Web Audio API Processor result - web

I am doing some audio processing with JS, using Web Audio API
So I've created a custom Audio Worklet Processor in which I am processing some audio.
Here is a small example.
class MyProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
process (inputs, outputs, parameters) {
const someProcessedNumber = cppApiProcessor.process(inputs,outputs,parameters);
return true; // to keep the processor alive
You see variable someProcessedNumber comes from a cppApi and I don't know how to let the outer JS world know about that, as the Processor returns boolean (whether keep the node alive or not), and I cannot touch the data in outputs. ( I don't wanna change the outcoming audio, just process and give a number)
How can I do that? Is there a better way to do this?

You can use the port of an AudioWorkletProcessor to send data back to the main thread (or any other thread).
Every AudioWorkletNode has a port as well which can be used to receive the message.
Using the MessagePort will generate some garbage on the audio thread which makes the garbage collection run from time to time. It's also not the most performant way to transfer data.
If that's an issue you can use a SharedArrayBuffer instead which the AudioWorkletProcessor uses to write the data and the AudioWorkletNode uses to read the data.
ringbuf.js is a library which aims to make this process as easy as possible.


Are avcodec_send_packet and avcodec_receive_frame thread safe?

I am trying to implement video decoding application with libav decoder.
Most libav examples are built like this (pseudocode):
while true {
auto packet = receive_packet_from_network();
auto frame = alloc_empty_frame();
int r = avcodec_receive_frame(&frame);
if (r==0) {
Above is pseudocode.
Anyway, with this traditional cycle, when I wait receive frame complete and then wait rendering complete and then wait next data received from network incoming decoder buffer becomes empty. No HW decoder pipeline, low decode performance.
Additional limitation in my application - I know exactly that one received packet from network directly corresponds to one decoded frame.
Besides that, I would like to make solution faster. For that I want to split this cycle into 2 different threads like this:
//thread one
while true {
auto packet = receive_packet_from_network();
//thread two
while true {
auto frame = alloc_empty_frame();
int r = avcodec_receive_frame(&frame);
if (r==0) {
Purpose to split cycle into 2 different threads is to keep incoming decoder buffer always feed enough, mostly full. Only in that case I guess HW decoder I expect to use will be happy to work constantly pipelined. Of cause, I need thread synchronization mechanisms, not shown here just for simplicity. Of cause when EGAIN is returned from avcodec_send_packet() or avcodec_receive_frame() I need to wait for other thread makes its job feeding incoming buffer or fetching ready frames. That is another story.
Besides that, this threading solution does not work for me with random segmentation faults. Unfortunately I cannot find any libav documentation saying explicitly if such method is acceptable or not, are avcodec_send_packet() and avcodec_receive_frame() calls thread safe or not?
So, what is best way to load HW decoder pipeline? For me it is obvious that traditional poll cycles shown in any libav examples are not effective.
No, threading like this is not allowed in libavcodec.
But, FFmpeg and libavcodec do support threading and hardware pipelining. But, this is much lower-level and requires you, as the user, to let FFmpeg/libavcodec do its thing and not worry about it:
don't call send_packet() and receive_frame() from different threads;
set AVCodecContext.thread_count for threading;
let hardware wrappers in FFmpeg internally take care of pipelining, they know much better than you what to do. I can ask experts for more info if you're interested, I'm not 100% knowledgeable in this area, but can refer you to people that are.
if send_packet() returns AVERROR(EAGAIN), call receive_frame() first
if receive_frame() returns AVERROR(EAGAIN), please call send_packet() next.
With the correct thread_count, FFmpeg/libavcodec will decode multiple frames in parallel and use multiple cores.

Does the .pipe() perform a memcpy in node.js?

This is a conceptual query regarding system level optimisation. My understanding by reading the NodeJS Documentation is that pipes are handy to perform flow control on streams.
Background: I have microphone stream coming in and I wanted to avoid an extra copy operation to conserve overall system MIPS. I understand that for audio streams this is not a great deal of MIPS being spent even if there was a memcopy under the hood, but I also have an extension planned to stream in camera frames at 30fps and UHD resolution. Making multiple copies of UHD resolution pixel data at 30fps is super inefficient, so needed some advice around this.
Example Code:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough;
var ps = null;
//var audioStream = new PassThrough;
//var infoStream = new PassThrough;
var start = function() {
if(ps == null) {
ps = spawn('rec', ['-b', 16, '--endian', 'little', '-c', 1, '-r', 16000, '-e', 'signed-integer', '-t', 'raw', '-']);
exports.audioStream = ps.stdout;
exports.infoStream = ps.stderr;
var stop = function() {
if(ps) {
ps = null;
//exports.audioStream = audioStream;
//exports.infoStream = infoStream;
exports.startCapture = start;
exports.stopCapture = stop;
Here are the questions:
To be able to perform flow control, does the source.pipe(dest) perform a memcpy from the source memory to the destination memory under the hood OR would it pass the reference in memory to the destination?
The commented code contains a PassThrough class instantiation - I am currently assuming the PassThrough causes memcopies as well, and so I am saving one memcpy operation in the entire system because I added in the above comments?
If I had to create a pipe between a Process and a Spawned Child process (using child_process.spawn() as shown in How to transfer/stream big data from/to child processes in node.js without using the blocking stdio?), I presume that definitely results in memcpy? Is there anyway to make that a reference rather than copy?
Does this behaviour differ from OS to OS? I presume it should be OS agnostic, but asking this anyways.
Thanks in advance for your help. It will help my architecture a great deal.
some url's for reference: https://github.com/nodejs/node/
i tried writing a complicated / huge explaination based on theese and some other files however i came to the conclusion it would be best to give you a summary of how my experience / reading tells me node internally works:
pipe simply connects streams making it appear as if .on("data", …) is called by .write(…) without anything bloated in between.
now we need to separate the js world from the c++ / c world.
when dealing with data in js we use buffers. https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/node_buffer.cc
they simply represent allocated memory with some candy on top to operate with it.
if you connect stdout of a process to some .on("data", …) listener it will copy the incoming chunk into a Buffer object for further usage inside the js world.
inside the js world you have methods like .pause() etc. (as you can see in nodes steam api documentation) to prevent the process to eat memory in case incoming data flows faster than its processed.
connecting stdout of a process and for example an outgoing tcp port through pipe will result in a connection similar to how nginx operates. it will connect theese streams as if they would directly talk to each other by copying incoming data directly to the outgoing stream.
as soon as you pause a stream, node will use internal buffering in case its unable to pause the incoming stream.
so for your scenario you should just do testing.
try to receive data through an incoming stream in node, pause the stream and see what happens.
i'm not sure if node will use internal buffering or if the process you try to run will just halt untill it can continue to send data.
i expect the process to halt untill you continue the stream.
for transfering huge images i recommend transfering them in chunks or to pipe them directly to an outgoing port.
the chunk way would allow you to send the data to multiple clients at once and would keep the memory footprint pretty low.
PS you should take a look at this gist that i just found: https://gist.github.com/joyrexus/10026630
it explains in depth how you can interact with streams

How does NodeJS handle multi-core concurrency?

Currently I am working on a database that is updated by another java application, but need a NodeJS application to provide Restful API for website use. To maximize the performance of NodeJS application, it is clustered and running in a multi-core processor.
However, from my understanding, a clustered NodeJS application has a their own event loop on each CPU core, if so, does that mean, with cluster architect, NodeJS will have to face traditional concurrency issues like in other multi-threading architect, for example, writing to same object which is not writing protected? Or even worse, since it is multi-process running at same time, not threads within a process blocked by another...
I have been searching Internet, but seems nobody cares that at all. Can anyone explain the cluster architect of NodeJS? Thanks very much
Add on:
Just to clarify, I am using express, it is not like running multiple instances on different ports, it is actually listening on the same port, but has one process on each CPUs competing to handle requests...
the typical problem I am wondering now is: a request to update Object A base on given Object B(not finish), another request to update Object A again with given Object C (finish before first request)...then the result would base on Object B rather than C, because first request actually finishes after the second one.
This will not be problem in real single-threaded application, because second one will always be executed after first request...
The core of your question is:
NodeJS will have to face traditional concurrency issues like in other multi-threading architect, for example, writing to same object which is not writing protected?
The answer is that that scenario is usually not possible because node.js processes don't share memory. ObjectA, ObjectB and ObjectC in process A are different from ObjectA, ObjectB and ObjectC in process B. And since each process are single-threaded contention cannot happen. This is the main reason you find that there are no semaphore or mutex modules shipped with node.js. Also, there are no threading modules shipped with node.js
This also explains why "nobody cares". Because they assume it can't happen.
The problem with node.js clusters is one of caching. Because ObjectA in process A and ObjectA in process B are completely different objects, they will have completely different data. The traditional solution to this is of course not to store dynamic state in your application but to store them in the database instead (or memcache). It's also possible to implement your own cache/data synchronization scheme in your code if you want. That's how database clusters work after all.
Of course node, being a program written in C, can be easily extended in C and there are modules on npm that implement threads, mutex and shared memory. If you deliberately choose to go against node.js/javascript design philosophy then it is your responsibility to ensure nothing goes wrong.
Additional answer:
a request to update Object A base on given Object B(not finish), another request to update Object A again with given Object C (finish before first request)...then the result would base on Object B rather than C, because first request actually finishes after the second one.
This will not be problem in real single-threaded application, because second one will always be executed after first request...
First of all, let me clear up a misconception you're having. That this is not a problem for a real single-threaded application. Here's a single-threaded application in pseudocode:
function main () {
timeout = FOREVER
readFd = []
writeFd = []
databaseSock1 = socket(DATABASE_IP,DATABASE_PORT)
databaseSock2 = socket(DATABASE_IP,DATABASE_PORT)
while(1) {
event = select(readFD,writeFD,timeout)
if (event) {
for (i=0; i<length(readFD); i++) {
if (readable(readFD[i]) {
data = read(readFD[i])
if (data == OBJECT_B_UPDATED) {
if (data == OBJECT_C_UPDATED) {
As you can see, there's no threads in the program above, just asynchronous I/O using the select system call. The program above can easily be translated directly into single-threaded C or Java etc. (indeed, something similar to it is at the core of the javascript event loop).
However, if the response to UPDATE_OBJECT_C arrives before the response to UPDATE_OBJECT_B the final state would be that objectA is updated based on the value of objectB instead of objectC.
No asynchronous single-threaded program is immune to this in any language and node.js is no exception.
Note however that you don't end up in a corrupted state (though you do end up in an unexpected state). Multithreaded programs are worse off because without locks/semaphores/mutexes the call to update(objectA,objectB) can be interrupted by the call to update(objectA,objectC) and objectA will be corrupted. This is what you don't have to worry about in single-threaded apps and you won't have to worry about it in node.js.
If you need strict temporally sequential updates you still need to either wait for the first update to finish, flag the first update as invalid or generate error for the second update. Typically for web apps (like stackoverflow) an error would be returned (for example if you try to submit a comment while someone else have already updated the comments).

Streaming / Piping JSON.stringify output in Node.js / Express

I have a scenario where I need to return a very large object, converted to a JSON string, from my Node.js/Express RESTful API.
However, this does not appear to scale well. Specifically, it works great on my testing machine with 1-2 clients connecting, but I suspect that this operation may be killing the CPU & memory usage when many clients are requesting large JSON objects simultaneously.
I've poked around looking for an async JSON library, but the only one I found seems to have an issue (specifically, I get a [RangeError]). Not only that, but it returns the string in one big chunk (eg, the callback is called once with the entire string, meaning memory footprint is not decreased).
What I really want is a completely asynchronous piping/streaming version of the JSON.stringify function, such that it writes the data as it is packed directly into the stream... thus saving me both memory footprint, and also from consuming the CPU in a synchronous fashion.
Ideally, you should stream your data as you have it and not buffer everything into one large object. If you cant't change this, then you need to break stringify into smaller units and allow main event loop to process other events using setImmediate. Example code (I'll assume main object has lots of top level properties and use them to split work):
function sendObject(obj, stream) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
function sendSubObj() {
var key = keys.shift();
stream.write('"' + key + '":' + JSON.stringify(obj[key]));
if (keys.length > 0) {
} else {
It sounds like you want Dominic Tarr's JSONStream. Obviously, there is some assembly required to merge this with express.
However, if you are maxing out the CPU attempting to serialize (Stringify) an object, then splitting that work into chunks may not really solve the problem. Streaming may reduce the memory footprint, but won't reduce the total amount of "work" required.

The connection of bluetooth with multi devices using SPP

I could connect to two devices from Android based cell phone simultaneously using SPP, but once I turn on the inputstream (like socket.getInputStream()), one of them will return 0 in the stream, that is, no data available on the stream.
For example, thread A(thA) and thread B(thB) connected to device A(devA) and device B(devB) respectively. So, thA uses inputstream A(inA) to receive data from devA, thB uses inputstream B(inB) to receive data from devB. As follow:
devA --->inA --->thA
devB --->inB --->thB
It works fine if I connect to each device separately. However, in the case of connecting two devices at the same time, then only inA or inB has data on it.
If it happens to you, please share your experence with me, I would be very appreciated!!
Thank you in advance.
Why are you using reflection for the createRFCommSocket? device.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[] {int.class});
as opposed to
try {mBTSocket = mBTDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID_RFCOMM_GENERIC);
} catch (Exception e1) {
msg ("connect(): Failed to bind to RFCOMM by UUID. msg=" + e1.getMessage());
return false;
The reflection can easily be the source of problems. If there is no reason to use it then avoid it at all costs.
Furthermore, if the getClass call fails, then your "m" variable will be null, and you're not trapping for that situation. You should generalize your exception more too, instead of using specific exceptions, just use "Exception" Like in my code snippet above. It's much easier than adding a catch for every possible type of exception that might get thrown.
I'm confused about what you're doing with the handlers, it doesn't make sense to me. Can you remove the handler code to simplify things?
There's just too much complication. Remove all the reflection, extra catch's.
It's good coding practice to make your methods one page or less. When a method is more than a page it is too complicated and it makes reading it AND debugging it very difficult. Reduce the size of your methods by creating other methods to perform common tasks.
Separate your connect() logic, from your I/O logic. You should have a method for sending data, and a method for receiving data, a method for connect(). Then once you get those working, chunk up and create methods for higher level I/O for sending and receiving whole blocks of data. then perfect those methods and keep growing up and up.
in my code the read, write, connect, and ALL I/O methods are only 1-20 lines each. Keep them very simple because your I/O logic is at the core of your app and it needs to be clean clean clean.
