passing data to and from Vue/React app in Netsuite Suitelet - netsuite

Ok so basically what I need is as follows. I have managed to display a VueJS App using a Suitelet.
What I'm unsure of is how I should be passing data back and forth. In the end what I need to build is some sort of table with filters to display data dynamically... I can't figure out what the best way to send the query's from the VueApp and then get the data back from netsuite would be.
I considered using a second Suitelet as a API, making it external and then using that as a way to receive query's and send back data... I understand that this method is unsecure and not recommended so what are my other options and how would they be implemented?


How to implement paging on Azure Data Factory External Call using Graph API

I'm using Azure Data Factory to collect information from SharePoint. To do this I'm using the Graph API and 2x actions - First one is Copy Data. This action works fine and i'm able to get the information I need and have pagination implemented. The "#odata.nextLink" property is passed back in the response body and is then used in the pagination section to get the next page of data - this works fine and gets all available pages.
The issue I'm having is in my next action - Data Flow. This action gets a list of document libraries then calls the graph endpoint to get the files in each of these libraries - it does this successfully for all libraries but only for the first page. I've tried to configure paging but the "External Call" action's pagination section is different and seems to want a column?:
I've tried several settings but the value (URL) i'm looking to call is provided in the response body from the endpoint and I cant see a way to access it or feed that back into the External Call to fetch the next page like what is done with the Copy Data function (Screenshot 1). It only seems to be able to access columns that were input from the previous action. All examples/documentation I've found all use the Copy Data activity (1st screenshot) including here:

Is it possible to fetch the results of a custom report via API?

I created a custom report that's saved in Docusign. It runs year-to-date and it only captures data for envelopes with a "completed" status.
Right now, I have this report going out to me on a daily basis as an email with a CSV attachment. Would it be possible to query this data using a REST API instead? Ideally, I'd like to use a URL to request these results and return them in a JSON or CSV format.
I looked for some information about this in the help documentation, but I did not come across anything relevant. If someone can point me in the right direction, that'd be great.
Thank you!
No, the results of the built-in Reporting tool can't be accessed via the API.
DocuSign is developing an advanced reporting API called Data Feed. If you'd be interested in learning more about that, reach out to your Account Manager.

Creating form data via rest doesn't trigger autoresponder

Kentico 10. When I make a rest request to post data to the kentico form module I get a successful http 201 back and I can see the data created in the kentico interface. This particular form I am posting data to has an autoresponder set up.
I have a default smtp server set up and can successfully email out through it, which leads me to believe that the autoresponder on the form does not get triggered when data is created in the kentico form via rest. I never see the autoresponder attempt to send an email in either the email queue module or the event viewer (with the proper web.config key set).
Is that the intended behavior, to not trigger the autoresponder when forms module data is created via a rest request? If so, any idea how to get it to trigger?
Yes you are correct. Kentico REST is meant to perform simple CRUD operations. Essentially what you doing is the same as if you do it inside the admin i.e. go inside admin -> forms -> your form name -> recorded data and add new record. It doesn't trigger anything like sending email or Redirect to URL etc.
What you can do if you want to send email using form global events and on insert send email yourself. Here is the example of using global events

Externally hosted form and NetSuite Data

I have a page hosted on an external site and I would like to create a form on that page. The use of the form would be to collect data to create SO in Netsuite.
In the form itself, I would like to have an autopopulate functionality so that for e.g. when I put in "Kat" in End User contact, I see all contacts starting with "Kat". This will enable me to select a correct contact and also help prevent duplication of data. Can you please guide me on how to structure this flow. What Netsuite components should i be using? For the external site, it will use Django.
You need to create a couple of RESTlets in NetSuite. One to perform a search to get the contacts and return them in the payload, and one to create sales order in NetSuite and populate it with the values provided in the payload.
How are you solving the issue with CORS?

logging request and response while using netsuite suitetalk

is it possible to print/log the request response while using the Netsuite API, is there any property we need to set in the file that might help.
I am trying to find this so that while integrating with NetSuite, in case of any issues, I don't have to go check the API request/response logs in NetSuite.
Requests and responses are logged within NetSuite itself. You need to have the Admin role to see them.
I don't think so. I'm not pretty sure that there is any inbuilt feature in NetSuite that allows you to log the request and response of your deployed Restlet. In Netsuite there is a method called :
nlapiLogExecution(logType, title, details)
Which you can use for temporal logging/Debugging. However, it doesn't persist your logging data permanently, so you can't use the same later. Yeah, Of-course you can find many workarounds to get your task done. Create a custom record with appropriate fields for logging then inside your restlet you can write the code to create a log file for each req/resp.
