Spark dataframe foreachPartition: sum the elements using pyspark - apache-spark

I am trying to partition spark dataframe and sum elements in each partition using pyspark. But I am unable to do this inside a called function "sumByHour". Basically, I am unable to access dataframe columns inside "sumByHour".
Basically, I am partitioning by "hour" column and trying to sum the elements based on "hour" partition. So expected output is: 6,15,24 for 0,1,2 hour respectively. Tried below with no luck.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
import pandas as pd
def sumByHour(ip):
pandasDF = pd.DataFrame({'hour': [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2], 'numlist': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]})
myschema = StructType(
[StructField('hour', IntegerType(), False),
StructField('numlist', IntegerType(), False)]
myDf = spark.createDataFrame(pandasDF, schema=myschema)
mydf = myDf.repartition(3, "hour")
I am able to solve this with "window.partitionBy". But I want to know if it can be solved by "foreachPartition".
Thanks in Advance,

Thanks for the code sample it made this easy. Here's a really simple example modifies you sumByHour code:
def sumByHour(ip):
mySum = 0
myPartition = ""
for x in ip:
mySum += x.numlist
myPartition = x.hour
myString = '{}_{}'.format(mySum, myPartition)
mydf = myDf.repartition(5,"hour") #wait 5 I wanted 3!!!
You get almost the expected result:
>>> mydf.foreachPartition(sumByHour)
You might ask why partition by '5' and not the '3'? Well turns out the hash formula used for 3 partitions has collision for (0,1) into the same partition and then has an empty partition.(Bad luck) So this will work but, you only want to use it on an array that will fit into memory.

You can use a Window to do that and add the sumByHour as a new column.
from pyspark.sql import functions, Window
w = Window.partitionBy("hour")
myDf = myDf.withColumn("sumByHour", functions.sum("numlist").over(w))
| 1| 4| 15|
| 1| 5| 15|
| 1| 6| 15|
| 2| 7| 24|
| 2| 8| 24|
| 2| 9| 24|
| 0| 1| 6|
| 0| 2| 6|
| 0| 3| 6|


Pyspark how to group row based value from a data frame

I am need to group row based value against each index from below data frame
|index|amount| dept | date | amount |dept |date |
| 1|1000 | acnt |2-4-21| 2000 | acnt2 |2-4-21 |
| 2|1500 | sales|2-3-21| 1600 | sales2|2-3-21 |
since index stand unique to each row and date are same , i need to group the row values as below
+-----+------ +------------+-------+
|index|amount | dept | date |
| 1|1000,2000|acnt,acnt2 |2-4-21 |
| 2|1500,1600|sales,sales2|2-3-21 |
i see many option to group columns but specifically for row based value in pyspark
Is there any solution to populate the result as above?
Ideally this needs to be fixed upstream (check if you have joins in your upstream codes and try to select only appropriate aliases to retain the unique columns only).
With that being said, you can create a helper spark function after creating a helper dictionary and column names:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from itertools import groupby
Create a fresh list with a counter:
l = []
s = {}
for i in df.columns:
l.append(f"{i}_{s.get(i)}" if i in s else i)
s[i] = s.get(i,0)+1
#['index', 'amount', 'dept', 'date', 'amount_1', 'dept_1', 'date_1']
Then with this new list create a dataframe with the existing dataframe and use a helper function to concat based on duplicate checks:
def mysparkfunc(cols):
cols = [list(v) for k,v in groupby(sorted(cols),lambda x: x.split("_")[0])]
return [F.concat_ws(",",*col).alias(col[0])
if len(col)>1 and col[0]!= 'date'
else F.col(col[0]) for col in cols]
| amount| date| dept|index|
|1000,2000|2-4-21| acnt,acnt2| 1|
|1500,1600|2-3-21|sales,sales2| 2|
Full Code:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from itertools import groupby
l = []
s = {}
for i in df.columns:
l.append(f"{i}_{s.get(i)}" if i in s else i)
s[i] = s.get(i,0)+1
def mysparkfunc(cols):
cols = [list(v) for k,v in groupby(sorted(cols),lambda x: x.split("_")[0])]
return [F.concat_ws(",",*col).alias(col[0])
if len(col)>1 and col[0]!= 'date'
else F.col(col[0]) for col in cols]
let's say you have an initial data frame as shown below
| dept| dept|amount|amount|
|sales1|sales2| 1| 1|
|sales1|sales2| 2| 2|
|sales1|sales2| 3| 3|
|sales1|sales2| 4| 4|
|sales1|sales2| 5| 5|
Rename the columns:
newColumns = ["dept1","dept2","amount1","amount2"]
new_clms_df = df.toDF(*newColumns)
| dept1| dept2|amount1|amount2|
|sales1|sales2| 1| 1|
|sales1|sales2| 2| 2|
|sales1|sales2| 3| 3|
|sales1|sales2| 4| 4|
|sales1|sales2| 5| 5|
Derive the final output columns:
final_df = None
final_df = new_clms_df.\
withColumn('dept', concat_ws(',',new_clms_df['dept1'],new_clms_df['dept2'])).\
withColumn('amount', concat_ws(',',new_clms_df['amount1'],new_clms_df['amount2']))
| dept1| dept2|amount1|amount2| dept|amount|
|sales1|sales2| 1| 1|sales1,sales2| 1,1|
|sales1|sales2| 2| 2|sales1,sales2| 2,2|
|sales1|sales2| 3| 3|sales1,sales2| 3,3|
|sales1|sales2| 4| 4|sales1,sales2| 4,4|
|sales1|sales2| 5| 5|sales1,sales2| 5,5|
There are two ways.. deppending on what you want
from pyspark.sql.functions import struct, array, col
df = df.withColumn('amount', struct(col('amount1'),col('amount2')) # Map
df = df.withColumn('amount', array(col('amount1'),col('amount2')) # Array
if there are two columns with same name (like in your example), just recreate your df
(If is a join, there is no need... Just use alias)
cols = ['index','amount1','dept', 'amount2', 'dept2', 'date']
df = df.toDF(*cols)

Apache Spark: Get the first and last row of each partition

I would like to get the first and last row of each partition in spark (I'm using pyspark). How do I go about this?
In my code I repartition my dataset based on a key column using:
Is there a way to get the first row and last row for each partition?
I would highly advise against working with partitions directly. Spark does a lot of DAG optimisation, so when you try executing specific functionality on each partition, all your assumptions about the partitions and their distribution might be completely false.
You seem to however have a keyColumn and sortKey, so then I'd just suggest to do the following:
import pyspark
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
w_asc = pyspark.sql.Window.partitionBy(keyColumn).orderBy(f.asc(sortKey))
w_desc = pyspark.sql.Window.partitionBy(keyColumn).orderBy(f.desc(sortKey))
res_df = mydf. \
withColumn("rn_asc", f.row_number().over(w_asc)). \
withColumn("rn_desc", f.row_number().over(w_desc)). \
where("rn_asc = 1 or rn_desc = 1")
The resulting dataframe will have 2 additional columns, where rn_asc=1 indicates the first row and rn_desc=1 indicates the last row.
Scala: I think the repartition is not by come key column but it requires the integer how may partition you want to set. I made a way to select the first and last row by using the Window function of the spark.
First, this is my test data.
| id|value|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 2|
| 1| 3|
| 1| 4|
| 2| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 2| 3|
| 3| 1|
| 3| 3|
| 3| 5|
Then, I use the Window function twice, because I cannot know the last row easily but the reverse is quite easy.
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val a = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("value")
val d = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy(col("value").desc)
val df ="header", "true").csv("test.csv")
df.withColumn("marker", when(rank.over(a) === 1, "Y").otherwise("N"))
.withColumn("marker", when(rank.over(d) === 1, "Y").otherwise(col("marker")))
.filter(col("marker") === "Y")
The final result is then,
| id|value|
| 3| 5|
| 3| 1|
| 1| 4|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 3|
| 2| 1|
Here is another approach using mapPartitions from RDD API. We iterate over the elements of each partition until we reach the end. I would expect this iteration to be very fast since we skip all the elements of the partition except the two edges. Here is the code:
df = spark.createDataFrame([
["Tom", "a"],
["Dick", "b"],
["Harry", "c"],
["Elvis", "d"],
["Elton", "e"],
["Sandra", "f"]
], ["name", "toy"])
def get_first_last(it):
first = last = next(it)
for last in it:
# Attention: if first equals last by reference return only one!
if first is last:
return [first]
return [first, last]
# coalesce here is just for demonstration
first_last_rdd = df.coalesce(2).rdd.mapPartitions(get_first_last)
spark.createDataFrame(first_last_rdd, ["name", "toy"]).show()
# +------+---+
# | name|toy|
# +------+---+
# | Tom| a|
# | Harry| c|
# | Elvis| d|
# |Sandra| f|
# +------+---+
PS: Odd positions will contain the first partition element and the even ones the last item. Also note that the number of results will be (numPartitions * 2) - numPartitionsWithOneItem which I expect to be relatively small therefore you shouldn't bother about the cost of the new createDataFrame statement.

Adding a group count column to a PySpark dataframe

I am coming from R and the tidyverse to PySpark due to its superior Spark handling, and I am struggling to map certain concepts from one context to the other.
In particular, suppose that I had a dataset like the following
x | y
a | 5
a | 8
a | 7
b | 1
and I wanted to add a column containing the number of rows for each x value, like so:
x | y | n
a | 5 | 3
a | 8 | 3
a | 7 | 3
b | 1 | 1
In dplyr, I would just say:
df <- read_csv("...")
df %>%
group_by(x) %>%
mutate(n = n()) %>%
and that would be that. I can do something almost as simple in PySpark if I'm looking to summarize by number of rows:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()"...") \
.groupBy(col("x")) \
.count() \
And I thought I understood that withColumn was equivalent to dplyr's mutate. However, when I do the following, PySpark tells me that withColumn is not defined for groupBy data:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, count
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()"...") \
.groupBy(col("x")) \
.withColumn("n", count("x")) \
In the short run, I can simply create a second dataframe containing the counts and join it to the original dataframe. However, it seems like this could become inefficient in the case of large tables. What is the canonical way to accomplish this?
When you do a groupBy(), you have to specify the aggregation before you can display the results. For example:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
data = [
('a', 5),
('a', 8),
('a', 7),
('b', 1),
df = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(data, ["x", "y"])
df.groupBy('x').count().select('x', f.col('count').alias('n')).show()
#| x| n|
#| b| 1|
#| a| 3|
Here I used alias() to rename the column. But this only returns one row per group. If you want all rows with the count appended, you can do this with a Window:
from pyspark.sql import Window
w = Window.partitionBy('x')'x', 'y', f.count('x').over(w).alias('n')).sort('x', 'y').show()
#| x| y| n|
#| a| 5| 3|
#| a| 7| 3|
#| a| 8| 3|
#| b| 1| 1|
Or if you're more comfortable with SQL, you can register the dataframe as a temporary table and take advantage of pyspark-sql to do the same thing:
#| x| y| n|
#| a| 5| 3|
#| a| 7| 3|
#| a| 8| 3|
#| b| 1| 1|
as #pault appendix
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
#| x| n|
#| b| 1|
#| a| 3|
I found we can get even more close to the tidyverse example:
from pyspark.sql import Window
w = Window.partitionBy('x')
df.withColumn('n', f.count('x').over(w)).sort('x', 'y').show()

Aggregating List of Dicts in Spark DataFrame

How can I perform aggregations and analysis on column in a Spark DF that was created from column that contained multiple dictionaries such as the below:
rootKey=[Row(key1='value1', key2='value2', key3='value3'), Row(key1='value1', key2='value2', key3='value3'), Row(key1='value1', key2='value2', key3='value3'), Row(key1='value1', key2='value2', key3='value3')]
Here is an example of what the column looks like:
>>>'column').show(20, False)
|column |
|[[1,1,1], [1,2,6], [1,2,13], [1,3,3]] |
|[[2,1,1], [2,3,6], [2,4,10]] |
|[[1,1,1], [1,1,6], [1,2,1], [2,2,2], [2,3,6], [1,3,7], [2,4,10]] |
An example would be to summarize all of the key values and groupBy a different column.
You need f.explode:
{"idx":1, "col":[{"k":1,"v1":1,"v2":1},{"k":1,"v1":2,"v2":6},{"k":1,"v1":2,"v2":13},{"k":1,"v1":2,"v2":2}]}
{"idx":2, "col":[{"k":2,"v1":1,"v2":1},{"k":2,"v1":3,"v2":6},{"k":2,"v1":4,"v2":10}]}
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
df ='file:///home/zht/PycharmProjects/test/json_file.json', format='json')
df = df.withColumn('col', f.explode(df['col']))
df = df.groupBy(df['col']['v1']).sum('col.k')
# output:
|col['v1']|sum(col.k AS `k`)|
| 1| 3|
| 3| 2|
| 2| 3|
| 4| 2|

PySpark: Randomize rows in dataframe

I have a dataframe and I want to randomize rows in the dataframe. I tried sampling the data by giving a fraction of 1, which didn't work (interestingly this works in Pandas).
It works in Pandas because taking sample in local systems is typically solved by shuffling data. Spark from the other hand avoids shuffling by performing linear scans over the data. It means that sampling in Spark only randomizes members of the sample not an order.
You can order DataFrame by a column of random numbers:
from pyspark.sql.functions import rand
df = sc.parallelize(range(20)).map(lambda x: (x, )).toDF(["x"])
## +---+
## | x|
## +---+
## | 2|
## | 7|
## | 14|
## +---+
## only showing top 3 rows
but it is:
expensive - because it requires full shuffle and it something you typically want to avoid.
suspicious - because order of values in a DataFrame is not something you can really depend on in non-trivial cases and since DataFrame doesn't support indexing it is relatively useless without collecting.
This code works for me without any RDD operations:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df ="*").orderBy(F.rand())
Here is a more elaborated example:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
# Example: create a Dataframe for the example
pandas_df = pd.DataFrame(([1,2],[3,1],[4,2],[7,2],[32,7],[123,3]),columns=["id","col1"])
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas_df)
df ="*").orderBy(F.rand())
| id|col1|
| 1| 2|
| 3| 1|
| 4| 2|
| 7| 2|
| 32| 7|
|123| 3|
| id|col1|
| 7| 2|
|123| 3|
| 3| 1|
| 4| 2|
| 32| 7|
| 1| 2|
