need to update the logic and deploy web app bot | deployment error - azure-web-app-service

I had created a web app bot on Azure earlier and it was working well. After updating logic when I tried to deploy from local machine using Azure CLI, it results into zip deployment error.
detailed error on latest deployment URL : ...api/deployments/latest/log
message "An error has occurred."
ExceptionMessage "No log found for 'latest'."
ExceptionType "System.IO.FileNotFoundException"
is it because the Web app bot is deprecated? if not please help.

Try with --timeout
Default timeout is set at az webapp deployment source Config-ZIP
If deployment takes longer, it usually throw the error and it will exit.
Run the command with a long timeout as above --timeout


Nodejs bot return 404 when deployed to Azure app service

I tried to run the bot and deploy it to azure:
I followed this doc to do deployment:
After setup the identity, the bot works well locally, but when I test it from web chat, there is no response, and if I access by I got this error: The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
I suspect this is caused by the generated web.config file, but seems there is no issue in it.
picture from wwwroot
The MicrosoftAppId and password are set correctly for both the Azure bot and app service.
Does anyone have some clue? Thanks!

Publish AZWebapp is not working for Linux function app

Publish-AzWebApp is not working for Linux function app
Publish-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName Default-Web-WestUS -Name MyApp -ArchivePath C:\\project\\
I am using the above command in powershell and running that powershell in CICD process. But that is not deploying the files to function app(App service deployed) which is in Linux.
Getting the following error:
Service unavailable
It is working fine for Windows.
The following reasons will result in a service unavailable error:
The function host is down/restarting.
Platform issue as a result of the backend server not being available/allocated
A memory leak in the code caused the backend server to return a service unavailable error.
The "Diagnose and solve problems" blade in the Function app should be used to select the "Function app down or reporting" detector.
The diagnostic information regarding the function app and its infrastructure will be displayed by this detector. This will provide some insight into the issues regarding function hosts. Also, look under the Web app restarted section to determine if any platform-related issues contributed to the service unavailable error.
As you are running on Linux platform, then you would get information about the container recycles in the Web app restarted detector.

503/417 errors on Azure webapp deployment

I have deployed an Azure Webapp via a slot-swap deployment in ADO with an ARM Template. The App Service Plan is "Always-On".
Every once in a while the app fails to swap (thus the deployment fails). The message is below:
##[warning]Error: Failed to update deployment history. Service Temporarily Unavailable (CODE: 503)
##[error]Error: Failed to swap App Service 'name' slots - 'Slot' and 'production'. Error: ExpectationFailed - Cannot swap site slots for site 'name' because the 'Slot' slot did not respond to http ping. (CODE: 417)
This is the result after 30min of waiting. When it is successful, it only takes a few minutes. More frustrating is the fact that the web is not actually down, it's working fine and not throwing any exceptions or 5xx
Turning off and turning back on the 'Auto-Swap' is one approach that you can try.
'Auto-Swap' can be turned on and off by going to 'App Service' > 'Deployment Center' >'Slot' > 'Configuration'.
Also, please refer the below links
Troubleshoot swaps ,
Troubleshooting steps to solve "502 bad gateway" and "503 service unavailable" errors

Azure deploy to a private endpoint-enabled site - scm connection error

I'm following this article in order to deploy the web app on azure with private endpoint: My understanding is that the access to scm service is not required but is it the case? If I'm wrong, is there any other way to deploy in this case without using VM?
Unfortunately I keep getting the forbidden error:
An error occured during deployment. Status Code: 403,
I've tested it from a VM with access to scm and it works fine there but I need to make it work from the machine without the access to scm.

Azure Function publish - "Timed out waiting for SCM to update the Environment Settings"

I've deployed and published several Function Apps without issues over the last 12 months. However, as of this week, when publishing a Function App using the following PowerShell script:
func azure functionapp publish <functionAppName> --java
I will receive the following error after a few minutes: "Timed out waiting for SCM to update the Environment Settings"
Similarly, I'm also unable to deploy any Function Apps, using:
mvn azure-functions:deploy
In the Function App activity log, the following error is logged for both cases:
Operation name: Sync Web Apps Function Triggers.
Status: Failed.
Error code: BadRequest (HTTP Status Code: 400)
Message: Encountered an error (InternalServerError) from host runtime.
So far I've created the Application setting WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM (value: true) based on feedback in another topic, which unfortunately hasn't helped. Other than that I've not been able to find much other information on this issue.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
Resolved this issue myself. The Application Setting WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING contained an outdated storage account key.
