Blazor build hangs in Visual Studio - node.js

I'm putting this out here to save someone else some of my pain. Today I built my Blazor solution and it simply hung. Searching on this will give you alot of results that have nothing to do with Blazor.
There was no indication as to what happened and I didn't find out until I tried updating VS that a Node.exe process running on my machine.

Node.exe is the NodeJS process that is used by VS as a debugger proxy for the client-side WASM project. Kill the Node.exe process and you should be able to build again.


Visual Studio 2019 Processes not shutting down, NodeJS issues

I am working on a fresh install of Windows 10 Pro (10.0.18362) and trying to get Visual Studio 2019 setup and configured for .NET Core 3.1 Web Development but am running into several issues.
I created a default React.js ASP.NET Core Web Application and ran the project. Things seemed to be working alright, except that after updating JavaScript code the browser updates after a fairly long pause; things seem to be lagging.
After closing Visual Studio 2019 from the default Web App (no updates) there are several processes that seem to hang, and have to be shut down manually:
I have tried installing Visual Studio 2019 with the Node.js provided by the Visual Studio Installer, in addition to installing Node.js V12.4 and V13.6 manually with the same results.
Another problem: If I update the project from JavaScript to TypeScript using npx create-react-app client-app --typescript, Hot Updates stop working entirely. But after updating the JavaScript code and refreshing the browser things seem to update, so it does seem to be recompiling. I have tried debugging in Firefox and Chrome, both with the same results.
I am very hesitant to continue working with this install as I have had several issues when these processes. If these hang unexpectedly and are not shut down they will continue to use the old versions of the code and nothing that is done will update until the processes are shut down, causing complete insanity.
Could there a specific install procedure I need to perform as a workaround? Or am I possibly missing NuGet packages or Add-Ons? Since this is a fresh install of the operating system, are there Windows Features that I need to install? Or other configuration/permission changes that could be causing this?
Prior to this install, only projects created in Visual Studio 2017 seemed to work as expected. But I need to develop this site in .NET Core 3.0 and it looks like only Visual Studio 2019 is supported for that.
After some messing around, it looks like Node is causing the problems. If I manually shut down the Node processes, then Visual Studio will finally shut down—but it leaves other processes like the VSCompiler and Consoles running. This happens even if I run Visual Studio as an administrator.
Should I install node before Visual Studio, or visa versa? Is there possibly some setup that I need to perform with Visual Studio or Node to get things working correctly?
Update 2
After not finding any fix I tried a complete reinstall of Windows, including a disk format, and then only installed Visual Studio and Node.js.
One interesting thing I found when doing this: I originally only installed Visual Studio and selected both the "Web Development" and "NodeJS Development". But when I tried to run a new .NET Core Web Application without any changes, I received an error saying that Node.js was not installed—even though I was able to find a node.exe in the MsBuilds folder under Visual Studio.
I completely uninstalled Visual Studio and all other components, installed Node.js, and then Visual Studio, but the problem still persists. Any time I try to run any kind of JavaScript using the SPA Templates, the Node.js processes don't shut down. If I kill the Node.js process then Visual Studio will finally shutdown, but it leaves the Console Window Host and VBCSCompiler running which have to be shut down manually.
I also tried creating a new .NET Core Web Application, except this time selecting the Angular Template and it works better: The Hot Reload works and it seems to run much faster. But the processes still don't shut down. The only difference is killing the Node.js processes doesn't let Visual Studio shutdown.
Update 3
Also not sure if this helps, but I tried setting the node.exe properties to "Run this program as an Administrator" to see if it happen to be a permission issue. This yielded the same results. I noticed that two windows will pop up, however: First a blank one, then the actual Angular server window.
I'm not sure if it's related, but when I tried to run the Angular Application again it looks like Angular is pointing at another (random) port than is set in the debug settings in the project.
One thing I did notice is that the usual Server Messages are not showing in the Output Window. It used to display the node.js messages such as "the server is running" and other compiler messages, but now it only displays the .NET output.
Update 4
Getting closer, I uninstalled Visual Studio and Node.js, then made sure to clean out any left over Visual Studio and node_modules folders from my AppData and User/Local directories, and then did a disk cleanup. Finally, I reinstalled Visual Studio—making sure to run the installer as Admin—and reinstalled Node.js.
I ran Visual Studio as an admin and created a new Angular App. Now, the Angular app works as expected, HMR works and things seem to run smoothly except that the processes still hang. The major difference is that killing the Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 process kills everything, whereas before it was leaving the VBSCCompiler, Node.js and consoles running.
When creating a React App things load fine. But, again, the HMR doesn't work and also leaves processes running. shutting down the main Visual Studio process seems to clean these up now too.
I'm afraid I don't have a fix but if anyone wants a quick way to kill all the errant node processes and speed things back up they can run:
taskkill /IM "node.exe" /F
I haven't had any issues executing this while VS is running.
In Visual Studio 2019, go to Tools, Options, Debugging, General and towards the bottom there is a checkbox for Automatically close the console when debugging stops. It is unchecked by default on new versions of VS and if you look at your ASP.NET Core project properties you will see that it is a console project. So without the checkbox checked, the console does not automatically close.
The problem is that it is a hidden console so you can't see it to shut it down manually. If you check the box for closing the console automatically, then the consoles and node.js will stop running whenever you stop the debugger. Also in Options, there is a Node.Js Tools area that you may want to look at as well. It has a checkbox for Wait for input when process exits abnormally. If the console is hidden, there is no way for you to do input so that could hold the process open as well.
Another option, if you don't want to change any of the debugging options, is to go to your project properties > Debug and change the Launch settings for the IIS Express profile to Project instead of IIS Express. This will actually make the console / command prompt visible and when you are done debugging you can Ctrl-C to stop the debugger or when you hit stop the console will give you the message to Press any key to close this window . . .
I had the same issue with React SPA, this worked for me:
Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General -> Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome, Edge and IE) (Visual Studio 2017 and 2019) <- unchecked
also the dropdown next to the play button:
Script Debugging -> disabled
There are possibilities to run pre and post build tasks in Visual Studio. I would look for them in project settings.
I use VSCode. So, if you follow the explanation below you'll be able to tackle the problem.
Create a .bat file in your project root folder (for instance kill-node.bat) with the followwing content:
tasklist | find /i "node.exe" && taskkill /im node.exe /F || echo process "node.exe" not running.
Add a pre-build-task executing the .bat file
Add a post-build-task executing the .bat file
Done! Now every single time you start debugging/redebugging your app, the .bat file kills all node-zombie instances. And ditto for your stopping dubug moment.
The VSCode guide:
Perform step 1 of the algorithm above.
Open the file tasks.json in .vscode folder and prepend at top of its tasks the new one:
"label": "kill-node",
"command": "kill-node.bat"
Now alter the build task code (to activate our kill-node task at the pre-build time):
"label": "build",
"dependsOn": "kill-node", // <<< extra string to run kill-node task prior to build task
"command": "dotnet",
//... the rest of build task code
Open launch.json file and insert new string:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": ".NET Core Launch (web)",
"type": "coreclr",
"request": "launch",
"preLaunchTask": "build",
"postDebugTask": "kill-node", // <<< extra string to run kill-node on debug end
//... the rest of launch.json file
That's it. Now you can no longer care of the node-zombie instances consuming your memory.
This should be fixed in ASP.NET Core 5.0, try upgrading if possible.

visual studio 2015 node js app doesn't start debugging

I am creating a purely server side nodejs app in visual studio and the majority of times I go to debug it, it does not start running my javascript.
I see "Debugger listening on port xxxx" and nothing else.
Opening and closing the project solves it and have had some luck manually ending the VSHub.exe process (maybe coincidental) but I don't want to have to do this everytime I debug.
Anyone seeing this or got any ideas?
This is a known issue with the node js tools extension.
The fix was included in dev build v1.1.Dev-9.17.2015 which is available from here until it is included in an official release.
I had the same problem with the Community version, deleting the project, reinstalling VS2015, then recreating the project seems to have fixed it.

Debugging Meteor app with NTVS (Node Tools for Visual Studio)

I'm investigating using NTVS ( with Visual Studio 2013 to debug my Meteor/Node application. I can't figure out how to get debugging to work.
The problem is that when Meteor starts it copies all of my sources to the .local directory and runs them in a new instance of Node.exe. This confuses NTVS because it can't follow on into the child process. And I can't set breakpoints because Visual Studio doesn't know how to deal with the fact that the files I am editing being different than the ones that are running in the .local directory.
What I'd like is some way to run my Meteor based code under Node.exe straight from my sources, without the pre-bundling steps. Is this possible?
I'm fine with not having development niceties like hot-code pushing and package updates on-the-fly. I can manage that in other ways.
'meteor bundle' doesn't do the trick because (a) it takes too long and (b) it still makes the copy that throws off breakpoints.
Hopefully there is a way to use Meteor as an awesome library separate from Meteor as a runtime environment so I can debug it with NTVS.
/Michael Ost
if the functionality of the meteor tools for Visual Studio are not sufficient, why not contribute to the project.
It's a bit old (last commit 18 months ago) and hence probably outdated, but it will give you a head start as to how to make things work.
You can run your app in debug mode using meteor debug and then attach debugger to port number 5858, It should work for all type of node.js debuggers e.g. Visual Studio, Visual code, Webstorm etc because they all have "attach" debugger option next to "debug" option.

Trouble debugging nodeJS with nodeclipse (Failed to connect to Standalone V8 VM)

Hoping someone can help. I've been through every forum, the online help, every youtube, and every example to find an answer. This either means it's incredibly nuanced or incredibly simple and I'm just missing something that seems to work for everyone.
Nodeclipse/chromedevtools failed to connect to Standalone V8 VM
( Check Help (F1) and Support )
. Info:
connect timed out
I get the above error when I use nodeclipse to debug a node app using the right-click menu on the project. DEBUG AS -> NODE APPLICATION.
When I RUN AS -> NODE APPLICATION, it launches just fine. But when I run with debug-as, I get that error and the debug info looks like.. (or not.. I can't post images... but it terminates the V8 VM entry)
I've installed JDK 8, the most recent NodeJS, the express packages, enide studio from, and followed the instructions to build a starter app (new - express project), then attempted to debug that app with debug-as->node application.
I can successfully debug a node instance (my actual project) that I start from the command line, and it lets me step through the virtual project files, etc.. but I was looking for the "all in one" nature where I am debugging the same files I'm editing and can launch/test it all from within eclipse.
Win 7, 64bit
JDK 1.8.0_11 64bit
node 0.10.29 64bit
nodeclipse/enide studio 2014-011-20140228-win64
I've tried it with JDK1.7 as well (64 bit).
Any and all help would be appreciated.
While the issue happened before it is hard to reproduce on other machines.
More stats is needed. gives links to Online Help (the same as built-in by F1)
in particular
Have you tried to
to run node --debug-brk app.js first, and then again in Eclipse/Enide Studio ? #107
I've had some luck getting around this error by:
Right clicking in the server and selecting run as -> node application
Navigating in Firefox to the address where my server is listening
Stopping the server in the console
Right clicking in the server and selecting debug as -> node application
I also created a new perspective called "visualstudio" and do no switch perspectives between development and debug (though I doubt perspectives have much to do with the issue)
Using this approach, I get an interesting anamoly where the debugger breaks on line 1 when the server starts, and I then have to click resume. However, after resuming, execution only stops when a request hits a breakpoint.
You have to run the command to debug the node.js file:
node --debug-brk yourfilename.js (this is not working now)
node --inspect-brk yourfilename.js

Remote debugging a process that crashes on launch using Visual Studio 2012

I recently converted a mingw/cygwin build to a Visual C++ cl.exe build and upon initial testing found it crashes at launch. I then installed it in my developer environment to debug it, under which it runs just fine. My initial suspicion was that I was linking to a different DLL in that context, but examining both processes in both contexts with Process Explorer showed that they were using the same versions of the same DLLs.
Since I can't reproduce the issue with Visual C++ installed I installed the remote debugger on the client machine, but I can't manage to attach to the process quickly enough before it crashes. Is there a good way to go about doing this? This would be easy if I could launch the process under the debugger locally, but that doesn't look like a viable option here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!
You should be letting the remote debugger start the debugee process on the remote machine.
