Warp: single route works, multiple with .or() do not - rust

Hoping someone can help me understand why running warp with a single route like this compiles fine:
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// GET /stats
let stats = warp::get()
.map(|| {
let mut sys = System::new_all();
let local = LocalSystem::from_sys(&sys);
// GET /
let index = warp::get()
.map(|| warp::reply::json(&last_ten_logs()));
warp::serve(index).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 4000)).await;
But changing the warp::serve() line to serve two routes like in the examples in the repo causes a compilation error:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `(): Reply` is not satisfied
--> src/main.rs:140:17
140 | warp::serve(stats.or(index)).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 4000)).await;
| ----------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Reply` is not implemented for `()`
| |
| required by a bound introduced by this call
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Reply` for `((),)`
= note: 2 redundant requirements hidden
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Reply` for `(warp::generic::Either<((),), (Json,)>,)`
I don't understand what the compiler is asking me to change.

The error is explicit:
the trait Reply is not implemented for ()
The problem is that your stats endpoint do not return anything, just remove the last ; so it gets returned as the last expresion in the closure:
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// GET /stats
let stats = warp::get()
.map(|| {
let mut sys = System::new_all();
let local = LocalSystem::from_sys(&sys);


Share state between actix-web server and async closure

I want to periodically fetch data (using asynchronous reqwest), which is then served at an http endpoint using actix-web as a server.
(I have a data source that has a fixed format, that I want to have read by a service that require a different format, so I need to transform the data.)
I've tried to combine actix concepts with the thread sharing state example from the Rust book, but I don't understand the error or how to solve it.
This is the code minified as much as I was able:
use actix_web::{get, http, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
struct AppState {
status: String,
async fn index(data: web::Data<Mutex<AppState>>) -> impl Responder {
let state = data.lock().unwrap();
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let status_string = get_state().await.unwrap();
let app_data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(web::Data::new(AppState {
status: status_string,
let app_data1 = Arc::clone(&app_data);
actix_web::rt::spawn(async move {
loop {
println!("I get executed every 2-ish seconds!");
let res = get_state().await;
let mut app_data = app_data1.lock().unwrap();
// Edit 2: this line is not accepted by the compiler
// Edit 2: *app_data.status = res.unwrap();
// Edit 2: but this line is accepted
*app_data = web::Data::new(AppState { status: res });
let app_data2 = Arc::clone(&app_data);
// Edit 2: but I get an error here now
HttpServer::new(move || App::new().app_data(app_data2).service(index))
.bind(("", 9090))?
async fn get_state() -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = reqwest::Client::new().get("http://ipecho.net/plain".to_string());
let status = client.send().await?.text().await?;
println!("got status: {status}");
But I get the following error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/main.rs:33:32
33 | *app_data.status = res.unwrap();
| ---------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `str`, found struct `String`
| |
| expected due to the type of this binding
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
--> src/main.rs:33:13
33 | *app_data.status = res.unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `str`
= note: the left-hand-side of an assignment must have a statically known size
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
Why do I suddenly get a str? Is there an easy fix or is my approach to solving this wrong?
Edit: Maybe removing the * is the right way to go, as Peter Hall suggests, but that gives me the following error instead:
error[E0594]: cannot assign to data in an `Arc`
--> src/main.rs:33:13
33 | app_data.status = res.unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot assign
= help: trait `DerefMut` is required to modify through a dereference, but it is not implemented for `Arc<AppState>`
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `app_data2`, a captured variable in an `Fn` closure
--> src/main.rs:38:49
37 | let app_data2 = Arc::clone(&app_data);
| --------- captured outer variable
38 | HttpServer::new(move || App::new().app_data(app_data2).service(index))
| ------- ^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `app_data2` has type `Arc<std::sync::Mutex<Data<AppState>>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
| |
| captured by this `Fn` closure
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0507, E0594.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0507`.
Edit 2: I now get the following error (code changes commented with 'Edit 2' above):
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `app_data2`, a captured variable in an `Fn` closure
--> src/main.rs:46:49
45 | let app_data2 = app_data.clone();
| --------- captured outer variable
46 | HttpServer::new(move || App::new().app_data(app_data2).service(index))
| ------- ^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `app_data2` has type `Arc<Mutex<Data<AppState>>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
| |
| captured by this `Fn` closure
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0507`.
My Cargo.toml dependencies:
actix-web = "4.2.1"
reqwest = "0.11.12"
tokio = "1.21.2"
async solution
I had my types mixed up a bit, having the app state as Arc<Mutex<T>> seemed to be the way to go, maybe it would be better with Arc<RwLock<T>>.
use actix_web::{get, http, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
struct AppState {
status: String,
async fn index(data: web::Data<Arc<Mutex<AppState>>>) -> impl Responder {
let state = data.lock().unwrap();
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let status_string = get_state().await.unwrap();
let app_data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(AppState {
status: status_string,
let app_data1 = app_data.clone();
actix_web::rt::spawn(async move {
loop {
println!("I get executed every 2-ish seconds!");
let res = get_state().await.unwrap();
let mut app_data = app_data1.lock().unwrap();
*app_data = AppState { status: res };
HttpServer::new(move || {
.bind(("", 9090))?
async fn get_state() -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = reqwest::Client::new().get("http://ipecho.net/plain".to_string());
let status = client.send().await?.text().await?;
println!("got status: {status}");
async/sync solution
Instead of doing the async get with reqwest I have a solution with the synchronous crate minreq (that I found after a lot of searching). I also chose to not use the #[actix_web::main] macro, and instead start the runtime explicitly at the end of my main function.
use actix_web::{get, http, rt, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
struct AppState {
status: String,
async fn index(data: web::Data<Arc<Mutex<AppState>>>) -> impl Responder {
let state = &data.lock().unwrap();
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let status_string = get_state().unwrap();
let app_data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(AppState {
status: status_string,
let app_data1 = Arc::clone(&app_data);
thread::spawn(move || loop {
let res = get_state().unwrap();
let mut app_data = app_data1.lock().unwrap();
*app_data = AppState { status: res };
HttpServer::new(move || {
.bind(("", 9090))?
fn get_state() -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let resp = minreq::get("http://ipecho.net/plain").send().unwrap();
let state = resp.as_str().unwrap();

How to gracefully shutdown a warp server?

I'm writing a service with warp in Rust. When the service receives a SIGTERM signal, I'd like to have it shutdown gracefully and possibly do some logging or other work.
I have tried a number of examples and nothing works. The most promising seems to be from this issue but I cannot seem to get this to work or even compile. I suspect things have changed since this was answered.
# Cargo.toml
tokio = {version = "1", features = ["full"]}
warp = "0.3"
futures = "0.3"
//! main.rs
use warp::Filter;
use futures;
fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();
tokio::run(futures::future::lazy(move || {
let routes = warp::any().map(|| "Hello, World!");
let (_, server) = warp::serve(routes)
.bind_with_graceful_shutdown(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030), rx);
error[E0425]: cannot find function `run` in crate `tokio`
--> src/main.rs:6:12
6 | tokio::run(futures::future::lazy(move || {
| ^^^ not found in `tokio`
error[E0425]: cannot find function `spawn` in crate `warp`
--> src/main.rs:10:15
10 | warp::spawn(server);
| ^^^^^ not found in `warp`
help: consider importing one of these items
1 | use std::thread::spawn;
1 | use tokio::spawn;
error[E0593]: closure is expected to take 1 argument, but it takes 0 arguments
--> src/main.rs:6:16
6 | tokio::run(futures::future::lazy(move || {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------- takes 0 arguments
| |
| expected closure that takes 1 argument
help: consider changing the closure to take and ignore the expected argument
6 | tokio::run(futures::future::lazy(move |_| {
| ~~~
error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver<_> as warp::Future>::Output == ()`
--> src/main.rs:9:14
9 | .bind_with_graceful_shutdown(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030), rx);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found enum `Result`
= note: expected unit type `()`
found enum `Result<_, tokio::sync::oneshot::error::RecvError>`
note: required by a bound in `warp::Server::<F>::bind_with_graceful_shutdown`
--> /Users/stephen.gibson/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/warp-0.3.2/src/server.rs:281:29
281 | signal: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `warp::Server::<F>::bind_with_graceful_shutdown`
Any advice or better yet, updated code would be appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts. This is the code that ended up working the way I wanted:
use warp::Filter;
use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let routes = warp::any().map(|| "Hello, World!");
let mut stream = signal(SignalKind::terminate())?;
let (_, server) = warp::serve(routes)
.bind_with_graceful_shutdown(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030), async move {
println!("waiting for signal");
println!("done waiting for signal");
match tokio::join!(tokio::task::spawn(server)).0 {
Ok(()) => println!("serving"),
Err(e) => println!("ERROR: Thread join error {}", e)
A simpler solution, using tokio::signal::ctrl_c, a function specifically designed to sleep until a shutdown signal is received.
It works on both Unix and Windows.
use warp::Filter;
async fn main() {
let routes = warp::any().map(|| "Hello, World!");
let (_addr, fut) = warp::serve(routes)
.bind_with_graceful_shutdown(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030), async move {
.expect("failed to listen to shutdown signal");
println!("shutting down");
Here is example code that works. I was inspirited by wrap documentation of bind_with_graceful_shutdown
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use warp::Filter;
async fn main() {
let routes = warp::any().map(|| "Hello, World!");
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let (_addr, server) =
warp::serve(routes).bind_with_graceful_shutdown(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030), async {
// Spawn the server into a runtime
// Later, start the shutdown...
let _ = tx.send(());

Multithreaded Client that sends data in a queue and stores data in another, while not blocking in Rust Tokio

I'm having difficulties in making a Tokio client that receives packets from a server and stores them in a queue for the main thread to process, while being able to send packets to the server from another queue at the same time.
I'm trying to make a very simple online game demonstration, having a game client that Sends data (it's own modified states, like player movement) and receives data (Game states modified by other players & server, like an NPC/other players that also moved).
The idea is to have a network thread that accesses two Arcs holding Mutexes to Vec<bytes::Bytes> that store serialized data. One Arc is for IncomingPackets, and the other for OutgoingPackets. IncomingPackets would be filled by packets sent from the server to the client that would be later read by the main thread, and OutgoingPackets would be filled by the main thread with packets that should be sent to the server.
I can't seem to receive or send packets in another thread.
The client would only connect to the server, and the server would allow many clients (which would be served individually).
The explanations around stream's usage and implementation are not newbie-friendly, but I think I should be using them somehow.
I wrote some code, but it does not work and is probably wrong.
(My original code does not compile, so treat this as pseudocode, sorry)
extern crate byteorder; // 1.3.4
extern crate futures; // 0.3.5
extern crate tokio; // 0.2.21
use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::future;
use std::error::Error;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt};
use std::io;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
use tokio::net::tcp::{ReadHalf, WriteHalf};
//This is the SharedPackets struct that is located in the crate structures
struct SharedPackets {
data: Mutex<Vec<bytes::Bytes>>,
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").await?;
let (mut r, mut w) = stream.split();
let mut inc: Vec<bytes::Bytes> = Vec::new();
let mut incoming_packets = Arc::new(SharedPackets {
data: Mutex::new(inc),
let mut outg: Vec<bytes::Bytes> = Vec::new();
let mut outgoint_packets = Arc::new(SharedPackets {
data: Mutex::new(outg),
let mut local_incoming_packets = Arc::clone(&incoming_packets);
let mut local_outgoint_packets = Arc::clone(&outgoint_packets);
let mut rarc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(r));
let mut warc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(w));
tokio::spawn(async move {
//send and receive are both async functions that contain an infinite loop
//they basically use AsyncWriteExt and AsyncReadExt to manipulate both halves of the stream
//send reads the queue and write this data on the socket
//recv reads the socket and write this data on the queue
//both "queues" are manipulated by the main thread
let mut read = &*rarc.lock().unwrap();
let mut write = &*warc.lock().unwrap();
send(&mut write, &mut local_outgoint_packets),
recv(&mut read, &mut local_incoming_packets),
loop {
//read & write other stuff on both incoming_packets & outgoint_packets
//until the end of the program
async fn recv(reader: &mut ReadHalf<'_>, queue: &mut Arc<SharedPackets>) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
loop {
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 4096];
let n = match reader.read(&mut buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 0 => return Ok(()),
Ok(n) => n,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("failed to read from socket; err = {:?}", e);
return Err(e);
async fn send(writer: &mut WriteHalf<'_>, queue: &mut Arc<SharedPackets>) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
loop {
let a = vec!["AAAA"];
for i in a.iter() {
let mut byte_array = vec![];
let str_bytes = i.as_bytes();
WriteBytesExt::write_u32::<BigEndian>(&mut byte_array, str_bytes.len() as u32)
This does not compile:
error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
--> src/main.rs:46:5
46 | tokio::spawn(async move {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ future created by async block is not `Send`
::: /playground/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tokio-0.2.21/src/task/spawn.rs:127:21
127 | T: Future + Send + 'static,
| ---- required by this bound in `tokio::spawn`
= help: within `impl futures::Future`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, tokio::net::tcp::ReadHalf<'_>>`
note: future is not `Send` as this value is used across an await
--> src/main.rs:55:9
52 | let mut read = &*rarc.lock().unwrap();
| -------------------- has type `std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, tokio::net::tcp::ReadHalf<'_>>` which is not `Send`
55 | / future::try_join(
56 | | send(&mut write, &mut local_outgoint_packets),
57 | | recv(&mut read, &mut local_incoming_packets),
58 | | )
59 | | .await;
| |______________^ await occurs here, with `rarc.lock().unwrap()` maybe used later
60 | });
| - `rarc.lock().unwrap()` is later dropped here
help: consider moving this into a `let` binding to create a shorter lived borrow
--> src/main.rs:52:25
52 | let mut read = &*rarc.lock().unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
--> src/main.rs:46:5
46 | tokio::spawn(async move {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ future created by async block is not `Send`
::: /playground/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tokio-0.2.21/src/task/spawn.rs:127:21
127 | T: Future + Send + 'static,
| ---- required by this bound in `tokio::spawn`
= help: within `impl futures::Future`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, tokio::net::tcp::WriteHalf<'_>>`
note: future is not `Send` as this value is used across an await
--> src/main.rs:55:9
53 | let mut write = &*warc.lock().unwrap();
| -------------------- has type `std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, tokio::net::tcp::WriteHalf<'_>>` which is not `Send`
54 |
55 | / future::try_join(
56 | | send(&mut write, &mut local_outgoint_packets),
57 | | recv(&mut read, &mut local_incoming_packets),
58 | | )
59 | | .await;
| |______________^ await occurs here, with `warc.lock().unwrap()` maybe used later
60 | });
| - `warc.lock().unwrap()` is later dropped here
help: consider moving this into a `let` binding to create a shorter lived borrow
--> src/main.rs:53:26
53 | let mut write = &*warc.lock().unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I think this is the least of the problems, because I'm really new with tokio.
I could not find an example of this, do you know any performant approach to this problem?
Why don't you use channels for sending/receiveing data from/to other tasks?
There's a plenty of helpful examples here how to share data between tasks
EDIT: I looked at your code, noticed you're using wrong mutex. You should use tokio::sync::Mutex when dealing with async code. Secondly, there were issues with references in arc. I've moved creating arcs to spawned task and add cloning to send/reacv functions.
extern crate futures; // 0.3.5; // 0.1.36std;
extern crate tokio; // 0.2.21;
extern crate byteorder; // 1.3.4;
use std::{error::Error};
use std::sync::{Arc};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use futures::{future};
use bytes::Bytes;
use std::io;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::net::tcp::{ReadHalf, WriteHalf};
use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt};
//This is the SharedPackets struct that is located in the crate structures
struct SharedPackets {
data: Mutex<Vec<bytes::Bytes>>
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut inc : Vec<bytes::Bytes> = Vec::new();
let mut incoming_packets = Arc::new(SharedPackets {
data: Mutex::new(inc)
let mut outg : Vec<bytes::Bytes> = Vec::new();
let mut outgoint_packets = Arc::new(SharedPackets {
data: Mutex::new(outg)
let mut local_incoming_packets = Arc::clone(&incoming_packets);
let mut local_outgoint_packets = Arc::clone(&outgoint_packets);
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").await.unwrap();
let (mut r, mut w) = stream.split();
let mut rarc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(& mut r));
let mut warc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(& mut w));
//send and receive are both async functions that contain an infinite loop
//they basically use AsyncWriteExt and AsyncReadExt to manipulate both halves of the stream
//send reads the queue and write this data on the socket
//recv reads the socket and write this data on the queue
//both "queues" are manipulated by the main thread
//let mut read = &*rarc.lock().await;
//let mut write = &*warc.lock().await;
future::try_join(send(warc.clone(), &mut local_outgoint_packets), recv(rarc.clone(), &mut local_incoming_packets)).await;
loop {
//read & write other stuff on both incoming_packets & outgoint_packets
//until the end of the program
async fn recv(readerw: Arc<Mutex<&mut ReadHalf<'_>>>, queue: &mut Arc<SharedPackets>) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let mut reader = readerw.lock().await;
loop {
let mut buf : Vec<u8> = vec![0; 4096];
let n = match reader.read(&mut buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 0 => return Ok(()),
Ok(n) => n,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("failed to read from socket; err = {:?}", e);
return Err(e);
async fn send(writerw: Arc<Mutex<&mut WriteHalf<'_>>>, queue: &mut Arc<SharedPackets>) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let mut writer = writerw.lock().await;
let a = vec!["AAAA"];
for i in a.iter() {
let mut byte_array = vec![];
let str_bytes = i.as_bytes();
WriteBytesExt::write_u32::<BigEndian>(&mut byte_array, str_bytes.len() as u32).unwrap();
Here is full code without errors, didn't test it though: Playground link
Here's an example that's a bit contrived, but it should help:
Playground link
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use tokio::{self, net::TcpStream, sync::Mutex};
async fn main() {
let mut incoming_packets = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![b"Wow".to_vec()]));
let mut local_incoming_packets = incoming_packets.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
for i in 0usize..10 {
let mut packets = local_incoming_packets.lock().await;
loop {
let packets = incoming_packets.lock().await;
You can see that I have to clone outside of the async move block since that block takes ownership of everything inside it. I'm not sure about r and w but you might need to move those inside the block as well before you can pass mutable references to them. I can update my answer if you provide code that includes all of the proper use statements.
One thing that you need to remember is that main() can technically exit before the code that has been spawned.
Also, note that I used tokio::sync::Mutex so that you can yield while waiting to acquire the lock.

rust E0597: borrowed value does not live lnog enough

I am trying to rewrite an algorithm from javascript to rust. In the following code, I get borrowed value does not live long enough error at line number 17.
scraper = "0.11.0"
use std::fs;
fn get_html(fname: &str) -> String {
fs::read_to_string(fname).expect("Something went wrong reading the file")
pub mod diff_html {
use scraper::{element_ref::ElementRef, Html};
pub struct DiffNode<'a> {
node_ref: ElementRef<'a>,
impl<'a> DiffNode<'a> {
fn from_html(html: &str) -> Self {
let doc = Self::get_doc(&html);
let root_element = doc.root_element().to_owned();
let diffn = Self {
node_ref: root_element,
fn get_doc(html: &str) -> Html {
pub fn diff<'a>(html1: &str, _html2: &str) -> DiffNode<'a> {
let diff1 = DiffNode::from_html(&html1);
fn main() {
//read strins
let filename1: &str = "test/test1.html";
let filename2: &str = "test/test2.html";
let html1: &str = &get_html(filename1);
let html2: &str = &get_html(filename2);
let diff1 = diff_html::diff(html1, html2);
//write html
//fs::write("test_outs/testx.html", html1).expect("unable to write file");
//written output file.
warning: unused variable: `diff1`
--> src\main.rs:43:9
43 | let diff1 = diff_html::diff(html1, html2);
| ^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_diff1`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
error[E0597]: `doc` does not live long enough
--> src\main.rs:17:32
14 | impl<'a> DiffNode<'a> {
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
17 | let root_element = doc.root_element().to_owned();
| ^^^--------------------------
| |
| borrowed value does not live long enough
| assignment requires that `doc` is borrowed for `'a`
22 | }
| - `doc` dropped here while still borrowed
I want a detailed explanation/solution if possible.
root_element which is actually an ElementRef has reference to objects inside doc, not the actual owned object. The object doc here is created in from_html function and therefore owned by the function. Because doc is not returned, it is dropped / deleted from memory at the end of from_html function block.
ElementRef needs doc, the thing it is referencing to, to be alive when it is returned from the memory.
pub mod diff_html {
use scraper::{element_ref::ElementRef, Html};
pub struct DiffNode<'a> {
node_ref: ElementRef<'a>,
impl<'a> DiffNode<'a> {
fn from_html(html: &'a scraper::html::Html) -> Self {
Self {
node_ref: html.root_element(),
pub fn diff<'a>(html1_string: &str, _html2_string: &str) {
let html1 = Html::parse_document(&html1_string);
let diff1 = DiffNode::from_html(&html1);
// do things here
// at the end of the function, diff1 and html1 is dropped together
// this way the compiler doesn't yell at you
More or less you need to do something like this with diff function to let the HTML and ElementRef's lifetime to be the same.
This behavior is actually Rust's feature to guard values in memory so that it doesn't leak or reference not referencing the wrong memory address.
Also if you want to feel like operating detachable objects and play with reference (like java, javascript, golang) I suggest reading this https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch15-05-interior-mutability.html

rust jsonrpc-core decouple anounymous function from add_method

I am writing rpc server with rust using jsonrpc-core and jsonrpc-http-server.
Here is my code:
let mut io = IoHandler::new();
io.add_method("validate_public_key", |params: Params| {
let map: HashMap<String, Value> = params.parse().unwrap();
println!("Params : {:?}", map);
let public_key = map.get("public_key").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();
println!("Public Key : {:?}", public_key);
let server = ServerBuilder::new(io)
How do I remove the anonymous function from add_method? I want to write this method in sperate file and use it here as io.add_method("validate_public_key", |params: Params| validate);
Here is what I tried so far:
pub fn validate(params: Params) -> Result<Value> {
let map: Map<String, Value> = params.parse().unwrap();
println!("Params : {:?}", map);
let public_key = map.get("public_key").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();
println!("Public Key : {:?}", public_key);
It give following error:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `fn(jsonrpc_core::types::params::Params)
-> std::result::Result<serde_json::Value, jsonrpc_core::types::error::Error> {app::rpc::validate_public_key}:
futures::future::Future` is not satisfied --> src/main.rs:37:12
37 | io.add_method("validate_public_key", |params: Params| validate_public_key);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `futures::future::Future` is not implemented for `fn(jsonrpc_core::types::params::Params) -> std::result::Result<serde_json::Value, jsonrpc_core::types::error::Error {app::rpc::validate_public_key}`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `jsonrpc_core::calls::RpcMethodSimple` for `[closure#src/main.rs:37:46: 37:82]`
What am I doing wrong?
I just used io.add_method("validate_public_key", validate); instead of io.add_method("validate_public_key", |params: Params| validate);. It's working fine.
Saw the solution in the comment section but it's removed by user now.
