Not able fetch the right output because of the parsing error - node.js

import logo from "./logo.svg";
import "./App.css";
import Navbar from "./Components/Navbar";
import ProductList from "./Components/ProductList";
import React, { useState } from "react";
function App() {
const productList = [
price: 9999,
name: "IPhone 10S Max",
quantity: 0,
price: 999,
name: "Redmi Note 10S Max",
quantity: 0,
let [productList , setProductList] = useState(productList);
const incrementQuantity = (index) => {
let newProductList = [...productList];
const decrementQuantity = (index) => {
let newProductList = [...productList];
newProductList[index].quantity > 0
? newProductList[index].quantity--
: (newProductList[index].quantity = 0);
return (
<Navbar />
<main className="container mt-5">
export default App;
**Line 21:7: Parsing error: Identifier 'productList' has already been declared. (21:7)**
Not able fetch the right output because of the parsing error.

Your state name of the value is the same like the object name:
//try to name it smth like initialProductList and pass it to useState(initalProductList)
const productList = [
price: 9999,
name: "IPhone 10S Max",
quantity: 0,
price: 999,
name: "Redmi Note 10S Max",
quantity: 0,
let [productList , setProductList] = useState(productList);
useState() shuld be defind with const like so:
const [productList , setProductList] = useState(productList);


pagination with ant design not updating the limit

I am trying to make a pagination table using an ant table. but I am not getting the result I want. I am always getting a limited number of data. can't really update the data limit dynamically. what i am doing wrong here? I am hardcoded the limit here how to do it dynamically ?? how can i fetch the data from data base i can show only 20 data on each page. also i have to show the available buttons
export const getJourneyDetails = async (req, res) => {
try {
const page = parseInt( || 1);
const perPage = parseInt(req.query.perPage || 100);
const search = || "";
let JourneyDetails = await journey_details
Departure_Station_Name: { $regex: search, $options: "i" },
.skip((page - 1) * perPage)
if (!JourneyDetails.length) {
JourneyDetails = await journey_details.find().limit(perPage);
const totalpages = Math.ceil(
(await journey_details.countDocuments()) / perPage
res.status(200).json({ JourneyDetails, totalpages });
import { CircularProgress } from "#mui/material";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import type { ColumnsType } from "antd/es/table";
import { Table } from "antd";
import axios from "axios";
interface JourneyDetail {
Departure_time: String;
Return_time: String;
Departure_Station_Id: number;
Departure_Station_Name: String;
Return_Station_Id: number;
Return_Station_Name: String;
Distance: number;
Duration: number;
const JourneyData: React.FC = () => {
const [journeyDetails, setJourneyDetails] = useState<JourneyDetail[]>([]);
const [totalPages, setTotalPages] = useState(1);
const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState("");
const fetchData = async (page: number) => {
const { data } = await axios.get(
useEffect(() => {
}, [searchQuery]);
const columns: ColumnsType<JourneyDetail> = [
title: "Departure time",
dataIndex: "Departure_time",
width: 100,
fixed: "left",
title: "Departure Station Name",
dataIndex: "Departure_Station_Name",
width: 100,
fixed: "left",
title: "Return time",
dataIndex: "Return_time",
width: 100,
fixed: "left",
title: "Return Station Name ",
dataIndex: "Return_Station_Name",
width: 100,
fixed: "left",
title: " Distance ",
dataIndex: "Distance",
width: 100,
fixed: "left",
title: "Duration ",
dataIndex: "Duration",
width: 100,
fixed: "left",
if (!journeyDetails) return <CircularProgress />;
return (
<div className="container mt-5">
<div className="input-group mb-3">
<span className="input-group-text" id="inputGroup-sizing-default">
placeholder=" Enter Station Name"
aria-label="Sizing example input"
onChange={(e) => setSearchQuery(}
pageSize: 10,
total: totalPages,
onChange: (page) => {
<p style={{ fontSize: "10px", marginTop: "5px" }}>
#Data source Helsinki City Bike, covers the period of May to July 2021.
export default JourneyData;
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: "Error retrieving Journey Details" });

Why would react-chartjs-2 not be able to see the data it needs to render?

Thanks for any tips and or help! I've hit a wall here trying to get a chart to render. I've reverted to testing a very simple approach (code below) and I am still getting the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
I can log the data being set from the useEffect call, but I cant understand why its not making it into the Line graph. From the debugger (on utils.ts) I can see that (currentData = {labels: undefined, datasets: Array(0)}) and nextDatasets = undefined.
I'm starting to wonder if there is some version mismatch somewhere, anyways thanks for any ideas!
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import {Line} from "react-chartjs-2";
function Graph() {
const myLabels = ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday'];
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
labels: myLabels,
datasets: [
label: 'The Level',
data: [21, 53, 65, 12, 32]
}, [])
<div style={{height: "500px", width: "500px"}}>
<Line data={data} />
export default Graph;
The following version are in use:
"react": "^17.0.2" with
"chart.js": "^3.6.2",
"react-chartjs-2": "^4.0.0"
After some reading... I re-visited my approach and came up with the following, I'm not sure this is the proper way to go about things, still learning so if anyone has any helpful comments they'd be welcomed!
I'm not sure I completely understand at this point, but I think that the main problem I had was related to the useEffect() being used to build the data for the graph, as opposed to maybe effect the graph once it's there.
import React from "react";
import { useState } from "react";
import 'chart.js/auto';
import { Chart } from 'react-chartjs-2';
function Graph() {
const [chartData, setChartData] = useData();
<div style={{height: "500px", width: "500px"}}>
<Chart type='line' data={chartData} />
export default Graph;
const useData = ( data = {} ) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(data);
data = {
labels: ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday'],
datasets: [
label: 'The Level',
data: [21, 53, 65, 12, 32]
return [data]
By default data is blank, that's why it gives an error so just you have to ensure that if data is available then you can draw the line chart.
Just change one line of code: {data.datasets ? <Line data={data} /> : ""}
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Line } from "react-chartjs-2";
function Graph() {
const myLabels = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday"];
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
labels: myLabels,
datasets: [
label: "The Level",
data: [21, 53, 65, 12, 32]
}, []);
return (
<div style={{ height: "500px", width: "500px" }}>
{data.datasets ? <Line data={data} /> : ""}
export default Graph;

I am creating a form using React and getting this error

This is the error I am getting:
Line 26:10: Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected ";"
24 | }
25 | }
> 26 | render() {
| ^
27 | const { characters } = this.state;
28 |
29 | return (
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Table from './Table'
class App extends Component {
state = {
characters: [
name: 'Charlie',
job: 'Janitor',
name: 'Mac',
job: 'Bouncer',
name: 'Dee',
job: 'Aspring actress',
name: 'Dennis',
job: 'Bartender',
render() {
const { characters } = this.state;
return (
<div className="container">
<Table characterData={characters} removeCharacter={this.removeCharacter} />
export default App
You are adding curly brackets
at wrongs places
Make it like this:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Table from './Table'
class App extends Component {
state = {
characters: [
name: 'Charlie',
job: 'Janitor',
name: 'Mac',
job: 'Bouncer',
name: 'Dee',
job: 'Aspring actress',
name: 'Dennis',
job: 'Bartender',
render() {
const { characters } = this.state;
return (
<div className="container">
<Table characterData={characters} removeCharacter={this.removeCharacter} />
export default App;
Basically your render function is outside of your App class so that is why your code is not working.
Please Put your render() method inside your App class

How to access ReactQuill Ref when using dynamic import in NextJS?

I'm running into a funny problem. I'm using NextJS for its server-side rendering capabilities and am using ReactQuill as my rich-text editor. To get around ReactQuill's tie to the DOM, I'm dynamically importing it. However, that presents another problem which is that when I try to attach a ref to the ReactQuill component, it's treated as a loadable component instead of the ReactQuill component. I need the ref in order to customize how images are handled when uploaded into the rich-text editor. Right now, the ref returns current:null instead of the function I can use .getEditor() on to customize image handling.
Anybody have any thoughts on how I can address this? I tried ref-forwarding, but it's still applying refs to a loadable component, instead of the React-Quill one. Here's a snapshot of my code.
const ReactQuill = dynamic(import('react-quill'), { ssr: false, loading: () => <p>Loading ...</p> }
const ForwardedRefComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {return (
<ReactQuill {...props} forwardedRef={(el) => {ref = el;}} />
class Create extends Component {
constructor() {
this.reactQuillRef = React.createRef();
imageHandler = () => {
console.log(this.reactQuillRef); //this returns current:null, can't use getEditor() on it.
render() {
const modules = {
toolbar: {
container: [[{ 'header': [ 2, 3, false] }],
['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],
[{ 'list': 'ordered'}, { 'list': 'bullet' }],
[{ 'script': 'sub'}, { 'script': 'super' }],
['link', 'image'],
[{ 'indent': '-1'}, { 'indent': '+1' }],
[{ 'align': [] }],
['blockquote', 'code-block'],],
handlers: {
'image': this.imageHandler
ref={this.reactQuillRef}/> //this.reactQuillRef is returning current:null instead of the ReactQuill function for me to use .getEditor() on
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
tutorial: state.tutorial,
export default connect(
mapStateToProps, {createTutorial}
I share my solution with hope that it helps you too.
Helped from
const ReactQuill = dynamic(
async () => {
const { default: RQ } = await import("react-quill");
return ({ forwardedRef, ...props }) => <RQ ref={forwardedRef} {...props} />;
ssr: false
export default function QuillWrapper() {
const quillRef = React.useRef(false)
return <>
<ReactQuill forwardedRef={quillRef} />
for example you can use the ref to upload image with custom hanlder
import React, { useMemo } from "react";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const ReactQuill = dynamic(
async () => {
const { default: RQ } = await import("react-quill");
return ({ forwardedRef, ...props }) => <RQ ref={forwardedRef} {...props} />;
ssr: false,
export default function QuillWrapper({ value, onChange, ...props }) {
const quillRef = React.useRef(false);
// Custom image upload handler
function imgHandler() {
// from
const quill = quillRef.current.getEditor();
let fileInput = quill.root.querySelector("input.ql-image[type=file]");
// to prevent duplicate initialization I guess
if (fileInput === null) {
fileInput = document.createElement("input");
fileInput.setAttribute("type", "file");
"image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/bmp, image/x-icon"
fileInput.addEventListener("change", () => {
const files = fileInput.files;
const range = quill.getSelection(true);
if (!files || !files.length) {
console.log("No files selected");
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", files[0]);
formData.append("uid", uid);
formData.append("img_type", "detail");
.post("the/url/for/handle/uploading", formData)
.then((response) => {
// after uploading succeed add img tag in the editor.
// for detail visit
quill.insertEmbed(range.index, "image",;
quill.setSelection(range.index + 1);
fileInput.value = "";
.catch((error) => {
console.log("quill image upload failed");
I don't know much about useMemo
but if i don't use the hook,
the editor keeps rerendered resulting in losing focus and I guess perfomance trouble too.
const modules = useMemo(
() => ({
toolbar: {
container: [
[{ font: [] }],
[{ size: ["small", false, "large", "huge"] }], // custom dropdown
["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"], // toggled buttons
[{ color: [] }, { background: [] }], // dropdown with defaults from theme
[{ script: "sub" }, { script: "super" }], // superscript/subscript
[{ header: 1 }, { header: 2 }], // custom button values
["blockquote", "code-block"],
[{ list: "ordered" }, { list: "bullet" }],
[{ indent: "-1" }, { indent: "+1" }], // outdent/indent
[{ direction: "rtl" }], // text direction
[{ align: [] }],
["link", "image"],
["clean"], // remove formatting button
handlers: { image: imgHandler }, // Custom image handler
return (
In NextJS, React.useRef or React.createRef do not work with dynamic import.
You should Replace
const ReactQuill = dynamic(import('react-quill'), { ssr: false, loading: () => <p>Loading ...</p> }
import ReactQuill from 'react-quill';
and render after when window is loaded.
import ReactQuill from 'react-quill';
class Create extends Component {
constructor() {
this.reactQuillRef = React.createRef();
this.state = {isWindowLoaded: false};
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({...this.state, isWindowLoaded: true});
return (
{this.isWindowLoaded && <ReactQuil {...this.props}/>}
Use onChange and pass all the arguments, here one example to use the editor.getHTML()
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
const QuillNoSSRWrapper = dynamic(import('react-quill'), {
ssr: false,
loading: () => <p>Loading ...</p>,
const modules = {
toolbar: [
[{ header: '1' }, { header: '2' }, { font: [] }],
[{ size: [] }],
['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'blockquote'],
{ list: 'ordered' },
{ list: 'bullet' },
{ indent: '-1' },
{ indent: '+1' },
['link', 'image', 'video'],
clipboard: {
// toggle to add extra line breaks when pasting HTML:
matchVisual: false,
* Quill editor formats
* See
const formats = [
class BlogEditor extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { value: null } // You can also pass a Quill Delta here
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)
this.editor = React.createRef()
handleChange = (content, delta, source, editor) => {
this.setState({ value: editor.getHTML() })
render() {
return (
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.state.value }} />
<QuillNoSSRWrapper ref={this.editor} onChange={this.handleChange} modules={modules} formats={formats} theme="snow" />
<QuillNoSSRWrapper value={this.state.value} modules={modules} formats={formats} theme="snow" />
export default BlogEditor
If you want to use ref in Next.js with dynamic import
you can use React.forwardRef API
more info

Extracting properties from material-ui's GridList

I only started studying React a few days ago so please forgive me if this question sounds really stupid.
In this work assignment, I have to implement a 'Like' system using material-ui's GridList. There will be eight pictures in total where users can like them by clicking on the like button. In my current code, users can click on the like button but all the like buttons will be affected instead of just one. Furthermore, the number of likes does not increase.
So my question is, how can I change the number of likes when a user clicks the 'Like' button and make sure only 1 button is affected? I have tried props and even lodash but I just cannot seem to figure out the problem. Below is my entire code for the GridList portion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import _ from 'lodash';
import React from 'react';
import {GridList, GridTile} from 'material-ui/GridList';
import Subheader from 'material-ui/Subheader';
import baseTheme from 'material-ui/styles/baseThemes/lightBaseTheme';
import getMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme';
//GridList style
const styles = {
root: {
display: 'flex',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
justifyContent: 'space-around',
gridList: {
width: 1000,
height: 500,
//data for the GridList
var tilesData = [
img: './images/image_01.jpg',
title: 'Breakfast',
likes: 0,
img: './images/image_02.jpg',
title: 'Tasty burger',
likes: 0,
img: './images/image_03.jpg',
title: 'Camera',
likes: 0,
img: './images/image_04.jpg',
title: 'Morning',
likes: 0,
img: './images/image_05.jpg',
title: 'Hats',
likes: 0,
img: './images/image_06.jpg',
title: 'Honey',
likes: 0,
img: './images/image_07.jpg',
title: 'Vegetables',
likes: 0,
img: './images/image_08.jpg',
title: 'Water plant',
likes: 0,
export default class Grid extends React.Component {
this.state = {
like: false,
likes: tilesData.likes,
}; =;
this.delete = this.delete.bind(this);
//if Like button is clicked
this.setState({ like: true});
let likes = this.state.likes;
this.setState({likes: likes});
//this.tilesData.likes = likes;
//if Like button is "unclicked"
this.setState({ like: false});
let likes = this.state.likes;
this.setState({likes: likes});
//this.tilesData.likes = likes;
getChildContext() {
return { muiTheme: getMuiTheme(baseTheme) };
const likeBtn = ? <img src="./images/icons/icon_2.png" onClick={this.delete} /> : <img src="./images/icons/icon_1.png" onClick={} />;
return (
<div style={styles.root}>
{ => (
subtitle={<span>Likes: <b>{tile.likes}</b></span>}
<img src={tile.img} />
Grid.childContextTypes = {
muiTheme: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
'State' of like button is defined outside the loop means same 'state' is shared with all GridTile components(for all images).
When you clicked on 'like' button then you are changing the 'state' of 'like' button in parent component that is Grid and same 'state' is used for all like buttons.
That's why it is impacting all like buttons.
'state' should be defined separately for each like button. Also delete and post method should be defined inside loop means in GridTile.
But GridTile is part of material-ui library so instead of changing this library create a wrapper on GridTile component.
Grid component will call component lets say it GridTileCustom component inside loop.
Inside GridTileCustom component you need to define delete and post method which you are using in 'onClick' event
So your final code will look like
import React from 'react';
import {GridList, GridTile} from 'material-ui/GridList';
import Subheader from 'material-ui/Subheader';
import baseTheme from 'material-ui/styles/baseThemes/lightBaseTheme';
import getMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme';
import IconButton from 'material-ui/IconButton';
const thumbsIcon = "glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up";
const styles = {
root: {
display: 'flex',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
justifyContent: 'space-around',
gridList: {
width: 1000,
height: 500,
var tilesData = [
img: './images/image_01.jpg',
title: 'Breakfast',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
img: './images/image_02.jpg',
title: 'Tasty burger',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
img: './images/image_03.jpg',
title: 'Camera',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
img: './images/image_04.jpg',
title: 'Morning',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
img: './images/image_05.jpg',
title: 'Hats',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
img: './images/image_06.jpg',
title: 'Honey',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
img: './images/image_07.jpg',
title: 'Vegetables',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
img: './images/image_08.jpg',
title: 'Water plant',
likes: 0,
icon: './images/icons/icon_1.png',
export default class Grid extends React.Component {
this.state = {
like: false,
likes: tilesData.likes,
// =;
// this.delete = this.delete.bind(this);
// post(){
// this.setState({ like: true});
// let likes = this.state.likes;
// likes++;
// this.setState({likes: likes});
// //this.tilesData.likes = likes;
// }
// delete(){
// this.setState({ like: false});
// let likes = this.state.likes;
// likes--;
// this.setState({likes: likes});
// //this.tilesData.likes = likes;
// }
getChildContext() {
return { muiTheme: getMuiTheme(baseTheme) };
return (
<div style={styles.root}>
{ => (
// actionIcon={likeBtn}
class GridTileInternal extends React.Component {
this.state = {
like: false,
likes: tilesData.likes,
}; =;
this.delete = this.delete.bind(this);
this.setState({ like: true});
let likes = this.state.likes;
this.setState({likes: likes});
//this.tilesData.likes = likes;
this.setState({ like: false});
let likes = this.state.likes;
this.setState({likes: likes});
//this.tilesData.likes = likes;
const likeBtn = ? <img src="./images/icons/icon_2.png" onClick={this.delete} /> : <img src="./images/icons/icon_1.png" onClick={} />;
return (
subtitle={<span>Likes: <b>{this.props.subtitle}</b></span>}
<img src={this.props.img} />
Grid.childContextTypes = {
muiTheme: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
