P4V not showing edited stream mappings in workspace view - perforce

This has been a constant frustration when transitioning from git. Sometimes when scoping my stream I import a folder then find that I will need to edit it. So after removing the folder path from my mapping it disappears but when I try to re-add it as a share, the mappings are correct but the folder will not populate in my workspace. I have combed through Perforce terrible documentation to come up with no solution. After I add a mapping what am I missing to get that to populate? I suspect it is not branching the files I have added but don't really know. How can I get the added folders to show up?
changing import //dev/root_fld/fld_A to share //dev/root_fld/fld_A in stream mapping updates the workspace but no folder appears.

Do a merge from the parent stream. This will pick up all changes from the parent that aren't yet reflected in the current stream, including the files that exist in the parent but haven't yet been branched. (Do an "automatic resolve" to automatically accept all the branched files -- when you do a merge you have the option to "ignore" them also but you probably don't want to do that!)


Perforce p4ignore with P4v

Does anyone know how to ignore files and/or directories with P4V? I added p4ignore by p4 command line, but P4V does not pickup that.
Thank you in advance for your help.
P4V does work with p4ignore...to a point.
In your workspace view, you will still see the local files that would be "ignored" by the ignore file. The reasoning behind this is multifold, but the main reason is that to show a local view, P4V stats the local directories, and there's no good way other than to constantly check with p4ignore files (and that involves walking the directory tree on up to the workspace root) every time it looks at the tree. Ends up being terribly inefficient.
However, P4V still respects the p4ignore file, and if you attempt to add any file that would be ignored, it properly gives you an error message (with the ability to silently ignore the files as well if you want).

Perforce Change List too Big

In Perforce, I have created a change list that has over 200,000 files (by doing a rename on a directory). This change list is now too big to submit or revert. When I try, I get an error saying that the operation took too long.
I am now stuck with this change list that has my original directory in marked for delete state and a new directory that hasn't been submitted. Is there a way undo this change list?
You can revert the files a few at a time. As a test, you could run p4 revert //path/to/some/file and verify that it's able to revert that file.
Once you know that's working, you just need a way to automate the process.
You could script something up that starts in the root directory and runs through all directories breadth-first, running p4 revert //path/to/folder/* at each folder (I think you could also use client paths).
You can revert via the command line using the p4 tool. I do not think you can revert the files from the UI. The associated documentation shows various examples of how revert all or specific files (see the Examples section):

How do I force Perforce to add files to changelist?

I'm a very fresh user of Perfoce, so please be patient!
I am trying to create a commit (I understand it that in Perforce it is called a changelist) of the files which have been changed. It sort of happens automatically in other VC systems, but there seems to be no easy way of doing it in p4... The problem is (maybe) that I'm not editing the files by hand, the files are generated (please don't ask me why do I have to check in the generated files...) so the whole directory tree is getting removed and then copied over with the new files. But Perforce acts as if nothing happened. In both my workspace and the depot it displays the updated files, but when someone will check them out on another machine, the files will be of the previous version.
I'm fine with doing it either through GUI or through the command line. I'd prefer the command line, because that would spare me the trouble in the long run, but it doesn't seem like it should be much hassle either way.
In other words, let's say, this is the workflow I'm used to from SVN or Git:
Run status to see what changed.
Stage / add to commit what you want to be in the next revision.
Commit and send it to the versioning server.
What I'm not able to do is the "stage" phase - because the changes are not discovered automatically.
Ah, I think, I figured it out: reconciliation was what I needed... well, I guess if you don't marry, this word would hardly ever happen in your vocabulary :)
It appears that the proper command is reconcile. Also, as Bryan Pendleton suggested there should be status, but I must have an older version of Perforces, which doesn't have this command. This command is also available from context menu in either depot or workspace panels of Perforce graphical interface, when you click on the modified file.

How to exclude a folder and not its children from SVN Update in Tortoise SVN

I am working on a shared project which is put in SVN. The directory structure of the project is as follows:
- Child_Dir_1
+ GrandChild_Dir_1
+ GrandChild_Dir_2
- Child_Dir_2
Child_Dir_1 contains configuration files (Eclipse's .LAUNCH files), and people put all sorts of file in this folder.
So each time I update my source code (by right clicking on ParentDir and picking Update), I got a lot of configurations that I don't really need, and I have to delete them manually.
I still need to have the children of Child_Dir_1 (which are GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2) to be updated.
I have tried to go to set the "ignore" property of the of Child_Dir_1 to exclude *.LAUNCH files, but each time I update the source code, the ones that I manually deleted are restored to Child_Dir_1.
Since you are using TortoiseSVN:
Go into Child_Dir_1, select GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2 and right click, TortoiseSVN -> Update.
That will update only those two folders.
Ignore is so that you can "ignore" ( from commit, status etc.) untracked files, files that are not checked in.
It could be that manojlds' answer is the solution for you, but I have doubts. The problem here is that those files are really part of the project. They are kind of unavoidable, and must be in sync with the rest of working copy.
Option 1 (best): Remove all configuration files form repository, or better yet have in repository only configuration template files (with, say, $ as first character in file names). Each user could copy those template files to true configuration files and change them accordingly. Configuration files should not ever be committed. Only template files should, but updating template files will not mess with current configuration files of any user.
Option 2 (second best): Ignore those configuration files. Use your own files for your own configuration, with names that don't clash with existing. You may even add your files to SVN, but you may just as well not add them. Does not matter, as long as you don't need your configuration on another machine.
Option 3: Use ignore-on-commit group. Use those configuration files that already exist. Change them to your likings, but don't ever commit them. To ensure that you don't commit them by accident flag them as non-committable (go to commit window, select all non-committable files, right click > Move to changelist > ignore-on-commit). The problem with this is your files are not protected from other users' updates, but may actually be a good thing.
Option 4: Chop the folder out (a horrible hack). Remove Child_Dir_1 from working copy (Right click on it > Update to revision > set Working depth to Exclude). Save the folder elsewhere first, because it will disappear. After that create it again, inside it checkout all subfolders (GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2), and copy your configuration files. Now you have complete control over folder's contents, but update and commit become more complicated.
Edit: There is option 5 in theory, but I doubt it can be implemented successfully. You can try: Use NTFS hard links. Copy the whole tree with all files as hard links to existing files, except .svn folders and their contents. Original directory is used for SVN operations update, commit, add and delete, and new directory is used for editing files. From new directory delete all the files you don't need, and insert all the files you do need that are not the part of SVN. The problem here is minor extra work when deleting files from and adding them to SVN.

In Perforce, can you rename a folder to the same name but cased differently?

Can I rename a folder in Perforce from //depot/FooBar/ to //depot/Foobar/?
I've tried this by renaming from //depot/FooBar/ to //depot/Temp/ to //Depot/Foobar/ but the end result ends up the same as //depot/FooBar/.
Once it is in Perforce, the case remains set. As mentioned by Johan you can obliterate, set the name up correctly, and add it in again. However, there is a slight gotcha....
If anyone else (running Windows) has already synced the wrong-cased version, then when they sync again the right one, it will not change the case on their PC. This is a peculiarity of the Windows file system acknowledging case but still being fundamentally case-independent.
If a number of users have synced, and it is not convenient to get them to remove-from-client too (and blasting the folders from their machines), then you can resort to a dark and dirty Perforce technique called "Checkpoint surgery". It's not for the fainthearted, but you do this:
Stop your server, take a checkpoint.
Using your favourite text editor that can handle multi-megabyte files, search & replace all occurances of the old case name with the new. You could of course use a script too.
Replay your checkpoint file to recreate the Perforce database meta data.
Restart your server.
This will affect all user client specs transparently, and so when they sync they will get the right case as if by magic.
It sounds hairy, but I've had to do it before and as long as you take care, backup, do a trial run etc, then all should be OK.
Maybe not needed anymore, but here's the official Perforce HowTo about changing file cases on Windows and Unix: http://answers.perforce.com/articles/KB/3448/?q=change+file+case
I'm not sure about directories, but we've had this problem with files. To fix it, we have to delete the file, submit that change, then p4 add the file with the correct case and submit the second change. Once that's done, unix users who have sync'ed the incorrect-case file have to p4 sync, then physically delete the file (because p4 won't update the case) and then p4 sync -f the file.
Our server is on Windows, so that might make a difference.
I guess it treats files and folders the same.
For files:
It depends (on whether you have a Windows or Unix server). We have this problem with our Windows perforce server (which versions our Java code), where very occasionally someone will check in a file with a case problem (this then causes compile errors because it's Java). The only way to fix this is to obliterate the file and resubmit it with the correct case.
I think you should remove the Perforce Cache, so that your modification can be shown.
You can rename with ABC rename to abc_TMP, then abc_TMP rename to abc, then clear cache.
Setps to clear cache:
Open windows user home folder (on windows7 ==> C:\Users\)
Locate the folder called ".p4qt"
Rename the folder to "old.p4qt"
Launch Perforce, now everything works!
NOTE: these steps will rest your default setting.
The question is over 3 years old, but I ran into an issue like this while doing a Subversion import into Perforce and figured the info I got could be useful to some. It's similar to the obliterate method, but helps you retain history. You use the duplicate command that may not have been available back then to retain the history. The process basically being:
Duplicate to temporary location.
Obliterate the location you just duplicated.
Duplicate from the temporary location to the renamed case location.
Obliterate the temporary location.
Through this you retain the history of file changes, but get them all in the new path as well. Unfortunately there will be no history of the path case change, but that seems to be unavoidable. Similar to other methods mentioned here, users will need to either manually rename the directories in their workspace or delete and re-sync to get the new path name.
Also, P4V caches the paths it shows in the tree so after doing this it may still show up as the old name. a p4 dirs command however will show the new case.
