Location of deployed liferay portlets - liferay

Where is defined destination of deployed portlets (wars)?
When I run command blade deploy, it deploys all portlets inside my liferay workspace and put their wars inside osgi/war folder. I want to have this wars in deploy folder, because I start this liferay application with docker and docker want to have them in /mnt/liferay/deploy.

In order to deploy plugins to the runtime environment, you'll copy them into the ${liferay-home}/deploy directory (in your case, that's /mnt/liferay/deploy - where that is on the docker host, you'll have to figure out). The runtime environment will process your plugin (differing for WAR and JAR plugins) and move them to a location that you shouldn't have an eye on any more.
In order to deploy: Just copy them where they shall go. The directory will be empty again, once your plugin is deployed. The final destination location is irrelevant, as you can't change anything within it anyway (or: don't expect any live changes to have an effect on the running system).


Azure static webapp Oryx github build breaks

Im trying to test different things on Azure, and i have tried to setup a static webapp.
The github repo consists of nothing really.
These files are pretty much empty. Whenever i push something to the repo, the build triggers, but fails with the error Oryx built the app folder but was unable to determine the location of the app artifacts. Please specify the app artifact location through the Github workflow file.
Im uncertain of what it means with artifacts. This tiny webapp doesnt have any real build or anything
In the azure-static-web-apps-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx.yml file the app_artifact_location is " "
Not really sure which artifacts its looking for, or what they are really.
You may want to investigate this Quickstart: Building your first static web app.
To add to this app_artifact_location is the location of the build output directory relative to the app_location. For example, if your application source code is located at /app, and the build script outputs files to the /app/build folder, then set build as the app_artifact_location value.
In step Build and Deploy builds and deploys to your Azure Static Web Apps instance. Under the with section, you can customize these values for your deployment.
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/static-web-apps/github-actions-workflow
Based on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/static-web-apps/overview
Python-based frontends are not supported. Clients are served statically and are browser-based apps. The build system (0ryx) likely unable to determine the framework and is generating the error message you are seeing.
The default web page that is expected is index.html. It looks like you may have misspelled it = index.hmtl

Running Kentico continuous integration on Azure app services

We have a new project in which we are trying to make use of the built in continuous integration in Kentico for tracking changes to templates, page types, transformations etc.
We have managed to get this working locally between two instances of a Kentico database, making changes in one, syncing the changes through CI and then restoring them up to the second database using the Continuous integration application that sits in the bin folder in the Kentico site.
The issue we are having is when it comes to deploying our changes to our dev and live environments.
Our sites are hosted as Azure App services and we deploy to them using VSTS (Azure DevOps) build and release workflows however, as these tasks run in an agent, any powershell script we try to run to trigger the CI application fails because it is not running in the site / server context.
My question is, has anyone managed to successfully run Kentico CI in the context of an Azure app service? Alternatively, how can I trigger a powershell script on the site following a deployment?
Yes, I've got this running in Azure DevOps within the release pipeline itself. It's something that we're currently rolling out as a business where I work.
The key steps to getting this working for me were as follows:
I don't want to deploy the ContinuousIntegration.exe or the repository folders, so I need to create a second artefact set from source control (this is only possible at the moment with Azure Repos and GitHub to my knowledge).
Unzip your deployment package and copy the CMS folder to a working directory, this is where you're going to run CI. I did this because I need the built assemblies available.
From the repo artefact in step 1, copy the ContinuousIntegration.exe and CI repository folders into the correct place in your unzipped working folder.
Ensure that the connection string actually works for the DB in your unzipped folder, if necessary, you may want to change your VS build options in regards to how the web.config is handled.
From here, you should be able to run CI in the new working folder against your target database.
In my instance, as I don't have CI running on the target site it means that everything is restored every time.
I'm in to process of writing this up in more detail, so I'll share here when I've done that.
- I finally wrote this up in more detail: https://www.ridgeway.com/blog/web-development/using-kentico-12-mvc-with-azure-devops
We do, but no CI. VSTS + GIT. We store virtual objects in the file system and using git for version control. We have our own custom library that does import export of the Kentico objects (the ones are not controlled by Git).Essentially we have a json file "publishing manifest" where we specify what objects need to be exported (i.e. moved between environments).
There is a step from Microsoft 'Powershell on Target Machines', you guess you can look into that.
P.S. Take a look also at Three Ways to Manage Data in Kentico Using PowerShell
Deploy your CI files to the Azure App Service, and then use a Azure Job to run "ContinuousIntegration.exe"
If you place a file called KenticoCI.bat in the directory \App_Data\jobs\triggered\ContinuousIntegration - this will automatically create a web job that you can can trigger:
cd D:\home\site\wwwroot
ren App_Offline.bak App_Offline.htm
rem # run Kentico CI Integraton
cd D:\home\site\wwwroot\bin
ContinuousIntegration.exe -r
rem # Removes the 'App_Offline.htm' file to bring the site back online
cd D:\home\site\wwwroot
ren App_Offline.htm App_Offline.bak

Deploying portlets and modifying them without using the control panel

I'm new to Liferay Portlet development. We have an existing development pipeline that is basically local development until the code is committed and PR'd. Once a PR is approved, Jenkins builds an artifact and Puppet pushes that artifact to an instance of JBoss running in a development environment. Our deployments to QA and production environments use the same artifact.
From my (admittedly limited) understanding of Liferay administration, I know that there's a way to upload an artifact for a Portlet and then upload a new version through the Liferay control panel. Unfortunately, requiring a human to login and deploy new versions of jar files for each changed portlet won't work for our build pipeline.
What is the recommended way to deploy new versions of portlets to Liferay without having to use the UI?
You'll just copy them to Liferay's deploy folder, conveniently located in Liferay's home folder.
The natural state of the deploy folder is "empty", thus you'll need appropriate permissions for Liferay on that folder, so that deployed plugins can be deleted from there.

Build web application before or after deployment?

Web application project has a /build (or /dist) folder with front-end files, generated during build (by Gulp). This folder is not under the source control (see, for example: React.js Starter Kit)
The server-side code doesn't require bundling or compilation step, so the /src folder from your project can be deployed as it is (these source files are used to run Node.js or ASP.NET vNext server)
Web application is deployed via Git (see Git-based deployment options in Heroku or Windows Azure as an example)
Is it better to build (bundle and minify) front-end files before or after deployment?
If before, you may end-up having a separate repository (or branch), with the /build folder under the source control alongside with the rest of the project files. This repo is used solely for deployment purposes.
If after, the deployment time may increase - time needed to download additional npm modules used in the build process, the server's CPU may spike up to 100% during the build, potentially harming your web application's responsiveness.
Is it better to build front-end files on the remote server before or after running KuduSync command?
If you deploy your web application to Windows Azure with Kudu, should the deployment script copy only the contents of the /build folder (with public, front-end files like .js, .html, .css) to /wwwroot? As opposed to copying all the project files (server-side source code and front-end bundles), which it does by default.
By default Azure's deployment script copies all the project files, from D:\home\site\repository folder to D:\home\site\wwwroot folder, and then Node.js app is started from there. Is it a necessary step? Why not to start the Node.js (or ASP.NET vNext) app from the D:\home\site\repository folder? And if it indeed should be copied to a separate folder, why source files are placed in wwwroot, maybe it's better to copy them to another folder, outside wwwroot?
I am not familiar with both Azure and Heroku so I can't give any ideas about those specific deployment options.
I am using (4 dedicated servers with 2 of them solely for serving static files), the option to build the bundled and minified javascript files (for front-end) and add all those files to the main repository has several advantages
You only need to run it once (either on your dev machine or on staging server, whatever way you want). This is particularly helpful when you have to run multiple static servers since you don't have to run the build command on each server. One might argue that they can use something like Glusterfs to synchronise files from one static server to all other servers and the build process only needs to be run once. However, it is a whole different story when it comes to this kind of setup
It makes your deployment process simple, just pull new code and restart the server(s) if necessary (assuming that you have some mechanism to increase the static file version so that all your clients will receive the latest version)
Avoid unnecessary dependencies on your production servers. This might sound weird for some people but I just don't want to install any extra libraries on my production servers unless they are absolutely necessary. With the build process run locally on my dev machine, my production servers only have what they need to run the production code and nothing else
However this approach also has some disadvantages:
When more than one developer in your team (accidentally) run the build process and commit the code, then you will have a crazy list of conflicts. However, it can be solved by simply running the build process again after you merge all the changes from other guys. This is more about the workflow
Your repository will be bigger. I personally don't think this is a big issue considering few extra MB of my bundled and minified files. If your front-end javascript is big enough for this to be an issue then it is another story

SVN to deployable folder

I have an SVN repository on my server(windows-7) and my application is runnin on Tomcat.
On server every time i check out my application(which was committed from different machines) and then manually place the files in webapps folder to deploy the app onto tomcat.
Is there a way where i can set up a svn linking with webapps folder, wherein whenever the users commit there code it should be directly deployed on to tomcat webapps folder.
This question comes up often enough that it's in the FAQ
Aside from doing it strictly via a hook script (which requires admin-level access to the repository, on the repository server), you can set up a Continuous Integration server to monitor the repository and perform your deployments that way.
