into the varible field for the powershell
I have created the powershell to do what i need but it would be better if it could loop through and pull this as I am just running the command again with different machine info manually added from the excel.
With #Theo Help
I am working with this version of the script now
Import-Csv -Path 'c:\scripts\vmtest.csv' | ForEach-Object {
# combine the VMName with suffix '-Snapshot'
$snapshotName = $ + "-Snapshot"
$SnapshotStorage = "Azure-Snapshots"
$vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroup -Name $_.Name
# using splatting for better readability
$configParams = #{
SourceUri = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk.Id
Location = $_.location
CreateOption = 'copy'
$snapshot = New-AzSnapshotConfig #configParams
New-AzSnapshot -Snapshot $snapshot -SnapshotName $snapshotname -ResourceGroupName $snapshotstorage

If as you have commented, you now have the data stored in a CSV file that might look something like this:
it has become very simple to import that data and loop through the records like below:
Import-Csv -Path 'c:\scripts\vmtest.csv' | ForEach-Object {
# combine the VMName with suffix '-Snapshot'
$snapshotName = '{0}-Snapshot' -f $_.Name
$SnapshotStorage = "Azure-Snapshots"
$vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroup -Name $_.Name
# using splatting for better readability
$configParams = #{
SourceUri = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk.Id
Location = $_.Location
CreateOption = 'copy'
$snapshot = New-AzSnapshotConfig #configParams
New-AzSnapshot -Snapshot $snapshot -SnapshotName $snapshotName -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroup
Note that the above code assumes your CSV uses the (default) comma as delimiter character. If in your case this is some other character, append parameter -Delimiter followed by the character the csv uses.
Inside a ForEach-Object {..} loop, the $_ automatic variable references the current record from the csv
I used Splatting for better readability of the code. This helps on cmdlets that take a long list of parameters and eliminates the use of the backtick.

Based on the above shared requirement, we understood that you want to pull the values of ResourceGroupName, VMName from the excel sheet & also you want to use those values in the script further.
Using PSExcel Module, We have written the below PowerShell Script which will pull the ResourceGroupName, VMName from excel & it will run Get-AzVM Cmdlet.
Before running the below PowerShell script , run the below cmdlet Save-Azcontext cmdlet it will saves the current authentication information for use in other PowerShell sessions.
Save-AzContext -Path C:\test.json
Here is the PowerShell script:
$currentDir = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" ##pass the path of the PSexcel Module
Import-Module $currentDir"\PSExcel"
Import-AzContext -Path C:\test.json ##passing the azcontext file path which was saved earlier
$ExcelFile = "Give here the path of the current folder where scripts are stored"
$objExcel = New-Excel -Path $ExcelFile
$WorkBook = $objExcel|Get-Workbook
ForEach($Worksheet in #($Workbook.Worksheets)){
$totalNoOfRecords = $Worksheet.Dimension.Rows
$totalNoOfItems = $totalNoOfRecords-1
# Declare the starting positions first row and column names
$rowNo,$colResourceGroupName = 1,1
$rowNo,$colVMName = 1,2
if ($totalNoOfRecords -gt 1){
#Loop to get values from excel file
for($i=1;$i -le ($totalNoOfRecords-1);$i++){
Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName |select -Property Name,ResourceGroupName,Location
Here is the sample output for reference:
For more information ,you refer this blog post on How to Read excel file using PSExcel Module in PowerShell.


Export Azure key vault secrets as json list (or file)

Azure powershell - how to create json file with azure keyvaults secrets
(I know how to read the secrets with power shell). I do know how to put key values pairs and export as a file.
So, given I have this
secret1Name - secret1Value
secret2Name - secret2Value
secret3Name - secret3Value
I need a file saved to the file system
I found that there is something like this for reading from a file
$globalParametersJson = Get-Content $globalParametersFilePath
$globalParametersObject = [Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject]::Parse($globalParametersJson)
And I (think) i need help doing it for writing a file.
Can anyone help ??
Export Azure key vault secrets as json list (or file)
I have tried to reproduce your ask and I have received expected results:
What I have understood from your question is that you want to write a secret to file (then below is the answer for that).
Firstly, created an empty Json file and copied its path and I followed Microsoft-Document.
Then I executed the below script:
$secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "rithkey"
$Target = #()
$result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
foreach($em in $secretnames )
$Target=Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName rithkey -Name $em
$x=Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName rithkey -AsPlainText -Name $em
$result | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Target.Name -Value $x
$result | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $y
Now we can check file emo.json as we used Set-Content to write to emo.json file and output is below:

How to output Subscription name with Get-AzVM

I am currently trying to output a list of VMs that are not compliant with a policy, all is working except I cant figure out how to output the subscription the VM lives in, since its not a property of Get-AzVm. If someone can please help me out, I am embarrassed I cant figure it out since it seems pretty simple. The current output will use the last subscription context for all the VMs, even though I have multiple subscriptions. Thanks a lot!
$vmsNotBackedUp = #()
$vms_results = #()
$subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
#set policy definition
$poldef = '013e242c-8828-4970-87b3-ab247555486d'
#Get VMs resource ID that are not backed up from Azure Policy, store in $resourceIDs variable
foreach ($sub in $subscriptions) {
Set-AzContext -Subscription $sub.Id
$resourceIDs =(Get-AzPolicyState -Filter "PolicyDefinitionName eq '$poldef' and ComplianceState eq 'NonCompliant'").ResourceId
$vmsNotBackedUp += Get-AzVM | Where-Object{$_.Id -in $resourceIDs}
$currentContext = $sub.Name
Write-Output("The Following VMs were not able to be backed up, may need investigation")
#$vmsNotBackedUp|Select-Object -Property Name,ResourceGroupName,Location
foreach ($vm in $vmsNotBackedUp) {
$output_data = [PSCustomObject]#{
vmName = $vm.Name
ResourceGroup = $vm.ResourceGroupName
vmLocation = $vm.Location
vmOS = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType
vmSub = $currentContext
$vms_results += $output_data
Since you already have the subscription ID in $sub.Id, you could add this as a property to the VMs you enumerate in your script. Something like this:
$vmsNotBackedUp += Get-AzVM |
Where-Object{$_.Id -in $resourceIDs} |
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Subscription' -Value $ -PassThru

Recursively list all resource tags within Azure Resource Groups

We have a large number of Azure Subscriptions which currently run into the hundreds.
I'm looking to generate a report (ideally using Azure Powershell or Azure CLI) to recursively extract a list of all tags assigned to every single resource within every resource group, for between 40-50 of the subscriptions.
Currently, I can list all tags assigned at Resource Group level, but I simply can't find a way to list the tags assigned to the individual resources within each Resource Group. The list of subscriptions and resource groups on which I'd like to extract this report, are saved in a CSV file which includes two columns displaying the Subscription name and Resource Group respectively.
Any tips on how to achieve the above would be fantastic and most appreciated.
Not detailed code but the idea here.
1.You should write a loop, in the loop, change the subscription each time by using this cmdlet:
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscription_name.
2.Then get all the resource group in the specified subscription by using this cmdlet:
$resource_groups = Get-AzResourceGroup
3.Then write a nested loop(loop for each resource group), in this nested loop, use this cmdlet to get all azure resources within a resource group:
foreach($rg in $resource_groups){
$azure_resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName
4.Write another nested loop in step 3, this loop is used to go though all the azure resources within the specified resource group. Then use the code below to fetch tags for each azure resource within the resource group:
foreach($r in $azure_resources){
#the following code can get all the tags for one resource
Based on Ivan Yang's logic. I have built the PowerShell Script;
#---------DECLARE VARIABLES------------------------------------#
$bnsSubscription = Get-AzSubscription
$day = Get-Date -Format " ddMMMyyyy"
$tagPath = "C:\mytempfolder\"+"$day-Tag-Details.csv"
$tagFolderPath = "C:\mytempfolder\"
#---------DECLARE VARIABLES------------------------------------#
function Get-ResourceTag {
foreach ($subs in $bnsSubscription) {
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $subs.Name | Out-Null
Write-Host 'The selected Subscription is' ($subs).Name
New-Item -ItemType file -Path "$tagFolderPath\$($subs.Name).csv" -Force
$resource_groups = Get-AzResourceGroup
$resource_groups_details = Get-AzResourceGroup | Sort-Location ResourceGroupName | Format-Table -GroupBy Location ResourceGroupName,ProvisioningState,Tags
Write-Host 'The selected Resource Group is' ($resource_groups).Name 'and the tag information as follows'
$resource_groups | Select-Object ResourceGroupName,Tags | Export-CSV -Path "$tagFolderPath\$($subs.Name).csv" -Append
$OutputFile = #()
foreach($rg in $resource_groups){
$azure_resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName
$TestTags = $Resource.Tags.GetEnumerator()
foreach($r in $azure_resources){
Write-Host 'The selected resource is' ($r).Name 'and the information as follows'
$RGHT = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]"
$OutputFile += New-Object psobject -Property $RGHT
$OutputFile | Export-Csv -Path "C:\mytempfolder\test22.csv" -append -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Force
#---------CALL FUNCTION------------------------------------#

How do I translate a set of powershell commands into a script that I can run when I want?

I have a set of commands I can use in azure powershell. The commands create a resource group, app service, etc. I want to bundle them up so that I can just type one command into a terminal and run all of the deployment in one go.
# Ask user for work item id
$workItemId = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Work Item ID"
# Set Variables
$appdirectory="C:\Users\Charles\Desktop\Timesheet App\Discover\Client\build"
$location="West Europe"
# Create a resource group.
New-AzResourceGroup -Name discoverTest$workItemId -Location $location
# Create an App Service plan in `Free` tier.
New-AzAppServicePlan -Name $webappname -Location $location `
-ResourceGroupName discoverTest$workItemId -Tier Free
# Create a web app.
New-AzWebApp -Name $webappname -Location $location -AppServicePlan $webappname `
-ResourceGroupName discoverTest$workItemId
# Get publishing profile for the web app
$xml = [xml](Get-AzWebAppPublishingProfile -Name $webappname `
-ResourceGroupName discoverTest$workItemId `
-OutputFile null)
# Extract connection information from publishing profile
$username = $xml.SelectNodes("//publishProfile[#publishMethod=`"FTP`"]/#userName").value
$password = $xml.SelectNodes("//publishProfile[#publishMethod=`"FTP`"]/#userPWD").value
$url = $xml.SelectNodes("//publishProfile[#publishMethod=`"FTP`"]/#publishUrl").value
# Upload files recursively
Set-Location $appdirectory
$webclient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
$webclient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username,$password)
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $appdirectory -Recurse #Removed IsContainer condition
foreach ($file in $files)
$relativepath = (Resolve-Path -Path $file.FullName -Relative).Replace(".\", "").Replace('\', '/')
$uri = New-Object System.Uri("$url/$relativepath")
$uri.AbsolutePath + "is Directory"
$ftprequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create($uri);
$ftprequest.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::MakeDirectory
$ftprequest.UseBinary = $true
$ftprequest.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username,$password)
$response = $ftprequest.GetResponse();
"Uploading to " + $uri.AbsoluteUri + " from "+ $file.FullName
$webclient.UploadFile($uri, $file.FullName)
$workItemId = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Work Item ID"
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name "discoverTest$workItemId" -Force
# print variable
Write-Host $variable
I want to be able to run a single command and have the full deployment process executed.
There are two ways to realize your needs, as below.
Extract all parameters you used in these PowerShell command lines as the arguments for a PowerShell Script <your-script-name>.ps1 which includes all same commands as yours. Please refer to the existing SO thread How to handle command-line arguments in PowerShell to know how to do. Then, you just need to run <your-script-name>.ps1 with these arguments in a terminal which had pre-installed Azure PowerShell Module.
Follow the blog Four ways to package a non-GUI PowerShell script as an executable file to make an executable file with the current set of commands.
Normally, I think the first way is better and be recommended.

Azure Powershell Script

I have written a PowerShell script to print VM names with unmanaged disks however it's giving me an error. Appreciate any help on this -
$location=Read-Host -Prompt 'Input location for VMs'
$azuresubscription=Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Subscription Id'
# Add info about VM's from the Resource Manager to the array
foreach ($vm in $rmvms)
# Get status (does not seem to be a property of $vm, so need to call Get-AzurevmVM for each rmVM)
$vmstatus = Get-AzurermVM -Name $vm.Name -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Status | where Location -like $location
# Add values to the array:
$vmarray += New-Object PSObject -Property #{`
# Subscription=$Subscription.SubscriptionName; `
Subscription=$azuresubscription.SubscriptionName; `
AzureMode="Resource_Manager"; `
Name=$vm.Name; PowerState=(get-culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($vmstatus.statuses)[1].code.split("/")[1]); `
foreach ($vm in $vmarray)
$vmdiskstatus = (Get-AzurermVM -Name $vm.Name -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName).StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk
if (!$vmdiskstatus) {Write-Host $vm.Name}
Error Message:
($vmarray is resulting in Null array) -
Cannot index into a null array.
Expected Output - $vmarray should have one VM as there is a running
instance in eastus (that's what I am using as value for $location)
As requested by Victor Silva to add my comment as answer, here goes:
You need to define the $vmarray as array before entering the loop to add objects to it.
Then, after that loop, the foreach ($vm in $vmarray) does have an array to index into, even if empty:
$location=Read-Host -Prompt 'Input location for VMs'
$azuresubscription=Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Subscription Id'
# create an array variable to collect the result(s)
$vmarray = #()
# Add info about VM's from the Resource Manager to the array
foreach ($vm in $rmvms)
# rest of your code
