error in ngrok - failed to complete tunnel connection - linux

So I just wanted to create some phishing websites to try them out but now whenever I try to create one via ngrok or just start ngrok ./ngrok http 80 and then visit the site it shows me this -
Failed to complete tunnel connection
The connection to was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address localhost:80.
Make sure that a web service is running on localhost:80 and that it is a valid address
the error encountered was: dial tcp [::1]:80:Connect:connection refused.
and also google shows a warning to these whenever I visit them
any suggestions?

You should create a local server on port 80 . Use php or python to create a local server .
~$ php -S localhost:80
~$ python -m http.server 80
After starting the local server open a new terminal session and start ngrok
~$ ./ngrok http 80
You can create a link with ssh also .make sure that you have installed ssh.
~$ php -S localhost:80 | ssh -R 80:localhost:80
~$ python -m localhost:80 | ssh -R 80:localhost:80
By the way chrome will automatically detect the phishing pages.


Rest API w/ JsonServer in Ubuntu - Connection Refused

I was requested to create a Web Server with an API in it to test firewall rule we are planning to implement soon. I am quite new with all this network stuff, so I'm a bit lost on it.
I need to call this API from another machine. The JsonServer is using my port 3000, when I request my API through Postman, using https://localhost:3000/posts, my JSON file is returned normally, however when I change the localhost, to my IP, my connection is being refused. I decided to install a WebServer, to test it and I could access the default Apache page from my others machines. I opened the port 3000 on my server, but I couldn't. The WebServer is working with my IP as well. It seems to be something with my port 3000, and I a not sure about how to fix that.
I executed the command:
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep 3000
And this was my output
node 29472 user 22u IPv4 254348 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
Any ideas how can I access my API from another machine?

Access Superset through a remote browser

I have installed Apache Superset on a remote Linux Server and initialized it on port 8080. When I pull up localhost:8080 on the Linux server, the homepage shows up which suggests that the installation worked as per their instructions here.
When I try to access this page from my laptop (Windows- Browser:Chrome) with http://server-name:8080. It gives me the 'This site can't be reached' page.
I tested using netcat if the connection was open by typing nc -zvw3 server-name 8080 and it gave me Connection to server-name 8080 port [tcp/webcache] succeeded!
I have Jupyter installed on the same server on port 8888 and it works perfectly. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
You may need to try this command by defining the IP address:
superset run -h -p 8080

curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80, and 443 - on one domain

This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear
I have checked the cURL not working properly
When I run the command curl -I
curl: (7) Failed to connect
Failed to connect on all port
this error only on one domain, all other domain working fine, curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80, and 443
First Check your /etc/hosts file entries, may be the URL which You're requesting, is pointing to your localhost.
If the URL is not listed in your /etc/hosts file, then try to execute following command to understand the flow of Curl Execution for the particular URL:
curl --ipv4 -v "";
After many search, I found that Hosts settings not correct
Then I check nano /etc/hosts
The Domain point to wrong IP in hosts file
I change the wrong IP and its working Fine
This is new error Related to curl: (7) Failed to connect
curl: (7) Failed to connect
The above error message means that your web-server (at least the one specified with curl) is not running at all — no web-server is running on the specified port and the specified (or implied) port. (So, XML doesn't have anything to do with that.)
you can download the key with browser
then open terminal in downloads
then type sudo apt-key add <key_name>.asc
Mine is Red Hat Enterprise(RHEL) Virtual Machine and I was getting something like the following.
Error "curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused"
I stopped the firewall by running the following commands and it started working.
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
sudo systemctl disable firewalld
If the curl is to the outside world, like:
I have to restart my cntlm service:
systemctl restart cntlm
If it's within my network:
curl inside.server.local
Then a docker network is overlapping something with my CNTLM proxy, and I just remove all docker networks to fix it - you can also just remove the last network you just created, but I'm lazy.
docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)
And then I can work again.

How to access node server from remote machine with in same LAN

Suppose if my ip address is : In this machine I'm running node server. I can access the webpages by using this url: http://localhost:3000/ in the same machine.
But, if I'm trying to access the node server from a remote machine having the ip It does not work. I used the below url to access the url from the remote machine:
I'm facing network connectivity issues.
Do, I need to change any settings in node.js for remote access.
Then, how can I access the node server from the remote machine.
Use this IP to open your app on all interfaces provided by your computer.
On linux server you need to open port for outside client to reach it.
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo service iptables save
$ sudo service iptables restart
Then start your server

SCP File from local to Heroku Server

I'd like to copy my config.yml file from my local django app directory to my heroku server, but I'm not sure how to get the format for heroku.
I've tried running 'heroku run bash'
scp /home/user/app/config.yml
I'm not sure how I can get it in the
As #tamas7 said it's firewalled, but your local machine is probably also firewalled. So unless you have a private server with SSH accessible from the Internet, you won't be able to scp.
I'm personally using free and open source service.
Upload your config.yml to it:
$ curl --upload-file ./config.yml
Then download it back from wherever you want:
$ wget
According to incoming connections are firewalled off. In this case you need to approach your local machine from the Heroku server.
heroku run bash
scp user#mylocalmachine:/home/user/dir/file.txt .
This is a bit late to answer this question, but I use services like localtunnel - to copy files from local machine to heroku.
First, run a python HTTP server in the directory where the file is located.
cd /path/to/file
python3 -m http.server
This starts a server in port 8000. Configure localtunnel to connect to that port.
lt -s mylocal -p 8000
Now from your heroku machine, you can fetch the file via curl.
curl -XGET > myfile.txt
You could also use a service like to open up a TCP tunnel into your local machine.
You will need to enable Remote Login as in simlmx answer.
On your local machine open the TCP tunnel just like this:
$ ngrok tcp 22
And then, on the Heroku console, just use SCP with the PORT and HOST that Ngrok provided.
$ scp -P [PORT] username#[HOST]:~/path/to/file.ext .
If you need to download your entire repo, for example to recover an app that you no longer have locally, use heroku git:clone -a myapp. Docs.
Expanding on tamas7's answer:
You can connect to your computer from the heroku server.
If your computer is behind a router, you'll also need to forward the connection to your computer.
1. You computer must accept ssh connections
On my mac it was as simple as enabling it in the Preferences / Sharing panel.
2. Your router needs to forward the connection to your computer.
Go to your router's settings page in your browser (typically but varies depending on the router). Find the port forwarding section and forward some port to your computer on port 22.
This is how it looked on my tp-link:
Here I am making sure that port 22000 is forwarded to my computer ( on port 22.
3. Find your external IP
Simply google "what is my IP".
4. Scp your file from heroku
heroku run bash
scp -P 22000 your_user#your_external_IP:/path/to/your/file .
5. Undo everything!
Once you're done it's probably good practice to disable the port forwarding and remote login.
