Screen Capture on Android Studio Emulator - android-studio

I'm trying to screenshot on an Android Studio Emulator Pixel 4 XL API 30,
but whenever I try to take one, the Emulator ends itself.
And then I get the message "Lost connection to Device".
Could anyone tell me if there is a way to solve this problem?
I tried changing the saved folder, and restarting the emulator

I can't seem to reproduce the error.
But try the obvious: a cold boot of the emulator, and if all else fails, create a whole new emulated device. I frequently encounter weird bugs in the emulator that I solve with a hard reset.
This may be of use to you as well:
Taking screenshot on Emulator from Android Studio


Problem with Android Studio emulator, keep missing (maybe crashing)

I tried to find some solution on StackOverflow but seems like there is no similar problem, I am new to android studio development. The emulator keeps missing after running for a while or I click a few things on the emulator or in my own built application. It is like a crash but does not show any crash messages, the emulator will directly go missing and show this picture below. May I know what's the problem? I tried the solution of wiping all the data on the virtual device, still had the problem
Problem with the emulator
The issue is still not solved yet, but I decided to use React Native with the android studio emulator, it works without crashing.

Infinity loading devices in Android Studio

I saw this picture, when open Android Studio few minutes ago (I haven't done anything specific before) - studio infinity trying load device
Please, tell me, how I can solve this problem? If you need some data, I`m ready to take it.
Edit: I tried invalidate cahes and restart ide, it isn`t worked
Edit2: I tried start emulator and get this message
My problem solved [this question]. I just open terminal in sdk-directory, write "adb start-server" and delete all adb.exe in task manager.

App not starting on Android Studio emulator

I'm using Android Studio on a Windows 10, and I'm trying to run an app I created. The emulator starts up with a black screen and then the word android pops up, but then nothing happens. I know other people have posted about this topic, but none of the solutions work. I don't have an actual phone, so I can't plug it into a real phone. What should I do here? Thanks in advance.
Try this!/
It's a much better emulator than what comes with Android Studio, and it should work. In fact, Google even has plug ins for it because they even admit it's much better.

Android Emulator failed to launch, might caused by not supporting extended desktop

I have been frustrated with Android Emulator for weeks after using x86 emulator. The emulator showed with blank screen for hours even if the LogCat indicate it is running, but I am afraid the application was trapped in a dead loop.
To correct this problem, I have re-installed all my computer and android developing environment, and follow every instructions I could get by searching the internet; while the result was frustrating: there was only one "system_process" running on the emulator.
Then today I noticed there is a SystemUI error, thus I guess if this is caused by the PC configuration when I was using extended desktop. So I detached my laptop from the dock and re-launched the emulator, this time it cost only about 10 seconds to get all the processes ready to simulate android phone.
So I guess there is a bug to handle PC with extended desktop enabled. If you have got similar problem when launching Android Emulator, please try detach your PC from the second display first.

Android Studio - nonexistent device visible as Connected

When I want to Run an app in my Android Studio, there is some weird phone (Motorola XT1052) shown as "connected". And I can even run an app on that device. However, I don't have and never had such phone. I don't have any phones connected via USB, and this Motorola is visible all the time, even after restarting the computer.
I used to have "ADB WIFI" plugin and I thought that it might be the cause, however, after uninstalling it, the device is still visible. How can I delete this device?
I'm having problems with emulator in general, I can't run any app as it always hangs on "waiting for target device to come online", so I wonder if that weird ghost phone might be the problem, since no other solution helped me with the emulator.
I finally got is so I figured I'd share what I've found out.
Look for some other emulators that might be running. In my case, it was a program called Bluestacks. Turns out you can actually install your own apps on it through Android Studio.
