I'm trying to send message with inline keyboard:
await user_bot.send_message(
user_id, "This is a InlineKeyboardMarkup example",
InlineKeyboardButton('Смотреть онлайн!', url='http://f1.ikino.site/index.php?do=search', callback_data='watch online'),
InlineKeyboardButton('Поиск фильмов!', url='http://f1.ikino.site/index.php?do=search',
callback_data='search films',)
But it do not wokring!!! Can anybody help me?
Message was send, but without inlineKeyboard
Assuming you're logged in as a user, seeing your user_bot variable.
Users cannot attach a Keyboard (Reply or Inline). Use a normal Bot.
I have a telegram bot and I use the python-telegram-bot library. what I try to is when user for example press on trade button I want to ask him about some deatails so I have to wait for the user input then process the answer
I have this this CmmandHandler which working well but its work just with command
NAME_adduser: [MessageHandler(Filters.text, callback=binance)],
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('quit', quit)]
I search alot but found nothing about use InlineKeyboardButton value as a command
Hello Stackoverflow Community,
I wanted to write a Discord-Bot in Python, which should solve simple Mathquestions, like: "Whats 55+40?". The Questions are asked from another bot and the structure of the Question is everytime the same. I wrote a Calculator and it works and i just need the input from a private message(not a server). I do not need to show any code, because I dont have some and I need to start at the described situation to save the messages in a variable, so my Question is:
How can I import private messages from Discord, to save them in a normal variable, like x?
I use Sublime Text
Thanks for answers!
Looking at the comments of the question it is clear that you don't have any code for a bot yet. Look at this quickstart guide to set up a bot. Once set up, all messages typed to the bot (also DM messages) will trigger the on_message event. You can then save the contents of the message into a variable like so
async def on_message(message):
messageContent = message.content
i assume what you mean is waiting for a user to reply to a certain message from the bot, you can get your bot to private message someone by doing something like this:
user = ctx.author
await user.send("Hello, world!")
now, for your bot waiting for a reply for your user, in your code, you will need a check just to make sure only the bot is waiting for a message from the specific person (even in dms) by creating a check function:
def check(m):
return m.author.id == ctx.author.id
then after using user.send to send a message, or an embed, add
message = await bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=120)
which means the bot waits until the user sends their answer (waits 120 seconds in this example)
then, to get the content of the message you just want to do make a variable called content or answer and set it to message.content ( content = message.content )
I am using repl.it to develop a bot. I am trying to make a command that makes the bot behave like this:
Someone: !slap #someoneelse
Bot: #Someone slapped #someoneelse
How can I get the bot to mention #someone without using ID? Multiple people will use the command and I can't just use ID since it will only work with one person. I haven't found anything that helped me, and the documentation was no help either. Hopefully, I can get help! Thank you.
Users and members have a .toString() method that is automatically called every time they are concatenated with a string: that means that if you type "Hey " + message.author you will get "Hey #author"
That's how I would do the command:
// First store the mentioned user (it will be undefiend if there's none, check that)
let mentionedUser = message.mentions.users.first();
// Reply by directly putting the User objects in the string:
message.channel.send(`${message.author} slapped ${mentionedUser}`);
I'm having some issues to update an interactive message after responding to a slack dialog. I'm using botkit on a node.js server.
Here is my workflow:
User trigger an interactive message via a slash command
User click a button on that message
A dialog pops up, user fill the form and validate
Something is done on the server side
The first message should update
Now, here is the logic I'm using:
User trigger an interactive message via a slash command
Nothing fancy, I use:
controller.on('slash_command', function (bot, message)
Then I parse the command, and send the appropriate message, with the appropriate attachments (buttons)
User click a button on that message
Same, I use the event sent by botkit:
controller.on('interactive_message_callback', function (bot, message)
Then I create a dialog:
var dialog = bot.createDialog(
'Which book?',
Here I'm doing something really (really) dirty, and should not be done. But that's the only way I found to update the initial message after the dialog is filled.
The callback_id actually contains an object, with the response_urlof the initial message (and something to identify the form).
A dialog pops up, user fill the form and validate
Something is done on the server side
Here, I use once more the event provided by botkit:
controller.on('dialog_submission', function (bot, message)
then I parse the message.submission.callback_id and detect the response_url. With this, I can create an object I call originalMessage.
The first message should update
At the moment I use :
bot.replyInteractive(originalMessage, 'DONE, everything is saved.');
with originalMessagecontaining the response_url of the first message.
It does work. The first message is being replaced by the new one.
But I'm really not happy with that solution, and was wondering if I was missing something somewhere. I've seen couple apps having that type of workflow, so there must be a way.
Thank you for your help :)
I wrote to Slack to ask about this situation and got a great suggestion from Mark P:
Use the state dialog field to pass the original response_url to the dialog. Then when you receive the dialog data, you can use state instead of response_url.
I just tried it and it worked great. No need to store any state on your own server.
I don't know how that would work exactly with Node and botkit, since that's not what I use.
To flesh this out a bit more:
Someone clicks a button and Slack POSTs about that interaction to your configured "Request URL".
From Slack's payload, get the "response_url" value.
When you call dialog.open in the Slack API, pass along this response_url as the "state" value.
When the dialog is submitted, Slack again POSTs to your "Request URL".
From Slack's payload, get the "state" value and use it as a response_url.
This only works if you hold the original message object somewhere on your server for future reference.
So on creating the interactive dialog store it somewhere and add a reference. I use uuids.
let newId = uuid();
messageStore[newId] = message;
var dialog = bot.createDialog(
'My Dialog',
'idPrefix_' + newId,
).addText('Sample Input', 'input', '');
bot.replyWithDialog(message, dialog.asObject());
Then once you get your interactive dialog response back disassemble the prefix and the uuid and get your original message object back from the servers memory. Then use ´replayInteractive` there.
controller.on('dialog_submission', function handler(bot, message) {
if (message.callback_id.indexOf('idPrefix') === 0) {
let id = message.callback_id.substr('idPrefix_'.length);
let originalMessage = messageStore[id];
bot.replyInteractive(originalMessage, {
text: 'replacing the original message with this.'
Be careful that you do not create a memory leak here. You have to find a way to clean up your messageStore over time.
In a given moment, my bot asks for a number.
builder.Prompts.number(session, "Cool. What's the number?", {
retryPrompt: "I couldn't understand $%##. Could you type it again?"
I need the message to contain the user response instead of $%##. Is there a way to do it? I tried to use session.message.text and results.response, but these are still from the outer function because of closure.
For anyone looking for this answer: currently, there is no way to change the message inside the Prompt dialog.
I looked up the code for BotFramework for nodeThe message you send as retryPrompt is as is, without replacements.