Neutralino - Obfuscate resources file? - neutralinojs

Is there some way to Obfuscate the code that is inside the resources.neu file?
It can be read in any text editor... it contains the CSS HTML and JS content.
Not a big problem but can it be done?

The .neu file is generated when you build your neutralino app, so you should obfuscate your source files first, and only then, build your neutralino app. The generated .neu file will contain the obfuscated code. To obfuscate your code there are a few solutions available, but Jscrambler seems to offer the most complete suite.

As of January 2022 Neutralino Uses Electron's Asar Format to bundle all the files together at one place which can be easily uncompressed using the same tool.
You can use code Bundlers like ES Build or Webpack which will bundle and minify your Code and your bundled code is pretty much unreadable.
For Webpack there is a plugin Webpack Obfuscator which can be used to obfuscate your code even more.


Split webpack bundle into smaller files, not by entry point or any specific logic, in order to submit the code as a firefox extension

I'm developing a web extension and I'm using webpack to handle all the transpilation stuff because that's what I'm used to, but in this case I'm not interested in actually bundling the files because Mozilla wants single JS files of no more than 4 MB each and my bundle well exceeds that limit.
Is there any way to get webpack to "bundle a bit less", i.e. spit out a bunch of smaller files instead of a big bundle, or should I look into another compiling solution and if so do you have any recommendations?

How to obfuscate code in Vite's library mode

I've built a project with Vite. I started from the vanilla TypeScript template. When I created a web page all of the JavaScript code was heavily minified and obfuscated. I did not have to ask for this; it was on by default. However, when I turned on Vite's library mode, my JavaScript is readable again.
Is there a way to make a library build and have it obfuscated and minified?
Minification is purposely disabled in lib mode for the es format because it breaks tree-shakability of the output. Vite only obfuscates/minifies the non-es formats (e.g., umd), and there's no config to override that.

How do I package node.js app into single file (without bundling node.js itself)?

I'm looking for a way to deliver a node.js server-side application (not browser) as a single file that contains all my code and node_modules. Well, it can be a few files, but I'd like to avoid shipping 10,000+ files, that are usually in node_modules.
I've used solutions like pkg, but I don't need an executable that has node.js bundled. I'd rather ship node.js separately and only have a bundle with code. This would be especially useful as I need to ship a few applications and don't need each of them to contain a copy of node.js.
Appreciate any suggestions.

Project too large

I'm just starting to learn Angular, I installed in my Ubuntu Linux:
Angular CLI: 7.1.4. and
Node: 10.14.2.
My question is, why one project is too large? I mean a simple "helloworld" is 334MB, I don't know why, Is it possible resize it? or delete any folder that is unnecessary? Or Is there something wrong with my installation? (how can I detect that?)
The bigger folder is node_modules, and when I create my projects, generates a lot of folders.
I was reading about "angular lazy loading", but I'm new.. It is not totally clear for me.
this is the folder spaces:
Please... I hope somebody can help me...
best regards
You might be using big bundles which are not needed, so you can break them up:
In modern JavaScript, projects require modules that themselves require modules that require modules... resulting in node_modules directory with hundreds of dependencies. A 100Kb library might be included because someone needed one function from it. JavaScript is not compiled, so all that source tends to be rather big. This is an unfortunate, but unavoidable truth; your Angular project directories will be big, and there's nothing you can do about it. It is perfectly normal.
The good part: modern JavaScript deployment typically includes packing up those libraries with Webpack or Parcel or similar code bundlers. Most of them implement "tree shaking", which analyses the code to find only the functions that are potentially utilised starting from the entry point, and only bundle those, ignoring the rest. This means that 100Kb library whose one function is used is transformed into just that one function in the final distribution bundle.
Not all of the bundlers are equally good at it at this point. For example, Webpack cannot tree-shake the CommonJS modules, only ES6 ones.
You can remove node_modules folder when you are not going to use the app.
And, when you need work on the application, you can re-generate node_modules using the command: npm install
Those are just node-modules, they are needed for building the project, but not necessarily everything inside of them will be deployed to production. As Amadan said, there is a process of tree-shaking (filtering only used modules) and also in production you use the minified version of the same JS code (where for example whitespace is missing and variable-names are shortened), among other optimizations. A production-optimized Angular project should not be more than a 100KB for a hello-world application.
In the provided image I see packages like
Those belong to dev-dependencies (see your package.json file) because they are used for testing. When building for production, no code from dev-dependencies should be included. The typescript package (which is nr.2 in size in your screenshot) will also not be present in production because types like string are only used for writing Typescript code, but the browser receives Javascript, which it is compiled to.

using requirejs without main file nor config()

I'm building an app that will contain many js (jquery) modules (files) using the following setup;
The build is run using Grunt task runner.
I use handlebars templates, then generate the html from *.hbs files.
During the build, I uglify all the js files into one minified file.
I call the minified file in my application <script src="assets/js/app.min.js"></script>
Now, I want to use requirejs to organize my code and adhere to the AMD specifications..
But I got 3 problems with this approach:
I need to have 1 single minified file for all the js; this keeps my code harder to "decode" thus to copy (since it is mixed with other dependencies; jquery, modernizer..) and also helps avoid extra http requests if scripts are called individually.. However, requirejs needs a main file to initialize the app and inside that main file It calls the other required files.. I don't have such configuration.
Many of the dependencies I'm using are in a bower package (that I don't include in the distribution); this makes it not possible to call those files using the suggested requirejs method.
I'm using jquery on this with some 3rd party plugins that don't call define(); to make them work I have to use shim config which again rises the problem #2!
So how am I supposed to take advantage of requirejs while keeping my code in modules and well organized?
Sorry for the long question and thanks for reading :)
ps: Feel free to change the title of the question as I couldn't find a better one!
I finally opted for AngularJS as it adheres to my setup above and allows me to split my app into manageable small modules.
I have also the possibility to use the ease of jQuery (even though it is not a best practice among angular community) and much more.
