Template Literals no-useless-concat - eslint

I'm curious about the eslint warning "no-useless-concat".
From other stackoverflow questions I saw using template-literals is the preferred method of concatenating strings dynamically, in order to not get such eslint warnings.
I want to define a css-class based upon a condition (liked is a boolean):
const heartClass = `fa fa-heart${liked ? "" : "-o"}`;
While compiling (using React) I still get the following warning:
WARNING in src\components\Like.jsx
Line 6:55: Unexpected string concatenation of literals no-useless-concat
What am I doing wrong - Why do I still get the no-useless-concat warning?
Kind Regards


Property assignment expected. This expression is not callable. Type {} has no call signatures. (how to solve this?)

I wanted to update a badge count in a chat room using cloud function trigger which is a nested map.
I'm updating badges in the frontend without any issue but I want the create a cloud function for this to reduce frontend workloads.
but when I tried to pass a dynamic variable as field/key, the compiler is not happy and it's giving me an error.
the expected output should be like this
Backtick doesn't work so I tried to change the backtick to double quote to be able to compile, but this was the output which is not what i want.
anyone knows how to make this work? please help.
its syntax issue, missing [ & ].
it should be { [`badgeCount.${receveid}`]: fire.....

Join an array of CharSequence into a string

I am a newbie in Kotlin, sorry for the silly question.
Inside a bundle from a StatusBarNotification object I have found an array of CharSequence, or at least I think that the type is that one. In the image you can see a screenshot which shows the output that I get when I evaluate the variable from within a breakpoint (in Android Studio "Debug" window->Evaluate).
I have tried accessing .javaClass.kotlin but I get an error so I am not sure about the type, is it an array of CharSequence?
Nevertheless, I am trying to join those strings that you see in the image into a single string. I have tried calling .toString, but it does not work, and I have tried a bunch of other methods to join elements from "iterable variables", but with poor luck.
Any help is appreciated.

Is Groovy supposed to allow a comma to separate assertion message?

In Groovy, the below produces the error message seen, just like Java would (apart from the different quotes and missing semicolon)
assert false : 'If you see me, colons are allowed!'
This also products the error message, but a comma is separating the message from the Boolean expression
assert false, 'If you see me, commas are allowed!'
I can't find anything about this in the Groovy documentation, is this correct behavior?
You can try this on the Groovy web console.
I'm not asking if it does allow commas, clearly it seems to, but I'm wondering if I have missed something in the documentation, this is a bug, or if it's just undocumented.
Both are valid, as you can see in the antlr grammar file for Groovy
| "assert"! assertAle: assignmentLessExpression!
( options {greedy=true;} :
( COMMA! nls! // TODO: gratuitous change caused failures
| COLON! nls! // standard Java syntax, but looks funny in Groovy
The comma syntax seems to have been added because the colon syntax (of Java) looks funny in Groovy.

How can to use fn:contains case-insensitive in JSL EL?

I trying to find out if one string contains another. But, unfortunately, fn:contains function is case-sensitive. Are there are any ways to make it case-insensitive?
I tried to put both into one case:
fn:contains(car.color.toLowerCase(), smartBean.txt.toLowerCase()) ? 'true' : 'false'
But it didn't work due to method's brackets. I also can't use f:to-upper inside f:contains function.
There's a fn:containsIgnoreCase(). Just use it instead.
#{fn:containsIgnoreCase(car.color, smartBean.txt)}
By the way, your failed toLowerCase() attempt should have been done as follows:
#{fn:contains(fn:toLowerCase(car.color), fn:toLowerCase(smartBean.txt))}
Using toUpperCase() works as good as well:
#{fn:contains(fn:toUpperCase(car.color), fn:toUpperCase(smartBean.txt))}
Perhaps you just made an EL syntax error.
Note that the ? 'true' : 'false' part is completely superfluous as that's already returned by the function.
For those just finding this, #BalusC's answer is correct - but structure has changed, see just fn:upper-case, fn:lower-case - don't see the ignoreCase option anymore but if you cast it one way or the other to compare, it will work.

Pass by reference problem with PHP 5.3.1 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
mysqli bind_param() expected to be a reference, value given
(3 answers)
Closed 12 months ago.
Ok, this is a weird problem, so please bear with me as I explain.
We upgraded our dev servers from PHP 5.2.5 to 5.3.1.
Loading up our code after the switch, we start getting errors like:
Warning: Parameter 2 to mysqli_stmt::bind_param() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/spot/trunk/system/core/Database.class.php on line 105
the line mentioned (105) is as follows:
call_user_func_array(Array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $passArray);
we changed the line to the following:
call_user_func_array(Array($stmt, 'bind_param'), &$passArray);
at this point (because allow_call_time_pass_reference) is turned off, php throws this:
Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/spot/trunk/system/core/Database.class.php on line 105
After trying to fix this for some time, I broke down and set allow_call_time_pass_reference to on.
That got rid of the Deprecated warning, but now the Warning: Parameter 2 to mysqli_stmt::bind_param() expected to be a reference warning is throwing every time, with or without the referencing.
I have zero clue how to fix this. If the target method was my own, I would just reference the incoming vars in the func declaration, but it's a (relatively) native method (mysqli).
Has anyone experienced this? How can I get around it?
Thank you.
I just experienced this same problem, calling bind_param via call_user_func_array and passing an array of parameters. The solution is to modify the values in the array to be referenced. It's not elegant but it works.
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), makeValuesReferenced($passArray));
function makeValuesReferenced($arr){
$refs = array();
foreach($arr as $key => $value)
$refs[$key] = &$arr[$key];
return $refs;
You are passing an array of elements ($passArray). The second item inside the passed array needs to be a reference, since that is really the list of items you are passing to the function.
Actually, be aware that there is a bug with PHP 5.3.1 concerning references and all call family of functions:
PHP Bugs #50394: Reference argument converted to value in __call
The behavior you are seeing might be a result of this bug and any attempt to fix it code wise may cause problems in the long run.
The problem has been fixed in the SVN version of PHP. Until 5.3.2 is released, you may compile a new version for use, or downgrade to an earlier version.
We were experiencing this same problem with this code:
call_user_func(array($strCartHandler, 'CartPurchaseEvent'), $strCartEvent, $objToUser, null, $this);
My solution was to just skip call_user_func altogether and do this:
$strCartHandler::CartPurchaseEvent($strCartEvent, $objToUser, null, $this);
I think what is deprecated is passing a reference through a function. In the function definition you do something like:
function(&$arg) {
This doesn't help you much but you probably need not pass the reference anyway. I guess you could try a wrapper function.
function wrapper($stmt, &$passArray) {
call_user_func_array($stmt, $passArray);
I think the mysqli_bind_param() and mysqli_bind_result() functions are very awkward to use. I've encountered the same difficulty as you describe using them in combination with call_user_func_array()
My workaround was to stop using mysqli and instead use PDO_mysql. It has a much easier usage:
$pdoStmt->execute( $passArray );
This will helps:
call_user_func_array(Array($stmt, 'bind_param'), array(&$passArray));
function bind_param ($val)
$val = (is_array($val)) ? $val[0] : $val;
// operations...
The second paramer Must be an array. apparently this was only enforced in 5.3
I've got a similar problem, the current code didnt work:
$query="Select id,name FROM mytable LIMIT ?,?";
$ref=new ReflectionClass('mysqli_stmt');
It told that "Parameter 2 to mysqli_stmt::bind_param() expected to be a reference, value given"
And then, in despair, I've tried to take $from_var and $to_var in quotes. And it worked!
Hope, it will help somebody, good luck :)
