Downloading Ganache Truffle Suite from their website and installing on windows gives error - ganache

When you download Ganache Truffle Suite from their website:
for windows and install it, it gives an error:
App installation failed with error message: error -2018574325: Windows cannot process a deployment operation because the package repository database encountered an unrecoverable error. Use the Reset Your PC feature to recover your PC. (0x80004005)

If you are downloading Ganache Truffle Suite from their website it will be a .appx file and when you try to install it on windows Os it will give an error. So you should get the .exe file from Github and install it. You can visit this link for the same:


NEAR protocol - dev env set up on Windows 10 - error when executing npx create-near-app#latest

I am trying to set up the development env on Windows 10. Installed Node.js, yarn and RUST on windows. Then to set up the project, I tried "npx create-near-app#latest" and was prompted to install WSL.. which I did. I re-executed 'npx' command in ubuntu terminal that got installed with WSL but am still getting the same error:
s_wankhede#Sharad-Asus:~$ npx create-near-app#latest
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.
👋 Welcome to NEAR! Learn more:
🔧 Let's get your dApp ready.
(NEAR collects anonymous information on the commands used. No personal information that could identify you is shared)
Notice: On Win32 please use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
Exiting now.
Should I be installing Node.js, yarn and RUST in ubuntu (WSL on windows 10)?
What can I do solve the problem?
OK. Finally I could figure it out after reading lot of articles and lots of trial and error. Here are the simple steps to resolve it and of course these are for machines running Windows.
Install Linux on Windows with WSL - This MUST be the first step
Install Node.js
Install RUST - (I am writing contracts in RUST) - Also add wasm toolchain: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Install Yarn : npm install -g yarn
Set up the project : npx create-near-app#latest

Installed module not found in electron js

I want to contribute to an open source project called Joplin. But I am not able to setup the development environment.
I have followed the setup instructions as said here . Everything get installed but and when I launch the application in packages/app-desktop by running npm run start(it's build with electron.js) , the application get started but logs this error in the console, due to this error UI is not loaded:
I have checked that module #joplin/fork-htmlparser2 has correctly installed by running npm list #joplin/fork-htmlparser2 command
I do not understand why the error logs say cannot find module #joplin/fork-htmlparser2 since the npm command is saying it's installed.
My OS: Ubuntu 20.04,
Node: v16.0.0,

Error on npm install pinkie-promise

hi is there a way to install offline my dependencies, today I try to instal a new machine but the package pinkie-promise 2.0.0 is not available, (
When try to download direct from the site i get
{"error":"package could not be found."}
so the command ´npm install´ get and error and rollback the process, i try to use the next versión the 2.0.4, and the command ´npm install pinkie-promise#2.0.4´ work and end success but, again run the command ´npm install´ to install all others and get the same error 404
Is there other way? i try to move the node_modules from other machine but the application dont work correctly

Node.js install web3 issue

when I want to install the web3 through powershell,
the system shown me this error.
As the error says
Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH
You can fix this by first installing Git for Windows as mentioned earlier
go to your Windows Start menu and open up Git CMD. Run the command there and it should work.

truffle.js failed to run during setup of Ethereum environment

I'm try to setup my development environment. I've done a clean install of NodeJs, and a clean install of Truffle on Windows 10 Professional . When I try to run a truffle command I get ResourceUnavailable ApplicationFailedException FullyQualifiedErrorId NativeCommandFailed.
here is a screenshot of my logs.
After visiting the Truffle project issues section on I was directed to try running 'truffle.cmd version' in Powershell which returned the version. I was then able to run truffle.cmd init which unboxed truffle with no issues.
